Hysterical State of U.S. PANIC ATTACKS!
The Sum of all Fears
PANIC - A sudden overwhelming fear, with or without cause, that produces hysterical or irrational behavior, that often spreads quickly through a group of persons.
Who knew panic attacks would be this contagious?
The following is an ABC's of Happiness Public Service Announcement. Washington DC is simply having congressional panic attacks. As a result, the News Media is having a panic attack. As a result, social media is having a panic attack. As a result, we the people are having panic attacks. It’s a good ole panic attack chain reaction. All aboard!
Yesterday we were told... "There ain't no time to wonder why, whoopee we're all gonna die!" Today news outlets are forecasting... there’s an excellent chance we will all die tomorrow... unless everybody gets vaccinated tonight.. and as long as the planet does not melt.. resulting in a complete meltdown this weekend. In other news… the stock market rocket’s red glare… the bombs bursting in air… gave proof through the night… that our CASH was still there! USA! USA! USA!
Settle down. There is no need to panic. We know the way out.
We are former United States Marines. We are here to help. Take a deep breath... stay calm... relax... everything is gonna be fine. Follow us… we're gonna guide you through this panic attack storm... and get you through it come hell or high water. It's time to stop running away... hiding from our grief is causing mass hysteria and irrational behavior. We have no choice but to Cowboy up and stand our ground. We will show you how to kick griefs ass… striking a death blow against contagious panic attacks… shaking us down... by finding peace of mind... that will calm us down.
![Panic Attack ABC's of Happiness](https://abcsofhappiness.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Panic-Attack-1.jpg)
It’s time to come together and FIGHT BACK... against this panic attack inferno that is burning our happiness to the ground... and extinguish grief & panic attacks in one bold move! If you think about it… the toughest fight we have… is figuring out how to fight the sum of all fears.
We are supposed to be the cool kids on the global block. We lose our “Home of the brave” claim to fortune & fame… when we are running around in a panic… scared out of our minds... irrationally tearing each other apart… canceling each other out. That’s not cool. That is not what we do. It is not who we were are.
We are FEARLESS. Always were. Always have been. Always will be. Let's be cool. There's no need to panic. There is always a need... to fight to be free.
![TS4i ABC's of Happiness](https://abcsofhappiness.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/TS4i-300x232.jpg)
Cool as the other side of the pillow Troubleshooting
As professional troubleshooters… we look for things that are problematic – constituting or presenting a problem or difficulty… helping people who are struggling with the rollercoaster ride of human emotions… rushing to the aid of mankind battling grief and panic attacks. We are constantly searching for solutions that make us FEEL content with what we have… working for what we want… offering the complete state of calm generated by true happiness… as the ultimate peaceful resolution. Our only demand? The unconditional surrender of grief and panic attacks.
The hardest part of troubleshooting the human condition, especially when it comes to capturing the essence of intense feelings, is identifying the REAL PROBLEM getting in the way of our pursuit of happiness. Once we figure out what the real problem is… it allows us to identify the root cause of the problem that needs to be addressed… so together… we can discover solutions that… fix the problem. Our troubleshooting mantra is the 4i’s… innovation-improvement-ideas-integrity… that guides our GRIP IT & RIP IT… fixing complex problems philosophy.
Troubleshooting (puzzle solving) is a ton of fun. Especially when the solutions help people deal with their emotions. Woo Hoo! Ride ‘em Cowboy!
The problem we see from our fearless ABC's of Happiness summit... where we have nothing to fear but fear itself… mankind is suffering from severe panic attacks. People are “scared & hysterical and irrationally aggressive” to one another.” This “PUSH THE PANIC BUTTON!” epidemic is spreading like a wildfire across the country… and drastically interfering with our goal to, “Make America Happy Again.” If we fail to stop the spread of this hysterical panic and terrifying fear… our ultimate goal of bringing peaceful happiness to the land free and the home of the BRAVE… is nothing more than a pipedream. Nobody said troubleshooting was easy. (No wait… we just did)
So, let’s wordsmith this problem. Let’s spice it up with feelings. Let’s see what the unemotional English Language Dictionary has to say about it… panic + attack = panic attack… words that need to be defined… and then followed up by finding the ROOT CAUSE of this totally uncharacteristic great American panic attack phenomenon. Giving our readers Honest-to-God SOLUTIONS… beside hiding in a bunker… taking tons of drugs… getting drunk… going to therapy… putting on a happy face on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter screaming, “somebody like me” PLEASE!… then hurting and canceling each other out… by putting a gun to our head threatening to shoot ourselves in the foot… to make all these panic attacks go away.
Panic – a sudden overwhelming fear, with or without cause, that produces hysterical or irrational behavior, and that often spreads quickly through a group of persons.
Attack – an aggressive and violent action against a person or place: launch an assault
Panic Attack – a sudden episode of intense fear that triggers severe physical reactions when there is no real danger or apparent cause.
Now let’s examine the triggers of experiencing a brutal grief assault of OVERWHELMING FEAR + HYSTERIA + AGGRESSION + NO REAL DANGER Panic Attack and what it… FEELS like… so those who have never suffered a panic attack… and think people should just “deal with it” or take a “chill pill” … to get an out-of-control feeling… under control … so we all get a feel what it is like to be crippled by fear… and try to understand the irrational aggressive violent behavior of a contagious panic attack… when overwhelming fear explodes into a Capital riot. A panic attack… as defined by the ABCs of Happiness… is the SUM OF ALL FEARS.
![Sum of all Fears ABC's of Happiness](https://abcsofhappiness.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Sum-of-all-Fears-1.jpg)
In troubleshooting complex problems, we focus on all the critical symptoms:
* First, panic attacks are real as real can be… regardless if the threat is real or imagined… the attacks are highly contagious… spreading panic and fear like a wildfire. (Not good…burns down beautiful forests of happiness for no good reason)
* Second, a panic attack produces aggressive & violent… hysterical or irrational behavior. (This is bad… it’s like totally irrational dude)
* Third, a panic attack is life threatening… even when there is No Real Threat (WTF? …talk about a mind game of fright night…a Halloween nightmare that makes you want to SCREAM! … as imaginary villains come to slash us to death.
* Fourth, a Panic Attack is a violent explosion of the SUM OF ALL FEARS.
Analysis of the Panic Attack stress trigger… puts our “Fight or Flight” human instincts on high alert. Please note… this trigger is the human body switching to fully automatic… holding down the trigger shooting everything in sight … and is pulled when we are mentally or physically TERRIFIED (fearing for our life) … scared to death even when the threat… poses No Real Danger… and we are shooting at the ghosts of Christmas past… wearing a blindfold…unloading all our negative ammunition in one clip… just because we feel empty instead. If you want to see this hysterical insane in the membrane phenomenon in action… just turn to your favorite news channel and watch the daily “I’m totally freaking out”… “I’m deadly serious… This isn’t a game!”… panic attack game show. You can feel the panic oozing out of your television, computer or iPhone… infecting us with FEAR.
The fight-or-flight response (also known as the acute stress response), refers to a physiological reaction that occurs when we are in the presence of something that is mentally or physically terrifying.
![Fight or Flight ABC's of Happiness](https://abcsofhappiness.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Fight-or-Flight.jpg)
Panic attacks are a REAL PROBLEM and the Acute Stress Response doesn't really care if the threat is real or imagined. Both feed off each other and kick feelings of terror into overdrive. If these real or imaginary attacks weren’t a real problem, science would not have concocted 114 different medications to treat anxiety & depression. This graphic of human natures fight-or-flight response… does not include Option 3. Panic attack victims… who sense the sharks circling in a feeding frenzy… can refuse to fight… refuse to run … and lock themselves away in a fortified bunker and HIDE!
![Hide ABC's of Happiness](https://abcsofhappiness.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Hide-2.jpg)
But fear not! Science to the Rescue!
“Feel no harm” science… the big brain experts… have the perfect solution. Where there is any pain-in-the-brain… there is a ton of money to be made! Don’t FIGHT a panic attack on a suicide mission attacking the Capital with a bumper sticker… RUN & HIDE from it… let science HEAVILY MEDICATE you & let’s TALK it out! “Feel no harm” science has no feelings and can only get it up with FACTS. Facts are all that matters. Without any facts… feelings are nothing. Feelings, nothing more than feelings…somebody even wrote a song about it. You lost all feelings... you are in shock and terrified… "Feel no harm" science says... join the "comfortably numb" club... take this prescription... just like science... you'll never feel anything again. These are the facts. Science has no feelings, no beliefs, no soul. “Feel no harm” Science is cold-blooded.
![Feel no harm scientific solutions ABC's of Happiness](https://abcsofhappiness.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Feel-no-harm-scientific-solutions-scaled.jpg)
It only makes cents (yeah, we spelled it right) … that a United States Marine would ask two basic boot camp questions…
Why not FIGHT back against panic attacks? Why not find the root cause for all this aggressive grief & panic and focus on that? Especially when panic attack victims are highly irrational and make absolutely no sense fighting ghosts.
How can panic attack victims fight back when the science is telling us… once grief throws you in a deep dark depression… and you start having severe panic attacks… we can only “feel your pain”… if you pay us lots of money. Science makes you pay for having to hold your hand… unemotionally listening to the sum of all fears… knowing full well that grief victims have to learn to “Figure out what they are so afraid of themselves” and dig their own way out… by ACCEPTING there is a fear factor to conquer by just waking up in the morning… then finding the courage to go outside and face your fears head on. The best “feel no harm” science can do for you… is help keep your fears buried alive until “victims” dig themselves out of the depression… they dug themselves into.. by conquering their own worst fears… and science somehow believes they are helping by keeping victims comfortably numb with drugs and having isolated conversations in a “safe place”… treating Panic Attack victims like a lost puppy with treat-all treatments that numb the symptoms… not even trying to figure out the root cause… knowing full well… there is no money in the cure. Thank you for your service science!
This is where the ABCs of Happiness comes to the rescue! Not only are we United States Marines who were trained to fight… run towards the gunfire instead of away from it… to venture into the valley of the shadow of death unafraid… we were also trained to the tune of $250K of taxpayers money… to troubleshoot complex problems using the scientific method. Using the scientific method makes us pseudo scientists… which is why we refer to ourselves as Combat Medic’s.. trained to troubleshoot, fix and fight. We find it extremely ironical that we are using the unemotional scientific method… to troubleshoot sensational emotions in search of unscientific solutions… that can’t be proven with FACTS… but can be proven with FEELINGS. Where “feel no harm” science drug dealers… profit off your pain-in-the-brain… Marine Corps troubleshooting Combat Medics leave no man or woman behind… diving into depressions triaging and treating the wounded… without any moral support from “stick to the facts” feel no harm science.”
What jarhead would go to war to help people be free from grief and panic attacks? For free? Great question. The answer would be your favorite pet project… the devil dogs… your United States Marines. Ooh Rah!
Meanwhile, down in the ER… “Do no harm” Doctors (the real deal) are knee deep in Covid-19 trying to save lives and these rock stars do not have time to panic over imaginary threats. The threat they battle… is as real as real can get. They have their hands full fighting a life-threatening threat with COVID-19… that ironically… many people think is imaginary.
This means, at the ABC’s of Happiness, even though the odds are stacked up against us… walking point alone with no reinforcements on search and destroy missions… fighting a war against grief and imaginary panic attacks by not panicking… and kicking griefs ass to prove it can be done… by showing there is nothing to fear but fear itself.
You want proof we got the goods? You got it. We know the ROOT CAUSE of the silent but deadly epidemic of Panic Attacks tearing our country in two... ripping us to shreds.
The ROOT CAUSE of Panic Attacks is… wait for it… don’t panic… no need to attack… no need to fight… no need to run… no need to hide… no need to heavily medicate… no need to talk it out… the answer to the sum of all fears is…Panic Attacks are caused by...
![Fear of Unknown Image ABC's of Happiness](https://abcsofhappiness.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Fear-of-Unknown-Image.jpg)
Thank you. Thank you very much. It was nothing. It is what we were trained to do. We couldn’t have figured out the root cause of this complex problem without you. No wait. That ain’t right. Nobody gave a damn about what we had to say… especially science… so we had no choice but to figure it out for ourselves… and build a fearless freedom fighting website & blog to… extinguish the panic alarm… and calm these FEARS… causing so much heartache and so many tears. No need to clap! Sit. Sit. Stop applauding for a minute. We’re just getting started. This is the opening act. Now that we know the root cause of this uncharacteristic panic attack epidemic is a Fear of the Unknown… we need to get back to work to figure out how to innovate, improve, use every idea not in the books with integrity to attack this problem by finding easy solutions that don’t include panic attacks, drug addiction, talk therapy, or hiding in a fortified bunker instead of coming outside and joining in this fight… and fix this simple problem of overcoming the sum of all fears and stopping contagious panic attacks from igniting.
How in the hell of a panic attack hell… can we figure out a way to make human beings… embrace the unknown… dare we say… have no fear of the unknown… and live a peaceful, happy and fruitful life… without ever having to experience being IMPRISONED by grief or suffering a single panic attack?
Great question. All it takes is taking baby steps into the unknown… until the unknown becomes… your next best friend and the new love of your life… a family of fearless pioneers… just like you who refuse to panic… whom you’ve never met… and you just can’t wait to meet. The mere thought of the unknown gets you excited.. about all the wonderful things you are bound to discover.
If we Fear the Unknown… we need to focus on the KNOWN… so we no longer fear the UNKNOWN. If we know the enemy is grief… and grief can explode into panic attacks… if we know how the enemy is going to ruthlessly attack us… we will no longer fear the enemy… we will let down our defenses and set up our offensives… and never let grief bury us alive in FEAR. We fight the enemy… by escaping and evading the enemy… so we never have to fight our feelings of fear… running full speed ahead into the vast unknown breaking down grief barriers… fully confident and recklessly under control… refusing to be terrorized by the things we have yet to know.
Here is what is KNOWN:
1) First thing you need to KNOW… when not knowing how to deal with your fear of the unknown… let it be known. What is a panic attack? If you know what a panic attack is… then you KNOW how to fight it or at least relax… kick back… and enjoy the ride. Panic attacks and an adrenaline rush are too close for comfort… and both get your heart racing. Sit back and enjoy the activities getting your blood pumping reminding you you’re still alive. The most important thing to KNOW about a panic attack is there is NO REAL THREAT… NO REAL DANGER… NO APPARENT CAUSE… to you personally. Nothing has happened… YET. You simply fell into the Twilight Zone of the vast unknown. Your mind is playing tricks on you. Trick it back by refusing to let fear shut you down.
2) KNOW THE ENEMY. If you know the enemy is GRIEF… if you know how to escape the enemy… you will not panic… you will not have to fight… you do not have to run… or hide. You do not have to bury yourself in a depression… you simply unlock the prison door and escape to a destination UNKNOWN. Check out https://abcsofhappiness.com/grief-triage/ to know the enemy and how to escape… no matter what level of grief attacks you with. If you know the enemy… you at least have a fighting chance when the call to arms is sounded with… “Ladies… prepare to defend yourselves!”… against grief and deadly panic attacks.
Once you feel your reckless freedom fighting spirit kick into overdrive… abandoning grief and fear… once you KNOW you have the faith & confidence to kick griefs ass and make your great escape… check out https://abcsofhappiness.com/happiness-triage/ to find out what to do after you escape from grief’s prison… and leave that SOB in your rearview mirror… and venture into the unknown on an incredible journey chasing your wildest dreams… and helping other people along the way. (This is how we stop the panic attacks from raging out of control)
3) How ironic is it that we placed a safe bet educating a nation with “The more you know” trapping students in the KNOWN… instead of going all-in… training a nation how to pioneer into the UNKNOWN, unafraid, with “The more you do.”
![Pioneer Learning ABC's of Happiness](https://abcsofhappiness.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Pioneer-Learning.jpg)
4) In the event we finally decide to DO something about this epidemic of panic attacks… KNOW that if WE fail… “at least fail daring greatly…so your place will never be…with those cold timid souls… who know neither victory or defeat.”
There is so much more we have to offer… on how to fight our worst fears… we wrote the eBook on Happiness… but now is not the time to continue beating a dead panic attack. We understand you got a threesome going on with Facebook, Instagram & Twitter… so go study how other people are having the time of their lives… happy as hell when the camera is on… while you HIDE OUT scared to death… if you go outside you’ll suffer another panic attack.
Our eBook website https://abcsofhappiness.com will be waiting for you to take a chill pill and it holds the keys to happiness. For now, we simply want you to contemplate why… a nation founded by fearless leaders (rebels) who stood up to an Evil English Empire with a real threat of being shot for TREASON… yet still ventured into the unknown unafraid… dreamed an impossible dream to create a brand-new country out of nothing… a country that never existed before… and were ready to fight to the death for it…
… could someday spawn a nation… having massive panic attacks… experiencing the sum of all fears… with a FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN?
What the heck are we afraid of! Grief is an invisible Boogie Man. It’s time to stop running away from the sum of our fears… stop having panic attacks… come out of hiding… stop medicating… stop talking irrational trash and start kicking griefs ass. It is high time we fought back like our fearless forefathers… and come together as one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all… and join our band of pioneering brothers and sisters to kick griefs…
… and let our bad ass "do no harm" Medical Doctors... kick Covid-19’s ass. We promise. Kicking Griefs ass feels GREAT! And guess what... when you kick griefs ass... you basically kill your fear of having a panic attack! So what are we scared of? This is what we are fighting for... to be fearlessly happy.
Here is the only scientific alternative…
“Doctor… I’m scared to death of the unknown. Can you please help me?
Absolutely… here is the number to our scientific psychic hotline. These fortune tellers are incredible. They told me I was going to get rich beyond my wildest dreams… legally dealing antidepressant drugs and overcharging for visits and talk therapy.. to Panic Attack victims like you… who Fear the Unknown. I’m no longer scared to death of losing my vacation home in Maui and I can finally afford that yacht I’ve always dreamed of! Thank God for science fortune tellers!
Don’t tell anybody…. here are couple of opioids to help you get over the hump… they worked wonders for me. Only take them until you are foretold… the future is guaranteeing you fame & fortune with safe passage.“
We should be terrified of real threats of drug or alcohol addiction… and worst of all a grief life sentence that KILLS all of our beautiful senses leaving us feeling DEAD inside… much much more…than panicking over imaginary threats with No Real Danger… generated by a simple fear of the unknown. It makes no sense… when it comes down to it…we should be fighting for our lives to protect and defend our sensational senses… our incredible feelings of delight that drive us into the unknown.
We promised we’d give you the root cause and we did it. If you learn how to escape grief it will make you happier than you have been in a long, long time. There’s no need to panic. The doors to grief’s prison are unlocked and you hold the key to your panic attacks. Make your great escape and rejoin the land of the living. Word on the street… venturing into the unknown is really cool… it is the favorite thing All Americans love to do.
“We have nothing to fear but fear itself”…
…or so said the President who was elected in 1933 during the worst year of the depression with unemployment peaking at 25.2% with (1 in 4 people unemployed)… and calmed the fears of a nation for 12 years… including leading the world to victory against multiple evil empires… while confined to a wheelchair… not once suffering a panic attack… and died without ever witnessing his victories prevail with his required last call for… unconditional surrender.
“Faith is taking the first step even when you can’t see the staircase”
…or so said the man who was not “fearing any man” as he exposed the content of his character for a peaceful resolution to basic civil rights… the night before he was shot… yet still… made it to the promised land.
And we will leave you with this to ponder as our 20 minutes is almost up… until you are ready to join this fight… if you think your Panic Attacks are bad… try imagining what a terminally ill patient FEELS like when they suffer a Severe Panic Attack that isn’t imaginary… but is real as hell.
Please note how in 1969 dying patients foretold the only escape hatch… the only way out of their panic attack hell… was finding ACCEPTANCE. So next time you have a “Severe Panic Attack“… think about these brave souls… who revealed their deepest darkest fears as a final act of kindness to those of us living… telling us what it is like to experience the 5 Stages of overwhelming feelings of fear they suffered through… staring at death face-to-face terrorized by their Fear of the Unknown… finally ACCEPTING their fate. We all learn to accept our fate… in the end… or we can bury our heads in the sand and hide… hoping we are special… and somehow never experience the ultimate trauma of death/dying grief. All other panic attacks are a walk in the park.
![5 Stages of Death - Dying Grief ABC's of Happiness](https://abcsofhappiness.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/5-Stages-of-Death-Dying-Grief-1.jpg)
So next time a Panic Attack terrorizes your mind... and you start thinking you FEEL LIKE you are dying... go sit at a hospice care center and hold the hand of someone who is really dying and listen to their story instead of focusing on yours. If you are scared to face your mortality face to face... think about those brave terminally ill patients in 1969... who told of their deepest darkest fears... so the living could be foretold of the 5 Stages of Grief... and how in the end... they had nothing to fear. Imagine that. Dying people walked us through the stages of a legitimate Panic Attack... and found their peace of mind in... ACCEPTANCE.
That my friends... is a drug free cure for any Panic Attack.
If you do go to a hospice center... there is a good chance... a dying stranger will love you for life... and do anything they can... to help you figure out a way to get over your grief and panic attacks... so that both of you FEEL alive again.