The Emotional Irony of an unemotional greed-is-good “feel no harm" Pseudo Science...

Trick or Treating highly emotional HUMAN BEINGS

Emotional ADHD Free Dumb Rant

After decades of conducting extensive happiness research I finally figured out why it is so hard for Americans to be happy. Woo Hoo! Thank me for me service! 😎

What’s shocking is finally coming to grips… so many people in the USA are HAPPY being UNHAPPY. I did not see that coming. 😱

 “For happiness sake…is there anybody out there who just wants to be plain HAPPY instead of being happy being so UNHAPPY?”🙈🙉🙊

Between you & me… to all those people who are HAPPY being UNHAPPY… all I can say is in the end is… I’m happy for you? 🙄

Hope you enjoy my final happiness call to arms with this Emotional ADHD Free Dumb Rant…🎁

I created this entire website for the few, the proud & the brave who are no longer happy with being unhappy. 💌

To those of you who have never been to war fighting the evil empires of Mankind's GRIEF & it’s armies of robotic “feel no harm” Grief Conscripts…

the first thing you have to do is turn on your IFF Radar to...

Identify FRIEND or FOE

Translation: You only want to shot down the “bad guys”… not the “good guys.”


"First Do No Harm" Medical Science.... and all those "do no harm" Soul Doctors (who minister to the little, the last, the least & lost for FREE - to let freedom ring!)

"Do no harm" Medical Doctors & Scientists... are the Royal Knights of the Scientific Round Table we should all... thank God for.
"Do no harm" Medical Doctors & Scientists... are the Royal Knights of the Scientific Round Table we should all... thank God for.
"In God we Trust" is the official motto for the United States of America. "In Science we Trust" is NOT. "Soul Doctors" like Dr. Martin Luther King having been providing FREE Mental Health Care "services" for those with broken minds, broken hearts, broken dreams, & broken souls since the dawn of Mankind. <p>The "PhD Gods" of "Feel no Harm" Science have started their OWN SCIENTIFIC RELIGION… and are drug dealing a once-great-nations emotional equal opportunity citizens… forcing them to bow down at the alter of a greed-is-good pseudo Science… that worships at the feet of these "feel no harm" unemotional robots… who act like the Gods of science. “Feel no harm" Pseudo Science is hell-bent on destroying this once-great nation's "In God we Trust"  FAITH... selling out Mankind's emotional well-being for 30 pieces of pseudo-scientific silver.<p><b>Please note:</b> This commentary is not a quote from my "Soul Doctor" Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This was written by me... a Dr. King disciple.
"In God we Trust" is the official motto for the United States of America. "In Science we Trust" is NOT. "Soul Doctors" like Dr. Martin Luther King having been providing FREE Mental Health Care "services" for those with broken minds, broken hearts, broken dreams, & broken souls since the dawn of Mankind.

The "PhD Gods" of "Feel no Harm" Science have started their OWN SCIENTIFIC RELIGION… and are drug dealing a once-great-nations emotional equal opportunity citizens… forcing them to bow down at the alter of a greed-is-good pseudo Science… that worships at the feet of these "feel no harm" unemotional robots… who act like the Gods of science. “Feel no harm" Pseudo Science is hell-bent on destroying this once-great nation's "In God we Trust" FAITH... selling out Mankind's emotional well-being for 30 pieces of pseudo-scientific silver.

Please note: This commentary is not a quote from my "Soul Doctor" Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This was written by me... a Dr. King disciple.

The picture perfect graphic above... is depicting the Real Heavyweight Champions of Scientific Glory... "do no harm" Science & "do no harm" Soul Doctors". They are the one-and-only "Doctors" of the body & soul of Pure "do no harm" Science. Everybody else with a Bachelor’s, Masters or a PhD is just an actor who "plays a Doctor on TV”… like the one & only Dr. of Happiness me. 

We want to kick this pick-a-fight-with “feel-no harm” science off… with the Real Scientific Rock Stars... so that you know... we know... the real heroes of “first do no harm” objective science and the spiritual & emotionally science of "In God we Trust."

So before we go psycho on the "feel no harm" psychos of Education, Business & Mental Health Care Science... we wanted to sing a song to our scientific "do no harm" body & soul Doctors... come on... everybody join in...

"You are my body & soul sunshine... my only sunshine... you make me happy... when my hair is grey... you'll never know dear... how much I love you... please don't take my Faith or my Lifespan away."

When you dig deep into the serious nature of a highly educated & extremely serious “ first do no harm” Science... that is regimented & required by scientific law... to turn off all human emotions... then objectively & scientifically stick to the facts... in search of proof... with a proven hypothesis, results & conclusions that can be verified as the truth.

Those of us who dedicate ours lives to work in the magnificent wonders & discoveries of pure “do no harm” science... whose soul purpose [yeah, I spelled that right] is...

1) FIRST DO NO HARM. Medical science primary focus is to fix, mend, repair & care to extend the lifespan of their primary "BODY" of work... helping Mankind & Womankind have a rehabilitated happier lifetime.

2) Enhance Mankind’s & Womankind’s knowledge of the universe we all SHARE in a constant "Star Trek" into the vast unknown of facts… always striving to prove more… to DO more good… and first do no harm.

3) Since the dawn of purely objective “First do no harm” science… Medical Doctors & Scientists focused their body of work on the health & care of the human body… and worked in tandem with…  “first do no harm” Soul Doctors who offer FREE spiritual & mental health care guidance to bring peace & harmony to the human mind. Both “First do no harm” Doctors cared for Mankind & Womankind with love & understanding… driven by an unspoken gratitude for human empathy, sympathy and compassion.

4) Which is my emotional field of expertise... enhance the mental health care of Mankind's university of emotions so we all "feel good" about being the heart & soul of the human body of all Man"kind" & Woman”kind.” My one & only J-O-B is helping Mankind & Womankind experience Grief & Happiness (all our beautiful human emotions that make us one human race)… in the sensational universe of Mankind's & Womankind’s SHARED emotions. (emotions like love, faith, hope, passion, acceptance, forgiveness, empathy, sympathy, compassion & my wheelhouse - Happiness & Euphoria) In the ABC’s of Happiness Emotional Intelligence field of research the rule of thumb is to “first do no harm” to Mankind or Womankind… and “do lots of harm” to Man Unkind & Woman Unkind.

5) First do no harm science only applies to Mankind & Womankind. Evil Man Unkind & Woman Unkind… is left up to the “do lots of harm” science of the United States Marines… which Dr. Happy here… just so happens to be part of this enlisted band of brothers & sisters fraternity.

I'm blessed that my field of research is Emotional Intelligence.. unlike my unemotional "Medical Doctors of Science" who dedicate their lifetime... trying like time-bandits... to eliminate the "PHYSICAL"  pain & suffering of all Mankind. These red-white-blue "Doctors & Scientists" are a gift from God... whether you believe in God or not.

"Do no harm" Doctors & Scientists are not Gods Mankind must bow down to & worship like obedient servants. They are scientific genies in a bottle... whose primary "BODY" of work is to TRY to take away all Mankind's "physical” pain and make us say "MY BODY FEELS GOOD AGAIN!" These medical genies 🧞‍♀️ grant all Mankind’s "I just want my physical pain to go away" wishes come true.

Anyone who does not have 100% FAITH in "do no harm" science got duped (faith is defined as having trust & complete confidence in something or someone greater than yourself). Those who don’t have 100% faith in “do no harm” science unknowingly got duped... recruited into a gang of nin-com-poops. I think of these scientific non-believers & deniers as... "Unscientific Pooper Scoopers." Anyone who cannot figure out what these nin-com-poops are scooping & slinging... as the King of Country comedian Jeff Foxworthy said… “you might just be a redneck.”

These beautiful "do no harm" doctors & scientists (& “Soul Doctors”) are incredibly kind to all Mankind because they are the kindest HUMAN BEINGS on the planet…who understand why sacrificing their human emotions in the name of science… being objective & turning off emotions is not a necessity… it’s the LAW… of “first do no harm” science. There is not a single ounce of irony or satire in what these "angels of mercy" do for Mankind.

On the other hand... the truth is... there is a bastard brain child of "first do no harm" science...

an objective... unemotional... robotic... "the more you know"... greed-is-good... "feel no harm" pseudo science...

that ironically... is going to be a tough pill to swallow... for the UPPER-CLASS College Graduate Kings & Queens of this once great nation... once we hold these truths to be self-evident.



Colleges & Universities in USA...  program students to be "objective" robots... who WORSHIP at the altar of a greed-is-good “feel no harm” Pseudo-Scientific Religion

Higher Education is the breeding ground for all "feel no harm" money-making "BUSINESS" Operations

These so-called "Doctors" & "Scientists" & "Master's" & "Bachelor's"... are unemotional money-making mobsters and "first do no harm" scientific TRAITORS.

Translation: The objective of higher education is to program students to become "OBJECTIVE" Robots (not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering & representing facts)... unemotional machines manufactured to "manage"... highly emotional HUMAN BEINGS in these Un-united States of America.

These are the facts of this Case – and they are indisputable & irrefutable.

Feel no Harm Education - Business - Science
Feel no harm science

I... Skip Work (a dumbass broken down jarhead with no medical or psychological degrees or credentials)… am a professionally trained (by US Department of the Navy) "first do no harm" STEM troubleshooting scientific detective… & a bad-ass member of the few, the proud & brave... and a lifetime member in the fraternity of unknown soldiers (my military brothers & sisters) who serve as the "Christian Soldiers marching as to war.”

My scientific "first do no harm" mission impossible was to simply follow the money to find motivate & opportunity for the unemotional cold-blooded killers of Mankind's Human Emotions (Grief & grief’s conscripts).

I followed the evidence to determine who was profiteering off "feel-no-harm” pseudo science… and documented the GRIEF these robotic creatures are causing resulting in the pain & suffering of a highly emotional group of “SUBJECTIVE” American “Subjects” serving the upper-class of our broken USA. [those subjective subjects influenced by or based on personal beliefs or FEELINGS (like in believing in God-Corps-Country-Mankind)]

 In other words, "the subjective majority of the population in the Un-United States of America" who have NOT been emotionally brainwashed having bought & sold their emotional soul for a greed-is-good "feel no harm" pseudo science college degree.

"Higher Education" in our Un-united States of Hysteria runs a $TRILLION$ dollar "feel no harm" unemotional management robots factory BUSINESS RACKET...

Mental Health Care "feel no harm" Science runs a $BILLION$ dollar “legal” drug-dealing & talk therapy BUSINESS RACKET...

and "feel no harm" unemotional BUSINESS "Managers" run $MILLION$ dollar corporations of... "I make my millions while you make pennies on the dollar" money-making BUSINESS RACKETS.

All of these “factory industries” have one thing in common. Each of these making money 💰 “operations” is run by programmed “ the more you know” unemotional “feel no harm” robots.

My subjective scientific research will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that... Upper-Echelon "Feel no harm" College Graduates - "Feel no harm" Science - "Feel no harm" greed-is-good Business Rackets... are all guilty as sin... for "managing" Mankind & Human Grief treating their subjects like parrots & puppets... with malice intent so these unemotional bastards can make tons of money off the blood, sweat & tears of the emotional human beings who SERVE these scientific unemotional robots.

Dr. Spock from the television show Star Trek is their Highly Educated Scientific Hero (who they bow down to & worship as their unemotional God...

while I on the other hand... I'm your Captain Kirk welcoming you aboard the ABC's of Happiness Enterprise... that will skyrocket you to the emotional promised land.

Precursor: Since this is an Ironical & Satirical Highly Emotional ADHD Free Dumb Rant from a dumbass Marine who's now a certified (certifiable) smartass... feel free to call me…. Dr. Happy… the first of my kind. It is my solemn duty to unleash the comical powers of irony & satire on the “feel no harm” pseudo science drug dealing money making EDUCATION-SCIENCE-BUSINESS RACKETS.

You can call me Dr. Happy because there is no such thing as an educated person having a PhD in Happiness. Therefore, since this website is my happiness PhD doctorate dissertation... and there are no colleges or universities in the country that have a Happiness Wizard to crown me as Dr. Happy... this means I have to crown myself as the first of my kind.... the happiness heavyweight title of Dr. Happy. It is up to science to prove me wrong that anyone in the country is happier than me. Therefore, as the only & only Dr. Happy in the United States of America (willing to take on any & all challengers for the Happiness Heavyweight Title... "By the lack of powers vested in me, I hereby declare each & every graduate of The ABC's Emotional Intelligence Bootcamps... as Dr. Happy too. I'll always be Dr. Happy one!"

“Feel no harm” greed-is-good pseudo science quacks are the ones who diagnosed cute little adorable red-headed me with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). I’m proud to promote my ADHD. Just ask anybody who knows me... and you'll easily see these “scientific drug dealers" are right... I’s got a wicked case of da ADHD. There diagnosis is correct… but their “treatment” of me is all wrong. (In other words... it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know I have the theoretical ADHD, like me and all my fellow Marine enlisted brothers & sisters, have magnificently been gifted with ADHD). If anything they should thank God enlisted Marines have da ADHD and treat us with the utmost respect for not being cowards to afraid to stand up and fight for human rights..

Enlisted Marines are “the warriors of Mankind and highly “trained” to practice the science of “let’s do lots of irreconcilable harm to evil rat bastards.” (Devil-dogs do in-depth scientific research figuring out how to deal with the science of evil)… and enlisted Marines all have a hard time paying attention to someone who never wants to go outside and wants to debate an issue & talk, talk, talk all day… instead of unleashing the devil-dogs... letting them go outside & play hyperactively to identify friend or foe’s then hunt & shoot bad guys. As “do lots of harm” enlisted Marines scientists (the few, the proud & the brave) with certifiable PhD’s as Trained Professionals killers in the “Science” of capturing & crushing evil rat bastards.

Marines are also the kings & queens of cool acronyms… (SNAFU - FUBAR)... so we scientifically diagnose these fake “feel no harm” money hungry unemotional scientific quacks as having the worst inactive kind of ADHD that stands for those who do nothing and have…. Action Deficit Handicapped Disorder (ADHD). You would think these drug dealers would be smart enough to prescribe & take a daily dose of amphetamines to “trick or treat” this unemotional “feel no harm” inactivity disorder. This is the sad science of never taking any action... handicapped by the fact these so-called "doctors & scientists" are scared to death of taking any “action” and unemotionally disabled never feeling anything.

You see… as United States Enlisted Marines… we know it is our sworn duty… our J-O-B… serving as {the few, the proud & the brave}… who fight & die to protect the rights of {the masses, the ashamed, the afraid}. (Come on… if you don’t think that’s funny at least admit it’s kind of clever for turning the tide on these “feel no harm” quacks.)

If practicing fake “feel no harm” science is the future of "do no harm" science then let me introduce to the science of being a smartass "let's do lots of harm" Marine. Hope you enjoy this Emotional ADHD Free Dumb rant. This is what emotional people of ACTION think of the unemotional “doctors” of “feel no harm” science.

There is situational irony when you realize a small group of the unemotional "Science Saviors" of Mankind's body... broken by their own grief... broke away from pure "first do no harm" science... and Branch Davidianed into a new mental health care division..  a SCIENTIFIC RELIGIOUS CULT... called "feel no harm" science.

Unemotional "feel no harm" doctors are the first of their unkind to do harm... turning their greedy palms away from "Do No Harm" Science. I will show you PROOF... that "feel no harm" science wears no real doctors clothes. (Armani suits maybe... but no doctors scrubs) These unemotional robots are about to get their greedy hands caught in the legal scientific anxiety & depression pill popping "grief" management cookie jar... by a "let's do a lot of harm" United States Marine undercover agent. I was ordered by "do no harm" science to get-to-the-bottom-of-the-barrel of this "feel no harm" unemotional scientific drug-dealing fiasco... to figure out how in the hell did these unemotional robots infuriated higher education, business & "do no harm" science... tarnishing the good name of science.

When “feel no harm” science broke away from “do no harm" science and created a new “family” of science… it broke the law. “Feel no harm” science has infiltrated every college & university in the good ole USA & formed a gang of highly intelligent unemotional scientific mobsters (with PhD’s-Masters-and-Bachelor’s Degrees) flooding the higher education, business & government ranks with unemotional feel no harm "management” lab rats… so when all was said & done… this cold-blooded & robotic “feel no harm” science lab experiments opened up their unemotional racket in the drug-dealing mental health care BUSINESS. I call them the "feel no harm" scientific cartels.

To be crystal clear… the message here… is that every college graduate is not only being “higher educated”… they are being conditioned & programmed… to turn off all human emotions. These are the unemotional creatures... who were "emotionally deprogrammed & reprogrammed to feel no harm". This programming was not driven by the "College Professors who call themselves "Doctors" instead of PhD's" of "feel no harm" Education & Science... they are merely puppets on a string dancing around with no feelings... acting the unemotional part of enforcers for the "feel no harm" scientific mob. Their puppet master is the Godfather of the Destruction of Mankind’s Happy Emotions… GRIEF.

Gimme a G... gimme an R... gimme an I... gimme an E... give these “feel no harm” rat bastards an F for a failing grade as unemotional & unkind human beings.

The head of the "feel no harm" science crime family... who runs this evil unemotional empire is..."Don Frigid toda Bone”… not to be confused with that fake mafia mobster “Don Corleone." Unlike the lovable psychopaths played in the movie "The Godfather"... who made us laugh & cry watching the trials & tribulations of a loving mobster "family"... who protects their "gang" at all costs. The real life "Don Frigid toda Bone" (aka GRIEF)... makes “Don Corleone” in "The Godfather" look like Forrest Gump.

The Godfather of GRIEF... runs the "feel no harm" scientific & objective crime family of real life actors.... pretending to be "do no harm" mental health care "Doctors" & "Scientists." Grief runs his psycho syndicate with an iron fist... and stripped all human emotions from his "crew"... because Grief has them all by the cajones. (You don't believe me? Just take a look around and witness it for yourself. Look around... Grief is the obvious reason NOBODY has any cajones anymore. You can thank "Don Frigid toda Bone" for that.)

College "feel no harm" graduates are sent out into the world... to “manage” (never lead the emotional lab rats out of their unemotional prison)... as cold-blooded robots in charge of the highly emotional kind of human beings - Mankind. Oh... and don't forget these are the "managers" who think they can "manage"... a young & dumb & full of fun jarhead... forced to be politically correct and no longer be offensive & say "come"... can come-on-with-the-come-on... and try to "feel no harm" manage & drug a wild & crazy ADHD child like me. Good luck with that...

Top Gun Happiness Fighter Pilot & his Baby Goose Wingman...

and Baby Goose's bad-ass "do lots of harm" GRAND Papa 

"Do lot's of harm" Marine Corps Science of Trash Talking Limerick 101...

Happiness Top Gun... Grief "feel no harm" Strafing Run

Real Life Maverick & Baby Goose - We feel the need for speed & flying around HAPPY & CAREFREE!

"Feel no harm" Science Disarmament

I promise you will "feel no harm"... that's why I will not kill everyone in your robotic unemotional scientific college graduate "mob"... I will simply disarm.

Don't be fooled by my irresistible Marine Corps charm... I don't want you to pass out when I rip off your arms.

Cause I can do what you unemotional cyborgs can't... which is trash talk you to surrender with my highly Emotional ADHD Rant.

I promised you would "feel no harm"... but as you can see... you are now unarmed.

If you admit you were a greed-is-good "feel no harm" pseudo scientific offender... I will gladly accept your “do no harm” unconditional surrender.

... and me & my son of a gunner... will happily fly off into the sunset as your favorite public defenders.

Robert Grant Gunner Work

Opening Salvo - Fired across the bow of "feel no harm" science's mental health care flagship to give them fair warning the Department of the Navy is about to blow their unemotional asses out of the water! (to those of you who do not know... the United States Navy is the loving father of the entire Marine Corps family. The Navy’s bastard Marine Corps step-child’s are the Departments bad ass MotherChuckers.)

First, I'd like to apologize to all those unemotional “feel no harm” scientific robots I'm about to emotionally harm (not physically harm your honor so help me God) & try my best to charm their Man”kind” emotions back to life so they can rejoin the human race and help win this world war against Mankind’s Grief.

Second, I do not apologize for refusing to take "feel no harm" scientific medication to flat-line my so-called "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder." In a pioneering country like the USA one might think having ADHD super hyperactivity super powers would be a $1,000,000 happiness gold mine. Instead, ADHD is a "management control" scientific experiment to shut down emotions completely... in disorder to "control" your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. "Feel no harm" science has scientific PROOF... the happy hyperactive masses all "suffer" from ADHD.

When "feel no harm" science first diagnosed me with ADHD (in disorder to control me)... they asked if I wanted to take the blue pill or red pill to calm me down so I could sit still in a classroom for 8 hours listening to know-it-all's LECTURE ME to the point I'd be so impressed by their intelligence... I would no longer want to put a bullet in my brain locked up in a classroom all day. They wanted me to see how cool the unemotional “feel no harm” Matrix was. As a freedom fighting United States Marine... I kindly take the blue pill and stick it in their freakin’ ear & shove the red pill up their Mental Health Care BUSINESS Assets.

ADHD is the most incredible gift given to me (I don't think I'm the only one with this ADHD gift... maybe the only one who isn't highly medicated to control it...... and can clearly see this scientific "emotional “feel no harm” management" racket. Having the raging fire of passion from my ADHD lets me see clearly & has kept me young & childish for 68 happy & beautiful years.

Feel no harm science just can't keep up with my crazy need-for-speed... and trust me... I've been drug-tested so many times for being too HAPPY… so when I refuse to be drugged into an emotional coma…nobody to this day believes it's just a case of my natural born happy-go-lucky-good-ole-All-American-ADHD. 

Before we get this long winded Too Much Information (TMI) Emotional ADHD Free Dumb Rant party started to a “Twitter Generation” who has trouble focusing on reading anything more than 120 characters at a time... let's be crystal clear. I'm making fun of everybody & everything, including myself.

I'm a recovering dumbass country jarhead here to make my emotional confession (bless me Father for I have sinned.. I'm talking USMC trash all over again).

I come to you with tears in my eyes & hysterical laughter in my beautiful Marine Corps bum... to ask you for forgiveness upfront... right here and now... for what I'm about to emotionally ADHD Rant to all of you. Yee haw!

I have served my country and earned the right… to make light of the out-of-control Un-United & Totally Divided States of Hysteria Country FUBAR we are all trapped in together.

Makes we think of Merle Haggard in the 60"s, The Fighting Side of Me... asking yawl... "If you don't love it - leave it!" My haggard brother from another Mother was fired up about the Good ole USA protesting the Vietnam War while brave All-American ADHD enlisted men & women were fighting & dying trying to keep the North from overthrowing the South like my Father and his band of brothers did in the Korean War. You cold-blooded “feel no harm” hippies spit on enlisted Marines like me. Hee hee… jokes on you not me. Merle angrily ask yawl to love the land of the free or leave it.

Fun fact: This is the first war after the Korean War where the United States of America required military officers to have a “college degree” instead of actual combat experience. We all know how well this dumbass “feel no harm” scientific theory has worked out since we got our asses kicked by a country wearing pajamas. So ask yourself… why did you spit on the enlisted men & women in Vietnam who answered their call to duty… and not the “feel no harm” scientists “managing” the war from a thousand miles away in an air conditioned bunker drinking bourbon and screaming for bigger body counts? 

Even Funnier Fact: There were United States enlisted Marines who fought in the Korean War… who had never been to bootcamp! This kinda proves boot camp does not make Marines… some badass American’s were born to be Marines. It did help that the WWII combat experienced USMC “leaders” could train Marines how to be Marines on the boat ride over to the war. You did good Gunner. You only lost 8 men and I know this crushed your soul cause if you had your way you would have been the only one who should have died. You should be proud you didn’t lose all your men..

Why this “love it or leave it” blast from the past is so funny in 2023…. is because that's exactly how I feel about OUR nationwide epidemic of widespread GRIEF. "If you don't love it - leave it!"

No... I'm not-dead-yet serious. If you don't love the grief YOU & YOUR GANG of GRIEF CONSCRIPTS are spreading like an out of control virus... LEAVE IT.

Leave all your grief & anger, hatred & rage behind just like Bobby McFerrin said... "Don't Worry - Be Happy". It's that easy. It'll make you happy like Men's Warehouse... I guarantee it!

This is why... my dumb country colored cracker ass is from the Marine Corps... and I'm here to help... show you how to be HAPPY.

This is how it's done... when you make the decision to come & have some fun... making fun of you & me... in this so-called land of the FREE... where ain't nothing free... but this here ABC's of Happiness Emotional Free Dumb website. Dumb... De... Dumb... Dumb. Let's let Free Dumb Ring Together!

Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty we're Free at last... so now we're acting like our Un-United State of Mind is making us all dumber than a bag of hammers… with a Grief hot & anger poker stick… shoved up our dumbasses.

I started this mission impossible thinking our less-than-great country had simply lost its emotional heart & soul. I incorrectly assumed and set out to prove our entire has been country has been programmed into scientific Dr. Spock robots who LACKED EMPATHY, SYMPATHY & COMPASSION. What?

Luckily, I figured out that was heartless and unrealistic. Mankind simply lacks EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCE because "turning off human emotions" is the latest “scientific” drug dealing fad. Without emotional experience it is impossible to show empathy, sympathy or compassion.

That’s why I created an Emotional Intelligence Bootcamp website that is FREE for all Mankind. I’m in it to win it… not make millions taking my cut of the grief money-making action… in another “Feel no Harm” pseudo unscientific grief exploitation BUSINESS. Capiche? Do you copy? Roger, over & out. 

When you’re in the HAPPINESS business full time… money is the last thing on your mind. Life is all about being ironical & satirical and having a really good time… on your own dime. 😂

Nobody is doing anything to "Make America Great Again" (you can’t be serious about making something that is great… more great… are you?… like Tony the Tiger who loves to hear himself roar?) How great is it to fuel the grief hatred, anger & rage?… so I thought to my dumbass country color red cracker self… since we are no longer GREAT... why not try to "Make Mankind Happy Again” instead? That’s why I created two free Emotional Intelligence Bootcamps to rejuvenate human emotions that “Taste Great!”

The only ones throwing their celebrity “greatness" in our poor & huddled masses faces… are the superficial powerful, rich & famous who flaunt they're good fortune in the face of the greatest Nationwide SNAFU tragedy this country has ever faced... and nobody has a clue how to get us out of it.

Thank me for my service... I know how to get us out of this mess... I DO... I DO... I DO.

Let's face it. The USA is completely broken, divided & ununited. What I realized was the country hadn't totally lost its emotional soul (total lack of love, faith, passion, empathy, sympathy, compassion and basic human emotions). We simply lack EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCE because this "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot" country... is turning our achy-breaky hearts & scrambled minds to stone - making us all run around like chickens with our emotional panic attack heads cut off... leaderless with no sense of direction (yeah all you Washington DC “Political Managers” I’m trash talking you too), heartless, coldblooded & scared to death.

Turning off our happy human emotions and firing up our angry emotions makes our heartless country soul run bitter & cold. I'm here to change all dat with TWO (get one free & the second one is free) Emotional Intelligence Bootcamps.

I'm a dumbass redneck cracker who served 20 years in the United States Marines and once my body broke down... I admitted to myself (I was a dumbass jarhead)... so I committed myself into two mental "the more you know" hospitals & came out more physically challenged than I went in.

But... there are always big butts in the Corps... I had me a brand new bright & shiny smartass brain! By sheer willpower... I was NOT emotionally castrated... thank God. "NOT" means I still have my cajones! Woo hoo! I did it. I made my brain bigger & my cajones grew too!

I could not have done it without you beautiful American Taxpayers who paid me cold-hard cash each month & paid me for a full-ride for my two unemotional "feel no harm" scientific business college degrees. Thank you for your service! Hip Hip Hurray for me!

I'm now a dumbass United States Jarhead who is finally a certified & certifiable smartass... so please, please me... and let me do my new J-O-B. I'm now an MBA whose J-O-B is to make fun of "My country 'tis of thee... bittersweet land of hatred, inequality & good ole' boy All-American greed!"

So please, please me before I surrender... and voluntarily go to politically correct "cancel culture" prison... I'm making fun of everybody & everything, including myself.  

As the great comedian Dennis Miller (SNL) so often & eloquently said in his opening act on The Dennis Miller HBO show… “Now, I don't want to get off on a rant here”…but… 

What unemotional “feel no harm” science is masterminding behind closed doors is a major crime against "do no harm" science... and a cold-blooded felony leading to the mass destruction of Mankind's emotional happiness.

I was set out on an undercover assignment to PROVE even a dumbass emotional “let’s do lots of irrevocable harm to evil bastards” Marine… with childish ADHD... can graduate from the-more-you-know-the-less-you-do unemotional "feel no harm" Colleges & Universities... with Honors... keeping his smartass USMC emotions firing on all 8 cylinders

You see... after spending a lifetime PROTECTING & SERVING the Upper Class Rulers-Kings-Queens of the Highly Educated unemotional “feel no harm” education Kingdom (as a servant, an emotional lab rat & practical joker) that included being a “subject” to “feel no harm” BUSINESS "systems" that is a mirrored reflection of our sacred “feel no harm” EDUCATION manufacturing" system" in the unemotional re-education of "feel no harm scientific system camps"... where Lower Class guys like me... are always getting beat down & knocked out... to the right way/wrong way of DOING SOMETHING... by a higher education degree TRUMP CARD sucker-punch.

"You don't have a college degree or a Master's or a PhD... so I automatically WIN! I'm smart... you're not... ha, ha, ha!" Now do it the wrong way until you get it right!

Yes sir! (Master)… Not sure "what was I thinking?" I promise to take a knee like Colin Kaepernick and follow all your lack of colorful orders to the letter… (until you go back in the “office” so me & my Marines can do this s**t the right way.)

Like a dumbass jarhead (that I am & have proven time & again)... I took these higher education daggers to my heart & insults on the chin for over 20 years... and when I retired from the Marine Corps a broken, disabled, shell of the man I was when I volunteered & enlisted to serve my country... I saw myself in a new light.

Maybe all the upper class college graduates were right. Maybe righteous when they said United States Marines were “disposable & dumber than a bag of hammers” cause all they wanted to do was give a f**k and fight… fight… fight.

I decided to test this hypothesis & admitted myself into an unemotional mental health care treatment facility (college) as an undergraduate mental patient!!! WOO HOO! I was finally going to go to college to learn for myself... what all the hoopla was to being transformed from a devil-dog into a brilliant unemotional robotic scientist!!!

I voluntarily admitted myself as a mental patient into the higher education "system"... of never breaking a sweat... to expand my dumbass "the more you know" brainpan.”

I was going to commit myself to this mentally handicapped challenge to test the THEORY you can only "Get Smart" by undergoing 6 years (4 for Bachelor’s and 2 for Master’s) of intense mental health therapy reprogramming... performed on all the students & subjects by “feel no harm” Doctors (seriously?)... in a highly controlled mental handicap hospital (university).

I was finally going to BUY a big 12” to 18” inch college degree to hang in the empty space over my balls… sorry USMC dumbass mistake… I meant to say walls.

This was after serving my country for 20 years GIVING into the PROVEN formula for success on the battlefield (not a theory) of the scientific Marine Corps training doctrine that "the more you DO - the more you KNOW.” 

I was going to college to see for myself if “feel no harm” scientific “Doctors” were right… that their cooked up in a lab dumbass scientific higher education HYPOTHESIS… was for young men & women to BUY into “the more you KNOW - the less you DO” Theory of Higher Education Evolution. I was the perfect test dummy… to prove or disapprove this “feel no harm” unemotional THEORY... against proven Marine Corps doctrine.

Dumbass Question… does following USMC learning doctrine mean all Marines are qualified are emotional “do lots of harm” Scientific Training “DOCTORS”? I mean... we're in a CULT too. If "feel no harm" science... who are in a cult of unemotional robots... shouldn't Marines be called "do lots of harm" emotional "Doctors" too? OK... Marines will just say we have emotional "do lots of harm" PhD's in Kicking Grief's Ass.

American Taxpayers - Thank you for your Service... and the monthly paychecks

Luckily, I was selected by American taxpayers to be paid to be a “higher education” crash test dummy in this new government approved... “feel no harm” education drug therapy program. I got paid dearly to get 6 years of mental therapy by the best scientific "Doctors" in the "feel no harm" education BUSINESS.

I was going mental when I first started from "learning a lot about know-it-all's doing nothing productive"... locked in an education psych ward watching intently as the prison "Doctors" (guards)… who comically pretended to be badass USMC drill instructors (I’m not kidding. Talk about FUNNY).

These hard core “feel no harm” scientific true believers made sure the "students" (patients, servants, subjects, prisoners)... got to "class on time"… were "obedient" to their "feel no harm" Scientific Masters... and deprogrammed "the paying patients" to - Listen, Study, Parrot, Test (LSPT) day in & day out. I called this unemotional robotic programming- Education Regurgitation Therapy.

Since I was one of those  “committed”… I condemned myself to LSPT day in & day out for 312 cold-blooded, dark, robotic and UNEMOTIONAL months that felt like millenniums of doing nothing more than… I’m not learning to know more… I’m learning how to be a Polly-wanna-cracker Parrot. Luckily, I like crackers.

I had fun reminiscing of my good old Marine Corps days by telling & writing detailed research papers to my unemotional Masters… feel no harm so-called "Doctor's" with...

"this is what I think after going on line, looking at every source of information I could find, reading books, scanning data, figures, facts... talking to experts outside of my closed walls mental institution... TEACHING MYSELF everything "I wanted to know" about any subject my “feel no harm” prison guards threw at me.

Just like in the USMC I never believed a word anybody who was full of themselves and thought they KNEW IT ALL cause these are the Blue Falcons that get Marines killed.

Considering I had already had been “trained” in the Corps to train & educate myself in my free time… it felt like higher education was charging huge chunks of money to spoon feed generations… violating the terms of this INSANE lopsided “learning” agreement.

“Students” pay dearly to graduate a “the more you know” how to regurgitate PARROT”… but if you’re smart you’ll learn how to teach yourself. My fellow Mankind College students and me were all PAYING these unemotional “feel no harm Doctors” huge sums of money so we can learn how to be... on time… follow “management” orders to the letter… do the Doctors bidding… and learn how to “educate” ourselves.

I thank God everyday American taxpayers footed this bill that was long past due & paid all my tuition & books & direct deposited me a $1,500 a month stipend in late 90’s for my daily dose of mental pain & anguish. Otherwise, I might not have been able to buy the first brand new house for my family... and might have cut my wrists for getting conned into going to college to BUY two stupid pieces of parchment in a feeble attempt to make other people THINK I was smart. I loved being a dumbass member of the elite… the few, the proud and the-nobody-who-is-smart-has-ever-been-brave United States Marine!

But I’ve gotta admit since I was SELF Admitted & fully Committed… after a while... the repetitive nature of the higher education beast... listen, study, parrot, test... turned out to be was a piece of cake.

Pretending to be a Parrot 🦜 got to be hysterically fun.  It was like I was on a paid vacation which after serving my country for 20 years I had more than earned a "free ride". It was so easy in fact... it is without a doubt... the easiest thing I have ever done in my entire life. I mean it was so easy… I’m living proof… even a dumbass enlisted ADHD jarhead can do it. Ouch! The truth hurts!

American taxpayers paid one college (bachelors) & one university (MBA) over $20,000.00 & all you "thank you for your service" yahoo's paid me personally... $63,000.00 over my years in education prison (that's $83K for those of you who think 2+2 = something fishy is going on)

Yawl paid $83K so my dumbass could get two pieces of paper from the "Wizard of ED" (which I found shocking as a United States Marine - that anyone would openly admit to having Erectile Dysfunction - but hey - I just kept my mouth shut & bowed down to my education Kings & Queens following their orders cause I was here to get a taste of the secret “the more you know” special sauce.)

I went from being a dumbass to a smartass with two waves of magic Education wands. (I'm sorry to say... anyone who pays to go to college is going to “feel the harm” of being in student debt for life.

Where the fine line between higher education irony & insanity meet

The primary JOB of every college or university... was to "REEDUCATE”... “the lab rats”… to be on time… follow management orders to them letter and learn how to Listen-Study-Parrot-Test. Taxpayers had to pay dearly to "REEDUCATE" me.

Learning how to learn, unlearn & relearn is something the Marine Corps TRAINED ME to do everyday for FREE. This is why I was SHOCKED... to see the higher education money-machine Business Operations... sending in the so-called "Doctors of Education" once a week for an hour or two LECTURE... give out huge weekly assignments... and basically say... "now go teach yourself how to educate yourself.” I'm still trying to wrap this insanity around my thick & dense Marine Corp eagle, globe & anchor.

Colleges & Universities are making a killing... by having their "subjects" educate themselves under their strict guidance of their “information age” money making business operations. Try to imagine a JOB where your "Manager " says... “l want you to go learn how to solve these 100 quadratic equations”... then pay me… a “feel no harm” Doctor… $5000 a semester for the privilege of letting me "teach" you how to “educate” yourself.

Any smartass who pays for a higher education... WILL GET SCREWED. I'm so sure of this... I'd bet my brand new house on it. As Matt Damon said in the movie, "Good Will Hunting"... "You blew $150k on an education you could have gotten in $1.50 in late fees from the library.

This is why I can’t help but laugh at the insane idea of forgiving student loan debt. These “feel no harm” parrots spent hundreds of thousands of borrowed taxpayers hard earned money buying into thinking they wanted to be smarter than a dumbass Marines who served their country.

Now that they have to pay the taxpayers back after being on an education vacation for years… having never served anyone but themselves… gobbling up huge helpings of “the more you know” parrot food…. they emotionally FEEL like they got conned & harmed. They feel bad now they gotta pay… because they spent years on paid “the more you know” vacation and now their accounts are past due. They have to PAY for the rest of their unemotional “feel no harm” lives. Poor babies…

Pour me, pour me… pour me another round… of “thank you for your service.”

How about we use government money to payoff the trillion dollar debt we owe our service men & women who served their country instead? That is what a “first do no harm” scientist would recommend.

Buying a College Degree over 6 years for paper proof you’re Smart - Is the easiest thing you can do - cause all you can do - is know more - do less - Made me unemotionally feel like the opposite of the few, the proud and the brave. I was reprogrammed to be part of the “re-educated” masses, the ashamed & the afraid

This is why I seriously say... getting a college degrees for me... was the easiest thing I have ever done in my life. I did it to prove even a dumbass jarhead could do it with a ruptured Achilles Tendon, ruptured ACL, torn rotator cuff, trashed and wobbly ankles & knees, ripped out toenails, sinuses shot to hell from flying missions over 1400 hours in rain, snow, sleet, hail never stopping to deliver the goods… blindfolded with one hand tied behind their back.

College is like a no-sweat vacation unless you're student in TRAINING as “First do no harm” real life Medical Doctor or a lawyer or an accountant or a Marine Corps OFFICER … or anyone else learning HOW TO DO SOMETHING.

On the other hand - Graduating Marine Corps Bootcamp in 3 Months - Made me emotionally feel like part of the few, the proud & the brave

Graduating Marine Corps Bootcamp as the Series Honor Man beating out 200 fellow bad ass recruits for the "#1 Top Gun Devil-dog Enlisted Fighter Pilot Trophy 🏆 "... (Sorry Tom Cruise… my Top Gun Trophy proves Marines, not actors, have ”the right stuff.”

I was honored to be physically tested over three of the most grueling & glorious months any premiere athlete can begin to imagine. Now compared to seating on my ass for 6 years learning to be a parrot… this 3 months is something I’m damn proud of… and the next 20 years the pride grew like an out of control fire burning deep inside.

I was so damn proud... graduating boot camp as a United States Marine... I cried like a baby marching out in front of hundreds of REAL MEN in lock step to the band playing "This is my country..."

I cried so hard I was worried to death the Marines Corps might discharge me on the spot... strip of me of my Dress Blues & Private First Class Stripe & put my sissy ass into that "faggoty white uniform" in the NAVY.

[This is a United States Enlisted Marines favorite line from the movie "A Few Good Men" so yawl CANNOT cancel me YET... you can cancel me later cause I don’t give a Foxtrot what you think.

I only care about how grieving & “feel no harm” hurt people hurt people” stabbing daggers into the lower class of Marines. This is a no-shit Grief epidemic ripping OUR country apart and I’m busting my smartass tryiing to Make Mankind Happy Again… before I meet my maker… so if you can’t take a joke… go joke yourself off and leave the learning &  leadership link to US Marines!)]😁

I swear to the God you don't believe in… & pinky promise.. "to make fun of everyone in this SNAFU last ditch Hail Mary pass… including myself - a dumbass jarhead. I’ll make fun of all Mankind EQUALLY & UNFAIRLY because if you can’t see the FUBAR we got ourself into... you might just be a red neck.

Because seriously... anyone who thinks the Navy, Army, Air Force & Marines are equal in a military fashion show... never got to wear United States Marine Corps Dress Blues... with the blood red stripe of every Marine who ever served since 1775 running down your leg as a reminder...

”you ain't in the Army now... or the Air Force... or the Navy... or the Coast Guard... and you damn sure are not... a f**king Boy Scout. You're a badass down & dirty all-American gun-slinger who lives & dies... to kill evil Mike Motherchuckers!”]

Lucky for me... by the time all of us "maggots" earned the right to wear Marine Corps Green... and we stood perfectly dressed… straight as a board congratulating each other... my fellow Devil-Dogs were all crying with pride right along with me)

And get this... I felt like I was on top of the world and the SMARTEST MAN ALIVE. You see... I was going to get paid $350 a month now I was out of boot camp and a designated United States Marine. Ooh Rah!!!

For that kind of money Marines are a bunch of geniuses buying in to Marine Corps Tradition 100%... doing all those things... money just can't buy.

Point being... surviving a six year education prison sentence in a mental hospital to get two worthless pieces of paper from the Wizard of ED... made me feel limp… almost made me ashamed of myself for buying into the higher education confidence game. I sold my Marine Corps Red & Gold “training” soul for $2,000,000 more of taxpayers silver.

The only good thing to come out of my education prison sentence? Some unemotional “feel no harm” futuristic Consulting “BUSINESS” flew me in first class accommodations for the next 15 years to the heartland of soulless unemotional “feel no harm” doctors & scientists in our Nation's Capital in Washington DC.

I call DC the unemotional money-making heaven for “Scientific “feel no harm” Drones.” DC is where taxpayers money is devoured by powerful, greedy “managers”… stealing the show gorging themselves with taxpayers hard earned money.

These heartless “feel no harm” scientists reeducated a public servant dumbass jarhead… how to gouge off the government tit and stuff my pockets with the cold hard cash made off the blood, sweat and tears of American taxpayers money. These “feel no harm” mobsters paid me over $100K a year over the next 15 years… close to $2 million dollars… to milk ever dime out of the taxpayers government pool of “consulting” cash needed to “run our government into the ground.”

I sold my sacred enlisted Marine Corps heart & soul... and milked the coffers of the taxpayers I swore to defend...  and every once in a while said to dumbass me… “thank you for your service” but never followed it up with a in kind response of… “now how may I be of service to you?”

So I decided to serve me self huge helpings as payback for my Medivac. My beloved country men & women BOUGHT ME OFF with documented proof I was now a SMARTASS.

Talk about irony. Over 20 years serving my country in the United States Marines… social insecurity said I “earned” an incredible $353,000… to thank me for my service. That’s an average of $17,650 a year. Woo Hoo!

In 15 years of first class accommodations working in the “feel no harm” science… fending for yourself… my government & taxpayers indirect funneled $2,000,000 into my Cayman Islands bank account for screwing over my country.

That’s ironical & satirical & funny as all get out! Thank YOU for MY service!

The Washington DC "Consulting"... Taxpayers Scam of the Century

To understand the Washington DC "Consulting" taxpayers scam of the century... you first have to Google "Consulting Business & Firms" in the Nation Capital Region. You'll find dozens, if not hundreds, of consulting "agencies" that charge the Government hundreds of dollars an hour (based on education level (Bachelors/Masters/PhD) and years of giving advise to government morons). To provide "advise" to government workers who have "no clue as what to do" or how to run a government bureaucracy. It goes like this.

A President is elected... and one of his bosom buddies or girlfriends or boyfriends or lover or accountant or blackmailer... is placed in a high ranking government position. This nincompoop who has never served in the government before and has no idea what they are doing or how to "manage" their workload.  Therefore... taxpayers... are called on to foot the "consulting" bill... to bring in an overpriced... highly educated "management consultant" who these delusional yoyo call themselves... "trusted advisors" & executive "coaches" or simply "Consulting Gods" who charged taxpayers as much as $650 an hour. The little "consulting" firm I worked for... was awarded a $50,000,000.00 (that's like 50 million dollars of your taxpayers dollars at work)... to contract to help federal security guards get "advise" about what "the future" had in store for them.

If our next President... who does not have to wear depends... outlawed "consulting" firms in the United States... we would likely be able to pay off the national debt. This would mean all the "managers" working in high level Government positions would either have to sink or swim in the Washington DC cesspool... without having an unlimited "Consulting Budget."

If there was such a thing... I would be the first person to have a PhD in Happiness in the WORLD. This website is my Doctorate Dissertation. But since their is no such thing as a PhD in Happiness... you can call me Dr. Happy... dumbass devil-dog... or smartass "analytical management consultant"... or Skip Work... whichever you prefer.

JSYK... I'm the first of my "Kind"... and I'm kind enough to doctor up your grief for FREE... so we can all find the happiness Mankind deserves

I got my Bachelors (Magna Cum Laude) & my MBA. I graduated from dumbass to smartass... big whoop! I also tired to continue my higher education to reach for the PhD mountain top… cause a TV talk show host said "With a Collège Education I could move mountains"… instead of doing what the Marine Coors trained me to do which was blow mountains that got in our way to smithereens.

So like the “feel no harm” smartass scientist that I had been reprogrammed to become I had a burning desire to fill one last impossible dream on my final bucket list. Find a college or university that offered a PhD in Happiness. (the only one in California that once existed to fulfill this education “ the more you know” disease had shut down when the "Happy Doctor" retired)

Who would have thought in a great country like ours... there isn't a single "Doctor" of Happiness in the whole wide world. So, like the Marine Corps trained me to do… I trained & educated myself without the piece of ED paper carrot 🥕 of having a “feel no harm” “manager” let me BUY a PhD… and created my own ABC’s of Happiness doctorate dissertation all by myself. {did I tell you my beloved Marine Corps air conditioned me (that means it made me too cool for school) to train myself to DO & educate myself to KNOW anything?}

You can call me Doctor Happy if you are a tree hugger trying to save paper or serve papers on me. Otherwise, just call me Skip Work until I can find a college or University willing to let me buy a PhD paperweight.

Here’s the most important lesson I got from getting two college degrees for $83k. It took me 68 years to figure out the only way to change any "TITANIC EDUCATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM"... controlled by arrogant pompous pricks... is to "GO EMOTIONAL ADHD CHILDISH & FULL ON ENLISTED MARINE ON THEIR ASS."

No... I'm serious. In a serious debate the highest education degree trump card wins every time. College degrees stack the deck against the lower class of people like me. {that lower class of people in US are us few, the proud and dumber than a bag of hammers US Marines.}

This is why the only effective counterattack is go full blown postal “Unemotional ADHD childish and Enlisted Marine on their pompous ass." I promise... it is a lot to make fun of in the current ironical & satirical state of our LACK of LEADERSHIP and the lack of ANY cajones.

This Emotional ADHD Free Dumb Rant (my happiness field of expertise where I should have at least a dozen PhD's in my pocket by now)... kicks higher education trump cards with an smartass ace in the hole every time!

Just like Men's Warehouse... "you'll like the way you look"... when you go ADHD childish on a serious, normally unemotional arrogant "Intellectual."

They go "psycho ward"... and start screaming... "call 911! …Call an ambulance!…Call a fake "feel no harm” Doctor!!!... and give this ADHD child a Valium stat! Give him drugs to calm him down & get with the “ feel no harm” education & scientific program! We have to shut him up so I can continue my LECTURE!

I'm a professional "feel no harm" ADHD psycho Marine Corps narcotics undercover officer so when a “feel no harm” scientist goes bananas trying to prescribe & force me to take drugs for my obvious ADHD… I get to cuff ‘em Dano.

No mind-numbing drugs for me please! I get to arrest “feel no harm” drug pushers and lock their ass up. Another “feel no harm” drug pusher bites the dust!” Ooh Rah!!!

This is my emotional ADHD childish way... of going out of my way to "Make Mankind Happy Again.” It unleashes my human emotions to continue to protect, serve & maintain the sacred integrity of the pure "do no harm" science & my Marine Corps blood oath to defend this country against all enemies foreign & domestic… two bad ass Corps I cherish & love to death.

I hope you enjoy the hysterical irony of a world-class STEM troubleshooting scientist who was highly “TRAINED & EDUCATED" to be an unemotional  "feel no harm scientific PACIFIST" and earned an MBA… and at same time was also highly "TRAINED & EDUCATED " by United States Marines to be an emotional "KILL Evil MotherChuckers"...

…using two thumbs to pop out the eyeballs of the enemies of Mankind and pop them like grapes... then rip off an evil doers arm so I could beat their evil ass to death with the stump... if I couldn’t find a rock to smash his face in like a pumpkin.

In other words, I am “trained & educated” to be a lovable but furious “do lots of harm”devil-dog… and I was “re-educated” to “feel no harm”… when I take down evil motherchuckers! If that ain't irony... I don't know what is.

When a Paradigm Shifts - (for unemotional "feel no harm" education - “feel no harm" businesses and all "feel no harm" science management systems) - in a positive emotional direction...

…these unemotional management systems will wither & die on the "feel no harm" unemotional vine

Once the United States of America SEES this “feel no harm” pseudo science switch to a “first do no harm" paradigm shift… once you can see a "feel no harm" science wears no “do no harm” doctors scrubs... you get to see crystal clear... how GRIEF & Grief's Conscripts are turning off Mankind's "kind" human emotions… you’ll see a corrupt “feel no harm” education & science “systems” are making tons of money off the grief of Mankind.

This is when you realize that  "feel no harm" mental health cares so called "Doctors" (who don't have the cajones to be a real doctor & should have settled for being called a PhD)... these unemotional eunuchs who couldn't cut the mustard in the “do no Harm” medical field… have been professionally cleansed of all their human emotions over their YEARS in the classroom, research laboratories & studying in library isolation under the strict “feel no harm” orders of their education Masters.

Innocent bystander “students & subjects & servants" are all being reconditioned to be unemotional, robotic & cold-blooded in their CLASSROOM, STUDIES, PRACTICES, RESEARCH & especially their TREATMENT of others.

These newly constructed doctoral PhD’s,  masters & bachelors of the education & science universe robots... also happen to be... the chosen ones... who OPERATE daily on Mankind’s most personal & intimate suffering emotional patients… given free reign to set the price gouging guidelines for "treating" & "medicating" and most important word of the day "MANAGING" the Grief of a nation - As in we are now a Nation "Managed" by Unemotional Highly Intelligent Robots"... experimenting on an endless stream of a loud & proud country of highly emotional HUMAN BEINGS.

Highly emotional people hand over the reins of their emotional well-being... to a mental health care "feel no harm" (Doctor?)... who no longer has the ability to FEEL any emotions. This means highly emotional patients are being treated by unemotional professionals who... LACK LOVE, EMPATHY, SYMPATHY & COMPASSION.

Once ”patients" realize their feel-nothing "Doctor" is cold & calculating after listening to their horror stories... suddenly struggling patients want to... to turn off all human emotions too... just like those who “treat” them do. Grief victims are begging these "feel-nothing" Doctors... to stop their mental anguish...  by helping them to become cold-blooded or robotic... so they can "feel-nothing" too.

To further the insanity of an unemotional robot... "treating"... highly emotional "patients"... this emotional irony gets even more bizarre when you realize "feel no harm" science... "treats" their grief panic attack victims… confidently one-on-one behind closed doors… like emotional lab rats... who must pay dearly for the privilege to be a grief crash test dummy. These mental “patients" are identified only as Grief Mental Patient #217,750,931.

The other 117,250,000 million American's (the 35% of population with a college degree) have all been brainwashed into the "feel no harm" scientific army & local NBC programming already they are not included in this emotional Mental study.

Therefore... the rest of the 65% population without a college degree needs to be MEDICATED to feel nothing too. You see... education & science is all about experimenting on THEIR "subjects." “Feel no harm” science & even NBC Primetime TV are both way too excited about promoting "the more you KNOW"... because those with the highest "feel no harm" education royalty degrees get to make a lot more DOUGH.

"Feel no harm" Higher Education Management "Systems" - "Feel no harm" Business Management "Systems" - "Feel no harm" Science  Management "Systems" - Even Primetime TV on NBC =

Are all pissing on JFK's eternal flame

It’s as if... the upper class of "the more you know" education system & unemotional drug pushers “feel no harm” pseudo-science... and TV's NBC... are all pissing on President John F. Kennedy’s eternal flame... burning like the fire of inspiration right on top of his grave.

(JSYK - JFK was a former highly decorated WWII Naval PT-109 Commander & real life hero before becoming President of the United States... and will soon to be played by actor Tom Cruise in the Mission Impossible 109 Movie of the Year... playing the part of a Scientology Comic Book Hero).

This… dousing of the eternal burning fire of optimism of JFK’s call to "action” gravestone gives the Un-United States of America "feel no harm" education system "the more you know" hee·bie-jee·bies... as the Professors of inaction education rise to top of the upper class system so the tired, poor & huddled masses would no longer be urinating to be free.

It’s like higher educated robots are completely forgetting the key to landing on the surface of the moon… was jumpstarted with a call to "ACTION" to DO something. Doing anything is better than doing nothing like EDUCATION… who wants to take “a time out” and not do anything until they figure out (Know) what they are going to do.

These unemotional “educated” robots have no idea that is is possible to do the impossible... even when you have no idea how to do it. You just don’t care what everyone KNOWS NOW. America Nike’ed up and landed on the surface of the moon 🌙. We just did it!

“Ask not what your country can DO for you… ask what you can DO for your country.”

JFK asked Ameri"cans" to DO something -Do anything. That’s all the country needed to KNOW.  If you change the action word DO... in JFK’s quote... with inaction of the word wait until you KNOW more... you no longer have an emotional nation of doer's & leaders… you have a mob of unemotional robotic “know it all” managers who don’t KNOW how to DO a damn thing.

“Ask not what your country can KNOW for you, ask what you can KNOW for your country?”

JFK footnote: The morning the PRESIDENT "WAR HERO" of the UNITED STATES was assassinated in Dallas, Texas he gave a speech about the "learning & leadership link." JFK is the one who inspired me to write & publish my first book: The Last Lifeboat: learn, unlearn, relearn which shows what the country can DO... once this Titanic Education System sinks to the bottom of the learning ocean… buried in student debt.

In my book, I set out on an mission impossible to show the learning & leadership link and prove JFK's inspiration Theory of learning evolution. I not only PROVED his theory, I broke learning down into the six spectrums of learning... and from there proved JFK's learning & leadership link Theory.

This also allowed me to throw management under the leadership bus and PROVE the education & management link... that still makes me laugh my ass off to this day. All I see now... is a country filled with highly educated "Managers"... trying so hard to be “leaders” that they have no idea they look like the cartoon character Elmer Fudd... or TV character Barney Fife.

The "education & management link" showed me how our Titanic education system money machine...  is "The last "Make America Great Again” Industrial Age Factory System"... that is manufacturing & mass producing “feel no harm Management Robots"... in a TRILLION DOLLAR money making "Higher Education FACT-TOR-EEE".

These "higher education" cyborgs have been carefully programmed to believe in the Gods of "feel no harm" science… and believe they are Gods gift to the world… and these are the Managers” who try to reprogram students not to believe in God… but to believe and now down & pray to these Gods of science. Ha Ha! That’s funny!

These unemotional robots were also programmed to think they are LEADERS. Oh my God... this is the funniest thing in the world… especially to the United States Marines Infantry... who know real leadership... like the back of their hand... getting to witness it first hand... in every gunfight. 

I'm from the Marine Corps... and I'm here to help

Now, I'm a USMC STEM Troubleshooting scientist programmed by the government to solve "do no harm" mysteries... like what is the difference between training & education & how do they link to leadership & management?"

I was also ordered to investigate Conspiracy Theories to finally figure out "who shot Kennedy"... after my in-depth "the more you know" BS research into “how does our higher education “management” systems fit into learning & leadership?” The fact is management has no links to leadership at all. Leadership has cajones and management doesn’t have any balls at all. That is a big difference!

I simply followed the money to find the rat bastards who might have killed JFK. It wasn't the Russia's... it wasn't racial white Supremist... it wasn't Republican's. None of them would PROFIT and their cause would be destroyed if anybody figured it out… and connected them to it.

The only institution... a Trillion Dollar education factory that would have been forced to shut down... if JFK's Pioneer Learning & Leadership Link had be tested & proven to make our country great again... would have exposed the student debt defaults of the higher education money-making "system" and “feel no harm” education & science would die right along with the “managers” it mass produces. This give the higher education “& “feel no harm” science “systems” MOTIVATE & OPPORTUNITY to kill the JFK.

You tell me. Is this a fact or fiction? It doesn't matter... if all you see is Elmer Fudd or Barney Fife "leading” our country. You’ll finally know who killed the heart & soul & spirit of natural-born Leaders like JFK.

Now back to how the Blue Falcons of Higher Education "feel no harm" scientific Elmer Fudd's & Barney Fife's who are unemotionally "managing" a un-united & totally divided America.

The irony of emotional grief panic attack "Patients"… being “Tricked” or “Treated” by unemotional scientific so-called Mental Health "Doctors"... is how "feel no harm" science planted the unemotional seeds in every college classroom to GROW... their Mental Health Care BUSINESS.

They didn't just grow it a little to fly under the scientific "do no harm” radar... they exploited it into a trillion dollar money-making operation... backed by education & science.

Mankind's Mortal Enemy is GRIEF. It's time to kick Grief's ass and “feel no harm” grief conscripts 

What nobody seems to realize is Mankind’s mortal enemy…GRIEF… "soul" purpose in life (yes - I spelled that right)... is to destroy the heart & soul Mankind... those that are kind. Grief's standard M.O. is to force it's victims off the road to happiness in an out-of-control crash into a deep dark depression... to turn off all human emotions… especially those super charged with faith, euphoria, love, passion, empathy, sympathy, compassion and happiness.

One would think... professional "feel no harm" scientists & "doctors"... who supposedly KNOW every nook & cranny of grief would start each treatment with... here is a map of what we are going through.

My "do no harm" scientific hypothesis is they DO KNOW every single one of the 6 grief escape hatches I outline in emotional intelligence Grief Panic Attack bootcamp... but they keep it to themselves ... making the "patient" figure it out... because to give away the final hurdle (it's a secret) is bad for BUSINESS. Just like a corrupt higher education system charges students to “educate” themselves… “feel no harm” mental health care doctors charge “patients” to figure out out to get out of grief themselves. They do it by “managing”… never leading.

This "don't-bite-the-hand-that-feeds-you" idiom adds new meaning to the Wall Street Gecko's belief that "Greed is good!" They top it off with a Mental Health Care belief that "Grief is good too!"... for making buckets & buckets of money off the traumatic grief of Mankind.

"Feel no harm” Science…  was dreamed up by greedy self-medicating intellectual egos. "Doctors" who think of themselves as the smartest "people” in the universe. These are the same smartest people on the planet that are totally ignorant that they were transformed... slowly but surely... into unemotional robots in the "good name" of science.

These newly recruited cyborg's immorally volunteered to be conscripted into Grief's army... as it's Gestapo... ruthlessly suppressing any "do no harm" opposition to Grief... by neutralizing any desire to escape the unimaginable pain. These unemotional mental health care “Doctors" look at themselves as intellectual Gods who reign supreme over a highly emotional mankind who need to be placed in a drug induced coma... until their emotional hyperactivity can be flat-lined... managed & controlled.

These are the "Feel no harm" scientific chosen ones... that unemotionally volunteered… to be grief’s executioner of human emotions. Their isolated & over stuffed brains were LURED into unemotional mental health care operations like scientific puppets on a string… by the enemy of Mankind… Grief.

Grief is an evil ring leader who thrives on killing human emotions... to turn off all human emotions . Shutting down and flatlining those emotions... that make people human. If Mankind is happy Grief vanishes into the hell it creates... castrated, neutralized, irrelevant and rendered unimportant & impotent at the same time.... just like "feel no harm" science. This is why grief & "feel no harm" science work so hard to control human feelings and keep them highly medicated for life.

Grief is the unemotional Mastermind behind "feel no harm" Science. Think of "feel no harm" science as doing Grief's bidding... with Professors, so called Medical Doctors & “feel no harm” scientists… performing unemotional mental health care services as Grief’s bitches… pimping themselves out to Grief for cash... loyally serving as Grief's top dollar unemotional escorts into their personal hell of feeling nothing anymore.

Grief is an evil tyrant... because it tricked unemotional science so it could not longer... TASTE, HEAR, TOUCH, FEEL or SEE grief because their feelings have been neutralized after years in a classroom trained & conditional to be unemotional... all because these Doctors & PhD's are blinded by the unquenchable thirst… for Godly powers over Mankind and Mankind's human emotions... motivated by a deadly sun as old as the bible... Pure Greed. All because they were programmed to be... unemotional robots... with Grief pulling all their strings.

Please do not confuse me for a dumbass "rage against the machine" retired jarhead. Thank you for your service! I have an MBA. I slept with the enemy. Now I'm a smartass “poking fun at the rage against the machine" retired US Marine with an MBA.

Plus... and it's a big one... for over 20 years the Marine Corps professionally trained & worked me to be a hard core STEM (to those who don't know their acronyms it means - Smartass Talented Emotional Marine)… scientific “do no harm” troubleshooter... (aka problem solver).

I also wrote the books on Pioneer Learning & TS4i. But my real superpower comes from my highly emotional smartass skills where I FEEL... fearless, reckless, in control, love, passion, my euphoria is to die for, empathy, sympathy, compassion... somewhere over the rainbow happy.

I made a blood oath to "do no harm"... not in the medical field... but in Standard Marine Corps Doctrine. "Do no harm" to your God-Corps-Country-Mankind... but be sure to... "KILL ALL THE ENEMIES OF MANKIND". Oh... I'm also an IMF point man ACTOR... given a mission impossible to "Make Mankind Happy Again."

All of this is no secret.

ABC's of Happiness

TS4i - Is the "do no harm" scientific solution that will get higher education, business & "feel no harm" science back in the emotional game. When we say get back into the emotional game... we mean TS4i shows unemotional, heartless, cold-blooded "Feel no Harm Management" robots... how to FEEL empathy, sympathy, compassion and all the other really cool human emotions.... including how to be happy again... by showing "managers" how to solve emotional problems, meet emotional needs, satisfy emotional wants & capturing a bucket of new ideas.

ABC's of Happiness

"Paradigm shifts are a PROFOUND CHANGE in a business, industry or way of doing things. Education systems, Management systems, Business systems & Scientific systems that are not ready for these shifts whither & die."

ABC's of Happiness

Learning how to emotionally learn, unlearn & relearn by teaching & coaching yourself without an unemotional college professor or "Coach" pulling your strings or yanking your chain. The education system paradigm shift will come when the Titanic College Education System hits the greedy tuition iceberg & SINKS. Pioneer Learning (six spectrum's of learning & leadership link) will be the new standard of learning. 

Those unemotional "industry managers"... (who sit on their Game of Thrones far away from harm pretending to be "leaders" cause they never saw one in ACTION)... all the "managers" in higher education, profiteering business & management systems & "feel no harm" science who are blinded by their Royal Intellectual Power SITTING on the sidelines on their highly & mighty King Dumbs & Queen Dumbs & greedy reign of supremacy over all of the emotional Mankind... will never see the red spade coming. That's when you can cut off the heads of Kings & Queens of Clubs... and change the game all together... using the "all men & women are created equal" ace in the hole... regardless of the size of your unemotionally braindead brainpan.

The perfect "woke" solution... that will "Wake up everybody" tomorrow morning is all,,, thanks to a Dumbass - Drunk & Disorderly - Country Music Cracker

The entire world is trapped in a drunken grief-induced stupor... trying to see through the purple haze of their “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Glasses"... singing,

Pour me.. pour me another drink of “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot”... cause I don't want to feel a thing.. no more, hell nah.. I just wanna sip till the pain wears off. Pour me, pour me another round...line 'em up & knock 'em down... two more, let's go... "cause I ain't never hurt like this before."

These incredible lyrics are Whiskey Proof that the world is drowning it's pour pour me sorrows in Whiskey Tango Foxtrot glasses... plastered at every local FUBAR in the world.

I stole these drunken lyrics from that "Cracker" Morgan Wallen who was given a dishonorable discharge from Mankind & his career given a death sentence by The Country Music Crackers Hall-of-Shame. He got cast out of the country music kingdoms and branded a "racist" for life for being the one-and-only young & dumb country cracker... who can't handle his liquor. (you mean to tell me... real life country crackers say offensive stuff when their drunk & disorderly? I get very defensive whenever I hear a cracker being offensive. I rather hear fake country music "pop" singers who look like bright & shiny "woke" city slickers representing Nashville country music STARS) I stole his original cracker lyrics to prove a point.

Morgan Wallen ain't the first dumbass Cracker to insult an entire race of people with THE most offensive of racial slurs. Yet, he was treated like he was the first... and given a first offense... death sentence. This drunk & disorderly young cracker used a forbidden word that cuts like a knife into the hearts of every single one of this countries black & beautiful colorful brothers & sisters. It torn my colorful heart apart to see another Honest-to-God country Cracker... who was showing country music its forgotten hillbilly roots... make such a stupid country western mistake. Everybody who was raised country in "Wide Open Spaces"... KNOWS... even 3 incredibly beautiful cracker Chicks from Texas... who sang like angels from the heartland... got "cancelled" from cracker country music... worst than you... for calling the President a dumbass Cracker! It was more offensive cause it was true... "Make America Great Again" Crackers went crazy.

Here's what a dumbass jarhead cracker thinks will fit the bill. We "wake up everybody" tomorrow morning & make it against the law... to use any racial slur except "Cracker." (maybe $500 fine so people think twice about pulling out the race card in an argument) I mean let's face it. Crackers created the majority of racial slurs that ignite the flames of racism... so let's let crackers hear the "dumbass country cracker" cheer... for the next 247 years... so we can all be haggard & proud... to be an "Okie from Muskogee." Tom Brady… you’re a GOAT football Cracker. Michael Jordan... you're a  GOAT basketball Cracker!  Serena Williams you're a GOAT tennis Cracker. Brad Pitt... you're just one damn good looking Cracker. Beyoncé... you're one bold & beautiful Cracker. Denzel... you're one damn good looking cracker who might be better looking than that Cracker Brad Pitt! Sandra Bullock... you are a beautiful soul & everybody's favorite Cracker. Chris Rock... you’re my favorite Cracker for bringing "Cracker" to your comedy routine and the idea to charge $5,000.00 a bullet to stop the killing. Sorry Uncle Cracker... everybody knows you're a Cracker. Maybe this would make us all crack up... instead of wanting to drive a dagger into someone's heart. Then all of us would be in the same cracker barrel... having no problem calling the cracker kettle... black.

Of course... this is the dumbass opinion of the original person of color (red hair, blue eyes, white eye brows, poke-a-dotted skin burnt to a crispy lobster red & freckled brown & white). I’m so colored in the 60’s I had the use the colored bathroom because I wasn’t Cracker enough for those damn country Crackers. The fake colored crackers who had a cool vibe & night time colored skin, unlike the daytime looking vampires who were screaming all the time thirsting for blood. Not cool. The fake colored people thought it was funny a dumbass cracker kid was pissed off people who weren't colored were using "his" bathroom. Just like dumbass "politically correct" crackers do… they changed all the bathrooms to black & white. I jumped on my dumbass country cracker soapbox and screamed, "Blacks & whites hate colored people!" And I was cast out of the cracker kingdom... for being a Dumbass - drunk & disorderly - country cracker... who was 5 years old. I still, to this day... miss having my own colored bathroom.

I’m the original colored guy who grew up hearing "red on the noodle like the peter on a poodle." I hate to tell you... I thought this characterization was pretty original and you could dance to it… especially compared to the crackers colored man's top 3 insults… Redheaded Step-Child... Carrot Top... Howdy Doody. The beauty of the racial slur "Cracker"... is when someone gets angry and calls you a Cracker... you get to say... “Bite Me.” It's a win-win for the “broke-woke" movement.

In fact, I tried to call Morgan Wallen (his number got cancelled too)... to tell him all he had to do to show the world he was truly sorry... admit he made a dumbass hillbilly cracker mistake (like he did)… but take it one step further by dropping a name that is linked to racial shame... and call his dumbass country cracker self, "Bottom of the Cracker Barrel." That would do the trick & maybe people would find it in their dumbass country cracker "woke" hearts to forgive him. Unfortunately, nothing will clear his name completely until Morgan reaches out to Dr. Dre & Mel Man... to produce another cracker hit song that wouldn't dare offend anybody... called The Real Morgan Wallen. "I'm Morgan Wallen, yes, I'm the real Wallen, All you other Morgan Wallen's are just imitating, So won't the real Morgan Wallen please stand up, Please stand up, please stand up! Ha ha, I guess there's a Morgan Wallen in all of us. F**k it, let's all stand up!"

As "woke" America awakens the sleeping giant of hatred... and puts "sticks & stones may break my bones, (but words can never hurt me) to unrest... it looks like the "all men & women are created equal"... proclamation in the Declaration of Independence has been blown to pieces by racists on all sides throwing skin color emotional hate grenades back & forth. This is why we need to "peace" it back together with the "wokest" statement ever made. In the United States Marine Corps... no matter what gender or the color of your thin & sensitive skin... there's only one color that will matter once we get All-American lean & mean. By the time you graduate bootcamp as one more living cell in the heart of Marine Corps history... the only person of color you will ever see... are those who wear Marine Corps GREEN.

This "woke" statement .. that echoes throughout the Halls of Montezuma... in that heavenly place where equality cries out...“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddle masses yearning to breathe free"... then strips these dumbass country crackers of their individual colors & racial gang affiliations... transforming them into ONE CORPS of US Marines... where "all men & women" are created equal. The Marine Corps skin color green... is not a declaration pipe dream written on a piece of parchment. It's what makes the Corps... the "wokest" & "baddest" single fighting unit is the world.

Marine Corps GREEN

The obvious question nobody thought to ask, "who besides "feel no harm" science can tackle getting our asses kicked trying to "manage" grief?"

Grief is one slick & sick rat bastard. Grief is making more & more kind hearted people “shelter in place” (which is slang for cut-themselves-off-from-the-unrest-of-the-world)… while the other half are livin’ la vida loca... vacationing & spending money like there’s no tomorrow… knowing Grief is patiently waiting for the credit card bill to come past due… and grief will have you party animals by the cajones too.

With the world turned upside down… and everyone focused on their individual one-and-only grief… Grief is stalking & killing our happiness taking Mankind out of the fight one at at time… picking off the weakest sheep in herd so nobody notices. Meanwhile… Grief is spreading the "you gotta seek revenge for the grief you are suffering" virus. Grief is indiscriminately picking off Mankind... tearing hearts apart & infecting victims with a HATRED VIRUS… making grief victims hungry for revenge like the "walking dead" yearning for their pound of flesh… starving for violence & chaos... consumed by wanting to eat their fellow happy Mankind alive. At the same time, hiding behind Grief's darkness... "Feel no harm" science formed a SCIENTIFIC BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP with Grief. This "partnership" is for a cut of the Grief-driven LEGAL SUBSTANCE ABUSE money-making machine. "Feel no Harm" science is pumping out legal “science backed" anxiety & anti-depressant drugs every year like they were unemotional robotic software updates. Last count there are over 114 anxiety & depression pills of the "feel no harm" scientific black market. How in the Foxtrot can this be scientifically "do no harm" legal? Everywhere you look corporate greed is helping Grief win this emotional WAR against MANKIND... thanks to "feel no harm" Grief's conscripts.

This is why… I’m seriously surprised... why hasn’t anybody asked the obvious question. This is WAR against grief & grief & it's army of unkind are kicking our ass. We're getting our butts kicked because "Feel no harm" science is lying through their teeth... saying they are the only ones who can scientifically "MANAGE" grief. (as if "feel no harm" science is Grief's bosom buddy & "feel no harm" scientists are the only ones who can talk some sense into Grief by medicating all Mankind's mental health care patients)

So we ask again... why didn't anybody think... "We need to call in the United States Marines before Mankind is taken over by the heartless SOB Grief & Grief's Conscripts ("feel no harm science" - Man Unkind & Woman unkind)??? But nobody is "woke" to grief because "feel no harm" mental health care services say they got everything under control.  Mankind will all be in a “feel no harm” unemotional coma... very, very soon. 

Instead of taking this war against Grief seriously... we are spending all our time playing TMI games... of who likes to Pokémon or Pokéwomon?

To all you "woke" boys/girls of every Race/Ethnicity & Sex/Gender... can we please, please, please stop standing loud & proud screaming who YOU like to POKE. Screaming who you like to poke does not make you "woke." A faithful lover never kisses & tells... even if they switch teams. Otherwise the dumbass country crackers king of beers.. Bud Light... said they will put a lily white country cracker smiling with his herd of sheep... on their next dumbass "woke" cracker cans... with a note that says... "woke" sheep never kiss & tell... and they'll threaten to dump the Clydesdales to show how the county is being jerked around by a herd of "woke" sheep to "'Make Bud Light Great Again!).

Deeply buried & raging under the inequality grief that is tearing this country apart... your gender woke-light fight... can't decide which tastes great & which is less feeling...  ... Pokémon or Pokéwomon. Inequality ignites grief like there is no tomorrow... but let's be real. Racial inequality... and Female inequality... throwing out military veterans like the trash has to take a front seat to any backseat Pokémon or Pokéwomon WOKE MOVEMENT. If we tackle the grief & hatred of racial/ethnicity with happiness & love equality... gender inequality with "all Mankind (men & women) are created equal"... focus on helping military veterans… Pokémon or Pokéwomon will no longer be a drag movement to centerstage stealing the spotlight of racial & female inequality... in a who you love to Pokémon or Pokéwomon party celebration... and why you feel the need to shock & awe all the people... who don't want to do the polka like you do.

I HATE (no seriously I HATE having to tell you this. My happy as a clam ADHD cracker retired ass... is supposed to be "having day dreams about night things in the middle of the afternoon" floating on my boat on a lazy river watching what will soon be my final sunset)... so I really, really HATE to be the bearer of bad news. But, considering we're all in the same boat... here goes....

... all you country cracker boys & girls who are pissed off, angry, sad, scared, anxious, depressed, killing, lying, cheating, quitting, stealing, injuring, breaking, raging, obnoxious, cruel, unkind, entitled, tearing down everything on social media, etc... “Grief has got you by the cajones.... especially if you ain't got any.”

[Let's pause for a minute to wordsmith this "truth" that took years to find just the right words to show how much Grief hurts all of us. I'm not picking on Pokémon or Pokéwomon... I'm showing how Grief is poking all of us. When grief hurts "you"... you hurt "me"... so I hurt "them"... and on and on it goes. My mission impossible is to figure out a way to stop the MADNESS... ANGER... HATE... RAGE! I think I found the phrase of "woke" rage {grief's got us by the cajones} to prove how I'm trying to make light of the dark situations we are facing TOGETHER. I'm trying to figure out ways to lead Mankind out of the darkness... into the light...  ironically using "dark" comedy. "Me" being angry only fuels the fire of hatred so everything I write, say or picture is carefully designed to make you laugh at just how dark the world has become. I'm also making a FACTUAL statement... "Grief has got "all of us" by the cajones..." It's intended to spark a painful reality so all of us to say "Ouch, that must really hurt!" The second part is the one I most proud of and find ironically hysterical. "...especially if you ain't got any." Ladies... no offense. If "we" (every man & woman) have no cajones it means we are all scared to DEATH. Cajones translates in the coolest language on the planet... Latino... meaning we have LOST OUR COURAGE... and we're all a bunch of cowardly lions roaring about how much it hurts when grief has us by the balls. Read it again... "Grief has got "all of us" by the cajones... especially if "we" ain't got any." Now you can forgive everyone in Washington DC who is supposedly "leading us out of this grief grave we dug ourselves into." Grief has them by the BALLS too. (hope you find that funny too because it's true). Hopefully now... Mankind knows EXACTLY how Grief... controls "your" life." Knows exactly what being controlled by grief FEELS like.]

-----------------------------Drum roll please-----------------------------

Now back to our Emotional ADHD Free Dumb Rant... where I want to pay tribute to the King! (no, not that cracker king who I love to death) I'd like to reintroduce the ghost of "woke" movements past... the most fearless “woke” movement man with the biggest set of cajones you’ve ever seen... the one-and-only “I have a Dream” Red-White-Black & Blue All-American Equal Rights Rock Star... who will inspire me till I meet him in heaven... the promised land he promised me! My colorful brother-from-another-mother... Dr. Martin Luther King Jr!

Yes, boys & girls... in freedom fighting America equality means everybody has to have cajones... even if you have to buy a pair. There I finally said it. Felt good too. Took a long, long time to find the right statement of fact that was picture perfect to bring our all the inequality PROBLEMS to light & expose the darkness of grief. Grief is leading all unkind dumbass country crackers around like a puppet on a string... and all you gotta do to cut the ties that bind you to grief…  is one simple simple inspiring thing. Go online - read & listen to ever last word of the "free at last" grief therapy words of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King.

Dr. King looked Grief in the eye & never flinched. He was FEARLESS. He didn't have just any dream. He had an impossible dream to "peace" together a divided nation. He is my inspiration for believing... even little ole colored cracker me... can have an impossible dream... to the point I can SEE it... HEAR it... TOUCH it... TASTE it... FEEL it... even if no one else can. Once I realize my mission impossible dream I can shout from the mountain top of Euphoria... "I HAVE A DREAM"... also... an impossible dream to "Make Mankind Happy Again!" Once any of your crackers start to chase your impossible dream... you will be fearless… you will be free from all your grief. Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty... Dr. Martin Luther King... make me FEEL free at last!

MLK - I fear no man!

Our Nation is "woke" to cover up the fact that our land of the free country is FUBAR & broke (in more ways than one like pour pour me)...

with no idea how to stop the overwhelming Grief sweeping our country filling it with hate... hoping Tom Cruise & his Mission Impossible crew...

Can come to the rescue!!!

The reason our country is pretending to be "woke" playing Pokémon or Pokéwomon… grief has everybody by the cajones... to the point they're no cajones left in DC. DC fights like there The Washington DC Hillbilly's... Hatfield's & McCoy's... either intoxicated with hate, anger, power & greed, heavily medicated or asleep at the wheel. To make matters worse… the Capital is locked-down again… in Anger Management "Therapy"… because DC's combined grief is squeezing their cajones so tight they want to scream... at everybody… and they have no idea how to make the mental pain stop. Considering the good ole USA is now... the Un-United & Totally Divided States of Hysteria... and as a whole... we are no longer whole… broken apart by grief's epidemic of HATE. Thanks to widespread Grief… we have a really hard time getting ANYTHING right anymore.

Then all the Washington DC Crackers did the unexpected... Republican's & Democrat's finally came together for the first time in God knows when with a master plan to "Make Mankind Happy again." Scared out of their minds knowing... they couldn't "Fauci" this one up… and lock down the country again with the housing & financial markets booming & people of wealth making money hand over fist... all the crackers in the house & senate came together, lily white Republican Crackers & mixed race Democratic Crackers, to decide how to attack this sweeping grief epidemic?  They put their divided nincompoop's together and decided to attack on TWO fronts since they could not come up with ONE.

First... they would send out a "mission impossible" tape to Washington DC’s most trusted mental health care “experts”… their richest lobbyist "besties" who supports all campaigns… "Feel no Harm” scientific pharmaceutical companies. The "feel no harm" lobbyists swore a pinky swear oath they would deliver the mission impossible tape to "feel no harm" Space Cadet Command...  guaranteeing to "Make Mankind Happy Again." Then they walked back to the lab and threw the tape into a scientific incinerator. I mean come on you dumbass political Crackers... big pharma is already producing millions of happy pills a day... so "feel no harm" Science is already making mankind happy again with happy pills... and they've been doing it for YEARS.

To cover all their "Fauci" Facui up's... they would also send a mission impossible tape to this countries favorite big screen live action hero, Tom Cruise & his superhero mission impossible team. All of the nincompoop's in Washington were certain Robin Hood Tom & his merry band of men & women misfits... all of whom had unbelievable military & intelligence backgrounds... and years & years of onscreen combat experience... DC was certain this mission impossible team could "get the happy ending job done."

Here is a good place to stop for a minute and analyze the insanity of misguided "Hollywood Hero Worship - "Strings are always attached in HOLLYWEIRD - like stunt men & safety harnesses + 20 million dollars a movie" vs. "Real Live Action Military Heroes" who fight in REAL combat flying by the seat of their pants with no strings attached, no stunt doubles, lone survivors scratching out a living on a month paycheck that requires many to apply for food stamps for their family a million miles away. If the President of the United States were to ask Tom Cruise (who might be the GOAT of action comedy "movies"... because we all love the guy & he is, without a doubt, a great ACTOR)... the following question...

"Oh Tommy boy... is it true you are a Navy Lawyer, the Firm's lawyer, Disabled Vietnam Vet, NASCAR Driver, a vigilante vagrant Army MP, an outsider with All the Right Moves in a Risky Business & a Young Gun who loved the Color of Money, a renegade "I love black people" Sports Agent, Minority Report Officer, IMF Secret agent who has saved the world 9 times, A Rain Man, a Legend, a Collateral Hit Man, a Samurai & the #1 Naval Top Gun Pilot in the world?" No Mr. President... but I did play them on the BIG SCREEN." The Presidents dumbass cracker" feel no harm" scientific advisor... who hasn't sleep since 1969 and is always high as a kite... told Tom Cruise "Thank you for your Service" then whispered in the Presidents ear... Mr. President... "We need to give this guy the Medal of Honor! He risks his multi-millionaire adrenaline junkie ass everyday to "Make America Great Again"... SAVE his country from HARM... and every once in a while he does it with no strings attached!" 

OK... here is a Marine Corps public "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot" announcement... where I express my patriotic ADHD adrenalin junkie emotions... going mental for a poke to make a stupid joke. With no disrespect to one of my favorite Cracker Actors... Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!!!! You mean to tell me... The dumbass Country Crackers of the United States of America WORSHIPS & REWARDS people who ACT LIKE HEROES... and turn their backs on the REAL THING? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! The same people who worship Tom Cruise think he really was Born on the Fourth of July because the film said he was. These same hero worship crackers think Memorial Day is a 3 day weekend honoring Tom Cruise's incredible military's service to his country. JSYK... Memorial Day is a military wake... a dress in black day of mourning... for those buried in uniform you dumbass country Crackers! It is not a celebration of... Woo Hoo!!!... let's go to the movies & watch Tom Cruise in action... then go to the lake & party like we just won the revolutionary war!!! Let's prove "America is Great Again" (God bless you Tom Cruise & thank you for your service) on this 3 day weekend funeral possession by watching stuff where the fake America good guys always win!!!! Party on dude!!!!

Luckily... my father... who fought hand-to-hand in three wars... World War II, Korea & Vietnam... came back a "fully functional alcoholic"... with a chest full of REAL medals... was as Irish as an Irish Spring warrior who carried a .45 in & out of combat to put a bullet in any bad guys brain. He believed you sent your fallen brethren to heaven... in a falling down piss drunk stupor drowning in a sense of loss so great for failing to save his men... hoping to burn away the memory that my dad survived... while many of his Marines did not. It's called survivor's guilt that is unimaginable & unspeakable... I know. He told me. What he had seen and done was unimaginable & evil... and he never wanted to speak about it... ever again. For those who have never served anybody, much less a Corps of America's elite warriors... you can never imagine because you never had a friend (or anyone for that matter) you are willing to die for. If it wasn't for that whole Irish Spring warrior badass vibe my dad had... I might get melancholy at a country of dumbass crackers respecting & worshipping a Hollywood ACTOR on a 3 day weekend... and disrespecting & erasing the thoughts of those who died serving their country. JSYK. The three wars and 32 years of honorable military service did not kill my father... it was the demons of the few, the proud & brave men "HE LOVED TO DEATH" and died fighting under his command that haunted him till the day he died... unnoticed & replaced by the next generation of jarheads... unceremoniously cremated... driven cross country by car to be buried in the heart of Marine Corps Quantico, VA... buried hoping his ashes would not burn in hell for failing his beloved Marine Corps.

I'm not a Hollywood ACTOR. I'm a Tennessee volunteer dumbass country Cracker.... but I did play a REAL Marine for over 20 years. Oh, I almost forgot... I also slept in my car many nights... cause I couldn't afford to stay a Holiday Inn Express... Motel 6... or any other motel. Pour me, pour me... pour me another glass of Whiskey Tango Foxtrot... for Hollywood making trillions with their "Make America Fake Again"... by paying Tom Cruise $20 Million Dollars to act like a guy my father wouldn't piss on if he was on fire. (his words... not mine) JSYK... his hero was John Wayne. Thank you Hollywood... please do not cancel me. I love your movies!

Ok. Back to our dysfunctional DC friends & family of Political Crackers who were asleep at the wheel and finally realized there was a serious grief drug-dealing epidemic threat igniting racial wars filled with smoke & mirror clouds of HATE. DC's nincompoop plan was to send two "Mission Impossible" tapes out to save the world. One to "feel no harm" science and the other to ACTOR Tom Cruise. "Feel no harm" science did not choose to accept it. Tom Cruise no doubt will accept any mission impossible if the price is right. This means Tommy Boy was our last & final chance to win the War of the Worlds between grief & happiness.  Dumb, Dumb, Dumb, Dumb... Dumb, Dumb, Dumb, Dumb... Tweedled Dee... Tweedled Dumb... Dumb, Dumb, Dumb, Dumb!!!!

When all is lost... Marines lead the charge to fix a FUBAR country crying out for help (again & again & again)... with full magazines & a prayer

Luckily... some dumbass Marine Corps cracker private... got handed this mission impossible tape recording with orders to send it to Tom Cruise ASAP... that just so happened to be the same day all of DC was given the workday off to celebrate... not driving the country off the cliff into financial ruin finally raising their own credit card limit to buy them more time to have another SNAFU party. With everybody in DC out of town on a 3 day weekend (screaming "let's party likes it's a Memorial Day Celebration"!)... they ordered our dumbass private on their way to the beach... get this mission impossible message to FEDEX right away... send it with Washington DC's love & respect to the entire Mission Impossible Team and wish them all "Godspeed!" Just like DC drones do-do some dumbass political cracker aid forgot to give our loveable lowly USMC cracker an address to send the tape too... cause Tom doesn't have an address when he's playing a 6'5", 250 lbs. of muscle Military Policeman... an imaginary Jack Reacher. Our poor Marine was devastated... the same as all those who ever served. Marines know... the more you know about a DC FUBAR... the more you know it's just nincompoop business as usual.

But what you might not know is Marines are the countries FUBAR fixers. Down to the lowest private in the Marine Corps... when senior enlisted & senior officers are all dead or mortally wounded... Marines all know to look to the heavens for marching orders whenever... all appears to be lost. The few, the proud & the brave Jarheads are living & dying proof... devil-dogs embrace the OFFICIAL MOTTO of the United States of America... "In God we trust"... because every dumbass cracker in Corps knows... "There ain't no atheists in a foxhole." 

Footnote... To all you Crackers out there who would never risk your life for ANYBODY... all you poor lost souls who have no faith (trust & confidence in anyone or anything)... dumbass crackers who BELIEVE... "In nobody I trust" or "In Education & Science we trust." All you rich & privileged crackers... who make sure "there are no Christians in the classroom... or the board room... or the science lab... or in government" because having any faith in anybody is against the "feel no harm" rules of engagement. This is the new National Motto for "the many, the demoralized, & the afraid." (you like how I flipped the switch on the few, the proud, & the brave... to show it's an either or proposition... I am LMAO). All you entitled big city crackers who know for sure you will never see the inside of a foxhole... so you protest war & fight for PEACE (I gotta call-BS!... just be honest & admit you'll only fight for yourself and nobody else). But here is the "no atheists in a foxhole" irony for those who never have to go to fight the battle to WIN the war.

As any dumbass cracker who beat grief the old fashion way - cold turkey without abusing substances and praying in "Churches" (no you dumbass country crackers... not the fried chicken restaurant!) "There ain't no atheists in a deep dark grief depression." And... there damn sure... "Ain't no professors, no businessmen, no millionaires, no scientists, or government drones... in your GRIEF foxhole either."

Where Marines are NEVER alone in their foxhole... you dumbass crackers are always ALONE in your grief depressions. That's why this dumbass Marine cracker is trying like a mad man to give you a helping hand. "In God we trust" is our official motto for a reason. It was born in a foxhole or grief depression. It's a motto so when you find yourself... all alone in a deep dark depression... you know who to trust... and a hint... it ain't "feel no harm" science that will hook you up for life on happy pills.  Don't worry... God don't bite... if you reach out & grab his helping hand... and hold on tight... he'll guide all you dumbass crackers out of the darkness... into the light.

Now that yawl found God in your foxhole... or love being medicated to much and are going to stick with putting all your faith into your scientific religion ("In Education & "feel no harm" science we trust")... let them drag you kicking & screaming... gimme drugs... gimme drugs... let's get back to our Big Screen movie finale...

Bingo... Pvt. Dumbass Cracker got down on his knees in his FUBAR foxhole and looked to the heavens for guidance. As if miracles only happen to dumbass Marines... the deep dark cloud's that blanket DC parted like the red sea… and a ray of USMC Devine light parted the heavens... and Chesty Puller himself... appeared out of the bright blue sky from the Chosin’ Reservoir few, the proud & brave… to give this young, scared to death Marine Corps Private... his marching orders.

 “Just FEDEX the f**king tape to any ole Marine and they’ll get the job done!”

...then he jetted back to heaven… in the jump seat of Navy Blue Angel Wings... flying high in perfect formation.

And so the private did... and all the Marines in Heaven (miss you Dad)... could rest in Peace.

Accidentally or coincidentally… this enlightened private sent this Hail-Mary mission impossible tape recording… not to Tom Cruise as ordered (JSYK - Marines are TRAINED to disobey unlawful orders, even if they might get hung if their wrong)... but to a REAL LIFE living, breathing United States Marine Country Cracker. The private threw a dart of the list of all Marines still alive in country... and sent the tape out right away... his mission impossible completed. The IMF tape ended up in the mailbox of a washed up, broken down, service-disabled, retired Marine… living the dream on social insecurity on a lake in CAN-TUCK-EE. The tape... which was marked TOP SECRET information was a joke. It was unclassified & not that classy at all... because it was from a fake government Cracker to fake military hero... so that means if anybody stole it... no big deal... they would know it was fake.

By the time you read this... the tape was burned as ordered & I smoked it in a bong around the campfire with friends. Luckily, the Private in DC had the common sense to hide the tape in a Morgan Wallen CD case... otherwise... he knew it would likely get thrown in the trash by anyone who wasn’t a jarhead... especially if was from some Cracker in Washington, DC.  The tape had this very short message... “Your mission, should you choose to accept it . . .” is to "Make Mankind Happy Again." Being a broken down retired Marine on Social Insecurity so long... it took 1/2 a second to answer Chesty Puller's call to duty. So I looked up to heaven and said...

"Sounds like a FUBAR General... I'll bring my best troubleshooting skills and fix this problem. I'll build a free website & train Mankind for battle so we can kill this grief bastard & his entire family of friends... win this war and make Mankind happy again. Give me until next Memorial Day when we don't honor our fallen anymore or the Marine Corps birthday... which ever comes first." ... and Chesty... please tell my Dad... I promise I'll love him till the day he dies. He'll get a kick out of that. And also kindly tell him... to get his voice out of my head everyday & stop with the... "If you build it, they will come... ease their pain... go the distance." It was hilarious at first... but it's starting to get annoying. Tell Gunner if he doesn't stop... I'll start praying every night thanking God... for being in the Marine Corps "air wing" and not the infantry. He will be embarrassed about that forever.

This is where the heavenly inspiration for the ABC's of Happiness Emotional Intelligence Bootcamp was born... to fill in the emotional gap in the scientific unemotional void... and enhance Emotional Intelligence throughout the world. We are looking to crush grief to reignite LOVE, EMPATHY, SYMPATHY, PASSION & COMPASSION... and all the other shared human emotions of Mankind. Anyone who truly believes "'In God we trust"… knows for a fact… all you really need… is to believe in God-Corps-Country-Mankind. Oh… almost forgot. You also gotta have at least one badass mother chucker…  USMC Drill Instructor… to lead the country back to its happy place. I volunteer!!!

Ooh Rah!

Speaking of rotten to the science core - we need to win this battle first... before we can take out Grief and win the war

"Feel no harm" science is the first big battle Mankind must face as we continue to lose this war against Grief. Mankind's army of emotional intelligent freedom fighters willing to fight grief to the death... is dwindling as the wounded, the medicated and "feel-nothing" all surrender to grief... by the droves. The ABC's of Happiness shows the world how our happiness freedom fighters are getting-massacred by grief... picked off one-by-one... no thanks to a business driven unemotional science... that is supposed to be our front line of defense against any & all grief. One would think all of "science", "do no harm" & "feel no harm" would be jumping into the fight right along side the rest of Mankind. But no... instead... "do no harm" science stepped aside having nothing to do with this "feel no harm" science bastard child... and "feel no harm" science continues to medicate the masses & turn off all human emotions. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!!!

We had go full frontal nudity & expose "feel no harm" science... to try & get "do no harm" science back in the fight. Unfortunately... "do no harm" science has been 100% complacent with the actions of their scientific PhD bastard brothers & sisters... by standing on the sidelines letting "feel no harm" science ruin.... "do no harm" sciences outstanding reputation & credibility. "Feel no harm" science is like a runaway train of greed... and no one can stop the mass murder & surrender of human emotion to grief. We had to peal back the rotten apples of science to successfully complete our mission impossible to... "Make Mankind Happy Again." We have no intentions of letting science get in the way of winning this war against grief.

If you want to know how psycho we are going to get to win this war against grief?

There is a black ops assassination mission... taking place as you read this... right before your very eyes. The soul mission (yeah we spelled it right) of this covert operation...
is to rip out grief's jugular vein... armed only with a pen.

Grief will never see this Dark Horse Ninja coming.

If you think an army of "feel no harm" scientists lurking in the shadows... bathing in the luxury of their going to scare this Dark Horse away... you're hypothesis will soon be proven... incorrect.

We hope you enjoy the fight

It promises to be a knock down drag out battle to determine the reigning PYSCHO OPS heavyweight champion of world. We finally get to see… who is more PYSCHO… Godfather of “Feel no harm” science & kingpin of Grief… or some random suppose-to-be-retired United States Marine!!!

We also hope you enjoy reading the ABC's of Happiness founding father's fighting words... in the following... hilarious action packed highly emotional ADHD Free Dumb Rant. He reminds us everyday... being told by some teacher or professor... that you have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)... by someone who is locked inside a hamster cage every day - regurgitating the same old lesson plan - day after day - week after week- month after month - year after year - decade after decade - until they croak dreaming about their glorious first day trying to "manage" a gang of ADHD juvenile delinquents...simply means you're just too cool for school. In fact... feel no harm "science" made a HUGE mistake... thinking it would be cool for people who were not locked in a cage... to use catchy little science acronyms like ADHD... to try & describe every juvenile delinquent JARHEAD... who ever served.

You see Jarhead's are the World Champions of coming up with the coolest Acronyms. SNAFU - FUBAR - SITFU - KEA - Whiskey Tango Foxtrot... pretty much sums up what Marines think of "classroom managers, college professors or whoever dreamed up ADHD." These are educated gurus who think they have a chance in hell of "leading" Marines into battle. There is a reason Marines are called devil-dogs. The only thing a Marine Corps Officer has to do... is point to the place he wants to take... and release the dogs. If your a civilian who only served your country at the Movies...  think..."Release the Kraken". Point & devil-dogs sprint through gunfire to get to the point... Kraken skulls. That's it. Now before all you classroom jockey's start thinkin'... I can do that... I could release the kraken... please do not embarrass yourself. To be a red-white-blue Solid Gold Marine Corps "leader"... you gotta be ready, willing & able to be running 20 feet in front of the devil-dogs... who are following... ready to cover your six... get to the point & die WITH you... not FOR you. Copy?

ADHD kids are just too cool for school... FULLY FOCUSING ALL THEIR ATTENTION... livin' la vida loca! Which translated into English means... Future United States Marines. In disorder to do that... they power up all the HYPERACTIVITY to fully charge their batteries... to overcome... locked-up in a classroom DEFICITS.

As any rebellious "military brat" kid who got to grow up "unsupervised" because his daddy was always off fighting for "my country tis of thee... sweet land of liberty"... the beauty & the beast of youthful hyperactivity means you get to focus all your undivided attention on doing whatever you like... like... "I'm gonna walk a hundred miles... I'm gonna whistle all the while... if that's what it takes to make me smile... I'm gonna walk a hundred miles." Then, happy ADHD kids like me... just start walking. It's called exercising your sunny side ADHD.

FUN FACT: "1975: An anti-Ritalin movement greatly expands as several new books reinforce the belief that ADHD isn't a real diagnosis, was created by drug companies to make money, or that hyperactivity is caused by food allergies and food additives.

That was 48 year ago before "feel no harm" science broke into the mental health care rackets dealing drugs to anyone with a pulse.

With his ADHD powered engine still running as cool as the other side of the pillow... the founding father of ABC's of Happiness went out of his way spending years building this website... that doesn't make a lick of money... because he says...

a punny thing happens you realize there are two kinds of man... Man kind & Man unkind. One is kind... the other unkind. This means there is only one kind... mankind. Not two kinds. This proves beyond a reasonable doubt... man unkind is the bastard step-child of Mankind... which is why the rat bastard is so unkind. (smoke that & call me in the morning. I promise... you will "feel no harm")

a sunny thing happens when you realize grief's prison has no cells, no locks, no keys, no walls, no other inmates, no gangs, no guards, no fences, no gates and you suddenly realize... - you're free to ride off into the sunny sunrise anytime you want.

a funny thing happens when you see unemotional science going psycho & getting lividly emotional... when you point out the fact... people who have no emotions & play Doctor - have no cajones.

Here's hoping you think his ADHD emotional rant isn't about making money... honey... he's hoping you think it's about being extremely emotional & punny, sunny & funny.

That does it... if you trash our billion dollar BUSINESS... you'll be seeing the "feel no harmScientific Hit Squad... Soon

These unemotional "feel no harm" Gods & Goddesses (aka mental health care racketeers)... who run the organized crime of milking money from those in grief... are also the ones who will mob-up & bring in their highest ranking "Godfather of Science"... Don Frigid toda Bone... to bring the families together to enforce their grief protection rackets. They will rally around the PhD flag... and send legends of "feel no harm" scientific henchmen... to destroying anyone who gets in their way of HELPING PEOPLE "manage" their grief. They will send all the scientific muscle they have... to debunk & rip my totally unprofessional & extremely emotional website to shreds... for challenging their ulterior motives of organizing all the scientific families to protect & serve... their mental health care money making operations.

They will come in force swearing to the Gods of Science... they got into the mental healthcare BUSINESS to devote their life to science... and HELP PEOPLE who are suffering from grief… and it's not their fault... psycho psychology just so happens to be an emotional slot machine that pays out huge jackpots. They are "doctors" by God! (JSYK... their God is Science which at least explains why they worship conspiracy theories, facts & figures. They do what they do... for a tiny little cut of the grief action... a protection fee... so they never have to live... with lower-class of people filled with emotions... in grief & poverty.

I promise you... they will come with a vengeance to destroy anyone who tramples on their sacred scientific grounds. Just like they did... ironically, pathetically & comically... science unemotionally & methodically came in force attacking... putting all their brain power into destroying religion... which are nothing more than non-profit organizations... whose soul purpose is to help Mankind cope with grief so they can learn to believe... in ever lasting peace & happiness.

Science was, and still is, hell-bent on annihilating's anyone who has undying faith in God... anyone or any group who worships a God other than Science. Science lives to wipe out anyone all religions and anyone who is a TRUE BELIEVER in God & the teachings of the bible or any book of faith… all of which are there for the taking to save your lost soul for FREE.

"Feel no harm" science has been buried in a lonely & cold laboratory coffin for years on end. This is where "science" stumbled across some crazy notion that having UNDYING FAITH brings eternal peace-of-mind... for FREE. That's when "Feel no harm" science totally freaked-out...hypothesizing... HOW CAN THAT BE... IT'S SOMETHING I CANNOT SEE!

Science cannot seem to wrap their massive unemotional brains around the fact… Mankind believes in God. They are left to wonder… “How in the hell can someone believe… and have undying faith… in something you cannot poke, prod, dissect into little pieces & study the facts to figure out where the hell it came from… when you can’t feel it or see it?

HELLO… you emotional nitwit. Having undying faith is a FEELING. You FEEL & SENSE the present of being in the PRESENSE of God himself... standing right beside you... protecting you from harm. (I hope you got a kick out of how I used sense, presence & present in same sentence. I sure did. It was a miracle!)

This is when "feel no harm" science set their sights on starting their own “For-Profit Scientific Religion"... for all those who have no faith... or lose their faith to grief. Just to be clear here... Faith is nothing more than having complete trust & confidence in someone or something... greater than yourself. Those who have faith in Science... think it miraculously  descended for the heavens… and created a scientific religion BUSINESS MODEL... don't believe in God...only believe in facts they can PROVE... and only believe in what they can SEE for themselves.

Science created something out of nothing, Ex Nihilo, just like God did the universe (which is extremely ironical… since the belief in creationism is the exact opposite of the theory of evolution believes in). They created their own For-Profit Scientific Religion for all those unemotional people... who worship & kneel at the altar of the God's of Science... God's of PhD's... or Gods of Making Money hand over fist... take your pick.

Surely, (please don't call me Shirley), the science syndicate will come for me... the instant the ABC's of Happiness goes world-wide helping Mankind fire up all our shared human emotions... FOR FREE. I guarantee.

They will come armed to the teeth with their higher education powers-to-be… to discredit & destroy... my incredible lack of unemotional credibility. (It's true... I don't have a single psych degree… so why do certifiable doctorates & psychologists call MEA MIO the psycho? Doesn’t that make me certifiable in emotional health care too?)

Feel no harm Mob threats - Making offers nobody can refuse

Now... for the main event!

Welcome to the Emotional Psychological Warfare Heavyweight Championship of the World Title Fight!

Undiluted Emotional Lightweight Champion 

Some Random Marine…The "Feel no Fear" Devil-Dog!!!


Undisputed Unemotional Heavyweight Champion

The Godfather of “feel no harm" Science & kingpin of Grief himself… Don Frigid toda Bone!

Let's Get Ready to Crumble!!!

Unemotional Science always wins. Scientists are unemotional robotic professionals at driving emotional people crazy especially when a worst case scenario doesn't even phase them . Not this time.

This emotional fight... is my "kind" of fight. It's a street fight that makes me tingle... cause I'm single & ready to mingle. Ok... I'm not really single... I'm love-actually over-the-moon happy to be married to this woman... who I swear to God... I will love, honor & cherish... till death do us part. It's just that I still love using, "I'm single & ready to mingle" before every fight. It's got a better ring to it then... "are you feeling froggy... then let's start jumping." "Feeling Froggy" is trash talk I no longer use... cause the last time I used it... I got jumped... and beat up pretty good... so I stopped jumping into fights all together.

Truth is... I'm just a good-ole-Tennessee-volunteer who raised my right hand to serve as a Christian God-Corps-Country-Mankind Soldier... where the "there are no atheists in a foxhole theory" gets proven time & time again... in fact it was proven every time in a foxhole... you come to the realization... there is... "No way I'm making it out of this one alive." (I actually volunteered to be a Christian Marine... but Christian Soldiers have a better God loving..."Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war"... kick ass going into battle... putting all your trust & confidence in God song. This Christian song of comradery has more faith-in-God overtones... than the United States Marine Corps Christian Jarheads... who run into a firefight screaming..."Kill 'em all!")

What "feel no harm" science... DOESN'T KNOW... and FAILED TO LEARN... in their decade or more of super-charged-unemotional-brain-powered-higher-education-schooling (which is hysterical cause everybody knows education is nothing more than learning to know... stuff... so you can always win playing the bored game of Trivial Pursuit)... is when science gangs up on me... to fight & defend their unemotional Mental Health Care money-making protection racket... there sacred unemotional scientific 4th Reich… they do so at their own peril.

They are unknowingly waltzing into a "I fell into a burning ring of emotional fire". They have no idea who they are up against... simply because they failed to KNOW they were strolling into a hurt locker... with me talking emotional trash..."you wanna piece of me?... then let's dance!"... to see who the belle of this emotional ball really is. That never fails to ring their bell... wondering... is this that... "dude looks like a lady"... Aerosmith is always singing about? Nothing better than throwing some emotional rope-a-dope into the ring... to tickle unemotional science pink... throwing them off their game.

You see... science is completely unaware of four very important "facts"... about little old emotional me.

I've emotionally trained all my life

You see I already know at weigh-in... science will start talking trash trying to hit me where it hurts. "Mental Health Care is serious business! (ow!)... Follow the science! (ouchy)"... talking out loud to prove nobody is as smart as a PhD's of ancient philosophy... hoping opponents throw in the towel & run away with... "sticks & stones may break my bones... but really sophisticated scientific facts will cut you like a knife!" That lame defense doesn't hold emotional water to a freedom fighting Marine. These mental health care giants plan is to get me on the ropes or in the corner with nowhere else to go... and start pounding me into submission with their "you have NO FACTS!"... "you have NO PROOF!" It is their undefeated fighting one-two punch. They use it so much... it's gotten boring. You have to be careful not to get suckered into their holier than thou attitudes. I like to hit back with my emotional secret sauce response to "follow the science" with...

"Oh contraire Dr. Spock... I prefer to "Se moquer de vous"... and follow my happy emotions."

I already know... exactly how this fight will go. I know for a fact because... I know "feel no harm" science like the back of my hand. I know how these unemotional robots think. I know all of this because before the fight... I slept with "feel no harm" science's mother's. NOW HOLD ON BEFORE YOU JUDGE ME!

First off... this is a based on science fight... a hypothesis... a Theory of Revolution. I already know how this fight will go down. I told you I have been training all my life for a Happiness Title fight... dreaming of ways to win the day. Second... this is war! We all have to sacrifice ourselves for the greater good & do whatever we have to do to win! Third, I did it so... so I could whisper in "feel no harm" science's ear right before the fight begins... after the referee gives us the rules for the fight and we touch gloves. "I popped your mom's emotional cherry & she screamed... Hallelujah!"

This proven....time and time again... United States Marine Corps fighting strategy... is specifically designed to get your opponent madder the hell... to break their unemotional concentration... and come charging at you like a banshee screaming "You motherchucker!!!" (this way you don't have to break a sweat & chase them down... they come right to you for their ass whooping) This when Marines get to dance around the ring singing... "Oh, yes I am... oh, yes I am! And now I'm going to FU up too!"

The night before science gets their bell rung... I will start with a traditional United States Marine ritual. These is when devil-dogs like to have a come-to-Jesus moment with the "walking dead"... they will face on the battlefield arena the next day. It will be a comfy & cozy fire-side peace offering with all the scientific “feel no harm” Godfathers. This fireside chat to unemotional and gives "feel no harm" scientists... one last chance to peacefully surrender. If they are as smart as they claim to be all they have to do is walk away from unemotional Mental Health Care never to return... until they turn their human emotions back on... feeling grief, happiness, empathy, sympathy & compassion. If not.... I'll use the same message carved in Marine Corps Lore... with the famous words of my kind of 4 Star Marine Corps General... General James Norman "Mad Dog" Mattis:

I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you f*** with me, I’ll kill you all.” 

OK... let's cut to the chase & get this fight started. You know how I planned to whisper in "feel no harm" science's ear and tell 'em I slept with their mommy? Anybody who knows a Marine knows for sure... we never kiss & tell... especially when we were born to raise hell. I kept the real strategy for this fight to myself. It was a secret I locked in a box because... you grief stricken "patients" would rat me out in a heartbeat... run and tell your drug dealing "Doctor" what I'm going to do... hoping the good "doctor" gives you free happy pills for life like any other junkie. Oh, no. Not this time.

When the unemotional giant they send for me... walks up to hear the rules & touch gloves... before anyone can finish their beer... I am going to dig deep with all my might... and kick that Giant right in the cajones. Wait. That's not all. After I kick 'em in the nuts... I will STOMP THEM INTO THE GROUND... until the referee calls the fight & gives me the Happiness Belt... arrests me... or throws me out of boxing forever.  Who cares either way. "Feel no Harm" science is down for the count for the evil things it has done. If I have the happiness title belt I might beat him to death with it.

Kiss my Grief!
Kiss my Grief!

Something Mankind does not quite understand about this war against Grief & Grief's conscripts... all of Mankind & Womankind... is LOSING THIS EMOTIONAL WAR! There is no FAIR way to fight Grief.  Grief does not fight fair. This means we have to get fight dirty... fight nasty... fight with a fury so great... we all want to rip Grief's head off... then beat it to death with it. The only way to stomp grief into the ground... is put the fear of God into Grief... and any of it's brainwashed “feel no harm” conscripts. (their all cowardly lions by the way)

I'm trying my damnedest to show Mankind that beating the tar out of "feel no Harm" science and their grief master... is not a grief driven mental health care "rage against the machine" or a personal vendetta. "Feel no harm" education & science can "do no harm" to me because I'm more than happy without them. I'm talking about why we have to exterminate & eliminate unemotional education camps & "feel no harm" science... so we can get back to the original way two unique "sciences" that operated like two peas in a pod... before the "feel no harm" scientific religion started play God and replacing "In God we Trust" with " In education & science we trust."

Here's how it worked for over 200 years. If Mankind (man or woman) broken their leg and crawled into church for help.... their "Soul Doctor" would carry the member of their flock 1000 miles to find a "do no harm" Doctor to fix the leg. (it was KIND) In turn... if a man walked into a medical "do no harm" Doctors office crying that they couldn't get over the pain of their entire family being killed and needed immediate “broken soul” attention... the good Doctor would pick the grief victim up and carry their patient 1000 miles to a "Soul Doctor"  or none other than a “Nun”…. for spiritual guidance & care. This shows the who-what-when-where-how of why none of us should care if unemotional "Feel no harm" science is wiped off the face of the earth. They only care about MONEY. Religion cares for those who have undying faith.

Here is the stark reality. Grief is a Ninja-Warrior... a hitman. An assassin so skilled... you never see him coming. In fact...Grief is a skilled hiding-in-the-dark ready to stab you in the back Ninja… that nobody knows what Grief looks like. Crime labs all over the world still cannot identify the ugly face of Grief... Mankind's greatest foe. The same is not true for Grief's conscript's Man Unkind.

In fact... Man & Woman who are always unkind are super easy to spot. Patty Loveless, one of the only witnesses to describe the man unkind who attacked her... and she kicked his ass. When asked how did she know it was “Feel no Harm” man unkind? She said she knew exactly who that bad men was because they're "lying, cheating, cold, dead beating, two-timing, double-dealing, mean, mistreating loving hearts"... or better known in a New York state of mind - the original rat bastards gangsters."

We might not be able to kill the Grief Ninja for good... but Mankind can sure as hell stand up and fight Man unkind just like Patty Loveless. (this includes walking away from woman unkind too). All we have to do is beat them down... then pick them back up? Make them resign from Grief's army & rejoin Mankind.

Please, please me and... Do not put all your faith in “feel no harm” science! Have faith in "Do no harm" science... YES. Have faith in "feel no harm" science... HELL NO. Science is not your GOD. Non-medical Doctors & PhD's are definitely not GODS… especially when they’re unemotional & GODLESS. As you can tell... I have a hard time being serious about any of this... but right now... this is as serious as it gets.

Mankind is at war with Grief. We're getting our butts whooped by grief... and it's army of "feel no harm" Man Unkind & Woman Unkind conscripts. Besides... "feel no harm" science guys... are "in the rear with the gear" Blue Falcon knuckle-heads... who wouldn't know how to win a Mental Health Care war... if their own mothers life depended on it. (It's a fact because that's what "Don Frigid toda Bone" Mom's told me during her "Hallelujah" pillow talk emotional moment where she came... to realize her son was an unemotional rat bastard).

Mankind needs emotional warriors who are ready, willing and able to volunteer for Emotional Intelligence Bootcamp... and join this fight to the death with Grief & Grief's Conscripts the unkind.

End of story.


1940 FUN FACTS: The year before the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, only 5% of American's over 25 years old held a bachelor's degree or higher. (Fun fact - only 25% of the population had a high school diploma so our country was statistically dumber than a bag of hammers). Around that same time American citizens were asked if they believed in God. 95% responded... Yes. To be clear... God = 95% market share in faith... No God = 5% market share in the unfaithful.

2023 FUN FACT: The year after Russia invaded the Ukraine and nobody came to Ukraine's defense... by varying accounts nobody really cares about anymore... almost everybody & their brother has been subjected to the tortures of high school & escaped with a high school diploma... a valuable education certificate that'll only let you buy into a minimum wage job at McDonald's or Taco Bell... or a golden ticket into the United States Marine Corps. (Congratulations America! We are statistically smarter than the brave men & women who helped Mankind destroy TWO evil empires trying to TAKE OVER THE WORLD the 1940's!) But the important statistic is... at last estimate 35% of Americans hold a bachelor's degree or higher. Those who believe in God has dropped in faithful market share to 65%... but nobody really cares about that anymore either.


In 1940, the country came together to win a world war without letting their schooling interfere with their education... and BELIEVED in our national motto of "In God we Trust" (95%)... "In Education & Science or we Trust" (5%). It doesn't take a genius to see... believing in God helped The UNITED States of America win the war. A first look analysis from the eyes of a trained Marine Corps troubleshooting Scientists has to ask... "is there a correlation between having a bachelor's or higher degree and believing in God?" Why did 5% of the American population not believe in God with two evil empires crashing at the gate? Let's wait 83 years to see if these two numbers are connected before we jump to conclusions.

In 2023, the country is falling apart... the ununited & undivided states of hysteria (USA...USA!) are losing battles like there is no tomorrow with... "In God we Trust" (down in Faithful market share to 65%)... "In Education & Science we Trust" (up in unfaithful market share to 35%). It doesn't take a math wizard to think there is a correlation between a country believing in God... or putting all their faith into Education & Science. Let's put this into a numbers perspective: Of the 335 million American citizens... 117.250 million have a college degree & do not believe in God and 217.750 million do not a college degree and believe in God.

A decent scientific theory... that has to be studied to prove if you're an unemotional "true fanatical scientific believer" and can't see the statistics staring you in the face... might for every college degree percentage point that goes UP... belief in God goes DOWN by the exact same number. Our country is split. 35% of our divided country bow down to "In Education & Science we Trust" RELIGION.  65% our freedom to "choose any religion" believe "In God we Trust". Now might be a good time to take a time out to pray to God... we never have to fight World War III when 95% of the population has a bachelor’s degree or higher and only 5% of the country believes in God.

The math shows... we would get our smart asses kicked from here to eternity. But hay... it's just a scientific "Theory of the Evolution of buying a College Degree". This smartass theory has not yet been proven... but proof is in the hate filled pudding in our "Un-united & totally divided states of Hysteria" that used to be called, "The United States of America." But a funny thing happens after you get a college degree... you have a tendency to get high & mighty... a gift from God & uppity.

What a pity.

The solution to the Divided States of America is obvious and why it is so hard to solve complex problems in 2023. We must add an additional step to the Scientific Troubleshooting Method. The additional step is "OVERCOMING OBSTACLES." Solutions are easy. Overcoming the obstacles that prevent innovation & improvement is what makes solving complex problem in today's world virtually impossible

In this wacky “scientific” troubleshooting adventure to determine why so many Americans are “unhappy” in one of the richest countries in the world… an additional step had to be added to the troubleshooting procedures of the… what’s the problem question, symptoms observed, symptoms analyzed hypotheses, troubleshooting steps measurements & results and trouble found conclusion… scientific method. The addition step is inserted between hypotheses & results and is call “OBSTACLES" to overcome once we find a solution.”

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see our country, our education system, our business models and a rogue drug-dealing “feel no harm” science and our “political” system are all broken.

The sad truth is all of these heavily entrenched “systems” will never change from within. There is simply too much power & money being made by people/companies benefiting & profiting from the current “system.”

If tomorrow the government shut down the Department of Education and replaced it with the Department of Pioneer Learning that promotes all six spectrums of learning… Pioneering (learning to learn)… Scouting (learning to locate)… Training (learning to do)… Education (learning to know)… Visualization (learning to visualize)… TS4i (learning to troubleshoot aka problem solve). A bold & daring move like that would be the game changer for the Un-United States of America... and reunite us with a common goal to change how we learn which would change how we lead or our led... once the current “feel no harm” education “system” and all the business management “systems” it mass produces are dead.

You see…(most do not)… the Learning & Leadership link is included free-of-charge in the Pioneer Learning Package. Pioneer Learning… & The Learning & Leadership Link… would crush the current education management “system” and would have a domino effect that would eliminate unemotional “feel no harm” businesses management systems, political management systems, and drug-dealing science management systems… all the “management “systems the current education system factory mass produces.

The solution to “Make Mankind Happy Again” is all we have to do is learn how to learn. Some will choose America’s favorite pastime since 1776 “training.” Some will choose to hide in a classroom and “educated.” At least there would be multiple learning options instead of just one like we have now "education" is the only option... which locks ADHD kids in a classroom making them pay for this "the more you know" privilege. If we do this one thing… we break down the “obstacles” causing so much grief… and the good ole USA… could find happiness once & for all.

Thanks to these entrenched money-making machines… this is all a pipe dream. So let’s sit back and watch a once great nation sink to the bottom of the barrel… because our Unsinkable Titanic Education “System… is taking on massive amounts of student loan water… and is floundering in debt and is going to sink to the bottom of the learning ocean even if we do nothing to stop it.

The great “education a training country” experiment that started in 1916... when all states required children attend 1st-6th grade to get them out of working slave labor in a factory… was always destined to fail in a hyperactive training society. As education grew more & more powerful it pushed for "the more you know" adding 7th-12th grades & more and more Bachelor's, Master's & PhD's. What powerful nation can survive the future when everyone “knows” a lot… but nobody can “do” anything. The idiom… “you get what you pay for” has never been more true when it comes to education... when we all know education is nothing more than a game of Trivial Pursuit instead of going to the local library and reading up on how to "DO THINGS." We paid dearly when our country turned its back to training (learning to do). When Pioneer Learning & Training moves back to the head of the class… and all will be good again... once the United States of America will return to its Pioneer Learning roots that was the envy of the world.

I fully admit on a international stage... GRIEF is not my forte! 

I don't know about you but... I'm sick & tired of spending all this time talking about GRIEF... GRIEF... GRIEF... GRIEF… GRIEF… as if she was a woman who broke Mankind’s heart so bad... Mankind will never find true love again. That’s why it’s high time we stopped talking about grief all the time… and let Mankind's Happiness take centerstage! Truth is when it comes to grief… who in their right mind wouldn't rather spend all their time talking about being in love & happiness instead of drowning our sorrows in Grief.

As a happiness pioneer... I smoked a peace pipe with the Chief of Grief... a long, long time again. I love getting high as a kite on my happiness.

CONGRATULATIONS HAPPINESS MARINES & PACIFISTS!!!.... Now that you have graduated with EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE EXPERIENCE HONORS from Grief Panic Attack & Happiness Counterattack Emotional Intelligence Bootcamps... go forth and find your own brand of happiness... and spread the happiness rules of engagement.

Let's all get emotional & win this war against Grief & Grief Conscripts once & for all.

Ooh Rah!!!

As the great comedian Dennis Miller (SNL) so often & eloquently said in his Rant closing… “But hey... That's just my opinion... I could be wrong."

I wish I was.

Write on! Write on! Write on!


In closing I'd like to leave you with my favorite "feel no harm" science joke:

A desperate man at the end of his rope… who had not had a good night’s sleep in years… tittering on the brink of going insane… finally got the courage to go see a “feel no harm” MEDICAL PSYCHIATRIC DOCTOR. He told the good “Doctor” he had this horrible feeling of overwhelming fear every night in bed… that something evil was going to jump out from under the bed, grab him & drag him straight to hell.

The professional mental health care doctor said he had two scientifically proven ways he could, “help manage the fear.”

Option #1 - The highly educated doctor could write a weekly prescription for the patients drug of choice - Prozac or Valium... both of which could help him sleep. Either one ONLY costs about $79 a week. So, for the first year… all your fears will temporarily disappear… for the low, low price of $4,108.00.

Option #2  – Which was the “best drug free” solution of these two scientific mental health care options… was to schedule three weekly therapy sessions to talk-it-out with the best mental health care “Doctors” in the BUSINESS…  for ONLY $250 an hour. The first year of managing your fears only costs $39,000.00.

The Sleepless in Seattle patient said… let me NOT sleep on it… and I’ll call YOU in the morning.

Six months later the MEDICAL PSYCHIATRIC DOCTOR ran into the "Sleepless in Seattle" patient who never did return to his office to receive the "treatments" he so desperately needed... merrily skipping down the street... and asked, “How are you FEELING?

The euphoric man said, “I’m great!” Right after talking with you… I was so depressed at the prospect of financial being indebted to you for life … I wandered into the first church I stumbled across and ran into a real life “Soul Doctor” who magically & mystically appeared from the heavens to comfort me. He cured me for $10 bucks! I was so happy to finally be CURED… I went out & bought a brand new SUV with the money I saved... by not going back to listen to you PREACH to me about your incredible healing & Godly powers!”

The MEDICAL PSYCHIATRIC DOCTOR was incredibly offended. The insane thought of a Down-and-Out-in-Beverly-Hills "mental patient" finding a Religion better than those worshipped by the "feel no harm" science Gods... snarked...“How did this so-called “Soul Doctor” cure your greatest mental fears?’

“He told me to just cut all the legs off the bed... so the bed sits on floor with nothing underneath it.”

 To celebrate I dropped $10 buck into the offering plate... and ran out and bought that brand new SUV. I’ve been going back to this church three times a week for the past 6 months. I’m sleeping like a baby ever since I FELT like God himself reached down a helping hand from the heavens and saved me from kissing your unemotional "feel no harm" scientific ass!