Six Spectrum's of Pioneer Learning and the Learning & Leadership Link

A research project that shows how Pioneer Learning opens up the floodgates to Happiness.

A new age learning system specially designed to make impossible dreams come true.

Learning how to learn, unlearn, relearn is an essential ingredient to any Pursuit of Happiness

When you learn how to learn you learn how to do & know everything you ever wanted. This conditions you to LEAD yourself & others into the vast unknown.

The best part about understanding & executing Pioneer Learning?

You don't need your mommy, daddy, teacher, coach, cheerleader, manager or anybody else to tell you what you have to DO and what you have to KNOW. You're free as bird to do & know anything you desire.

Six Spectrum’s of Pioneer Learning Defined

1) Pioneering - Learning to Learn, Unlearn, Relearn is the goal of all learning that unlocks the gateway to fulfilling impossible dreams. It requires breaking away from education & training systems where management rules. Pioneering rules because the only rules are doing something better & knowing more today than yesterday. It's that happy place where you find yourself on an open playing field doing & knowing whatever you want, footloose & fancy free. Managed Learning Systems are so pompous (full of themselves) they crown themselves learning royalty. Yet, these system managers neglect to pass along to their subjects, how to learn without them so someday they the subjects become the teacher/coach and learn how to venture into the vast UNKNOWN. Students learn to create something out of nothing. This is why we selected Pioneering, a word we had to create that defines the essence of learning to learn, unlearn and relearn. We do so with the hope that those who learn how to feed their learning hunger, using the Six Spectrum's of Learning will be nurture their own learning desires for the rest of their life. Pioneering is the most fulfilling spectrum when it comes to learning.

  • The learning objective of pioneering is to eliminate all negativity that tries to stop you from reaching your goal. This means getting away from anyone who tries to control you telling you what you can and can't do, or how you have to do it their way or the highway. Pioneering is hitting the open road to learn whatever you want. It is conditioning yourself to never need your daddy or mommy, a coach, a teacher or manager telling you what you can and can't do, what you can or can't know. You learn all about learning freedom. You learn to train, You learn to educate yourself. You learn to scout for information & tools that will enhance your training & education. You learn to visualize (focus) the task at hand to include disobeying orders, performing in a hostile environment, performing with injuries and anything else that will distract you from achieving your learning goals. You learn to solve your own problems quickly in order to overcome all the many obstacles that will try to prevent you from reaching your goal. Most important. The unwritten objective that drives all pioneer learning is to dream an impossible dream. Set a seemingly impossible goal of, "I want to learn how to play baseball so that one day I can be in game 7 of the the World Series coming to bat in the bottom of the ninth with two outs, down by 3 runs, and hit a grand slam home run to win the game." Setting all your learning time & energy to capturing an impossible dream is the rocket fuel that condition you to reach for the stars.

2) Scouting - Learning to Locate  Here is where you learn to locate training locations and sources that will help educate you. Scouting includes finding training locations available gyms, tracks, courts, courses, pools, hideaways where you can practice any skill you want to learn to do. Scouting also includes using technology to educate yourself. Using your smartphone to capture valuable information is a great scouting tool but having a computer opens up a world of tools to not only learn new skills and an unlimited source of information & knowledge.

Tracking down & finding essential learning requirements & information resources all by yourself. What do I have to do & how well do I have to do it? What do I have to know & how do I capture knowledge that will help me learn my skill? You become a unlimited learning search engine. What resources are available to enhance my performance & knowledge? Searching for things to help you do better & know more. Giggle while you Google using the 6 Spectrum's of Learning and figuring out how to track down essential learning information.

  • The learning objective of scouting is to embark a magnificent hunt for the best locations & sources to train & educate all by yourself.

3) Training - Learning to Do The reckless passion of learning is driven by the desire to DO SOMETHING. Learning to do is enhancing performance everyday by working yourself to the brink of exhaustion, to fuel a learning passion ignited by a burning desire to be the best that you can be. Training is a performance exercise trying anything to give yourself an edge to make it to the top of your game.

  • The learning objective of training includes 3 critical components. 1) ACTION - What does the trainee have to do. 2) CONDITION - Under what conditions. 3) STANDARD - Minimum & maximum performance standards. For example: The Marine must run 3 miles,  at a moments notice in any weather condition (including extreme weather like sweating heat, bitter cold, rain, snow, hail or sleet), in at least 27 minutes (minimum standard of poor performance) or 18 minutes (maximum standard of excellence). The beauty of training objectives? You don't need anybody to watch over you. You just map out 3 miles in any direction, grab a stop watch and run like the wind. Great training eliminates having a coach to push you. You learn to push yourself to strive to run 3 miles in 18 minutes. A country that embraces training over education is bound to DO great things. “Well done is better than well said.” Benjamin Franklin

4) Education - Learning to $Know$  Learning to know at its core feeds a hunger for knowledge. It’s about striving to know more. Pioneer Learning was created to show that Education & Training must work in tandem. Otherwise, education is nothing more than a game of Trivial Pursuit. If an education does not include Pioneering, training, visualization, Ts4i and scouting you end up with a nation of people who KNOW a lot, but can't DO anything with it. A formal education is without a doubt the most expensive spectrum of learning. The fact that higher education is so expensive and the government makes a killing off loan sharking is incomprehensible. 

  • The learning objective of education is a question Education is without a doubt the simplest objective of all learning. It is the ability to answer a question. That's it. Plain & simple. "What is education? Learning to know. If you can answer this simple question you are hereby educated. Now imagine the smartest person in the room providing you a detailed list of questions (in the hundreds of not thousands), in a building block sequence, that lists all the questions the genius had to answer before they knew what they were talking about. Imagine being handed an education guidebook of only questions (without any answers) listed in order from beginning to end to learn a specific skill, and the student runs off by themselves  and answers each question one by one in the proper order to build a crescendo of knowledge & expertise once completed. Think of it like this. Imagine if a beacon of learning excellence (instructor/mentor of pioneer training & education) had just spent the last 10 years honing their skill set & knowledge, offered motivated students a road map of their learning journey that lists all the things they must learn to do and all the questions they must be able to answer to reach the pinnacle of success. With this detailed pioneering road map of learning a dedicated student might reach the same level in just 5 years if they worked ferociously every single day to get better at what they have to do and know a little bit more each & everyday.  

5) Visualization - Learning to Visualize • aka Dreaming Impossible Dream • Close your eyes & visualize your minds eye seeing yourself in action. Seeing is believing. Believing in yourself is essential if you ever plan on achieving greatest. See it play out in your minds eye where you feel just how cool as a cucumber you have to be as a prerequisite. Knowing deep in your soul, it ain't real until your palms are sweaty, your knees shaking like a leaf and you are at the brink of exhaustion. Imagine it's damn near impossible to stand up to the mind boggling distractions that take away your concentration of the task at hand, a task you have practiced a million time. You visualize the thousands of people rooting against, screaming for you to fail, praying & hoping you fail. You visualize how to tune them out and find your safe zone believing in yourself. You become laser focused so when that critical moment comes that will make or break you, you close your eyes and let the calm wash over you like a bad ass cleansing. You imagine propelling yourself to achieving your impossible dream, like you've done a million times before studying & practicing your craft. Visualizing YOURSELF IN ACTION pulling off a miracle and going all-in. Perfecting & practicing your ass off and going for the gold against all odds. Visualization is a million times better than any video game on the market that fools you into thinking you did something. The reason video games are so dangerous goes like this. If a gamer plans a video game of going on a military mission killing bad guys, the only way to make it real is to play not having eaten or slept for 2 days, laying in mud hole filled with the blood and guts of your friends with a smell that makes you vomit, knowing you will likely be dead in the next wave of attack. Visualize that and every gamer who is a killer would run screaming for their mommy to never let them go in the military.

  • The learning objective of visualize is to use your minds eye to run countless scenarios in your brain to determine how to react Take for example you need to improve making free throws in Basketball. A normal practice of coaches is to have players shoot 50 free throws a day at the end of practice (to simulate the exhaustion during the final minutes of a game). Coaches run you like a dog during practice then throw you on the free throw line to measure how many you make & miss out of 50 to determine who will or will not play in the final minutes of a critical game. Scientists found that players who sat in a comfortable chair and visualized shooting 50 free throws (in addition to the exhausting 50 practice free throws) enhanced their performance significantly. In visualization, players focus on setting up to shot the same, control their breathing, where to focus on the basket, their shot, their follow through, their attack for the rebound if they miss. What makes the greats like Michael Jordan, Tom Brady, Tiger Woods, Simone Biles unstoppable. They have the ability to visualize their performance and path to victory. The rest of us enter a championship game hoping we don't make a mistake.

6) Ts4i (Troubleshooting for innovation, improvement, ideas, integrity) Learning to Troubleshoot • TS4i is learning essential Problem Solving Skills to clear any obstacle that gets in your way of capturing your impossible dream. No matter what endeavor you pursue there will be problems that try to prevent or kill your chances of realizing your impossible dream. TS4i teaches you how to solve your problems, meet your needs, satisfy your wants and collect ideas from any source available that will help you achieve your goal. Every problem you solve will be innovative. Every need you meet, or want you satisfy, will be an improvement. Every new idea brings powerful solutions to capturing your dream. And the one essential learning ingredient that is never discussed in any high octane performance endeavor. Maintaining your integrity, as if your life depended on it is perhaps the most important component of pioneer learning. Maintaining your integrity will bring lasting joy knowing you refused to take shortcuts. lie, steal or cheat your way to victory. Those who learn how to troubleshoot see all obstacles as a challenge, knowing the solution is hiding in plain sight. Learning how to have fun solving problems is living a life looking forward to solving puzzles that are keeping you from getting to where you dream of going.

  • The learning objective of Ts4i is to solve the many problems that get in the way of achieving your goal At the very beginning of any incredible journey of chasing your one and-only impossible dream using pioneer learning, you learn to make a list of all the problems you face, all your needs and all your wants.You also include a section that records all the ideas you have, or anyone else who gives you a great idea. Learn to use any ideas from any source that will make your pursuit of happiness faster and safer.

The Learning & Leadership Link

The creation of the 6 Spectrum's of Learning began asking one simple question. What is the difference between training & education? Finding the answer took nothing more than grabbing a dictionary and reading  two definitions. Training is learning to do. Education is learning to know.

As a troubleshooting scientist, it became clear the only way to truly grasp the difference between training & education was to experience both spectrum's of learning firsthand. In the hunt for the best training organization on the planet I looked no further than the United States Marine Corps. Twenty years later, I experienced the awesome power of world-class training. The Marine Corps conditioned me to learn how to do anything. The beauty of this training was it didn't cost me a dime. In fact, according to social security records those idiots paid me $352,000 over 20 years and let me train to my hearts content.

There is an uneducated misconception that the only thing the United States Marine Corps can do for you is teach you how to absorb bullets. This is not true. In fact, the Marine Corps spends countless hours, training Marines how to dodge bullets. In addition to that training the Corps also educated me, at an estimated cost of $250,000 over a combined two & a half year period, how to troubleshoot and fix broken complex air traffic control electronics systems in under 30 minutes. They did this so the guys in the sky's wouldn't die and could safely land.

In the hunt for understanding education, I spent six years after my body broke down locked in a classroom earning a coveted Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree. At the age of 47 years old, at a cost of over $50,000, the Wizard of ED (Erectile Dysfunction) officially declared this scarecrow had a brain after all. He even gave me a pretty piece of parchment to prove it. I learned to know exactly what I was told to know and no more.

Once I knew the distinct differences and many benefits of training and education, coupled with my extensive experience in troubleshooting complex problems, I split the battlefield between these two titans of learning (training & education) and focused on the gray area that divides the two. In case you haven't noticed, the learning battle between training & education is intense. Training is losing the learning war in favor of education. It appears the Marine Corps is the last line of defense to prove the power of training. The elite trillion dollar education system is crushing training trying to make it obsolete. It all boils down to what comes first. Do you throw an America kid into the deep end of the pool to teach them how to swim or do you lock them in a classroom for 4 years, charge them over $100K, and teach them the theory and history of swimming before you let them dive into training how to swim.

Ironically, my research shows that learning is not an "either or" proposition. The question is not which is better, training or education. The truth is training & education must work in tandem or the goal of learning fails. The real question is what is the goal of learning? The following graphic shows that the goal of effective training and education is to teach players & students how to learn, unlearn and relearn. This means that the three core spectrum's of learning are a hat trick (3 goals), where learning is juggling all three at a time.

What makes this graphic so enlightening is that it blossomed into the learning & leadership link. But what is more enlightening is the emergence of action agents. It proves that no leader, especially a sudo leader who is in fact a sideline manager, can function without action agents. You can cut off the head of management and leadership, but no organization can survive without action agents.

The original book designed to sink the Titanic Education System and provide lifeboats to the pioneers who can learn, unlearn and relearn 

Click on the book cover graphic below to download a free copy of my pdf book, The Last Lifeboat - Learn, unlearn, relearn. I wrote it, to “Make America Great Again." Just kidding. I wrote it so when (not if) our Titanic - Trillion Dollar factory modeled education system, gets too expensive, the country opens it eyes to the failure of the entire system in the mass production of worthless sideline managers, and it hits the giant 2025 iceberg & sinks to the bottom of the learning ocean once and for all... the country will at least have a lifeboat designed for the few, the proud and those brave to teach themselves how to learn how to learn, unlearn and relearn.

To grasp the awesome power of the pioneer learning & leadership link...

we must examine the restrictions of our outdated factory modeled public education system (established in 1916) and the equally outdated factory management link

How stupid does a nation have to be to choose education & management over pioneer learning & leadership?

Management is a by product of our education system. Management is a leadership cover up that neuters action agents. Management denies the existence of action agents and has conned a nation into thinking that management rules. Management has the nerve to claim they are leaders. 


Exposing the hidden agenda of the current duh grading Education System to Management Systems Link

These two systems are not about learning. They are all about management control of the stupid & lazy students & workers.

Think of managers safe on the sidelines like they are British Royalty controlling there SUBJECTS. 

For Management Sake: There's a reason our duh grading school system goes all in with education. If the players, cheerleaders & students were TRAINED to "learn how to learn, unlearn & relearn" the education system & sideline management hierarchy would be out of a job. The management profit machine for our Titanic Education System would have to learn to sink or swim.

There's a reason we get so much enjoyment & pleasure out of making fun of management systems. Managers think highly of themselves> They see themselves as brilliant education royalty from the old country who have been crowned as Knights of the Round Table by their upper-class English Kings & Queens (check out those fancy gowns they wear at graduation). Their crowning achievement is spending years locked in an education castle serving as scribes doing exactly as they're told. This somehow gives them the right to manage the idiot students, players & employees of the lower-class, who serve beneath them, therefore and forever more. If we look at learning & business as a battlefield, students, players & employees are knee deep in the muck fighting for their lives with blood, sweat & tears. Meanwhile management sits safe & sound in a secure bunker, drinking Pina Coladas and eating Filet Mignon while calling all the shots.

If one is versed in American History especially,  United States Marines who have been born & breed in Tun Tavern since 1775, one might say having management royalty commanding troops in battle while sitting safely on the sidelines is exactly why the British got their asses kicked in the Revolutionary War. I don't care who you are... dat dare is funny!

We're in the "unlocking learning secrets" business & business is good. The following graphic unlocks the trade secrets of our education system feeding into the business management system. It shows the dug grading education management royalty pushing their manufactured product out feeding the duh grading business management royalty. The education system is selling the same-o same-o system to the voiceless players, cheerleaders & students who are the monkey in the middle. These educated systems have less to do with learning or leadership and more to do about sideline management royalty calling the shots.  In fact, a strong case can be made that our Education System can be directly linked to the downfall of pioneer learning & front line All-American leadership.

Management treats its lower-class performers like they’re stupid & lazy servants, obedient followers, and managers inability to do anything themselves traps everyone in the KNOWN. In contrast, pioneer learning conditions action agents to venture into the UNKNOWN.

Duh Grading Education System to Management System Link

“A good manager is best when people barely know that he exists. Not so good when people obey and acclaim him. Worse when they despise him.”  Lao-Tzu

"The time when there is no one there to feel sorry for you or to cheer for you is when a player is made."  Tim Duncan

“I have learnt silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers.”  Kahlil Gibran

Understanding the impact of an army of educated sideline managers controlling and judging every move of those courageous players (action agents) crazy enough to attempt to do something in the Performance Arena where every action is do or die

Inside the Performance Arena are the players who risk their livelihood. There is an army of managers who all stand safely on the sidelines. The owners who sit in champagne & caviler suites and literally own the players & managers. There is the press documenting every move. And last but not least the spectators, thirsting for blood.

The potential threats to anyone brave enough to perform are direct consequences for failure. They face the threat of destruction & injury to their body & well being. They confront legal action if they step out of bounds. They risk destroying their reputation and career. What is so incredible, their are those who know the risks, but hunger so much for their love of training, are willing to risk everything for one more chance to perform before the hostile crowd.

Performance Arena

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.

The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood…..who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself at a worthy cause; who at best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and…..if he fails, at least fails daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”

Theodore Roosevelt
"Man in the Arena" Speech given April 23, 1910

Now that you know the 6 spectrum's of learning, the difference between training & education, the learning & leadership link and the education system & management link...

As a Wizard of ED, by the power invested in me, myself & I, I hereby award you a Masters Decree for FREE.

How do you like them apples?

Click on the graphic below to download, enter your name & print your very own Pioneer Learning Master's Decree. Be sure to tell your friends you earned your Master's for free,

at the the happiest website on earth the rockin' & rollin' ABC's of Happiness.

Go forth yea great American pioneers

(all yea action agents & leaders who live & learn to venture into the vast unknown)

Learn how to learn, unlearn & relearn and then lead yourself and others into the vast unknown so we can change the world together!

Do it for yourself. Do it for your country. Do it for Humankind.