ABC's of Happiness features two highly emotional boot camps with detailed road-maps and music soundtracks

SEE-READ-HEAR-FEEL-SENSE the rollercoaster ride of emotions humankind shares with one another. Experience no less than 77 unique human emotions (sensations in the body) & feelings (generated by mental thoughts) so you get to sense the heart & soul of EMPATHY

ABC's of Happiness Roadmap to Sensational Happiness

"Runnin' down a dream, that never would come to me, workin' on a mystery, goin' wherever it leads..." ~ Tom Petty

 Join us on this incredible journey chasing an impossible dream to "Make Humankind Happy Again."  We give away the keys to escape six unique Grief Prisoner of War Camps that unlock the secret to sensational happiness.

In the simplest of terms, happiness is the absence of grief.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking that created them.” Albert Einstein

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PROBLEM = Humankind is losing the war against grief. Grief's constant bombardment of death, loss, injury, misfortune, betrayal, toxicity, tragedy & evil condemns happiness to a life sentence in one of six grief's prisoner of war (POW) camps. Grief POW's form gangs of grief conscripts who turn off happy emotions & find warped pleasure in dragging happy people into their prison of pain. Sadly, too many grief prisoners of war surrender their happiness to grief & are happy(satisfied & content) being unhappy(dissatisfied & discontent). These are the hurt people who hurt people I refer to as Human Unkind.

SOLUTION = Publish an online doctorate dissertation with two Sensational Emotional Bootcamps that allow Humankind to SEE-READ-HEAR-FEEL-SENSE the sensational emotions KIND people share. We map out how to escape grief's prison & provide a detailed roadmap how to reignite happy emotions so the human race can win this war against grief once & for all.

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We turn the tide of the war against grief by activating Humankind's Emotional IFF (Identify Friend or Foe)

We begin our preparation to win the WAR against Grief with our Emotionally Sad Bootcamp #1 based on my SENSATIONAL definition of happiness:

"Happiness is the absence of Grief."

The bizarre reality of being unhappy? It is a life sentence for those who surrender to grief making them happy being unhappy

Emotionally Sad Bootcamp #1

Know the Enemy - Grief is Humankind's Foe

Grief Panic Attacks with Detailed Roadmaps, Emotional Soundtracks & Proven Escape Hatches 

SEE-READ-HEAR-FEEL-SENSE the devastating Sneak Attacks that condemn Humankind to a life sentence in one of six Grief's POW Camps

KNOW THE ENEMY - Know griefs sad & depressing pain of mind games and how each level FEELS. Know the AGONY OF DEFEAT of Grief Panic Attacks

Six Levels of Grief Panic Attacks & Six Prisoner of War Camps - Happiness Death Sentence

Grief is humankind's enemy. These are the ugly faces of our invisible foe. Think of grief as a six-headed snake dying to sink its fangs into us & inject a deep dark infection. The ABC's of Happiness is griefs anti-venom. A drug-free anti-depressant.

Sensationally Happy Bootcamp #2

Know Yourself - Happiness is Humankind's Friend

Happiness Counterattacks Grief with Detailed Roadmaps and Sensational Soundtracks 

SEE-READ-HEAR-FEEL-SENSE the six steeping stones of happiness that lead you away from grief's prison on the incredible journey to happiness

KNOW YOURSELF - Know what the six levels of happiness FEEL like, step by step. SENSE the THRILL of VICTORY over the AGONY of GRIEF.

Happiness Counterattacks to Destroy Grief Once and for all

This is our Declaration of Independence from Grief. This is our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. This is our equality. This is our united states of being emotional human beings. These are the six levels of peace-of-mind happiness in all its glory. These are the happy levels we spend night & day diving into just for fun. The cool part is we all get to define your own unique brand of happiness. We hope these pictures of happiness are worth a thousand feelings.

Sensational Emotional Bootcamps Treatable Repeatable Undefeatable Battle Strategy

The Five Step Sensational Emotional Battlefield Triage Training Program

  1.  SEE - the detailed roadmaps of the emotional journeys through 12 unique up & down levels humankind navigates & shares. You'll see the many levels & stages of grief panic attacks & happiness counterattacks humankind experiences on the emotional roller-coaster rode of life. These roadmap pictures are worth a thousand emotions.
  2. READ - into the stages of each roadmap that outline the various stages humankind goes through for each unique level of grief & happiness. READ into the song lyrics of each carefully selected soundtrack for each & every stage along the way. Dig deep into the message in a bottle the songwriters (doctorates of empathy) are sending out regardless if you like that genre of music or not. These are the emotional words & stories of empathy humankind shares with one another.
  3. HEAR - Click on a graphic link below the lyrical picture link and open up the free playlist of songs that let you listen to the written words crescendo into the symphony of all 12 Emotional Experiences. This is where you get to hear the carefully orchestrated sound of a captured emotional story. You get to HEAR music that will make you want to "SHOUT!" like you live in an Animal House. You'll hear music where you act like a PRINCE and "party like it's 1999." You'll get to HEAR "Cry me a river" and listen to "The sound of silence" and get to experience what it feels like to be emotionally "Paralyzed."
  4. FEEL - This entire website was created so you can sensationally & emotionally feel humankind’s entire arsenal of human emotions. You get to SEE-HEAR-READ-FEEL & later SENSE the sensational rollercoaster ride called life. After you feel the sound track of emotions burn inside your heart & soul, as you Star Trek through each level & every single stage along the way, you'll FEEL empathy. This is where you get to feel your emotions sensationally crescendo into the symphony of Livin’ La Vida Loca.
  5. SENSE - Once you get a feel for an emotion you activate the sensational sense of EMPATHY. You get a sense of how others feel because you felt that way too. Once activated this new sense of empathy allows you to connect with others on a human level and increase your chances of finding sensational happiness & sensational love. You'll have a sense of how emotional human connections feel.

You get to experience the feelings of a one-on-one human connection, not with the rock stars whose faces & talents are worshiped like Musical Gods, but sensationally & emotionally feel the connection with those who hide in the shadows as the literary experts of magical musical. You'll FEEL & SENSE Empathy. Songwriter’s (those true-to-your-heart doctorates of empathy) document a feeling and tell emotional stories, word-for-word, sharing an emotion they FELT deep inside themselves. These emotional superstars are the ones capturing & sharing human emotions promoting empathy with all of them asking one simple question. “Do you FEEL like I do?" Songwriters release their bottled-up emotions like a genie in a bottle sharing those feelings with all of humankind. When all is said & done, our boot camp graduates get to connect one-on-one with dozens of songwriters of different genders, races, creed & color to FEEL the same emotions we all share deep inside of our beautiful souls connecting on a human level and coming together as one of a kind, humankind.

Our objective after graduation from the ABC's of Happiness sensational emotional bootcamp's is for you to know in your heart & soul you are thought about, cared about, shared about, and can now freely run about, FEELING and SENSING you are completely & magically connected with all of humankind. Our covert operation is to connect you with humankind so you never feel alone again, especially when you are locked up in isolation deep inside Grief’s prison and have lost all hope of escape.

Sharing emotions & feelings is the heart & soul of music
Sharing emotions & feelings is the heart & soul of music
ABC's of Happiness
"Welcome to the Party, PAL!"
Sensational LOVE... <p>is the epitome of EMPATHY!
Sensational LOVE...

is the epitome of EMPATHY!

Empathy is the sensational sense of love & happiness
Empathy is the sensational sense of love & happiness

Move to the emotional next level & REPEAT our 5 step program to experience all 12 emotional events. Feel these emotional experiences get your heart racing, feel your soul breaking, while you set out on a vision quest to discover the secret to happiness & unconditional love. Experience the huge returns on each of your emotional investments by capturing your personal wealth of happiness. When we SHOW empathy, sympathy, compassion, sadness & happiness with each other... we’re sharing, caring & kind with all of humankind. It proves we all FEEL & SENSE the same emotional (even when we feel at different levels). Empathy provides the magic where we rejoice together & weep together.

This is how we strategically planned to successfully execute our impossible mission to, "Make Humankind Happy Again."