Coldblooded "Feel No Harm" Science(not to be confused with "Do No Harm" Science)
Just so we're crystal clear:
The ABC's of Happiness never once considered, felt or desired the need to have an objective scientific breakthrough. Our soul objective...
is to have subjective emotional breakthroughs & unlock the secret to happiness with sensational feelings of love, passion & joy…
so we can feel the warm embrace of human feelings and share emotional connections with our own kind... Humankind.
I'm paralyzed, where are my feelings? I no longer feel things, I know I should. I'm paralyzed." - NF
"Feel No Harm Science" is 100% Objective
* not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts

Human emotions are not rocket science.
Human Emotions are 100% Subjective
* based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions
Let's get something straight right off the bat... there are monumental differences between being scientifically objective verse the human nature of being subjective...
Science is not equipped to wrap their intelligence around human emotions. Science has no choice but to be 100% objective. Science junkies are all about observation, experiments & proof. Science deals in facts. Facts proven beyond a shadow of doubt. Science is so anti-emotional... that it strictly forbids being under the influence of personal feelings & opinions. Therefore, if we're being totally objective in our analysis of science... based on these scientific facts... we can prove beyond a shadow of doubt... science is in fact... cold-blooded… void of feelings sticking to the facts... and DOES NOT CARE how people feel. In the scientific circles... being 100% objective translates to a "shutdown of human emotions and a complete lack of empathy."
Therefore, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to prove... a science that turns off its human emotions... lacks empathy, sympathy & compassion. This means science is unqualified to help Mankind deal with emotions. This means our primary objective... if we are going to stick to the facts of the matter.... we must be 100%
subjective if we want to get to the heart of the matter... and cherish every moment we emotionally turn our back on science.
This also explains why science turns its back to FAITH... and trashes those who are 100% subjective... and FEEL undying faith that soothes a troubled soul.
10 Objective "Feel No Harm" Scientific Facts of Life
- People we know & love will die... that's a fact
- People suffer heartbreaking loss (partners, companions, lovers, friends, careers, jobs, ways of life we all vanish into thin air)... that's a fact
- People suffer physically injury... they fall, get hit, harmed, crashed, crushed, beaten, damaged, broken, tortured... that's a fact
- People will experience financial misfortune... that's a fact
- There are people infected with the grief virus...hurt people hurt people... that's a fact
- People will be betrayed by those they love & trust... that's a fact
- People will be conned & controlled by two-faced split personalities (who love me… who love me not)... that's a fact
- People will accidentally harm other human beings... that's a fact
- People will encounter pure evil... that's a fact
- We are all going to die... that's a fact
There is one objective "feel no harm" scientific fact that bankrupts science. More money can be made in the treatment of grief than in the cure. Grief offers a huge payday if it is MANAGED & TREATED... yet never defeated. So pay the pied piper or jump over to the subjective side, accept the facts of life and fight to hold onto your sensational happy emotions. Together we can defeat grief once & for all.

Unfortunately, all "Feel No Harm" science is selling is making you feel comfortably numb or temporarily happy with pills or these cold-blooded creatures are making you pay dearly to talk it out.
10 Subjective Heart-Felt Sensational Facts of Life
- We are given the chance of a lifetime to accept the facts of life... and fall head over heels in love
- We are free to chase a passion that drives us with an intense fire
- We have the ability to trust in "do-no-harm" science to repair broken bodies, extend our life, help & heal us back to health
- We have the ability to dream impossible dreams, create something out of nothing (Ex Nihilo)
- We have the ability to have faith, which is complete trust & confidence in someone or something greater than yourself
- We have the ability to hold a self-reckoning...change & escape the clutches of Grief & Man Unkind
- We have the ability to find forgiveness that sets us free to trust & love again & show compassion to our fellow mankind
- We have the ability to fight evil; to protect, serve & defend… mankind
- We get to live & love like there's no tomorrow... till death do us part
Empathy is free. So is sympathy & compassion. They're bonds that lets us share heart-felt emotions. Empathy lights the fire for a warm & loving human connection. It's two people sharing the exact same feeling at the same time.

Fortunately... heart-felt emotions are shared freely... for free… and make you feel... happy & rich beyond your wildest dreams.
The Unemotional Condition of "Feel No Harm" Science
Feeling bad... here... take this pill & call me in the morning
Since unemotional science only cares about facts... they have no idea how you feel… and they can care less how you feel. In fact, too many scientific remedies are designer drugs that promise to turn emotions on & off... or make you feel completely unemotional... just like science.
How is it humanly possible that an unemotional science convinced themselves that they do-no-harm when it comes to concocting designer drugs so their patients (users) feel-no-harm?
How ironic is it... that an ethical "do-no-harm" medical science expanded its primary body of work and has been helping Mankind recover from physical injuries, disease, trauma for ages... unethically moved into the trust fund babies of experimenting on human emotions... emotions they do not believe in sharing or caring… changing the strict rules of the game to... an unemotional "feel-no-harm" medical science that is pushing & selling mood-altering-drugs & prescriptions.
I don't know how you feel about "feel-no-harm" medicine or mood-altering-prescriptions... but from an objective scientific perspective... it's Weird Science. It's Drug Dealing Science… pushing the Profitable Science of Drug Addiction.
When did a purely ethical science make the move from do-no-harm & show me the facts… to "feel-no-harm" & show me the money… with promises you will FEEL-NO-MENTAL-PAIN ever again? Call us unscientific in this head case study (thank you very much) … but that’s the same feel-no-pain promise of every illegal drug dealer hanging out on the corner or dealing a back-alley transaction.
Uno Dos Tres Quatro Secrets... of the Emotional Science of the Empathy Experience
We the people understand & share feelings... feeling & showing empathy is a no brainer.
When we know how it feels from deep within our heart & soul... we get to share how it feels... without having to think about it at all
In Ivy League circles a new scientific buzz word popped up... Emotional Intelligence... in a last ditch effort to humanize a cold-blooded science. In the real world not having emotional intelligence means you are coldblooded creature with a complete "lack of human emotions or empathy." Emotions & Empathy are the key ingredients to being a loving, warm & fuzzy human being. So let's forget about trying to be intelligent about emotions (the more you know)… and start experiencing human emotions with (the more you feel). These Uno-Dos-Tres-Quarto secrets breakdown different ways we can get a FEEL... for how empathy FEELS.
Scientifically... science is hung up on Emotional Intelligence trying to expand its KNOWLEDGE of emotions... when in fact... science needs to FEEL empathy.

1. Science of Personal Experience - knowing exactly how it feels
Loss - Someone I loved died, someone I loved left, I was physically injured, I lost money, someone I loved betrayed me, someone I loved was a two-faced liar, I accidently hurt someone, I encountered pure evil. It made me feel sad.
Gain - I found my faith, I had good karma, I was lucky, I took a chance, I had hope, I was defiant, I took control, I was reckless, I'm free, I found my true love, I chased my dreams with a passion, I help people, I'm living the life I always wanted. It makes me feel happy.
We all experience emotional ups & downs. It's only human. It's cool we get to share human connections with empathy.

2. Science of Empathy Imagination - imagining how it feels
Mankind's mind has an endless imagination. Mankind's heart & soul feels sensational emotions. When imagination & emotions merge in perfect harmony, it ignites impossible dreams of endless possibilities.
It allows us to imagine what Neil Armstrong felt like when he was the first one of his kind to take a giant leap for Mankind... with one small step onto the Moon.
It also let's us imagine how Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. felt when he mustered up the courage to take one small step onto the balcony of the Lorraine Motel... one giant leap for his own kind... Mankind... so together we could all be free at last, free at last, thank God almighty, we're free at last... and make it to the promised land.

3. Science of Empathy - listening & sharing feelings - It is amazing how many people are willing to share their innermost feelings... their deepest darkest secrets. Following the inspiration of Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross in 1969, a doctor who pioneered the study the human emotions by asking dying patients one simple question..... How does it feel?
We were dying to ask people... who are still alive... what different levels of grief & happiness feels like. We discovered Mankind is more alike than we could have ever imagined.
We discovered how easy it is to understand and share human emotions... by simply being kind & caring. All we had to do was listen to how people felt when they suffered a tragic event or celebrated a victory. Mankind is born to be kind... like...
one of a kind... representing all Mankind.

4. Science of Music - emotional transference - It turns out, SONGWRITERS are the true Doctors of Empathy (EhD). Song lyrics spark emotions and good songs should be awarded a subjective emotional PhD. or a Doctorate of Empathy Degree.
Based on a songwriters personal experience or empathy imagination they orchestrate an emotion they share. Listening to people share their feelings with rhythm & rhyme, we had the pleasure of listening to thousands of songs in search of the perfect pitch... that captured a stage of grief or a stage of happiness in pursuit of a true blue Mankind empathy experience.
Music gives us the gift of understanding & sharing feelings through song. Music is the heartbeat of human emotions. It is the symphony of empathy.
This will give you an idea why we unraveled grief secrets & revealed happiness secrets with a SEE-READ-HEAR-FEEL Empathy Experience. It is the best way we could think of... to give Mankind a FEEL for empathy... and ignite all of the sensational human emotions we share.
We worked for decades in unemotional Science... & know how to play their objective games
Objectively speaking, you can't discover the facts of life without science. Subjectively speaking, you will never experience the sensational universe of shared human emotions with science.
We've been playing the scientific game for a long, long time. We dig facts. We dig 'em up using our scientific troubleshooting tools of the trade. Repeatable experiments never fail to deliver the goods. We get a kick out of observations... seeing it for ourselves.. yet we firmly believe experiencing emotions firsthand shines a light on the true feeling. We love asking questions. There's nothing better that proving/disapproving a hypothesis using the process of elimination. We live & breath troubleshooting, fixing complex problems and discovering innovative solutions using the time-tested scientific method. We know how to turn off emotions in name of science in search of knowledge, solutions, proof & truth. Science is cool, cold & calculated...
...but when it comes to feelings... for the sake of science... we gotta keep it simple. We must stick to the facts and show science how to turn their human emotions back on. We have to take science back to their youth... back in time... to a happier time... when they were young & dumb... and dreamed impossible dreams... even if they only ever felt the bare minimum of human emotions. Science needs to remember & hold onto the basic ABC's of Human Emotions... with the hope it brings their sense of empathy back to life... so they may learn how to feel empathy again... learn how to be human again.

The hard part about dealing with human emotions... it's damn near impossible to put emotions into words. What makes it even harder is no two people describe the same emotionally painful experience using the same words. Example: How did that traumatic experience feel? You have to deal with emotional answers from men like... "it felt like I was kicked in the balls, thrown in the gutter and left for dead". Women tend to be a little more subdued & subtle with answers like... "it felt like my heart broke into a thousand pieces." Bottom line is emotions are hard to put into words. Regardless of how hard we try to put our emotions into words… in excruciating detail or not... the one thing for certain... anyone who suffers a similar traumatic grief event can be symmetrized as feeling the same in just a few words. In both these cases... both felt bad.
This is why we don’t get hung up on the words used to describe an emotion. Anger & rage say the same thing. I was mad. I wanted to hurt somebody. Words simply speak to the intensity of the pain of mind.
This is why we did our best to simplify all the emotions we captured... so unemotional science would not be hit with the emotional shock & awe... of treating people who are hurt like lab rats. We simply talked to human beings about how their deepest darkest lows or the biggest brightest highs felt. In the name of science, we broke it all down to its bare bones with the ABC's of Emotions - for science's sake.
So here is our simplification of the science of human emotions for science's sake. When people feel really good - that's what happiness feels like. When people feel really bad - that's what grief feels like. When people are emotionally neutral… feel nothing at all - that’s what science feels like.
Science can like it or not... that's the ABC's of Human Emotions - for science's sake. These are the facts... and they are indisputable.
So get over it… & try to expand your emotional intelligence. We're born & bred in troubleshooting science & we're here to help you.