Emotionally Sad Bootcamp #1

Grief Panic Attacks with Detailed Roadmaps, Emotional Soundtracks & Proven Escape Hatches 

"Hello darkness, my old friend, I’ve come to talk to you again…” ~ Simon & Garfunkel

Six Levels of Grief Panic Attacks killing, capturing & imprisoning Humankind's Happiness

(Triage, Diagnose & Treat using a Music Playlist)

A series of six different pictures with the words " self sneak attacks and six prisoner cases ".

In the simplest of terms, Grief is defined as the absence of Happiness.

A black and white picture of a person with a grief card.

"I'm paralyzed. Where are my feelings? I no longer feel things, I know I should. Where is the real me? I'm lost & it kills me." ~ NF

Coming face-to-face with your Deepest Darkest Fears

The enemy of Humankind is Grief... and Human Unkind (grief prisoners of war who are unkind to humankind)

A red and black graphic with three different faces

The Art of War ― Sun Tzu

"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.

If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.

If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."

LEVEL 6 - 5 Stages of DLIM Grief


for those diagnosed & triaged with an Intense GRAVE Condition

Dr. Kubler-Ross discovered the 5 Stages of DYING Grief in 1969. It was found to also be applicable to the living and referred to as the 5 Stages of Grief. In 2020 I expanded her work to DLIM (Death, Loss, Injury, Misfortune) Grief in 2020 to reflect the most common level of Grief shared by humankind.

SEE... DLIM Grief Attacks out-of-the-blue in one of four different waves of kamikaze sneak attacks against our "Happy State of Mind” that sends us crashing out-of-control into a deep dark isolated prisoner of war camp

A poster with the words " out of control pain of mind leading to loss."

”This is the end, beautiful friend. This is the end, my only friend, the end…” ~ The Doors

READ... into the pain of mind of DLIM Grief that comes with each unique out-of-control CRASH into a deep dark depression

In the post-pandemic era, the 5 Stages of DLIM Grief is a smorgasbord of personal loss that is triggered by a Death, Loss, Injury or Misfortune. The first panic attack is triggered by the DEATH of someone or something you loved to death. The second panic attack is triggered by the pain & suffering a devastating LOSS. We lose friends, lovers, jobs, and other relationship chances of a lifetime. Then there is the third panic attack. It is triggered by a physical INJURY. There are too many types of painful bodily injuries to count including the physical injuries that destroy & end a career, a passion or a way of life. The pain of bodily injury will mess with your mind trying to figure out where to go next. And last but not least, the fourth panic attack is triggered by financial luck running out when we roll snake eyes. These are the unlucky ones who suffer a bankrupt financial MISFORTUNE. All four triggers fire off a similar level of grief and  all four attacks share the common stages of pain & suffering. It's important to highlight the similarities so that someone who suffers a death of a loved one can related to someone who suffers a devastating loss, personal injury or bankrupt misfortune. We are trying to show how we are all connected and when we share our grief, with empathy & compassion, we will never feel alone.

Feel no harm” Science (pseudo science of “first do no harm” real science) is right that feelings are not an exact science. This is why an unemotion science disregarded Dr. Kubler-Ross's 1969 discovery of the 5 Stages of Grief. But “feel no harm” science is wrong when it refuses to include emotions, feelings & our senses in their scientific equations. They are blinded by the facts. “Feel no harm” Science cannot help us with emotions, feelings or our sensational senses. It is unemotional and is objectively restricted from having any feelings.

This is why we sound tracked the 5 stages of Grief with musical lyrics by real empathy “do no harm” scientific professionals. They are the songwriters who capture an emotion or a feeling like a genie in a bottle. We did this especially for “Feel no harm” unemotional Science so these scientific robots can all see it, read it, hear it and feel it for themselves. This way, even science can be prepared when we get ambushed by grief and not immediately prescribe medication to relieve the pain of mind.

Stage 1 - SHOCK & DENIAL will be shocking when the out-of-control crash sends you spinning out-of-control. Denial is the brainwaves that try to convince you that there is no way this could be happening to you. Victims are stunned like a deer in headlights; refusing to believe this out-of-control trauma is as real as real can get.

Stage 2 - ANGER is a chain reaction of wanting to lash out at someone or something and fight back to make the hurt go away. This is made more frustrating because grief is an invisible foe, and fight it all you want, you are never going to get back the love you lost. This is the stage of grief that triggers the "hurt people hurt people" phenomena when the anger & rage runs out of control.

Stage 3 - DEPRESSION & DETACTMENT is the deep dark foxhole we dig ourselves into. It is a self-imposed prison with no cells, no walls, no locks, no guards, no fences and no light at the end of the tunnel. It is a senseless effort to fight grief's constant bombardment of pain. The problem with depression & detachment is it can destroy any and all motivation to do anything and blind its victims from the reality of their tragic situation. This sets the baseline of a depressing well known fact, that we can't help people who refuse to participate in their own rescue.

Stage 4 - DIALOGUE & BARGAINING is a tangled emotion of trying to talk your way out of grief, refusing to come to grips with something that is completely out of your control. Some are willing to make a deal with the devil, to try & bring a lost love back to life in order to make the pain go away. The biggest highlight of bargaining is trying to speak of unspeakable, unimaginable feelings of a tragic loss.

Stage 5 - ACCEPTANCE is the escape hatch that even unemotional science cannot deny. It is no mystery that those we love will die. It is no mystery that we will lose people & things we love to death. It is no mystery that injuries happen & misfortune occurs when we run out of luck. Acceptance is nothing more than accepting the facts of life and learning how to live & love again without regret, until death do us part.

Click on the graphic link below to READ more into it...

Read into the words of the songwriter & Empathize

HEAR... the sounds of what DLIM Grief feels like from the emotional experts and Doctorates of Empathy Story Telling - Songwriters & Musical Artists

Click on the graphic link below and LISTEN to the tragic emotions of an out-of-control crash into DLIM Grief

Click & listen to the heartbreaking soundtrack of DLIM Grief

FEEL... DLIM Grief break your heart then acknowledge, embrace & always remember how you share this same pain of mind with the rest of Mankind

Forget about the various levels of intensity we all suffer for a moment. The death of a child verses the death of a parent has a different intensity of grief yet both are similar in feelings of heartbreak. The loss of a friend verses the loss of a soulmate has an different intensity yet it too is similar in feelings of intense pain. The physical injury of breaking a bone verses suffering a career ending  injury is different in intensity yet similar as a setback. The misfortune of losing a job verses the misfortune of losing a fortune is different yet both share similar bankrupt feelings.

No matter the level of DLIM Grief intensity, this my fellow human beings, is what all of humankind goes through when WE as a species experience the grave condition of DLIM Grief.

We share loss. We share pain of mind. We share heartache & heartbreak. We feel broken.

This is how we SHARE & FEEL empathy for & with each other. We all have or will experience DLIM.

SENSE... the sensational sense of EMPATHY. You can now sense the devastating impact of losing someone or something you love to death. You can connect with other victims and help them escape their grief. You can show them the way out of DLIM Grief.

Footnote for Acceptance Escape Hatch: When we illustrate the difficult 5 Stages of DLIM Grief journey of Level 6 for those with more life to live and compare it to the final roadmap for the Level 11 5 Stages of Dying Grief given to us by the terminally ill in 1969 courtesy of Dr. Kubler-Ross we see the final stage is ACCEPTANCE for both. It shows that "accepting our fate" is the final act that allows us to escape multiple devastating levels of grief.

Our contention is the exact opposite. We believe that a lifetime of happiness can be achieved when ACCEPTANCE occur before the fact.

If we ACCEPT OUR FATE today, right now, this minute. If we accept that people we love the most will die, people we love & cherish will vanish from our life, we will suffer painful physical injuries, we will experience misfortune by losing money & possessions, and in the end, no matter what we do, we accept the fact that someday we will die. These are the facts of life. They may be heartbreaking but they are indisputable.

So instead of dwelling on the trauma of the 5 Stages of Grief that all of us WILL experience at least once in a lifetime we can all choose to celebrate life by embracing ACCEPTANCE before the fact. Knowing a grief ambush is somewhere in our future we can learn to love the people & things that bring us joy like there is no tomorrow, accepting that all the love, passion, joy & fortune we capture in life has a limited shelf life. If we live everyday like it might be our last, when grief throws us off a cliff into a dark depression we can skip the first four stages of grief and take the leap directly to acceptance, with no regrets, take comfort in our Mourning Memories and start chasing our next impossible dream.

This same happiness potion applies to all levels of grief.  If we live our life like there is no tomorrow, then acceptance, forgiveness, reckoning, repentance, compassion & a final curtain call of acceptance all become a daily dose of grief prevention and we find ourselves making the most out of your life, refusing to get trapped in Grief's prison. This is why one of the secrets to happiness is knowing how to escape grief's prison.

The healing powers of ACCEPTANCE extends beyond the realm of the six levels of grief. If we can look at ourselves everyday & are proud of who we are becoming and ACCEPT where we're from, what we've been through, how we look, what we know & can do, what we believe, what makes us look good,  what makes us look bad and how we can save ourselves a lifetime of envy & hurt, feeling good about ourselves, knowing who we are & where we're going.

LEVEL 7 - 6 Stages of Blindside Grief

for those diagnosed & triaged with a very intense FLATLINED Condition

A Judas kiss of betrayal is a whole new level of humankind grief

SEE... the very intense pain of mind experienced by BLINDSIDE Grief when someone you love & trust... stabs you in the back

A diagram of the stages of blindside grief

(They're smilin' in your face) All the time they wanna take your place, the back stabbers” ~ O'Jays

READ... what it feels like when someone or something you love & trust gives you a Judas Kiss

Blindside Grief Level 7 is a very intense pain of mind. It is a Judas Kiss, given to you by someone or something you loved & trusted unconditionally. Everlasting love is here today... then in the blink of an eye... it is gone forever. What makes this grief experience so traumatic is, unlike out-of-control DLIM grief, Blindside grief is carried out by Human Unkind. We all must learn to ACCEPT the 5 Stages of DLIM Grief over time, but Blindside grief is simply unacceptable. The cruelty of man & woman should never be an acceptable condition. This is why Blindside Grief is a stand alone encounter, especially since it has a unique escape hatch.

Stage 1 - STUNNED PREMONITION takes the shock of Grief to a whole new level. It's true, there are those who say the first stage of Blindside Grief is just as shocking as DLIM Grief, but the pain is intensified by betrayal. Stunned Premonition is shocking (just like all levels of grief) and came to fruition after so many victims described a "gut feeling" that they were going to be betrayed before the death blow was delivered. They could feel it coming in the air tonight. This is an important reminder to all of humankind, trust your gut feelings and get out before you have to suffer through the next 5 stages. This is easier said than done. The happiness of humankind prescribes sensational love & unconditional love which means you must have proof of betrayal, no matter how painful it might be.

Stage 2 - IMAGINED REVENGE takes the anger of DLIM Grief to a whole new level. There is someone to blame for the very intense pain. We settled on "Imagined Revenge" because of the stories victims told of their imagination running wild. They visualized their ex-lover in the arms of someone else and it drove them crazy. Their imagination drove them to want to HURT those who betrayed them to the point of obsession. Feelings of REVENGE is the ultimate "hurt people hurt people." Luckily, most of humankind makes it through the Imagined Revenge stage, suffering in silence, never actually doing any real harm..

Stage 3 - RAGE is used to describe next level of Blindside grief anger. Raging FURY was considered and discounted as too dramatic. Think of "rage against the machine" as the lashing out angrily and anyone or anything instead of physically harming a human being.

Stage 4 - MELANCHOLY is a severe form of depression and it is now termed melancholic depression. It generates a very intense sadness and feeling of hopelessness. Melancholic depression makes people lose interest in almost all activities. The affects are brought about as the victims wonder how they will ever trust another human being again. We refer to this as the "trust no one ever again" stage... which can be translated to any overwhelming feeling of... I will never love someone or something ever again.

Stage 5 - RUDDERLESS is the epitome of hopelessness. It encompasses a lose of direction and motivation. It truly makes it victims feel "a thousand miles from nowhere."

Stage 6 - FORGIVENESS opens up the escape hatch for a renewed ability to love & trust again. This is why we refer to all of grief victims as prisoners of war. It doesn't matter if the prison is real or imagined. Anger, rage, fury, revenge, bitterness & hatred are the walls that surround Blindside grief's prison. This is why grief escape hatches are the secret to happiness. If we can escape grief's prison, without bitterness & hatred, we have a fighting chance to find trust, love & happiness... all over again.

Click on the graphic link below to READ more into it...

Read into the words of the songwriter & Empathize

HEAR... the sounds of betrayal penetrate your heart. Experience what BLINDSIDE Grief feels like after getting stabbed in the back by someone you trusted & love

Click on the graphic link below and LISTEN to the tragic emotions of an out-of-control crash into Blindside Grief

Click & listen to the heartbreaking soundtrack of Blindside Grief

FEEL... what the pain of mind emotions of BLINDSIDE Grief feels like long after the betrayal

We hope you never have to experience the betrayal of Human Unkind where someone or something you trusted with all your heart stabs you in the back.

However, if you do, we are here to show you that as difficult & intense as this blindside feels, you will discover in time, that you lost a love that was not worth trusting.

You will be able to forgive others, including yourself, once you realize the beauty you get to experience when you trust something or someone with all your heart, unconditionally.

In the end, we either find forgiveness to rejoin the ranks of Humankind or we refuse to forgive and stay trapped in the rank ranks of Human Unkind.

SENSE... the sensational sense of EMPATHY. You now have a sense for the traumatic impact of betrayal. You can connect with others who have been betrayed and help them escape their grief. You can show them the way out of Blindside Grief.

Footnote for Forgiveness Escape Hatch: Forgiveness is the price we must pay, in the days, weeks, months, years, decades that follow, after we've been betrayed. Think of forgiveness as an escape hatch, a release valve for revenge & rage that is the key antidote injection of this very intense grief infection that makes Blindside Grief so difficult to escape. Grief wants us to be consumed by resentment, bitterness, anger & hatred to destroy any resemblance of happiness so Grief can keep us locked up in prison till our dying day. The ABC's of Happiness blindside grief escape hatch hypothesis came to fruition, after discovering the following statement of the meaning of forgiveness & how it can be used to escape grief's prison.

Nelson Mandela, after being imprisoned for 27 years by his white captors, offered Humankind this inspirational summarization of the true power of forgiveness:

“As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn't leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I'd still be in prison.”

The same freedom philosophy applies to all levels of grief. If we cannot leave our resentment, bitterness, anger & hatred behind we will never escape Grief's Prison. Forgiveness is the antidote to grief's bitterness & hatred infection.

However, understanding that forgiveness is the magic key for Blindside Grief victims to escape Grief's Prison. As soldiers in Humankind's emotional army in this war against grief we would be remiss if we did not address the unacceptable behavior of the Blindside Grief preparator, the back stabber, the prep or traitor to Humankind. It's true, Blindside Grief victims must find forgiveness for (themselves) and those who betrayed them to rekindle their feelings of love & trust to leave their bitterness & hatred behind, but that doesn't mean these back stabbing rat bastards should not be held accountable. Now before grief's thirst for blood consumes us with an "off with their head" condemnation, consider this. In this war against grief we are also fighting against grief allies we refer to as Human Unkind. We can only imagine that being in the rank, ranks of Human Unkind must be a living hell in itself. Human Unkind's grief has totally consumed their humanity.

Human Unkind are the men & women who are infected with grief and rotten to the core. The actions we are addressing is that Human Unkind simply needs to be identified and expelled from the ranks of Humankind. Humankind simply needs to acknowledge that grief is the enemy and the enemy has grief infected allies identified as Human Unkind. These are the emotional traitors to Humankind. As we walk the path of life we accept the fact that Human Unkind exists and should be avoided at all costs.

Human Unkind's ultimate punishment will be addressed again in Level 9 - the 5 Stages of Accidental Grief. This is the traumatic level of grief where Humankind accidentally harms another human being. It is an excruciating & unbearable level of grief experienced by Humankind. This is where Human Unkind will be held accountable, receive their just reward, by having to live with the fact that they harmed another human being, not by accident, but intentionally. We cannot imagine the level of pain & suffering these cold-blooded individuals must feel if they stay consumed by their own grief and continually hatred for their fellow Humankind. Once they realize they are rotten traitors, outcasts who must learn to only fend for themselves all alone. We can only imagine that being cast out of Humankind would be a fate worse than death for anyone who has an ounce of human feelings left.

LEVEL 8 - 7 Deadly Sins of Split Personality Grief

for those diagnosed & triaged with an utterly horrible ICU Condition

Slow & painful death of the human spirit, by a thousand paper cuts of "it's all your fault" perpetuated by a liar, cheater & dirty rotten, scoundrel.

SEE... the utterly horrible pain of mind games experienced by SPLIT PERSONALITY Grief victims. Hostages who suffer gaslighting mental & or physical abuse

A poster with the words " out of control pain of mind " and " split personality grief ".

"Blame it on your lying, cheating, cold dead-beating, two-timing, double dealing, mean mistreating, loving heart." ~ Patty Loveless

READ... into the pain of mind of SPLIT PERSONALITY Grief that comes with a "Killing me softly" song of "I can only love myself" emotional con artist

Grief Level 8 is an off-the-charts utterly horrible mess-with-your-mind game by a Human Unkind who proclaims their love... in a careful thought out plan to control your every move. Split Personality Grief is carried out by a charming con artist, a Diabolical Dr. Jekyll & Mr./Mrs. Hyde Grief., who has you saying..."They love me... they love me not...

Stage 1 - KILLING ME SOFTLY is the precursor of the split personality. This Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Mrs. Hyde pours a lavish praise potion all over their victims to the point the victims begin to believe, they are truly the one & only person for the split personality. This is the stage where the split personality knowing captures their prey, whole heartedly.

Stage 2 - BANKRUPT SELF-WORTH comes to fruition when its victims begin to realize they are nothing more than a prized possession. Similar to Blindside Grief, it is a premonition of cheating, that is covered up in a tsunami of lies. Imagine how skillful a split personality has to be to lie & cheat and convince their victims they are going crazy, imagining they worst of someone who is so obviously the best thing that ever happened to the victim. This is the beginning of the "they love me, they love me not" phase of the confidence game.

Stage 3 - GASLIGHTING SICKNESS is the stage where everything that goes on in this dysfunctional relationship is the fault of the victim. The gaslighting sickness leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one's emotional or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator. If the victim would simply give total control to all the needs & wants of the split personality they would move back to the Killing Me Softly phase.

Stage 4 - STOCKHOLM SYNDROME is the stage where victims are literally held captive in a tangled web of lies & deceit and protect & defend their captor as if their life depended on it.

Stage 5 - ADVICE REJECTION is the stage where everyone else can see the lying, cheating, cold dead beating, two-timing, double dealing, mean mistreating, loving heart" but the victims are blinded by their overwhelming capacity for acceptance & forgiveness.

Stage 6 - WAKE UP CALL (ICU) is the breakthrough moment where split personality grief is finally exposed. It is amazing how a single trigger can somehow shock the victim back to reality and finally see the ugly side of the split personality.

Stage 7 - RECKONING (to determine your own self-worth) is the escape hatch where the victim is finally free to take measurement of their lost self worth. Think of a butterfly who finally flies away from their cocoon.

Know what you are up against. “A narcissist, by definition, is someone with a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and has a complete lack of empathy,”

Click on the graphic link below to READ more into it...

Read into the words of the songwriter & Empathize

HEAR... listen to what SPLIT PERSONALITY "They love me, they love me not" mental &/or physical abuse sounds like

Click on the graphic link below and LISTEN to the tragic emotions of an out-of-control crash into 7 Deadly Sins of Split Personality Grief

Click & listen to the heartbreaking soundtrack of Split Personality Grief

FEEL... the I'm-losing-my-mind" trauma trapped in the spider web of lies of SPLIT PERSONALITY Grief

Mind games. You have to spend time in a promised land of make believe, where lying & cheating is a way of life, and everything you’re told is a lie, to even begin to understand just how utterly horrible it feels to be in a relationship with a charming split personality.

Blindside Grief followed by Split Personality Grief are both living proof that Human Unkind exists. Both split personalities are rotten to the core.

SENSE... the sensational sense of EMPATHY. You now have a sense for the deceitful impact of an emotional con artist. You can connect with others who have been bamboozled and help them escape their grief. You can show them the way out of Split Personality Grief.

Footnote for the Reckoning Escape Hatch: To be clear, holding a reckoning to escape the 7 Deadly Sins of Split Personality Grief is not to be confused with an act of retribution or punishment for a harmful acts of a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. or Mrs. Hyde. A split personality is the commanding officer in the ranks of Human Unkind, a two-faced snake. Here at the ABC's of Happiness Humankind is set free to escapes a two-faced split personality by taking the action or process of calculating or estimating one's own self-worth.

Split personalities are masters of manipulation. Con artists who only love & look out for themselves. They are the worst of the worst of Human Unkind. Unkind Officer's promoted into the highest ranks of Grief's Army. They act kind one day and the next day unkindness oozes out of them like a festering infection. Their manipulative gift is filled with over-the-top praise one day followed up by brutal acts of betrayal. This confidence game is immediately followed by asking for forgiveness for tearing your heart apart. The endless lies coming out of a split personality has kind individuals questioning their own reality. Split Personalities distort their victims reality to the point victim's feel worthless & confused by the tangled web of deceit somehow believing they are the source of any problems in the relationship. One day, the kind mask is ripped off so split personality grief victims can see the ugly truth. When this days finally comes the great escape occurs when the victim takes a measurement of their own self-worth with a reckoning, looks inside to remember true loving self to see, their only crime was loop-sided loyalty and loving someone unconditionally.

We would be remise if we did not point out that split personality grief is not limited to a love/hate relationship between two people. Split Personality Grief is currently being overly exposed in the work force. For profit companies are sticklers for LOYALTY to the company. Perhaps the greatest con job ever told is the organization that promotes, "We're a team"... "We're family." The only problem with this team & family sales pitch, split personality managers think loyalty is a one way street employees must adhere too while the companies loyalty only lasts as long as profits are up. Praise, bonuses & promotion one week, are followed by criticism, layoffs & firings the next. We praise those dysfunctional "family" workers who refuse to tolerate split personality behavior in the workforce by holding a reckoning of their own self-worth & quitting these split personality human unkind companies in droves. Humankind should be on a constant search of organizations that promote the kind of loyalty that makes the United States Marine Corps so great. It is a "you go-I go" mentality no matter what the cost.

LEVEL 9 - 5 Stages of Accidental Grief

for those diagnosed & triaged with an excruciating unbearable SERIOUS Condition

SEE... the excruciating unbearable pain of mind experienced by ACCIDENTAL Grief victims. They are the evil one even when it is an accident.

A poster of the stages of an accident with grief.

"Mama, just killed a man..." ~ Queen

READ... into the excruciating unbearable pain of mind of ACCIDENTAL Grief that occurs when you accidentally harm another human being......drowning in mental anguish even though it is NOT YOUR FAULT!

Grief Level 9 is an excruciating unbearable mind game where you accidentally hurt a fellow human being. Humankind is fully aware of the evil in the world. Humannkind holds each other together with love & support. So what happens, when Humankind accidentally harms another human being? They become the evil one that they so often fear. Accidental Grief is suffering the most unbearable consequences for your involuntary, unintended, accidental actions. You are responsible. You are the evil one. There is no getting around it. You suffer crushing sorrow & remorse.


Stage 2 - POIGNANT GRIEF is one of the worst levels of grief that could ever be inflected on Mankind. It is a level of grief riddled with guilt. Mama, just killed a man...

Stage 3 - I'M SO SO SORRY BREAKDOWN is a whole new level of depression. It is of the level that can cause serious brain damage. The level of is riddled with shame and overwhelming blame.

Stage 4 - MAKE AMENDS is the stage where accidental victims muster up the courage to face the family & friends of the person or thing they harmed. It is the moment the pain is so unbearable, victims have no choice but to throw themselves at the mercy of the court. However, even with or without forgiveness, victims will sooner or later face the supreme court in the search for mercy.

Stage 5 - REPENTANCE is, of all the excruciating levels of grief, the primary "Come to Jesus" moment in life. There is nobody but the highest power on earth can forgive you to the point you can find forgiveness in yourself. You can find the strength of courage to ask the victim or victims for forgiveness... but that will only get you so far. This level of grief is a life sentence of pain of mind with no chance of parole. You must appeal to the highest court in the land if you hope to find the forgiveness you seek. That forgiveness is found through REPENTENCE. Feel free to fight this accidental level of grief with all the medications, drugs, alcohol and therapy you can afford searching for someone to forgive you for your mistake. Your gonna have to trust us on this one. REPENTENCE is the best, and only chance, to get out Accidental Grief. Tell everybody the secret of your Poignant Grief (own it like you did not mean it) and start helping other victims find their forgiveness too. Just have a little faith. If you know of a better escape hatch please let us know. This one is tricky because what you will figure out sooner or later, you will never be able to escape from yourself, who you are, and what you did. You need to find faith. It is the best, and often only chance, to set yourself free.

Click on the graphic link below to READ more into it...

Read into the words of the songwriter & Empathize

HEAR... listen to the sounds of what ACCIDENTAL grief feels like... when the music stops for someone else... and it was all because of you

Click on the graphic link below and LISTEN to the tragic emotions of an out-of-control crash into Accidental Grief

Click & listen to the heartbreaking soundtrack of Accidental Grief

FEEL... the sheer heavy load of ACCIDENTAL Grief that buries your heart & soul under a mountain of guilt & regret

Dealing with personal loss brought on by grief is one thing...

We all come to know personal grief. But we must recognize the unlucky few who suffer through the mental anguish of ACCIDENTAL grief.

Imagine harming another human being by sheer accident. To say it is excruciatingly unbearable does not begin to express the feelings felt by those who unintentionally cause harm to others.

Accidental Grief is a lonely dark hole and one of the most difficult grief attacks to overcome. We go so far to say... the only stay of execution can come from a higher power.

The only appeal can come from feeling the forgiveness from the highest court in the land.

SENSE... the sensational sense of EMPATHY. You now have a sense for the unforgiveable act of harming another human being by accident. You can connect with others who have accidently harm another human beings and help them escape their grief. You can show them the way out of Accidental Grief.

Footnote for the Repentance Escape Hatch: Full disclosure, the creator of the ABC's of Happiness is a Christian, a Christian Soldiers to be exact. He adheres to the belief that there are "no atheists in a foxhole" (and no scientists either). This is why we know for a fact that perhaps the one & only escape from accidental grief is repentance. Who on earth can forgive someone who harmed another human being? Please note, we are not SELLING religion here. We are not SELLING happiness either for that matter. We are simply sharing the power of faith and giving everything we've got away for free. We are doing this for Humankind. We are doing this to practice what we preach. The key to happiness is helping other people.

With that said, stage 4 of accidental grief is making amends by throwing yourself at the mercy of the victims family & friends begging for forgiveness. This selfless act will indeed provide comfort, not only for the victim, but for the family & friends who are suffering. But this forgiveness will only get accidental grief victims so far. We are talking about an excruciating unbearable pain of mind. This is why those who cause accidental grief, must throw themselves at the mercy of the highest court in the universe & beg for forgiveness from God. No human being can provide the cleansing of forgiveness required to wash away this level of grief. Where accidental grief victims too often get lost forever in drugs & alcohol or consider commenting suicide we present a proven remedy of faith. We have yet to find a member of Mankind, who found a cleansing anywhere else, and escaped accidental grief by simply saying they were sorry.

Human Unkind on the other hand, takes accidental/intentional grief of harming other human beings, as a price for dealing with their pain of mind.

LEVEL 10 - 5 Stages of Pure Evil Grief

for those diagnosed & triaged with an unimaginable unspeakable CRITICAL Condition

The worst of Man Unkind, is the epitome of pure evil. Their only joy is to put people through a living hell.

SEE... the unimaginable pain of mind experienced by PURE EVIL victims... brought about by unspeakable acts of cruelty, torture & humiliation

A poster of the stages of pain and grief.

"When did I become so cold? When did I become ashamed? Where's the person that I know? They must have left, they must have left with all my faith." ~ NF

READ... the unimaginable unspeakable pain of mind experienced by PURELY EVIL Spirits who take pleasure in the pain of others

Grief Level 10 is unimaginable unspeakable mind game brought on by a close encounter with Pure Evil. Imagine that. Imagine witnessing or being a victim to a level of pure evil so far beyond the scope of human imagination that it renders it victims frozen with fear, unable to speak about it, much less try to comprehend what just happened. When you think of unimaginable unspeakable PURE EVIL grief, think instant PTSD. A system overload of pain of mind impossible to imagine. This is why so many military & first responders don't even try to explain the Pure Evil they witnessed firsthand, especailly when it is unspeakable & impossible to imagine. It goes beyond all human reasoning.

Stage 1 - FROZEN WITH FEAR is the ultimate shock treatment. One that is unimaginable and unspeakable. Victims are trapped in the sounds of silence.

Stage 2 - TRAUMATIZED barely comes close to describing the paralyzing effects generated by pure evil. All emotions shutdown for fear of self-destruction. Victims struggle with the unemotional feelings of being dead inside.

Stage 3 - UNIMAGINABLE/UNSPEAKABLE transports victims to the loneliest, darkest, deepest, depressing prison cells imaginable. The suffer an experience that is so horrific, other people could never imagine it, other people would refuse to even speak of it. No imagination or words could even describe how painful being attacked by pure evil feels like.

Stage 4 - NOBODY UNDERSTANDS is the silence of it is impossible for anyone else to understand, like Lady Gaga says, "till it happens to you."  This is why it is critical that pure evil victims seek out other pure evil victims and show sympathy & feel empathy for each other. Helping other people jumpstarts positive feelings. In the case of pure evil victims, compassion can jump start long, lost feelings.

Stage 5 - COMPASSION and showing empathy for other victims is the saving grace to overcome evil spirits. Broken people fix broken people. As strange as it may sound, pure evil victims can be brought back to life by helping other people. No one can help pure evil victims, more than the victims of pure evil who are willing to help others, in order to help themselves restart their emotions.

Click on the graphic link below and LISTEN to the tragic emotions of an out-of-control crash into Pure Evil Grief

Read into the words of the songwriter & Empathize

HEAR... listen to the sounds of a PURE EVIL encounter... a nightmare straight out of a horror movie... where the unimaginable trauma is real

Click on the graphic link below and LISTEN to the unspeakable & unimaginable emotions of an out-of-control crash into Pure Evil Grief

Click & listen to the heartbreaking soundtrack of Pure Evil Grief

FEEL... the unimaginable trauma that leaves it's victims speechless, unable to find the words to describe a trauma so unimaginable

When we say the shock & awful feelings of Pure Evil grief is unimaginable you get a tiny feel for what it is like for those who are lucky never to have experienced it.

Now try to imagine a traumatic event that is so unimaginable that the victims cannot put the horror into words.

This grief is brought on by unimaginable unspeakable acts too often generated by Man Unkind.

We hope you never experience Pure Evil Grief, but if you do, knowing that showing compassion to other victims who are just like you is the saving grace.

SENSE... the sensational sense of EMPATHY. You now have a sense a pure evil encounter. You can connect with others who you know have suffered the unimaginable and there are no words of comfort to something so unspeakable. These PTSD victims need to be shown that helping others will help them escape their grief. Compassion is the only cure. to reignite feel-good emotions & feelings. You can show show them compassion and let them show compassion to others of Pure Evil Grief.

Footnote for the Compassion Escape Hatch: The 5 Stages of Pure Evil Grief was by far the most difficult escape hatch to uncover. We are talking about trying to talk to victims of unimaginable unspeakable acts of cruelty & horror. Too make it harder, most victims cannot speak or find the words to describe something so unimaginable, much less find their own way out of the deepest darkness hole imaginable, drowning in ocean of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Pure Evil Grief survivors who reignite their human emotions make it back to the land of the living, do so by being kind to others especially other pure evil victims like themselves. This allows them to  rejoin the ranks of Humankind by showing empathy & compassion for others who suffered similar experiences. We're talking about the most courageous example of Humankind. Those who bring their emotions back to life with acceptance, forgiveness, empathy & compassion by holding self-reckoning & dedicating their life to helping others.

The cold-blooded nature of pure evil Human Unkind is a testament to the destructive power of being trapped in grief's prison and joining grief's army as a devoted grief conscript. These hurt people hurt people, intentionally, not accidentally, without a second thought. They have shutdown all their happy feelings & emotions and inflecting pain is their only friend. Their philosophy comes from thinking being unemotional & cruel is the only way to survive in grief's prison, never thinking they can escape anytime they want. They basically turn their backs on happiness & find pleasure in hurting others. The only escape from this unnatural level of grief for this unkind version of Human Unkind is death. This is why the United States Marine Corps was created at Tun Tavern in 1776...

...to help Pure Evil Human Unkind escape their grief and finally put their hurtful feelings six feet underground.

LEVEL 11 -5 Stages of Dying Grief

for those diagnosed & triaged with the shocking reality of being diagnosed with a TERMINAL Condition

Grief Level 11 is the final curtain call. It is a death sentence that is handed out without any chance of a pardon.

We believe the 5 Stages of Dying Grief speak for themselves.

SEE... the TERMINAL pain of mind experienced by DYING Grief by those given a death sentence without any chance of parole

A poster with the stages of dying grief.

There are no words, no lyric's, that can describe this emotional crash of this final curtain call. There is only the orchestra of the sounds of being untreated & totally defeated.

READ... the TERMINAL pain of mind experienced when it's victims take their final journey

There are no words or lryics to describe living with a death sentence hanging over your head.

HEAR...how we can only imagine what final soundtrack sounds like, since no words can describe the hopeless finality of it all

There is such a thing as "Empathy Imagination". Close your eyes & imagine your doctor just told you, you have one week to live. This soundtrack was selected in an attempt for Mankind to hear... the unspeakable sound of dying. 

Click on the graphic link below and LISTEN to the orchestra of emotions upon hearing your life will soon be coming to an end

Click & listen to the heartbreaking soundtrack of Dying Grief

FEEL... the near death experience shared by those with the courage to give Humankind the greatest gift of all. The sensational sense of Empathy.

Footnote for the final act of Acceptance Escape Hatch: It's one thing to find acceptance when a loved one dies, when we suffer a devastating loss, injury or misfortune when we still have a lot of life to live. It's another thing to find acceptance when we are dying staring at a due date for taking our last breath. What is so impressive about Dr. Kubler-Ross's compassionate work in 1969 is, not only did she uncover an emotional breakthrough for all of Humankind, she did it by treating dying patients with respect & dignity. The fact that science considered her work unscientific, sheds light on the sad state of affairs occurring in unemotional "feel no harm" Science. This how we can prove science is not it the business of understanding emotions or feelings.  If anything, science is in the business of trying to replace faith with facts, studying how to shut down feelings instead of celebrating the good, bad, the ugly sides of emotions. Dr. Kubler-Ross motivated us to step in and take on human emotions, we all share, in search of the ABC's of Happiness and drug free ways to defeat Grief for all of Humankind.

The happiest people on earth are grief escape artists who refuse to let sadness & depression dictate the terms & conditions of their happiness surrender. They know grief is the mortal enemy of happy emotions and are willing to fight to the death to defend their happiness. Happiness freedom fighters never surrender to grief. When we say never this includes ever. Those who do not know how to escape grief's prison are condemned to a life sentence of emotional pain & darkness in a self-imposed jail cell with no locks, no walls, no guards, no fences & no light at the end of the tunnel.

The secret to sensational happiness is knowing how to escape grief’s prison using the proven escape hatches of acceptance, forgiveness, reckoning, repentance, compassion & final acceptance in order to reignite a new brand of happiness. The ABC's of Happiness will cover Grief Panic Attacks in painful detail in Emotionally Sad Bootcamp #2. The only reason we give grief a second thought is because it is a happiness killer. For now, the only thing we care about when it comes to grief is knowing how to escape grief's prison. The Grief Escape Hatch chart is a happiness treasure map. It serves as a constant reminder that escaping grief's prison breaks us out of the darkness back into the bright lights of sensational happiness.

A table with different types of grief hatches.

Grief is a fact of life. Refusing to surrender to grief is a fact of happiness.

A graphic of the stages in grief escape