The Flunky Five Know-it-all Despicable me ENEMIES= Grief - Education System - Management - Science - Politics
... versus their World Champion Opponents...
The Venture into Unknown Fab Five of Freedom FRIENDLIES=
Happiness + Learning + Leadership + Faith + Unity
The Freedom IFF (Identify Friend or Foe) Rat Bastard Radar
If you dig deep into our website, you see a common theme. Know thy enemy. Those dastardly enemies always telling us... NO-HARD-FEELINGS. Grief is the sworn enemy of happiness. The Education System is the enemy of learning. Management is the enemy of leadership. Science is the enemy of faith. Politics is the enemy of United States. These rat bastard bunker baby enemies lurk in the shadows of freedom, desperate to take center stage and capture our divided attention, which is why we need to cast them back into the darkness and shine a light on our fabulous friendlies. But get this… when we refer to these enemies of our unstable state of mind… we do so without hostile intent. We do not want to know the enemy to destroy the enemy (more like we simply know to put these profiteering flunkies... these freedom failures... in their proper place at the lowest ranks, never let our enemies take charge, so they get out of the way of progress)… we simply use our knowledge of the enemy to avoid the perils of enlisting in their rank… ranks. To call them out as sad, unfeeling, unfaithful, unforgiving, ruling parties who wouldn’t know the powerful performance capabilities of our friendlies happiness, learning, leadership, faith or unity… if it bites ’em in the ass. (Our enemies literally have no idea or new ideas when compared to the Fab Five of Freedom) Enlistment in the enemy’s diabolical ranks means you get stuck at the bottom of the barrel… our better put… stuck in a depression with the enemy ruling you… controlling your every move.
Ask the enemy...”Who profits the most from grief, the education system, management, science and politics?” Now ask the friendlies...”Who profits the most from happiness, learning, leadership, faith and unity?” The fight for freedom all boils down to a basic profit & loss statement. Know the 5 Flunky know-it-all despicable me enemies. Know yourself. Know the Fab Five Freedom friendlies. Then DO whatever it takes to make your life happy & free... staying away from anyone who promotes their self-interests over yours... puts themselves in charge... and has the gall to charge yawl a fee.
We oppose these enemies for one simple reason… so we know the tricks of the enemy’s stock & royalty trade (they all want to suck you dry with taxes & royalties)… so we can DO the exact opposite of what our enemies tell us to do… if we know grief, education, management, science, and politics down to their dirty deeds… then we can do something about it and flip the switch… so we can find happiness, learning, leadership, faith, and finally come together as one United States. This ain’t rocket science… it is about rocket feelings of reckless freedom that makes us feel sky high. Know the enemy and then DO the exact opposite of what the enemy orders you to do.
We know the enemy for one simple reason. Grief, the education system, management, science & politics are all… so depressing... so pompous... so predictable… so controlling… so all-knowing... so profiteering... so divided... so driven by ruling parties of know-it-all grief slinging educated political science management systems. These enemies can talk non-stop about all the things they know... but are speechless when asked, “So, what can you DO?” Grief is going to lock you in a depression and turn off your feelings. The Education System is going to lock you in a classroom and turn off your feelings. Management is going to lock you into a job and turn off your feelings. Science is going to lock you into monkeying around with evolution and turn off your faith and your feelings. Politics is going to lock you into hating the other party and ignite your feelings of separation of church & state. Depressing, Pompous, Predictable, Controlling, All-knowing, Profiteering, Divided... Grief MANAGEMENT.
We dig deep into the enemies self-promoting entrenchments for the simply reason of learning all we can about their mass destruction of our freedom. We shovel down in the underground hide outs to discover their royalty weaknesses... so we can warn freedom fighters and show them how to escape from all of them…so we spend our valuable time hanging with our friendlies. Our beloved Cinco de Significativo Amigos we love to death are happiness, learning, leadership, faith and unity. We dig our freedom amigos because they are over-moon-happy... learning junkies... action agents... fearlessly faithful "In God we Trust"... One-for-All-and-All for One Musketeers'... unpredictable… reckless... impossible to control… unmanageable... imagine the unimaginable… willing to venture into the unknown... these friends of freedom believe teamwork makes the dream work... we are shining a light of freedom on those loveable pioneers who lead healthy happy lives.
Can you dig it?
The Magical Mystery Tour Retirement Shock Roller Coaster Ride of Life represents a normal human heartbeat. It illustrates having a human pulse that beats up and down is sensational.
It gives us reason, our primary purpose for being, if we look at life as an incredible rollercoaster ride and embrace our awesome emotions, the good and bad... at the end of our days we can say..."
Man, we felt every emotion up and down the spectrum and it was a rollercoaster ride filled with the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat... that is what we call LIVING!"
Grief Escape
DLIM Grief Escape Hatch - Acceptance
= to come to terms with a disposition, to tolerate, accepting situations that caused you pain: to find inner peace
Blindside Grief Escape Hatch- Forgiveness
= a conscious decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has hurt you: freedom from anger, hatred, revenge
Split Personality Grief Escape Hatch- Reckoning
= a bill or account, or its settlement coming due; calculating or estimating value: freedom from degradation to find ones true self & self worth
Accidental Grief Escape Hatch- Repentance
= sincere regret or remorse for those you harmed, to seek forgiveness, a change of mind that leads to a change of heart: saves us from error
Pure Evil Grief Escape Hatch- Compassion
= to suffer together--to heal together, sympathetic concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others feeling motivated to relieve that suffering: saves us from evil
Sometimes a picture says it all
ABC's of Happiness - Adrenalin Rush (flight or fight) against Grief... is as easy as 1-2-3... with a final destination... being HAPPY
A - Grief Escape Plan
B - Grief Counterattack
C - Grief Prevention
Grief has us running on empty... life is meaningless. The grieving feelings thinktank is only fulfilled with hate, hurt, fear & pain. Empty the tank and get on with your life.
Happiness give us a full octane high speed race. It is filled full of hope, help, thanks, heart, joy, cheer, power, thoughts, mindful, taste, care, faith and soul. The happiness feelings thinktank is empty of hate, hurt, fear and pain. Fill her up and hold on for dear life.
When we place the Ying & Yang of emotions side by side, Grief starts to look like a lot less threatening. If we accept that SOB Grief as a fact of life... a reset... a do over...a chance to hold a self-reckoning... a moment where we take a measure of our manhood...
...then beating grief again and again means happiness is the opportunity of a lifetime, giving us one more chance to find a new love, ignite another burning passion, chase one more impossible dream.
We all know people die and bad things will be encountered along the ride... so we learn to love like there is no tomorrow.
We all know nothing lasts forever so we learn to savior every moment of happiness... like it is the chance of a lifetime.
We all know there are people on this earth, rotten to the core, so we learn to navigate away from the bad apples and gravitate toward the sweetness that this wonderful life has to offer.
But here's the thing... the three things we know for sure... when we chase one more Impossible Dream with a passion... when we love unconditionally... when we go with the flow you go out of our way to help people along the way... Bingo!... Grief becomes an minor annoyance foe... and happiness becomes your one and only lifelong friend.
Living with no Regrets...without a Worry in the World
This entire website is a troubleshooting exercise, a scientific experiment into the unscientific matters of heart. We did our best to help you connect the dots to see what we see, but most important to FEEL what it FEELS like to flee Grief & fight for Happiness.
This graphic represents our endless efforts connecting the dots that will hopefully help you make sense of the enemy of the state... the SOB Grief . We also pound out Grief accomplices like the factory modeled education kingdom, "greed is good" business kingdoms, "Feel no Harm" drug dealing science that is trying to replace faith and political "Parties" who represent their 1/2 of the country. We show you management for what it is and do our best to let you know you are dealing with the best snake oil salesmen in the business of money making operations. Management will not help you so we are showing you how to help yourself until leadership can one day emerge to kill our management grief.
We are fighting Grief on multiple fronts and we are losing because the nation has no leadership. This is why we connect the dots to Happiness to show you how you can fend for yourself and use lazy, sideline managers for your benefit... not theirs.
On one hand we apologize up front about the complicity of website and wish we could give you simple "hug a Teddy Bear and you'll feel better solution" but that ain't how fighting for happiness works. You have to Cowboy Up or settle for less.
On the other hand we intentional make this information overwhelming (giving you all we got) because Grief is overwhelming and will kick your ass if you sit around and do nothing about it. We stand by our commitment to “Make America Happy Again”, or at least make us all Grateful again.
We are the Happiness Guru and if we had our way we would never waste another second of headspace on that SOB Grief and the hurt people who hurt people. But we circled back around from our happiness ranch to lend you a hand. We, as a nation, need to stop spending so much time giving Grief attention is does not deserve. To hell with Grief.
We spend day and night thinking about happiness. We think happy. We live happy. We love unconditionally and that makes us really happy. But...
if you do not know the enemy Grief... if you do not know the Grief Accomplices (those hurt people who hurt people)... you will get your ass kicked by Grief and it will feel like you have been imprisoned for life for a crime you did not commit.
But here is the thing... Grief's prison has no walls, has no bars, no guards. There is nothing preventing you from walking away except finding the key (we call it an escape hatch) and unlocking your PAIN OF MIND, setting yourself FREE.
A PhD can prove over the span of many years of study that if kids eat at least one meal a day... they learn better in school.
Who knew?
Next time a PhD starts to lecture about all the things they know... ask them what scientific question did they tackle and were they able to answer over the average course of 8.2 years?
You will undoubtedly be like totally impressed and bow down to their superior brain pan and follow their orders and expert advice forever.
Our bet it was one heck of a complicated question and the scientific breakthrough was amazing... it's cool... sounds like a crowning moment in an education kingdom. We seem as a nation to bow down to someone who took years to answer one question. Sorry if we ain't impressed. As fellow science majors (or science privates), we were trained to fix problems, we do not prove dumbass theories.
We dig using science, technology, engineering & mathematics (STEM) methods to fix things that are broken. We prove the scientific method can also be used to troubleshoot complex problems in state of the art electronics equipment. In Air Traffic Control Maintenance, the United States Marine Corps (yay, those kamikaze crazy jarheads)... use the scientific method to solve complex STEM problems in order to fix broken equipment at airports like the radio's and radar's that communicate with airplanes looking for a safe passage and a safe haven to land.. under 30 minutes...
...and get this... these bad ass troubleshooting STEM scientists... are high school graduates... who don't care about sitting in a classroom so they can be crowned by a Educational System King... or forced to wear ladies gowns at graduation... they only care about fixing what is broke. They would rather wear a set of Dress Blues as a jarhead... then sit on the sidelines and be crowned a "more you know" PhD scientist.
These "super techs" do not call themselves Dr. either... because Medical Doctors (MD) are bad ass to the bone troubleshooters and they earn the title... these superstar troubleshooting real-life Doctors are fixing the most complex system on the planet... the human body.
...this is why these troubleshooting devil dogs call themselves THE WOLF or MEDIC! Hopefully, this will help you understand the way we write about the science of a dumbass theoretical "feel no harm" science... THE WOLF could care less about proving theories... THE WOLF lives the science of fixing complex problems in under 30 minutes. The WOLF is the medic the troops call upon to solve problems.
We show all you high school graduates (and college graduates too if you can afford to take a class on it) how to troubleshoot using TS4i so you can be a troubleshooting scientist too. Fixing problems for people ain't Rocket Science.