Sensationally Happy Bootcamp #2
Happiness Counterattacks Grief with Detailed Roadmaps & Sensational Soundtracks

"Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly, and the dreams that you dreamed of dreams really do come true." ~ Judy Garland

Six Levels of Happiness Counterattacks that shows Humankind how to win this war against Grief

(Triage, Diagnose & Treat using a Music Playlist)

SEE-READ-HEAR-FEEL-SENSE the levels of exciting Happiness Counterattacks that show how to fight back against grief to a happier state of mind

A puzzle piece is shown next to two other pieces.

 Note of War: Level Five is the no-man's land between Grief Panic Attacks & Happiness Counterattacks where combative emotions stop fighting to honor the love interests we've lost in battle. You smoke a "peace pipe" with your grief.

In the simplest of terms, Happiness is defined as the absence of grief.

Fight for your unalienable right to be happy

Know who you are & what we're fighting for.

You're not only fighting for your unalienable right to the pursuit of happiness,

you're also fighting to defend the happiness of your own kind, Humankind.

A picture of some emojis with different meanings.

LEVEL 5 - 6 Stages of Mourning Memories

for those diagnosed & triaged with a PEACEFUL LOVING (Mourning sickness) Condition

Somewhere in the no man's land that lies between Grief & Happiness, we find Peace of Mind in Mourning Memories

There comes a time when we accept & embrace our Mourning Sickness and find peace of mind reflecting on our cherished Mourning Memories

A yellow smiley face with the words " peace within you ".
A poem about a little girl that is written in a foreign language.

SEE... the peaceful easy feeling of taking a break from the emotional war between happiness & grief, to sooth your broken heart & soul and pay tribute to your Mourning Memories (aka Mourning Sickness) to find Peace & Harmony with Acceptance & the Power of Prayer.

A poster of the stages of mourning life.

"I could have missed the pain, but I'd have had to miss the dance." ~ Anthony Michael Arata for Garth Brooks

READ... how Mourning Sickness churns the gears of the peaceful echoes that remain...

Memories of - Memories you hear - Memories that remain- with feelings of certainty that I see you & I feel you with a firm belief that the bond & echoes that were shared gives meaning to I will see you again.

Click on the graphic link below to READ more into it...

Read into the words of the songwriter & Empathize

HEAR... the soundtrack of Mourning Sickness & listen to the Make-Peace-with-Grief belief that, "I see you, I hear you, I feel you & I'll see you again" in a place where all emotional pain simply vanishes away.

A red square with an image of music on it.

Click on the graphic link below and LISTEN to the sensational emotions of Mourning Sickness

FEEL... the healing power of having undying faith lets you FEEL & SENSE in your body & soul you'll see the love you lost again when they open up the pearly gates in the land that knows no partin’.

ABC's of Happiness

SENSE... the sensational sense of EMPATHY. You gain a SENSE of peace & harmony when you realize how lucky you were to have experienced an everlasting love that you lost. You sense you are not the first to experience a love loss, and you will not be the last. You feel empathy for yourself and all the other victims of the heartbreaking grief of losing someone or something you loved to death. Your Mourning Memories will make you sense you are fully connected to your own kind, Humankind. You sense you are connected with those you love who have died and those you love to death who are still alive. This is the undying power of unconditional faith & unconditional love.

A picture of lao tzu with the quote " if you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are

The past is who you were. The present is who you are. The future is who you want to become when all is said & done.

So close your eyes for all to see, all you need to fulfill your life is to chase an impossible dream with no guarantees, to discover the secret sauce that makes you happy.

What makes chasing impossible dreams so much fun, you extinguish grief nightmares when all is said & done.

LEVEL 4 - 6 Pack of Reckless Abandon

for those diagnosed & triaged with a RECKLESS ABANDON (from grief) Condition

The life grief stole from you is gone forever. There is no returning to normal. The sooner you accept this fact the sooner you are ready to discover your "new normal." Your new normal takes off with a leap into the vast unknown.

SEE... The Six Pack of Reckless Abandon gives you the courage to take the leap into the unknown. Pick any or all parachutes that ensures a safe landing.

A poster of reckless abandon and the six pack

"Billy left his home with a dollar in his pocket and a head full of dreams, he said somehow,'s gotta get better than this." ~ Rod Stewart

READ… into what it takes to recklessly abandon grief by studying the lyrics of the “Doctorates of Empathy” songwriters who capture a thrilling emotion story as if each carefully selected line of words gives you a carefully selected picture of a thousand feelings

The 6 Pack of Reckless Abandon is the first half of pounding down your 12 Pack of Feel-Good Freedom from grief. It is a 12 pack that is jumpstarted by taking a courageous leap into your unknown "new normal." Happiness Level 4 is the escape plan where you leave your grief behind, permanently, by leaping headfirst into the vast unknown. Escaping grief's prison digs you out of your hole to the point you find yourself standing on the parapet of grief's depression staring into the abyss. To fully escape the clutches of grief you must take a giant…

Leap of FAITH is defined by Dr. Martin Luther King as, "taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."  Those who have undying faith have complete trust & confidence in their father who does his artwork in heaven. Faith is not complicated. Faith is more than a feeling, it is a 7th sense that brings the soul to life & extinguishes emotional turmoil. It is a peaceful belief that lasts for an eternity. Faith was born & bred in American hearts of those who truly believe "In God we Trust.” It goes with the territory for those brave souls who muster the courage to repeatedly take a leap of faith into the vast unknown.

It's sad that the widespread economy of dozens of religions too often materially & financially ruins the simplicity (and beauty) of having undying faith. Undying faith requires no religious affiliation, but the dedicated soul doctors of religion definitely provide FREE guidance on how to find your faith. Unlike those who have faith in science & have to pay dearly for mental health care.

With so many who have no faith, we had no choice but to add stages 2-6 to the 6 Pack of Reckless Abandon. Having faith at its core is nothing more than having complete trust & confidence is someone or something. If you have no faith it means you have no trust or confidence in anyone or anything. Therefore, you still have the options to trust their Karma, try their luck, take a chance, hope for the best & plan for the worst or simply be defiant.

We added stages 2-6 because those who have undying faith, make it a point to leave no man or woman behind who is suffering in mental anguish. Those who have undying faith have faith in humanity. Undying Faith is drinking from the fountain of everlasting life, quenching the thirst of true meaning, making those who believe, no longer afraid of the unknown. It also gives them the strength to circle back and help those who are lost in the darkness.

Leap of KARMA was included for those peaceful souls who believe in fate and trust their karma.

Leap of LUCK of the draw was added for those willing to try their luck to get out of grief once & for all.

Leap of CHANCE is the flip of a coin that gives grief victims the courage to finally take a chance to escape grief and find happiness, somewhere else.

Leap of HOPE is the inspirational stage that lifts up those who are down & out and gives them the courage to start fresh.

Leap of DEFIANCE is the last stage for those sick & tired of being put down and treated like a lesser person. This is for those fearless souls who stand up to their grief & refuse to follow orders from someone else anymore. Those who defy gravity and are willing to do or die to be free.

Click on the graphic link below to READ more into it...

Read into the words of the songwriter & Empathize

HEAR... the sound of freedom, a chance of a lifetime, starting over by taking a leap of faith, karma, luck, chance, hope or defiance into unknown

Click on the graphic link below and LISTEN to the sensational emotions of recklessly abandoning all levels of Grief

FEEL... the power of freedom that explodes when you break away from grief and muster up the courage to take the leap into the vast unknown

SENSE... the sensational sense of EMPATHY. You can now sense how reckless people have to be to escape grief.

LEVEL 3 - 6 Pack of Taking Control

for those diagnosed & triaged with a TAKING CONTROL (of their one-and-only-life) Condition

In the emotional battle for Humankind, this 6 Pack of Taking Back Control from grief is generated by a burning desire for freedom that is natural part of our human DNA. It is the fighting spirit we all have within us, to seize the day. The 6 pack for taking control is a now or never fight to fearlessly live like we're dying. (Please note - No matter what, remember this, you ain't dead yet). With that said, Enjoy the show & learn how to Fly! 

SEE... The Six Pack of Taking Control motivates you to fight for your right to be happy & free and join the sensational happiness party!

A poster with the words " stress abandon peace of mind ".

"It's my life, it's now or never, I ain't gonna live forever, I just want to live while I'm alive." ~ Bon Jovi.

READ... into the 6 Pack of Taking Control to the point you refuse to let grief control your life ever again

The 6 Pack of Taking Control is the power punch for finally standing up against Grief. Grief is a bully. If you do not stand up to grief, grief will own you for the rest of your days. What makes this so strange? Grief is an invisible bully, a Bogeyman. Grief's power is generated by fear.

I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” — Nelson Mandela

Stage 1 - NOW OR NEVER is the moment in time where you realize it's now or never to take back control of your life and start living like their is no tomorrow.

Stage 2 - FIGHT is feeling of determination that nothing will stop you from chasing your dream come true. You will fight grief with all your heart & soul.

Stage 3 - FEARLESS is the stage where fear is no longer a factor. You're thankful for one more day. You press forward unafraid of a grief raid.

Stage 4 - LIVE is a choice for those who are tired of dying inside and start to live everyday like they are dying.

Stage 5 - ENJOY is the moment of clarity where you no longer have to wait to enjoy your one and only life. You begin to simply enjoy the emotional rollercoaster show right now.

Stage 6 - ESCAPE is the confidence booster shot where you stand your ground against grief. Grief will never give up trying to lock you up in an emotional sad prison. You escape by turning your back to grief and riding away free & clear. You escape grief by seeing the light ahead instead of darkness you left behind. You're ready, willing and ability to climb any mountain you want.

You might wonder, how is Stage 6 of Taking Control (Escape) different from the many escape hatches of grief's prisons? This is a great question. What is different is even though you escaped grief's prisoner of war camp you will always be on the run from grief. Grief is tracking you day & night ready to pounce and put you back in prison shackles as soon as possible. This is why taking control's great escape is where you imagine & harness an impossible dream you will chase come hell or high water. "There's a mountaintop that I'm dreaming of, if you need me you'll know where I'll be." This is the secret to happiness. The way to beat grief is to focus on doing something only you believe can be done. Level 3 is where you imagine your impossible dream and Level 2 & 1 of Happiness (the 5 Stages of Euphoria) is where you set out to chase & capture that dream. Chasing an impossible dream is the sure-fire way to put grief in your rearview mirror.

Click on the graphic link below to READ more into it...

Read into the words of the songwriter & Empathize

HEAR... the heartbeat of defiance where you stand up to grief and take back control of your one & only life

Click on the graphic link below and LISTEN to the sensational emotions of taking control of your one & only life

FEEL... your commitment to your very own happiness wash over you like a fearless cleansing of clarity & determination

SENSE... the sensational sense of EMPATHY. You can now sense how powerful it feels to take control of your one & only life story. You share common emotions with those who risk it all.

The Secret to Happiness - Chasing an Impossible Dream Clarification

At ABC’s of Happiness “impossible dreams” range from dreaming small, medium, to larger than life dreams that reach for the stars. Small dreams can take months to capture. Medium dreams might take years. Impossible dreams might take decades to finally achieve what only you believe is possible. The longer the chase, the sweeter the taste of capturing that dream. Just imagine what it is like to wake up everyday with a passionate plan to move one step closer to capturing your one-and-only impossible dream. You're entire being is focused on what lies ahead which means you have no time to think about the nightmares you are leaving behind.

The word "impossible" was carefully selected to define the dreams the ABC's of happiness is recommending you chase. Impossible: "not able to occur, exist, or be done." If you grew up in poverty the odds are stacked against you and the world will tell you it is impossible for you to ever "break free." If you have no skills or are uneducated the odds are stacked against you and the world will tell you it is impossible you to ever "succeed." Now logic tells us, that all you need to capture an impossible dream is to "break free" and it is impossible that you will not "succeed."

Let's say you always dreamed of seeing the Grand Canyon, but life got in the way, and you just couldn't make it happen. Let's consider you had an impossible dream of losing 60 pounds, but nothing seemed to work. Let's imagine you dreamed of becoming an Astronaut. Our point is the size of the impossible dream does not matter. Set your sights on an impossible dream no matter how big or how small and chase that dream like there is no-tomorrow.

What you will discover is the 5 Stages of Euphoria journey can & will make you happy long before you come close to capturing your dream come true. It is the VISION QUEST that will bring you everlasting joy & happiness. Imagine what it is like to be working & thinking every day about chasing an impossible dream you are dying to capture. It has you waking up each day taking one small step to your giant leap of an impossible dream come true.

And here is the cool thing about chasing impossible dreams. Maybe the only way to fulfill your smallest dream is to take time off work & walk to the Grand Canyon, and in the process, you manage to lose 60 pounds along the way. All of a sudden you qualify for the space program. While your waiting to hear back from NASA you get your pilots license. Worst case scenario you fail to become an astronaut and end up getting a job flying a crop-duster over the green, green grass of home. Or maybe you blow out your knee in Flagstaff on your way to the Grand Canyon and you meet the love of your life, and you forget you ever wanted to see a giant hole in the ground or see the earth from outer space.

Our point it simple. Pick an impossible dream, any dream, and go for it like there is no-tomorrow. Keep your head up and pay close attention to the new surroundings you get to experience for the very first time. Embrace the feelings of trying to do the impossible by chasing endless possibilities. The miracle of chasing an impossible dream is no matter what the original vision quest, there is an excellent chance you will end up capturing an impossible dream you could have never imagined. It is the "can't be done" journey that makes life worth living & capturing an impossible dream the dessert. Most important, even if you fail daring greatly, you extinguished grief nightmares and replaced them with dreams of things that lie somewhere over the rainbow. This means you win even if you fail.

A dreamer by definition is "a person who is unpractical or unrealistically aiming for perfection." It may be true that aiming for perfection is impossible, but what is possible is aiming to capture an impossible dream that is perfect for you. This means any and all dreamers inherently believe they can chase an impossible dream and capture their own slice of perfection, their own slice of heaven. Throughout the history of humankind, dreamers have been proving the possible to those ne'er-do-well's trapped in their own its impossible prison.

But before you can begin the ABC's of Happiness incredible journey to Sensational Happiness, you must first smoke a peace pipe with your grief and lay your nightmares to rest, so they rest in peace.

LEVEL 2 & LEVEL 1 - 5 Stages of Euphoria

for those diagnosed & triaged with a CLOUD NINE or SEVENTH HEAVEN (I kicked grief's ass) Condition

This is the Grief Counterattack. It is super-charged and free of charge. It is therapeutic. While externally it is drug free, internally it is highly combustible by our God-given all-natural adrenalin rush (the best fight or flight human being internal combustible engine on the planet). This counterattack is freeing. We like to call it free dumb because after years of experience on the race to the we know beyond a shadow of doubt... you have to get stupid to break free. Therefore, we promote... free dumb. We know for a fact this grief counterattack is foolproof, yet we have no proof because we only have a 79% success rate capturing an impossible dream and a 100% success rate of beating grief. The 5 Stages of Euphoria is the fight-back-feeling of assuming control of your life. This is where the thrill of victory is felt come hell or high water. Even in failure. This is where impossible dreams come true. This is where we DREAM UP and then CREATE the perfect life we want.

We are all born with the Creationism seed. It is part of human DNA. It is a gift from above that feeds a desire to create something out of nothing (Ex Nihilo). All we have to do is dream big and then chase that dream like there is no tomorrow.

SEE... The thrilling climb to Cloud Nine in Level 2 chasing an impossible dream & capturing your 7th Heaven (win or lose) in Level 1

A diagram of the five stages of euphoria.

"I'm gonna live a crazy dream, impossible as it may seem, doesn't matter what the future brings, I'm gonna live a crazy dream." ~ Mindy Gledhill

READ... into the 5 Stages of Euphoria that drives you to chase & capture your impossible dream

The 5 Stages of Euphoria (Ex Nihilo) is the heartbeat of success. It is driven by renegade confidence, a hunger for learning, reckless euphoria, love, passion & sensuality that never fails to achieve victory. It is followed up with a carefree celebration and empowered satisfaction.

Level 2 Stage 1 - RENEGADE CONFIDENCE is where you come face to face with your greatest fears & figure out a way to muster up the courage to chase your impossible dream, come hell or high water. (You just escaped your personal hell - so remember - "freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.") You have nothing to fear but fear itself. Take baby steps if you must. Make fear your friend & overcoming obstacles your favorite pastime.

Level 2 Stage 2 - LEARNING HUNGER is you feed your learning hunger and embrace your Pioneer Learning spirit so nothing can stop you from doing or knowing whatever you want. See what it reads like to learn how to learn without a teacher, coach, or anybody who sits on the sidelines telling you what to know or do. You have to learn how to know & do you.

Level 2 Stage 3a - IMPOSSIBLE DREAM ORBIT is where your sensational emotions come alive swirling around your dream come true so there is no escaping it. Feel Euphoria, Passion, & Love ignite your emotions & feelings and your Sensuality explode as you circle the wagons around your impossible dream. It's not thinking. It's wild. It's crazy. It's fun. It's sensational. It's your destiny!

Level 1 Stage 3 - CAPTURING YOUR IMPOSSIBLE DREAM is the moment in time where you grab hold of a dream come true. This is where you win over depression even if you fail! You can't lose. The beauty of chasing an impossible dream is even if you fail to capture your original dream, you wind up capturing a dream you could have never imagined instead. This is the moment in time where the Steppingstones of Euphoria reaches its happiness climax! Grief nightmares are fully extinguished.

Level 1 Stage 5 - CAREFREE CELEBRATION is where you get to experience the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) jubilation, with an inability to sleep or rest, and a burning desire to celebrate all night long doing whatever it takes to extend this incredible feeling, till the crack of a new dawn, of a brand new day. Whoever thought ADHD was a bad thing is a MAD scientist.

Level 1 Stage 6 - EMPOWERED SATISFACTION is in the end, a brand new beginning. It generates the revolutionary "power to the people" feeling that drives you to the end of the line feeling mystified, pacified, gratified, satisfied & 100% justified.

Click on the graphic link below to READ more into it...

Read into the words of the songwriter & Empathize

HEAR... the adrenalin rush guaranteed to get your heart pounding with excitement as you race to the top of the Mt. Everest of Sensational Happiness feeling incredibly euphoric "because you beat grief's ass every step of the way."

Click on the graphic link below & LISTEN to the euphoric emotions of "The Thrill of Victory" that comes with chasing & capturing


FEEL... your commitment to your overwhelming sense of euphoria washes over you like a fearless cleansing of clarity & determination

SENSE... the sensational sense of EMPATHY. You can now sense what euphoria, love, passion & sensuality FEELS like. You get a sense, and possibly an addiction, to chasing those emotions & feelings. You sense the power of chasing impossible dreams with disregard to whether you capture that dream or not.

LEVEL 0 - 11 Stages of Sensational Happiness

for those diagnosed & triaged with a sensationally happy & totally CONTENT Condition.

Experience life with zero grief in the peaceful mindset of Happy-Ever-After.

There is no doubt sensational happiness is a mindset. That mindset is a fiery determination to defend your happiness to the death against grief. For every grief panic attack there is a happiness counterattack. The secret to happiness is without a doubt, the ability to escape grief's prisons.

The only reason we gave grief the time of day was to discover the escape hatches that hold the border line between happiness and grief. Grief is the ENEMY. You must know the enemy if you ever hope to defeat your greatest foe.

If grief comes a knocking you can slam the door in its face by immediately using an escape hatch. With grief locked out of your life, you have all the time in the world to REJUVENATE your youthful spirit, ignite your SENSATIONAL LOVE, find peace of mind with your UNCONDITIONAL FAITH & LOVE, follow your PASSION and start LIVING the one & only life you have chosen for yourself and your loved ones.

The cure all for grief is HELPING PEOPLE. Helping others is how you ignite the sensational sense of EMPATHY.

SEE... the positive up & down cycle of happiness that lands you somewhere over the rainbow where all your dreams come true

A chart showing the stages of self-prevention.

READ... into this happiness cycle that prevents Grief from rearing its ugly head and opens the universe of feeling sensational happiness, sensational & unconditional love, passion & living everyday, satisfied & CONTENT

For every action there is an opposite reaction. Once we understand the freeing power of the 5 core Grief Escape Hatches - Reckoning, Acceptance, Forgiveness, Compassion, Repentance along with the Grief Cure of Helping People, it is simply of matter of determining for every grief action there has to be an opposite happiness reaction. Think of this phenomenon as the Ying & Yang of sensational happiness & emotional sadness.

If we hold a RECKONING to measure our self-worth and escape a troubled split personality past, it allows us to REJUVENATE our carefree youthful spirit. If we find ACCEPTANCE we escape the depression of a true love we lost and this allows us to SENSATIONALLY LOVE again. If we find FORGIVENESS and escape a brutal back-stabbing betrayal, it allows us to TRUST again with UNCONDITIONAL FAITH & LOVE again. If we release our COMPASSION for all the other victims like us out there after we escape pure evil, it allows us to find a burning PASSION again. If we seek REPENTANCE from your savior who can understand your pain and escape the accidental harm we caused to another human being it allows us to starting LIVING again. If we set our life's purpose to HELPING OTHER PEOPLE, we find the cure of grief and discover the key to sensational happiness and get to live happily ever after.

A chart of the stages of sensational happiness.

"And I think to myself, what a wonderful world." ~ Louis Armstrong

READ... more into the top two sensational happiness graphics & the lyrics of those doctorates of emotions, the songwriters.

Click on the graphic link below to READ more into it...

Read into the words of the songwriter & Empathize

HEAR... the soundtrack from somewhere over the rainbow where we discover your very own Happily Ever After

Click on the graphic link below & LISTEN to the satisfying emotions between feeling euphoric & good when you hold back tides of grief, feeling peaceful CONTENT

FEEL... the positive energy of rejuvenation, love, faith, passion, living and defending your happiness against grief, til death do us part

SENSE... the sensational sense of EMPATHY. You get a true sense of how sensational happiness feels. You activated your 6th sense of sensational love and hopefully your 7th sense of unconditional love. Once you sense these new found senses, you can never go back & surrender to grief again.

Once again you get to SEE the ABC’s of Happiness Roadmap Recklessly Abandoning Grief, once the 6 Stages of Mourning Memories are complete, and you get to FEEL & SENSE the adrenaline rush of euphoria running wild & free to sensational happiness when you chase & capture YOUR impossible dream

A map of happiness with the stages of euphoria.

"Follow your arrow wherever it points.” ~ Kacey Musgraves

The ABC's of Happiness offers a detailed roadmap that kicks your happy emotions into high gear with A) Grief Escape Plan. This 12 Pack of Reckless Abandon are the first two levels of happiness that have you recklessly abandoning grief and then taking control of your one & only life after you've made your peace with grief in Peace of Mind Level 5 - Mourning Memories.

This escape plan leads you to the 5 Stages of Euphoria which is B) Happiness Counterattack against Grief. This is where you fight back against grief for your unalienable right to happiness by chasing an impossible dream to extinguish grief's nightmares. You're not living somebody else's dream, you're chasing YOUR impossible dream. We're not talking about setting a goal, we're talking about dreaming an impossible dream and setting out to do something nobody thinks can be done. Dreaming of something so bizarre that people laugh at you and call you crazy. You get to use this disbelief as fuel light your fire.

And last but not least, you land safe & sound somewhere over the rainbow 🌈 in an 11 Stages of Sensational Happiness fortress you build for yourself. This is where you fight & defend your happiness to the death against future grief attacks building a C) Grief Prevention Plan. This is where you "protect, serve & defend" your happiness, till death do us part, happily ever after, in a sensational happy place you created where all your dreams come true.

When all is said and done - 11 Stages of Sensational Happiness is the key that unlocks the secret to happiness

The ABC's of Happiness knowingly & intentionally set out to overwhelm viewers emotions, feelings & senses not with Too Much Information (TMI) that took decades to package into a one day session, but with Beautiful Emotions, Feelings & Sensations (BEFS). Too many people think the best way to survive in a cruel world is to turn off all human emotions & robotically live an unemotional life void of feelings & sensations. No feel, no harm. Being cold-blooded & heartless is a direct result of surrendering to grief. We consider this to be unacceptable behavior from a human standpoint. Unacceptable in the fact that life is too precious to miss the Magical Mystery Tour Rollercoaster Ride of sharing emotions.

This is why the final exam to graduate as a Happiness Freedom Fighter is printing the two 11 Stages of Sensational Happiness graphics and posting them on your wall. These critical elements to the ABC's of Happiness serve as a daily reminder that happy people still suffer grief, have emotional highs & lows, but they know how to escape and the two graphics are constant reminders of the grief escape hatches. Once you know the escape hatches out of grief you can skip the anger, rage, shock, trauma, depression and all the painful stages of grief and jump directly to the escape hatch to dig your way out.  The 11 Stages of Sensational Happiness has highs & lows but those ups & downs pulsate between feeling good & feeling sensational.

The definition of happiness does not do it justice. As defined, all it takes to be happy is being satisfied & content.  In reality the only way to be truly happy is to feel the absence of grief. This means being happy means you feel no anger, no rage, no hatred, towards anyone of anything. To us happiness can be defined, as having complete peace of mind.

Listening to the 11 Stages of Sensational Happiness soundtrack whenever you need to is the best reminder to every single word, picture, illustration or graphic on this entire site. It is the cheat sheet you carry with you whenever you go and whatever you do. It is the greatest gift we can give to Humankind. Showing others the many stages of sensational happiness is our drug free cure to sharing the greatest human emotions of all, empathy.

The cure for grief is happiness. Therefore, it goes without saying that happiness is the absence of grief.