Declaration of WAR!
Grief & Grief Conscripts (Human Unkind) are the mortal ENEMIES of Humankind's Happiness
Dear Grief Tribal Leaders ,
"I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: if you f**k with me, I’ll kill you all."
Best wishes to you & yours,
Skip Work (All-American Fan of happiness who also wears the always true red-white & blue Mount Suribachi brand of the United States Marine Corps)
Learn to fight grief like a "Mad Dog" General Mattis US Marine!
It’s high time humankind fights back before grief annihilates happiness
Join the ABC’s of Happiness fight against grief TODAY!
This is war!

The one thing we need to remember, will only accept grief’s unconditional surrender
Have you broken free from the shackles of your grief?
Don't worry... we give you the keys... to set yourself free...
escape grief... and find happiness beyond your wildest dreams.

Declaration of PEACE!
Learn how to fight grief conscripts like a Christian Soldier!
If being a”Pacifist" or a “Christian” is your thing... then "man up" & fight grief conscripts like Dr. Martin Luther King
Join the ABC’s of Happiness fight against grief TODAY!
This is war!

“Pacifists” & "Christians" better be willing to get punched in the face with one hand held.. getting arrested.. in front of your wife & bystanders.
Think of it like this. You can fight grief like a United States Marine, declare WAR & annihilate that evil SOB or you can fearlessly stand up to your grief in the name of PEACE.
Dr. Martin Luther King's proclamation "I FEAR NO EVIL" is the exact same reaction to grief as United States Marines!
Both are marching onward as to war. Fearless Happiness freedom fighters spiritually awakened by the ghost of Dr. Martin Luther King’s AWE INSPIRING homeland leadership. MLK is the guiding light in any knock-down-drag-out-fight-to-the-death against grief. MLK is our loving brother-in-arms.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is a heroic "Soul Doctor." He had the heart & soul of Marine Corps Red & Gold.

Love/Hate Relationship with Hate
LOVE the shared HATRED that motivates finding a way out

Humankind - PEACE - Grief Victims are our Friends
HATE the destructive HATRED that makes life a living hell

Human Unkind - WAR - Grief Conscripts are our Foe
Once you understand the difference you're ready for War & Peace
HATE is the emotional ying to LOVE's emotional yang. Both combative & nurturing feelings MOTIVATE Humankind more than any other emotion or sensation. Without these two polar opposite emotions Humankind would never make changes for the betterment of our own kind.
Humankind, as a whole, HATES living in poverty so we work to get out of it. Mankind & Womankind HATES not being able to perform so we train to get better & better. All of our kind HATES being uneducated so we formally educate or school ourselves. Humankind HATES discrimination and an unlevel playing field so we fight for equal rights. As you examine the world through dark hearted glasses of hatred you see the driving factor of HATE that motivates Humankind to fight for a better life. Without HATRED for the current state of affairs we find ourselves trapped in, Humankind would never be motivated to CHANGE the world. Humankind has a LOVE/HATE relationship with HATE.
In 1975, the end of the Vietnam War festered a new kind of hatred that consumed the un-united states of America. The country HATED the military & corrupt political leadership. Imagine the war of words driven by pure hatred by those who refused to go to war calling their military "baby killers." The new age military members fought back by saying "we always use condoms" so in fact you long-haired freaky people are the only ones killing babies with abortions. (That was a play on words to show that the only way to stop hatred dead in its tracks is by making fun of it)
What wasn't funny was a battle of inequality brewing in the Marine Corps that was raging fueled by racial hatred & illegal drugs. With so much hatred towards the military enlistments were at an all time low. People who dropped out of high school in 9th grade were allowed to join. Judges were in the habit of offering plea bargains to go to jail or join the Marine Corps. To say blacks & whites HATED each other was an understatement. There were beatings, stabbing & killings between racially divided men who were trained to fight to the death to defend their so-called honor.
Nothing worked to stop the racial divide. Human resources classes failed miserably. This is when the insane need to HATE someone or something that consumes the brain came to the rescue. The military was opening up the ranks to women and white, black, latino & every other race known to MAN all came together as one to HATE women.
This HATRED of women serving in the military continued for years. Sexual harassment put a tail hook into everyday discrimination suits that ran rampant throughout the military. Woman were the target for MACHO MAN hatred.
This hatred continued until President Bill Clinton enacted, "Don't ask, don't tell" and surprisingly white, black, Latino men & women of every race, creed or color all came together as one to HATE homosexuals.
The shared HATRED of gays serving in military continued until September 11, 2001 when the twin towers came tumbling down. For the first time since World War II, the United States of America came together as one collective being to HATE terrorists.
Based on this historical evolution of directed hatred, our kind can conclude that humankind has a burning desire, if not a basic instinctive need, to collectively hate someone or something. It’s a disturbing human instinct.
Knowing humankind has a basic need to hate, we redirect every ounce of hatred in the world to hating the one enemy we all share, GRIEF. If Humankind does in fact have a basic need to HATE, then the logical answer is to hate GRIEF with a passion since it is the one thing we all share in common. Imagine a world where every living soul wages war against our common enemy.

Humankind shares one dastardly enemy till the end of time, Grief & Grief Conscripts Human Unkind. Humankind must finally come together as one & direct all the hatred in the world to destroy our shared enemy, Grief & its cut-throat conscripts.
Our point is simple. Humankind has an instinctive NEED & DESIRE (if not a love affair) to HATE. This is why the ABC's of Happiness is so driven to drive hate into one massive ball of fire to bring Humankind together to fight & destroy the evil forces of grief that manifests all unkind HATRED. Humankind needs to be igniting & redirecting all the HATRED fuel in the world towards destroying evil spirits so we can finally come together and wage war against grief & grief's conscripts Human Unkind to "Make Humankind Happy Again".
United we stand. Divided we fall. We stand for truth, liberty & justice for all. We can take the first step for human's & a giant leap for Humankind by winning this war by mustering all our HATRED for grief and using it as fuel to defeat that SOB once & for all.
We can all learn to HATE grief together as one Humankind in the name of War & Peace.