Happy Rhymes & Crazy 8 Conundrums = Poetic Justice in Rhythm

Happiness is synonymous with rocking rhythms... and funky rhymes,

Fully focused on being silly happy... having a good time,

What makes it even better... sharing our party rock happiness... is totally sublime,

Knowing the best part of waking up with happiness in your cup... is this freedom from grief gift we are giving... doesn’t cost you a dime.

So if you are lonely... belittled... lost... last in line... cast out... depressed... sad... emotionally troubled... or feeling a tiny bit blue,

Or you’re pent up with anger & rage thinking life is not fair to the one-and-only-lonely you... and you were betrayed by someone close you thought you really knew... getting blindsided and knocked out by grief feeling like you were the only one, out of 7.5 billion people, who ever got totally screwed,

Take comfort in knowing our overwhelming-well-of-good-intentions are giving-it-all-we-got-to-give... doing our best to be trustworthy, honest & true,

We built this magnifico ABC's of Happiness crescendo filled with human emotions... just for magnificent beautiful you! 

We hope & pray you get to feel over-the-moon happiness someday... just like we do.

Happy Rhymes means Happy Times

ABC's of Happiness

Welcome to our web page of seriously depressing grief vs. jovial happiness make-me-smile rhythms & rhymes,

We’re hoping you enjoy the ABC’s of Happiness… and use this moment to take a break from the madness for some well deserved what-will-it-take-to-make-us-happy time,

We did our best not to give too much serious consideration for griefs devastation and its bring-us-down design,

For its many bushwhacking and utterly hurtful & hateful totally unwarranted crimes,

We tried our best to focus on how to make happiness last… and leave that SOB grief and its devastating mass destruction in the dark and lonely past... further & further behind.


We get it… we got it... we know it… we’ve had it… got rid of it… and hit the happy trails,

The only reason we want you to “know thy enemy” grief... so you can then get to “know thy self” so your happiness always prevails,

So… kick back and relax... enjoy the show… and right before you know it,

We just might end up... as your favorably insane-in-the-membrane uniquely happy poet.


Even if you are perturbed or disturbed by our looney tunes happiness commotions... for our endless grief whine & chase an impossible dream cheese,

We hope you get a laugh that all this is brought to you in cartoon fashion... simply in order to please,

A honorary Feel-Good-Specialist... a completely unknown celeb-brat-tease.

Coming to you curtesy of the World Champion Happiness Heavyweight... an undefeated Kick-Griefs-Ass soul contender,

A red-white-blue “thank you for your service”... loser & sucker you’ve long since forgotten... who doesn't know how to surrender.


So try not to be sour... in our wild & crazy attempt to make you feel like the happiness man of the hour,

(Ladies this includes you too too when you feel like you are the center of some happiness attention and totally emotionally empowered)

because every time we confront and fight any type of seemingly indefensible grief... we pluck that bitch like a flower,

and it gives us undefeatable "she loves me - she loves me not"... "you complete me - incompletely"... indestructible happiness power.


We had no choice but to reconsider,

That perhaps we could deliver… rockin’ rhythms & rhymes that would help stop the masses from being downright mean... and ruthlessly bitter,

Maybe the disgruntled & angry would arguably agree to a cease-fire from being a judgmental twit... enjoy some nonjudgmental happiness time with this unarguable wit... take a time-out from tearing everybody apart on twitter... and stop all this hatred in favor of becoming a happiness-for-all die-hard transmitter.


All we had to do was take a chance of a lifetime for a peace offering for unity... knowing this could be a hit-or-miss failing endeavor or a golden opportunity... so we thought if we did not reach out to the heartland of the conservative country & congested big ass liberal cities... it would be a low-down dirty shame and such a unwarranted pity,

If we did not give back to this nation we love... with some ridiculous (like a booger I stick to this)… seriously silly happiness ditties,

This is why the ABCs of Happiness is having such a good time,

Sharing with our nation these pulsating rhythms and rhymes,

Letting all yawl know... happiness is like drinking strawberry wine... like eating up fat, plump and juicy grapes right off the vine... that there is nothing to worry about because everything will turn out fine... as long as we never let grief control our peace of mind,

And this is also a friendly reminder that we ain't dead yet... and life really is... like a box of chocolate.

You never know what you're gonna get.

Happiness vs. Grief Mind Games - The Battle Rages On

ABC's of Happiness

There is a battle raging as human’s slumber between happiness & grief battalions fighting passionately for mind control,

The victor of this emotional combat assumes peace of mind or pain of mind jurisdiction over a person’s waking soul,

  If happiness prevails the morning dew tastes like honey, the entire universe fills with joy, everything sunny & bright,

 If grief massacres all aspirations with its scorched earth blitzkrieg the dawn is bitter as defeat, sunrise cold & black as night.


Make no mistake, a mental war rages daily inside mankind, as joyful or unspeakable as any thought we imagine or get,

It is a lifelong emotional conflict filled with the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat, no truce or option to quit,

Human beings cannot desert feelings, refuse to fight, throw in the towel or claim to be a conscientious objector,

That’s why captives of grief who surrender are unhappy medicated unconscious objectors…not “do or die” grief defectors.


This is a battle of conscientious control where griefs goal is casting each & every prisoner into a deep, dark depression,

Grief wins it skirmishes one captive at a time to the point anger, rage & revenge becomes the inmate's singular obsession,

The unimaginable pain of brain grief hostages experience makes them traitors of living, loving, trusting human compassion,

It is a grief cancer metastasized like a wildfire of betrayal turning on one another in  “hurt people hurt people” fashion.


When there is no hiding, no option to quit, no refusal to fight, no giving in to grief or unconscious objection,

This conflict transforms into a “do or die” fight to the death with our only option is a stand up to grief rejection,

Grief is ours and ours ALONE,

Grief is ours and ours to OWN,

We can stay trapped in misery for the rest of your life in an unguarded depression that grief conned you into digging yourself,

Or we stand up to grief as if your life depended on it, making a last-ditch stand to escape for the sake of your mental health.


Griefs bankrupt feeling hostages literally have nothing to lose and the unlimited wealth of happiness to gain,

Once they realize griefs sole purpose in life is to conquer its victims one-by-one in an attempt to drive them insane,

  Mankind is at war with grief and it’s time to decree “Man your Battle Stations!” with guns blazing enlisting all hands-on deck;

Where we sail the seven seas…in this land of the free… fighting & rescuing the little, the last, the least and lost grief survivors on a full-scale happiness trek,

Helping those stranded all alone on deserted islands…misled, starved of feelings, morally bankrupt, cast away, hopelessly shipwrecked.


The ABC’s of Happiness is a grief rope-a-dope with an unacceptable, unforgivable, unforgettable 1-2-3 knockout punch,

Where we learn to win when we package acceptance, forgiveness, reckoning, repentance, compassion and love into our recklessly happy bunch,

All-out victory over grief is based on the science of happiness, having faith, it’s a belief, more than a feeling, not a doctorate theoretical hunch.

Faith is an overwhelming undefeated feeling that never fails to rescue and always beats grief in a crunch.


Our happiness counterattack cranks up a musical soundtrack that expresses grief and happiness feelings with pictures that let you see,

Know the enemy, know yourself to the point you harness the energy of a burning passion and use it to set yourself free,

A – Details the grief escape plan where you flee depression with reckless abandon in order to take back control,

B – Use the 5 stages of Ex Nihilo (out of nothing) to create and chase an impossible dream you might someday grab ahold,

C – The 11 stages of Happiness is where we find peace in a satisfaction settlement, enjoy life, and set up an impenetrable grief defense,

This battle with grief is a complex conflict, so our ultimate goal that everything you see, hear, believe, feel makes logically perfect sense.


So kick back, see a lot-read a little, laugh a lot-cry a little, hear a lot-listen a little to the musical extravaganza of emotions & recklessly enjoy the show,

This is a scientific TS4i troubleshooting exercise, a war against grief, not an NBC commercial advertising “the more you know”,

If anything, this is a celebration of the human gift of an infinite number of intense feelings that finally need to be addressed,

With the ultimate prize being completely justified, satisfied, content, living a life filled with joy and blissful happiness.


Happily, we stand united, one nation, under God, indivisible with an unalienable right to be free of the tyranny of grief,

 E Pluribus Unum celebrates happiness together with a “live free or die” proclamation, vowing never to accept defeat.

When it comes to Grief... we have nothing to Fear

ABC's of Happiness

Grief is not an enemy that has to be feared,

Think of this website as your friendly neighbor sounding the alarm... riding coast to coast like a modern day Paul Revere... a freedom fighting grief cavalier,

Grief is Coming!... Grief is Coming!... so gather your arms and let’s all prepare to fight together,

No matter how wicked the grief storm or how depressing the pain we must weather, 

For united we stand... divided we fall,

with the ABCs of Happiness we stand together as one Nation under God... fighting for truth, liberty, justice... and happiness for all.

Taking a measure of one's life Story & all its infinite Glory

ABC's of Happiness

A day of reckoning in the context of the ABCs of Happiness… is not the soul crushing drama driven by revenge or the attack-mode it too often seems,

Our day of reckoning is taking a timeout to measure one’s life… a checkup to see… if we need to make a course correction to fulfill our wildest dreams,

Professors & Priests call it a sabbatical… a seventh-day break… a seven year itch... a soul-searching journey on a singular reflection lark,

We think of a day of reckoning… as a leisurely vacation to any one of our 64 magnificently beautiful historical National Parks.

There’s something majestic about getting back to nature… standing all alone as an eyewitness to the wonders of the earth,

Where beauty, serenity and the peaceful nature that surrounds you… is the perfect opportunity for a day of reckoning mystical magical rebirth,

With reflections & meditations comes clarity… washing away the darkness shedding new life showing a path forward that’s crystal clear,

It also reminds us that when time stands still… even for a second… time is of the essence... to seek & yea shall find a bright & shining avenue… to pursue a new frontier.

It doesn’t really matter if you don’t have the time or cash to vacation and visit a national park,

You can hold a day of reckoning pretty much anywhere… a lake, a mountain, a river, a peaceful quiet spot... just don’t try to reflect in the dark,

A day of reckoning is best experienced in sunshine… so the future looks bright ahead,

And you can thank your lucky stars… that for a singular moment in time... you get to decide if you want to feel alive or dead…


You are very much alive in this moment of serenity.... that opens your eyes to all the beauty you finally get to see.

So… get to dreaming… and feel yourself beaming,

Hold dear a day of reckoning… so you can start redeeming... and embrace the sensations of your most excellent time-to-change-course-again omnidirectional feelings... when you take the time to stand outside yourself in the sunshine of impossible dreaming.

Then... once the dream comes into focus and you know exactly what you have to do,

Take the first step off the mountain top and get started making all your wishes and impossible dream come true.


America is the happiest place on earth…

so why are we all Russian?


ABC's of Happiness

When you travel all around the world you figure out rather fast,

America is the happiest place on earth… but being happy here is foreign to many and never seems to last,

Why are we all Russian… more Russian… a lot more Russian... where we are Russian around one step ahead of trouble... always on the double.... constantly worried,

Never able to spend a moment to rest in peace... Russian around like a crazy person in a I-gotta-go hurry.

There is simply too much work and too much time spent climbing ladders pushing and shoving aside those who have something better to say... stepping on anybody who happens to get in the way... desperately working to always get ahead,

Too much time wasted in endless debates... discussing what he, she or they... did or did not do... or what they actually said,

 It’s all about capturing the throne... hoarding possessions… chasing champagne wishes & caviar wet dreams so desperate to devour & chug,

Misinterpreting our unique ability to focus on what’s most important and chase our dreams being happy with the freedom we take for granted that was fought for and freely given… using our most valuable time & limited resources relaxing and embracing those things that we cherish and unconditionally love.


Too many places that we have to be,

Too many people we have to see,

Too many things we have to borrow on credit to bring fortune & fame,

Day trading, buying, selling ourselves short & investing in search of hit-the-jackpot acclaim,

Shopping day & night for cash-cow happiness that bankrupts the human brain,

It’s like life is no longer a beautiful day at the beach,

Happiness is just... I’ll think about it tomorrow... maybe next week... somehow never... always out of reach,

Life in the fast lane takes its toll like a $1 a mile Easy Pass,

Now instead of cruising along peacefully on our American freeway... we are stuck in a Russian traffic jam on a you-must-pay-to-play... crazy gotta-get-ahead-of-the-pack... racing on an insatiable mad dash,

Turning free-as-a-bird Americans into working-like-a-gerbil Russians... Russian around in circles going nowhere fast,

 Instead of getting off the beaten path like only a real American can… cherishing life's most precious moments to harvest, blossom, grow & happily-ever-after last.


This is the answer we hear... year after year... to a simple request to go on a friendly vacation or grab a few beers...

Let's take a break on a much needed vacation,

and the answer we hear is “forget about there”... we have no time here... to take time to travel to an unknown destination,

or how about...

Let's grab a few beers... run down to the beach... crank up some tunes & dance around a fire all night... and watch the “sun go down on me” before it get's too late,

In our 2021 post pandemic lockdown where hiding out is no longer to blame... the Russian response is always the same... "No can do... there is so so much I have to do... I've gotta go so I won't be late... there is just too much on my plate."

How can that be... is the response we see... that you always have too much on your plate,

After you just told us your belly is full and said... I already ate.


This brings us to... a commercial take-a-break... brought to you by... the ABC's of Happiness mastering this being-full-of-life debate,

Maybe we should dig,

Into not filling up a gigantic plate up like a full of gluttony Russian pig,

(Peaceful Service Announcement... We mean no offense to any foreign Rushin’ honey... we are just making a point being ridiculously punny... if you are offended by this silly Russian rant... we recommended you counter calling us a goofy Amer-i-can't)

 We simply say find someone you love and happily go out on a date,

And fill your plate up with free time and love... stop gorging yourself off a too-full platter that does not matter... or simply learn to eat up life by feeding yourself from... a smaller plate.


An Ameri-can would eat from a can... throw that big ass plate in the trash... if eating Russian all the time is taking up all your time and interrupts living a full and meaningful life without scrutiny,

If your plate is really that full... throw that big ass plate in the can... go out and buy you some Spam... and find the time to live and love this land... of equal opportunity... and use the ABCs of Happiness to find yourself with some much needed grief immunity.


The ABCs of Happiness is your shining moment where you get to decide,

Are you an American living a carefree life that is always full... or feeling like a my-plate-is-always-full Russian who is somehow starving inside?

Try to decide if you can afford to take the time for yourself and get taken away to a wonderland filled with your passionate love network of freedom with trusted family & friends,

Because if you take a time out to relax and live your one-and-only-life to the fullest… you forget about being Russian and get to be freedom fighting American all over again.

Crazy 8 Conundrums - Happiness is as Stupid Does


ABC's of Happiness

No Atheists “or Scientists” in a Foxhole

ABC's of Happiness

Dear Science & College Graduate Vulcan's (who logically operate without faith or feelings) today’s commencement address is designed to help you out of your high & mighty “show me proof” or “show me your diploma” fact-finding perch,

Where you read, see, hear, feel, learn, do and fix the discoveries you fail to acknowledge with your pretentious all-consuming 17th Century scientific method... void of human feelings... "feel no harm" academic research,

Maybe you can finally admit “you feel nothing at all” when you worship your duh grading “prove it without feelings & stick-to-the-facts” search,

And find your faith, feel it in your heart & soul and start believing in the principles & values of the totally unscientific Foxhole Evangelical Christian Church.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the absolution of being a devote Christian Monk,

Especially when it makes you happy as hell.. living life to the fullest... even when you find yourself in a wickedly unforgiving funk.

When your time comes to be a griever... and you put all your faith in the facts & figures of Vulcan science and higher education,

Or you are floating through life in a high-as-kite coma… hooked on profiteering  "feel no harm" science drugs or for medicinal purposes only medications,

Stuck on an addicting prescription of shutting down feelings… sticking to the fact that you ain’t a true believer,

Someday soon you’re gonna realize... “there ain’t no scientists in your foxhole” either.

Make America Happy Again

Want to make America happy again,
Have faith in your God, your Corps, your country of freedom fighting women & men,
Join forces to deliver us from evil as a soldier of war or peace or pick up a truthful pen.
JSYK...You will not be thanked for your service by a sitting on the sidelines management Barbie or Ken.