What's that got to do with The ABC's of Happiness?

When is comes to the pure essence of our unique brand of American happiness... we have to dig deeper into the cause & effect of what makes us happy & sad... what is the secret sauce that makes us feel free... and ask ourselves why are we... “losing faith in our nation”... consumed by grief... and call to question with answers of what we can do to fix it... so we can fight our Grief to "restore our faith in our own humanity” and...

"Make America Happy Again"...while at the same time... go back in time... when we used to make time... sharing our freedom & happiness... with all mankind

What's the right & wrong side of ANGER Got to Do with it?

ABC's of Happiness

Let's Get Something Straight Before We Get to the Heart of the Matter... We are not Mad... We are not Hostile... We are not Raging against the Machine... far from it...

We come in Peace. We are unarmed. We did not bring artillery. We are reaching out helping hands with tears in our eyes for the peaceful... unconditional "all forms of Grief" surrender... to include... the lay down your pretending-to-be British Royalty arms... your Teddy Bear Sideline Management Systems... who self-proclaim... without any freedom fighting fame.. they are.. the nation's upper crust rulers.

We write about the “right kind" of HAPPINESS Anger... THAT STANDS UP AGAINST CRUELTY & CORRUPTION

...and we know we're right when we write about what's wrong with the "wrong unkind" of GRIEFS Anger... THAT BURIES ALL OF US IN A HOSTILE HATRED DEPRESSION

Hear ye, Hear ye to all those who rein supreme... if you fail to heed this compassionate warning for a peaceful Grief surrender... and push your grieving subjects, servants & pawns past the brink of tolerance with your continued Royal Kingdom cruelty & corruption...taxing us for your personal empire gain...

"We the people" will tumble your castles in Humpty Dumpty fashion & rip out your "I'm so special" stuffing (funny teddy bear reference)... till the pretending rulers come to realize...  Americans have a history of coming together with the right kind of anger to conquer Grief Empires... and sooner or later... we join forces together as One Nation, under God, indivisible with liberty & justice for all... and EVERYBODY has to Cowboy Up... to tear down cruel & corrupt management thrones so they can never be put back together again... and drive all the Kings horses & all the Kings men into the sea... back to their tiny islands of rich & powerful sideline celeb-brat-tease.

In a nation ravaged by anger, hatred & rage... let's get something straight. We are not mad about it. We are not hostile. We come in peace. We do not feel any "anger" towards anyone or anything in the classic sense of the word... Hostile Hatred. We are simply having a ton of fun... making fun of sideline Teddy Bears who think they shine but mostly just whine... all the time... having ourselves a really good time teasing & taunting ridiculous... (like a booger I stick to this)... Prince & Princess royalty who want us to bow down and follow their rule... for a small "swear your loyalty to me"... followed by a small cash donation... or paying the high price of admission into their royal Kingdom. It's more than funny to see American's pretending to be British Royal Parliament rulers who hunger for "followers" as they dazzle us with self-promoting genius, glamour & fame. The end of "Keeping up with the Kardashians" is a low down dirty shame. Oh so many royal rulers to mention who make us pay dearly like... the sideline management Teddy Bears who teach and coach us how to fink... "Greed is Good" sideline business empire Teddy Bears who over tax their subjects... sideline political parties Teddy Bears who party for their half of the country... our Vulcan scientific Dr. Spock's Teddy Bears on the sidelines who deal with facts and have no faith or feelings... the armies of grief accomplices pretending to be the ruling party Socialite Kings & Drag Queen Teddy Bears who wouldn't know American leadership if it bit them in the ass. This "What's that got to do with it" web enabled happiness rant... is bringing to light the entire supporting cast of the sources of national grief. Think of each and every sideline Teddy Bear... as our Supreme Commander in Chief of "we the people" Grief.

How can anybody be angry when the entire nation is being carefully cast in a former British hierarchy ruling party play... casting & starring American Sideline Teddy Bears... without any cajones... in this reality TV comedy drama called “The Second British Invasion... Revenge of the Nerds.” What makes this hilarious movie even funnier... is this comedy is being rewritten and scripted right here... without a ounce of revenge on these impotent Teddy Bear stars... classical sideline nerds pretending to be Drag Queens... and all we want to do is share.... so that all our cute cuddly sideline Teddy Bears... can see what true leadership is like to be or not to be... and these Teddy Bears come off of the sidelines... and find themselves a pair... and Cowboy Up to help us fight grief. What is even funnier is everything dreamed up on this free dumb website and openly dared & shared... created out of nothing by a low level loser & sucker... a full-time dumbass happiness crusader... a Teddy Bear in his own right... who still has a pair... who loves to share this secret recipe for happiness... with his fellow American Teddy Bears. Forgive sideline management Teddy Bear ruling nerds... for they have no idea what they do & don't do... they only know... exactly what their Royal College Professors and Royal Management Kings & Queens... order them to know. Polly wanna cracker? Now we don’t care who you are... that there is funny.

We make fun of things that these Royalty Rulers (WTF influencers?)… who do not think we are the least bit funny... making fun of our Kings & Queens... but really are funny ha-ha for the most part... when you think of sideline Teddy Bears who think they rule the country like god’s... God’s gift to America. We think of successful Teddy Bears who live life on the luxurious sidelines... basking in the sun of their infinite glory... stuffed full of themselves... who promote themselves in a delusional British Empire sequel where they are the ruling parties instead of the people... even though they never lifted a finger to fight for freedom or give an ounce of time or energy to helping mankind... living champagne wishes & caviar wet dreams in a self-serving universe they created strictly for themselves. We are not raging against the money-making machine. We are a little bit sad we do not get to hang out with super cool cats like Denzel... and more than happy we never got Trumped up on charges of look-at-me-and-my-insatiable-appetite-for-power-and-greed. As a Happiness Connoisseur who knows "Money Can't Buy Me Love"... it only cost "a penny for your thoughts"... we say when it comes to fortune and fame, "Frankly my dear, we don't give a damn".... we would rather be free to move about the country... anonymously... hanging out with the average Joe and Josie's from the Volunteer State of mind... "We find happiness riches beyond belief navigating through a mismanagement maze of self-promoting sideline management profitability... those cute sideline Teddy Bear reality stars who expose themselves for all to see... prancing around naked and afraid saying don’t you wish your body was HOT like me... and those self-proclaimed sideline Kings & Queens who say “you are one lucky bastard to listen & serve me... and the many "likes" I get promoting my Kingdom of Greed!" We are simply standing our freedom fighting ground against Mr. & Mrs. Big Stuff Teddy Bears, self-profitable management systems of self-promotion, that calls those who serve their country; Losers & Suckers. Sideline Management has a point when all they care about is money. There is no money in service to others. But fighting for the greater good for free... free dumb... damn sure feels good.

But here's the thing that makes us swing, doing our own "fighting for freedom from grief " happiness ding-a-ling thing. We never let "the more you know" management degradation & humiliation... get in the way of our "the more we do" determination. When we tell you our education system has failed the nation to the point of despair and disrepair... that it has turned the nation into management king dumbs of hide-in-the-closet sideline Teddy Bears... that "Feel no Harm" PhD science has highjacked the countries faith, feelings, belief's and soul... that there is no leadership that this country has to offer... that serves the troops on the FRONTLINES... we are simply having fun poking the Teddy Bear (so to speak) with our a "sticks & stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me" degradation... fighting back with "we don't really give a damn about you" waltz-away retaliation.

If you examine the ANGER burning across the nation through the eyes of the manufactured armies of the “more you know the less you do” sideline Teddy Bears critics... their whiny RAGE is easily translated to say, "WHY DO I HAVE TO SHARE THIS PLANET, THIS COUNTRY, MY UNSTABLE STATE OF MIND WITH OTHER PEOPLE!" Think about it. People are pissed off that they are forced to share a planet with other people... occupying their entitled universe... refusing to adhere to a mankind world view order of being kind to our fellow human beings... thinking this country is holier than thou and that race is lesser than thou... self-entitled people who refuse to share the lions share of all the freedom and riches GIVEN and TAKEN for granted but never fought for... freedom gifts bestowed upon every citizen of these one of a kind UNITED states. It is like...I only want to be... with people who look, think, talk, act, and prance around perfectly like me...instead of embracing our incredible melting pot culture... of mankind’s unique diversity.

Our country is divided down the middle, strictly in two. Democrats would love it if all conservatives would leave it. Republican's would love it if all liberals would leave it. Both parties of sideline management Teddy Bears are losing their mind... because on all sides of the aisle... NOBODY will follow the other parties RULE...the other parties RULES...the other parties RULERS. The two sides battle for control filled with hate and anger.. simply because we have to share this country with people who do not look like them, talk like them, think like them, feel like them, make as much money as them, believe in what they believe in... and so on and so forth. "We the people" problems have been replaced by "Them there people are the problem".

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the freedom fighting lower level "losers & suckers" are watching this freedom FUBAR... kicked back watching mismanagement do it's "the other dude did it" thing. Renegades who are not afraid to die... are dying of laughter happily sharing their life with their fellow "feel good" pioneers... knowing "losers & suckers" are lucky to serve with the best people in the country... stand as one beside those who serve each other and the greater good.. the best this country has to offer... the Pioneers... the Front liners... the main event headliners of Freedom for all... knowing the more diverse and a-little-bit-crazier this band of brothers & sisters becomes... the more the merrier... pioneers are having the time of their lives hanging out with their fellow "losers & suckers"... watching sideline Teddy Bears lose their management minds in a last-ditch effort to gain control of the manufactured "losers & suckers" masses... obsessed with their number of “followers” & “likes”. The Nations Mismanagement System thinks the "losers & suckers" look up to them as they look down from a high & mighty perch... not knowing there is no such thing as a loser or a sucker when it comes down to pioneers who only look up to action & performance... could care less about the critics who will never know victory or defeat... pioneers who pay no mind to those on the sidelines... only listening to sideline managers & cowardly critics when they want to have a good laugh. “Help me Help you...Help me Help you!” And contrary to popular belief... not all "losers & suckers" are mindless followers. Pioneers not only have the ability to DO all kinds of things.... they have the brain power to read ahead. If you interpret that the creators of this website are raging with classical hostile ANGER anywhere on this website... please go check your dictionary on your sacred "the more you know" quest. You likely think of ANGER as a strong feeling of hostility. Hostility defines why so many of our population are so pissed off. The country is burning with hostile anger. Our nation is grieving and the party-all-the-time Royal Management Rulers hide in luxury castles and doesn’t have a clue... about what to do.. to put out this raging fire.

To those viewers filled with angry hostility, if you read ahead you will know our kick backed "anger" is simply defined as a cool-as-the-other-side-of-the-pillow classical case of indignation for cruelty & corruption. We just so happen to in-dig-this-nation. This ain't road rage.... we are not proceeding with hostile intent... which means we are not pissed off our education system is profiting off our lose of leadership... manufacturing sideline management Teddy Bears without cajones... that Vulcan PhD "feel no harm" scientists are drug dealers operating under a Medical Doctor mask when they think of themselves as "Doctors"... that our two political parties are the enemy of unity... big deal... so what... why should we care? We are simply pointing out our indignation to the cruelty and corruption of any profiteering system that promotes themselves as Royalty Kings & Queens... Pompous Rulers... who look down on their subjects, servants & pawns... and treat them like trash. If the entire nation was lucky enough to be made up of a single army of "losers & suckers" who all served their country on the frontlines... there would be no need for sideline Teddy Bear Kings or Queens. A nation of "losers & suckers" would all fight together to defend against all forms & types of cruelty & corruption. We simply write about higher power cruelty & corruption that is, for some unknown reason, easy to spot but too entrenched to take down. Which is why we know we are right when we write about it. Right? In fact, being highly classified as a "loser & sucker" (thank you for our service) gives us the undying privilege of making fun of cowardly sideline Teddy Bear factory education systems... a godless "feel no harm" science that is monkeying around with their lack of faith, feelings, beliefs and has no soul... the FACT that political managers think they get to "sit this one out" while those who are the subjects, servants & pawns must SERVE THEM... work day & night for them... and fight for them without an ounce of leadership. What does it say... when we say what is not being said... and management manages to make sure... we can never be heard?

Do you seriously think the pretending-to-be-brilliant education system, management systems, science systems, business systems or political systems would ever, ever, ever, consider admitting they all got it WRONG?... then come to their senses hand over the keys to their king dumbs and give power back to the people... so fearless pioneers who can do something with it... can make it right? When somebody can never admit they are wrong... that is confirmation... that what they are doing ain't right. Do you seriously think these self-serving systems would ever, ever, ever, consider saying, "We have no idea what we are doing and we are looking for leadership too?"... then hand over the keys to their king dumbs to Pioneering Leadership and say, "Can you please fix this for us because we don't have a clue?" That is kind of what is occurring right now. Managers do not have the stones to ever admit they are wrong. Managers do not have the guts to say they are clueless how to fix it. How funny Ha-Ha is it that the national management empire is holding out in bunkers... waiting on frontline leadership to take the lead?... returning to our core values of truth, liberty and justice for all... instead of allowing managers to fully focus on the value of money... leadership could take the lead and have us focusing on our core value... this is what we have to DO to help our people be free... to move freely about the country. Only management systems want to take ALL the credit and cash in on it. When somebody can never admit they are wrong... that is confirmation that what they are doing... ain't right.  When somebody can never admit they cannot DO something... that is confirmation that they do not KNOW what the hell they are DOING. Yet management continues to call those who serve their country "losers & suckers" (thank you for your service)... and the "losers & suckers" still stand tall knowing that are doing it right and call back to these Sideline Cowards (your welcome?)

You suck... no you suck! You’re a loser & sucker... no I’m a loser & sucker! There we go. Does everybody FEEL better? Did we get to the heart of the matter and insult each other to death? Cool Beans. We hope trading insults releases the bottled up hostility and everybody can calm the fork down for just a minute of truce. NOW... that we got the equal degradation and humiliations of our nation out of the way... how about we all CUT (Cowboy Up Together) the crap and cut to the chase... and kick grief's ass?

No? OK, we are pulling out the big "sticks & stones" guns... our heavy artillery... to show how our high & mighty 102 year old education system bombed big time... how this factory managed system blew up our nations pioneering leadership development program... because the one thing "losers & suckers" dig-in-this-put-a-boot-in-your-ass nation of sheer determination... is our in-dig-nation for cruelty & corruption... standing up as one nation, under God to challenge and fight anybody that gains favors with cruelty & corruption. The higher education system is a trillion dollar conglomerate... a pure profit center... a "the more you know the less you do" Teddy Bear factory... that somehow reins supreme never having to do a thing. We should all share this patriotic anger with a total distain for cruelty & corruption don’t you think? Welcome to cool beans anger... its kind of funny making fun... of delusional Kings & Queens who act like ruling PARTIES.

Look. Help us out here. All we are asking is... if a nation stands a 4 year combat veteran who was "doing something about it for their country" fighting on the frontlines of freedom facing potential death... somehow managing to survive without leadership... next to... a college student who received a 4 year paid vacation to "learn to know more"... how is it humanly possible that any nation would promote and allow the college student to financially prosper...over the performance of a dedicated combat veteran? "Thank you for your service" should immediately be followed for the rest of a combat veterans life... "How can the nation now serve you?" Instead the nation promotes..."The more you know" individual who took a paid vacation, focused solely on themselves hanging out in a classroom bunker with all their "learning to know" sideline Teddy bears. It makes absolutely no sense.  A combat veteran who is willing to risk it all and put their life on the line to protect a nation... spends the rest of their life playing second fiddle to a classroom junkie, a sideline Teddy Bear without cajones, who got a 4 year paid vacation during a time of war

Performance will always be essential to a nation's ability to survive. Lack of performance... no matter how much “we know”... is non-essential... no matter how many degrees or diploma's the non-essential sideline Teddy bears hold over us.

That’s our story and we’re sticking to it. Sticking it to sideline Teddy Bear Management systems.

What's the Mismanagement of Degrading Management Got to Do With It?

When we think of sideline management systems of control... we don't think about Happiness... we think Grief Accomplices... we think about the many ways mismanagement... manages to lock us up in a depressing prison 

ABC's of Happiness

This is not your perfectly punctual A+ highly educational doctorate that follows the write “the more you KNOW” rule book...  looking for someone to grade us... you know?

Less rules... more Freedom. Less grades... more Passage. Less talk.... more Action.     Less management... more Leadership.

Duh grade us... Duh moralize you.

This is more about “the more you DO” is strictly up to you... caring less & less about following somebody else's rules...

and more & more about making up new rules.

More or Less

You will figure out rather quickly, we fully operate without learning restrictions. We write about what is wrong... then figure out how to make it right... which adds a whole lot of spice to the way we love to write. Write on. Write on. We are training operators (the more you do) that breaks the educational system (the more you know) rule book. What do we know? What do we know that nobody else knows? Who knows?

We know. Simply because we do.

We love to play on words. You say, "stop what you are doing... you must follow the rules!" and we say, "we were born & breed, without much bread, in a country that has no rulers." You say "you are doing it all wrong"... we say "we have every right to write about what is wrong... what's wrong with that?". You say “the more we know... the less we have to do” and we say “the more we do... the more you know”. This ain't some silly, "the more you know" television game show putting us all in Jeopardy. This is "the more you do" World Series of Championship Performance. You say, "Make it simple... stop going over our head"... We say, "Make it complex always looking ahead... cruising high overhead... so we can under stand... how to stand on our own two feet." The more we write... the more we know we are right... and this is why we write about what is wrong... figuring out how to make it right... how to make it all right for you. You can care less about what we "know" and we care more about what we can "do". For all we know... this is the least we can do... strictly for you. We know that much. What’s more... we do it all for you. We did it so you leave this site feeling happy and brand new.

If you only knew what we know now... about all the things we didn't know back then... maybe you will know exactly what to do now... to get back in the game again... forgetting all about whatever it was you thought you knew back then.

This web book is not a follow-the-rules of the rulers who write the rulebook. In the ABC’s of Happiness you break the rules and you make the rules in our brand new playbook. If you think every written word has to be A+ paper before you consider giving us a read... we are here to tell you to lighten up... break the rules and have some fun. Our goal is for you to figure it out for yourself and we’re happy if you give us a C.

We write it like we mean it... read it like we see it...we see it like we saw it... we want you to see for yourself... see if you can see what we saw.

See Saw.

We think funny, so we write funny. If you think funny, you will read funny. If you seriously think none of this is funny... and refuse to read what we write... then you just might be seriously uptight... not alright... grieving about something or someone... and not willing or able to fight. That ain’t right. We can help you with that.

Forget "show me the money"... show me the funny!

We hear it like we listened so you can listen to how we heard it. We feel it before we write it and we feel damn good we are right about it. We are happiness connoisseurs, grief ass kickers, pioneering action agents, training renegades, education infiltrators, management outlaws, business bandits, satirical scientists, non-party politicians, system shattering turncoats... and we run the Bored of Education that operates outside the standard rules and practices in the free range of pioneer learning. We practice what we preach. This website is a Pioneer Learning 6 pack of happiness punch. We counterattack grief and college cathedrals with the 6 spectrums of Pioneer Learning. We refuse to bow down to management and stand up for learning & leadership. We keep the faith against unemotional Vulcan PhD science and attack their "feel no harm" prescriptions. We maintain our ethics... against unethical business practices. We turn our backs to political parties that party all the time on the taxpayers dime. We fight for happiness on all these fronts. We hope you get to read, see, hear, learn, do and fix where we are coming from, where learning outside the “system” never fails to get you where you always wanted to go. Where we find happiness everlasting.


What's the Learning how to Learn, Unlearn & Relearn Masters Decree from I-LURN University Got to Do With It?

When we think of major actions that make us incredibly happy... the ability to teach & coach ourselves in order to know & do whatever you want... is a vital element in the pursuit of Happiness... in the pursuit of Freedom. Learning how to learn, unlearn and relearn trains us to be Pioneers.

ABC's of Happiness

As lovers of learning how to learn... we know 6 things for a fact... that once you embrace... you can never go back... you ride off into the sunset of Pioneer Learning... leaving a profiteering Education System far behind... realizing... you are the master... of your own mastermind

1) Some people learn by "reading" and are avid, even rabid, about a strict organization of words in an easy-to-read comprehensive structure. Demands are made to keep it simple. (Experts tell us to write on a 9th grade level in a make-it-easy-to-understand condensed version format like the nation is still in grade school and the country is mentally handicapped with the attention span of an A.D.H.D kindergartener and can only wrap their head around a one-page Executive Summary, a 2 hour motion picture, a 1 hour Sunday Morning Sermon, a 50 minute classroom lecture, a 30 second commercial break and 280 characters writing & reading limit) Seriously? That ain’t us. This sounds like we're a bunch of attention economy junkies looking for a quick feel-good learning fix. Where's the commitment? Where’s the true love of learning?  Where's the 24 hours a day, 7 days a week burning passion? Who wants to be a learning mistress... having unemotional short-time "the more you know" affairs?

We love you long time... so we write long time. Life has long been written... so we guess that gives us the right to write longer. We dig the long version... because life is too short to take shortcuts.

Life ain't easy to understand; so anyone who tries to tackle the complexity of the human brainpan is easily misunderstood.  We understand. We translate... understanding what has been mistranslated... to let you know where we stand... and how some of the best intentions are easily misunderstood. We don't like to miss a thing. We understand you might need a translator to translate what we stand for. We hope you understand and stand with us. We dig translation. We understand... a lot of this is new to us and new to you... so we understand it might be hard to understand... which is why we need to stand together. This is all coming from an understanding individual that has not been crowned with a superior brainpan... by the highly educated "smart ole boys network"... our intellectual rulers... the powers to be. The only crown we seek to wear is our happiness bandito bandana. Understood? Writing about life ain’t that comprehensible even if you think the way we write it is reprehensible. We think we live in a nation of citizens who would rather DO or die... then spend hours upon end in a "more you KNOW" prison cell. Why is ACTION Deficit Disorder (A.D.D) not considered the worst demented condition in a country that was created by freedom fighters who dreamed and lived a life full of hyperactivity? Why do we not embrace hyperactivity instead of constantly trying to give it a sedative? So we go where no man has mentally gone before... full steam ahead with our A.D.D (Attention Deficient Disorder) hyperactivity. "Release the Kraken!!!" We go with a lot more action... a lot more ass kicking... a lot more hyperactivity... in the name of Free Dumb... instead of forcing you to pay for our attention economy dysfunctional disorders. That’s why we are giving you our free time so you can be free to do whatever you want. Stand at ease and get into action please. Never stand by at attention. We are action agents... not attention seekers.

We know we are right. Writing about feelings ain’t possible if you don’t write with feelings. Write on. We write by the seat of our pants and our pants are filled with happy feelings too. So, come on with the come on.

The one thing we take seriously is grief. We love to stand our ground even in the depths of depression and kick grief's ass. We have seriously kicked griefs ass time & time again. It feels damn good knocking out a bully. We fought back getting knocked down for the count, getting our ass whooped losing countless rounds, but always end up winning the fight. (really good chance we suffered permanent brain damage but we never got knocked out and fight to the end to defend our sensational emotions...Yo Adrien!!!) We only accept unconditional surrender... a TKO is a no-go... we always end up with a knockout leaving the ring the undisputed champ. As far as we know... We are the best there ever was. The world champion over grief. Undefeated, even after getting pounded and knocked down by grief... in at least 39 heavyweight fights. We love a good happiness rope-a-dope where we let grief pound us to a pulp... our feelings are ripped to shreds by an overwhelming pain in the brain... standing toe to toe with this powerful bully... taunting grief in every round... saying beat me, whip me, make me feel cheap... before we knock that SOB out with one of our escape hatch sucker punches. Acceptance is our favorite uppercut that sends grief flying down-and-out-of-the-ring-of-our-depression. Forgiveness & Compassion our signature 1-2 combinations that never-fails-to-deliver a brutal knockout punch. We accept all grief challengers. We fear no evil. We can help you beat grief too. Read all about it! But we still want you to know, a funny thing happens after you kick grief's ass and knock that SOB out of your life... you feel good about yourself. Just like Mankind’s Wearhouse, your gonna like the way you look, we guarantee it.

2) Some people have to "see” it to believe it. We painted all kinds of pretty pictures, created groovy graphics, that tell you heartfelt stories, so you don’t have to read a thing. If you don’t read in, then try and see what we mean. See all about it! Skip the reading and focus on the visual representations of how to get happy with our cartoon characters.

3) Others want to "hear” what we have to say. We allow you to close your eyes and absorb our musical message by listening to our select group of songwriters & singers as they play you the heartstrings of human emotions. Hear all about it! We give you a soundtrack to FEEL the emotions of our work. You can download Apple Music for a free trial and listen to our sensational playlists that let you FEEL the emotions of the multiple stages of grief & happiness.

4) Then there are those who learn by “doing”. We believe that what we DO as a nation is what separates us from the rest of the world. Performance is the core of our unique American DNA. Do something about it! So, what do we want you to do? a) ESCAPE- Determine if you are grieving, and if you are, do something about it. Check out the grief triage page and map out your escape. b) CREATE- Dream an impossible dream and get to work going after it, creating something out of grief’s nothingness. Follow the TS4i troubleshooting procedures and start working on fixing your problems, meet your needs, satisfy your wants, and use your ideas to capture your dream come true. Become an expert in Pioneer Learning and teach yourself how to learn, unlearn and relearn. c) EVOLVE - Use the 11 Stages of Happiness as the fortification that sets up impenetrable grief defenses. Included in the 11 Stages of Happiness is the Grief Prescription of HURT PEOPLE - HELP PEOPLE. Helping other people (especially when we are fighting depression and all our feelings have been arbitrated) is the ultimate cure to finding your unique brand of happiness. We are mankind after all. This means being kind to each other is an essential prerequisite to the human condition. We want you to Escape, Create and Evolve knowing that kicking grief's ass is as easy as 1-2-3 with the ABC’s of Happiness. The more you DO, the more you FEEL what it is like, to truly be FREE. 

5) Then there are the "troubleshooting" problem solvers. They learn by examining complex problems with the sole purpose of finding simple fixes. Fix all about it! on the TS4i Fixin Science Page. Try to imagine a science dedicate to solving human problems with feelings instead of facts... solutions instead of proof. Try to imagine a science that helps you figure out your problems, needs, wants and works for you to solve your problems, meet your needs and satisfies your wants.

6) Learning how to learn, unlearn and relearn; Learning how to teach & coach yourself whatever you imagine, is the gateway to happiness... that and learning how to kick griefs ass. Pioneer Learning opens the door to unlimited possibilities because it means you are the only one who controls what you want to KNOW and what you want to DO. Learn all about it! Grades are irrelevant. Hanging out waiting for sideline managers to tell you what you have to know and what you can or cannot do is a waste of valuable learning time. Enhanced performance is your soul measurement of success. Let's face it... it is impossible to prove all the things you know, and don't know... you know? If you think back to the movie, The Wizard of Oz, our loveable scarecrow wished he had a brain. In the end, the snake oil salesman Wizard told the scarecrow he had a brain all along. He gave him a diploma to prove it. If you make it through this entire website...if you slug it out and teach yourself about the multiple levels of grief, understand the ABC's of Happiness that counterattacks grief, learn the difference between education & training, the difference between management & leadership, how the unscientific science of TS4i can show you how to solve complex problems... if you make the connection between the learning & leadership link so you can spot a true leader to join forces with... and embrace the 6 spectrums of Wicked Smart Pioneer Learning... if you can figure out all by yourself how to connect the dots so that you paint the picture of what your happiness looks like (not ours, not anybody elses)...We have a pretty diploma for you to print out on the Pioneer Fixin Learning Page so you can earn yourself a beautiful  "Master of Wicked Smart Learning" diploma... your very own Masters Decree... from the Institute of Learn, Unlearn, Relearn (I-LURN) (no student loans required). A Masters Decree awarded to you by our esteemed Bored of Education and a we ain’t selling you anything Wizard of ED (Erectile Dysfunction). We give you proof so you KNOW you had a brain all along... so you can move ahead... fully focused on what you can DO.

Let’s see what our country can DO once we all have a Masters. Once armed with your Masters, you move from the impossible to prove knowledge phase of learning (nobody really cares what you know but those who always test you to prove they are smarter than you)... into the realm of entirely possible to prove performance by showing people exactly what you can DO. No diploma is required for outstanding performance. Trust us on this. If you lead the pack in performance based on what you can DO...that is the best and only proof you need to show the world that you KNOW exactly what you are doing.

No matter what format of learning you prefer... we want to ignite your emotional well-being so you "feel a passion" explode to the point... it burns a fire into your soul. Feel all about it!

We learn by "doing" something about it, without "knowing" what the hell we are doing. This is why we know we are doing the write thing. Sure, we wrote the book on the learning and leadership link; The Last Lifeboat: Learn, Unlearn and Relearn but nobody felt it. We are here to let you feel. Do you feel me? We have never created, a web enabled book of dreams bursting with feelings out of nothing before, yet we’re doing just fine figuring it out as we go. We cover all the sensory bases in this 12 Step Happiness Program to put a little pep in your step with each novella, our American book of dreams, and we hope we hit you in your sweet spot, so you hit a happiness homerun. Read it and get funny. See it and get happy. Hear it and rock and roll. Feel it and it will be a sensational roller coaster ride of emotions.

What's the Potency of American Frontline Leadership Got to Do With It?

Grief is our nation's one and only sworn enemy.

Freedom is our foundation. Equality our claim to fame. Unity our greatest strength. Faith our saving grace. Performance our secret sauce.

Frontline Leadership our guiding light.

Promoting and giving Sideline Management Systems control our greatest mistake.

ABC's of Happiness

“I’ve always believed that no officer’s life, regardless of rank, is of such great value to his country that he should seek safety in the rear …

Officers should be forward with their men at the point of impact.”

Lieutenant General Lewis Burwell "Chesty" Puller (most decorated Frontline Leader, for valor, in America history...a Marines Marine)


The primary difference between true Red-White-Blue American Leadership & Factory Management Systems? ...is a matter of vision, courage & course of action. Leadership has a vision for the future... is found at the point of impact with their troops... setting a course of action... into the UNKNOWN. The only vision Managers have is setting up profit margin systems of control... hiding safely in the rear with the gear... maintaining a course of the exact same repeatable action...day in and day out... trapped in the KNOWN.

Managers are trapped in their system and do not possess the courage to lead. Managers never change course... their function is to maintain a steady course of repeatable actions to maintain the system. Think of leadership as being a lone ranger Pioneer who breaks out of a system prison and rides off into the unknown in search of creating a better life leading pioneers who share the same vision. Think of a management as a Settler who stays put... afraid of outsiders or new frontiers... settling for churning out the same existence day in & day out for their paid subjects, servants & pawns... building fortified systems they can hide behind...systems they are trapped inside.

According to Albert Einstein.... The definition of insanity is doing the same thing... over and over and over again... expecting a different result. According to the ABC’s of Happiness... The definition of American insanity is.... giving the leadership reins to Management doing the same thing... over and over and over again... expecting a different result.

Never fall for the management magic trick... that tries to convince you they are leaders. Management... which always manages to be confused... cannot be confused or compared to leadership. Leadership & management are completely unrelated... in fact... they are exact opposites... in the name of freedom and happiness.

Freedom is won on the "do or die” frontlines... Freedom is lost on the “do nothing & cry” sidelines

Leadership emerges on the "do or die" frontlines... Management submerges on the "do nothing & cry" sidelines

ABC's of Happiness

SOLDIER OF WAR – Not afraid to absorb bullets for his Marines to "deliver us from evil"

1stSgt Bradley Kasal, USMC, awarded the Navy Cross for valor in a combat zone. Now before all you sideline teddy bears tucked safely in your warm & cushy cribs... in your safe & sound magical wonderland of caviar wishes & champagne wet dreams…take this Mighty Marine Corps standardized "We Absorb Bullets" test of freedom :...Think you can handle the truth?...Are you laughing when Jar Heads say they are trained to "Absorb Bullets"? Ok, here we go you sideline jockey's who will never know victory or defeat... Freedom Pop Quiz: Every bullet & all the grenade shrapnel that 1stSgt Kasal took to his body...ask yourself this simple question? Where did those bullets & shrapnel NOT GOHint: Count the bullet holes and shrapnel in the two Marines carrying him out. 

If your sorry sit on the sideline ass can figure that out...you'll understand why Marines fight for God, Corps, Country and will take a bullet for those who serve beside them.

ABC's of Happiness

SOLDIER OF PEACE – Not afraid to absorb bullets for his people to "deliver us from evil"

For God's sake...DOD please posthumously award the fearless Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King the Medal of Honor. His valor rose above his Corps & Country & he lived life constantly under attack in a combat zone tending to wounded soldiers scattered across all colors of the human race. His only defense was faith, his only Kevlar was the color of his skin...he braved ruthless unrelenting fire to heal the content of a nations character. He woulda, shoulda, coulda joined the Marine Corps & fought to deliver us from evil...but Thank God...God recruited him first...where he tried and died to save us all with LOVE. Freedom Pop Quiz: Every punch to the face Dr. King took...where did those punches NOT GO? Hint: Count the number of punches Coretta had to take to stand by his side.

Please, somebody, tell us the difference between these two heroic LEADERS of freedom.

What's Impotent Management ED Got to Do With It?

Our Impotent Sideline Management Education System...

Mass-Production Teddy Bear Factory somehow MANAGED to pull off...

"The Greatest America Leadership Hatchet Job" in the history of our nations fight for freedom.

ABC's of Happiness

Enough is enough. Management Teddy Bears without any cajones... are calling all the shots from the safety of the sidelines... even though they don't even know how to shoot from the hip. (they only know how to shoot themselves in the foot) Fearless frontline leadership has been exterminated by impotent sideline management that thinks they are important...when in fact... they simply can't spell impotent... or they are too ashamed to admit they are impotent. There is a darn good reason classroom education professors are categorized as Bachelors, Masters and PhD's of ED. These high class Teddy Bear Managers have a hard time getting it up.

The reason we are stuck in a rut with impotent Management? Management proved that only an idiot would charge into the valley of the shadow of death to fight for freedom. We educated a nation of managers with a theme that “management kings & queens get to sit this one out”... but the rest of you pawns... the servants of the kingdom... the royal subjects... owe it to the kingdom to go fight for freedom without any leadership. This is how our educated management royalty crowned themselves the new Kings & Queens of the... Under New Management Divided States of America.  We mean come on....your graduation outfit is dressing up in throwback British Royalty caps & gowns, glamorous colorful robes, hoods, ropes, tassels… obviously… wearing ladies gowns is a long way from our country roots of wearing Cowboy & Cowgirl attire. At least back then men were men... women were women... you could tell the boys from the girls...women from men...we're just saying...wearing ladies' gowns to celebrate a paid vacation graduation...it's a little fancy pantsy... it's strangely a throwback Toga Party for Caligula Romans... and British Empire rulership & parliament rolled into one... oh, forget it. You know that we know... and everybody knows... so there... we called it liked we see it... and that is why we said it... exactly how we saw it.

As we PROVE managers are a horrendous substitute for Frontline LEADERS... These are the Unconditional Terms for Sideline Managements Surrender... where all library & office addicts get moved into the rear with the gear... so those that DO can take the Lead

The ABC’s of Happiness ain’t settling for national grief directly caused by a lack of leadership. Pioneers love a good fight and nobody lives forever. It feels kind of weird having to go up against a powerful all-mighty, all-management kingdom... all alone. But what the hell. Grief's Depression... The Education System... The Department of Education System... Management Systems... "Greed is Good" Business Royalty System... Red & Blue Political Party Partiers... and last but not least our Super Scientific Vulcans... armies of scared Teddy Bears... terrified of the unknown... frightened little children afraid of losing all they were given without a fight doesn't sound that tough. So a few million college royal managers who have spent their whole life safe on the sidelines... against one broken down Kamikaze Krazy ex-jarhead should be a fair fight... right? It don't really matter because it is a fight worth fighting. Standing up to armies of Teddy Bears is not the least bit scary. It may be consider a little nuts... but only if you try to kick a Teddy Bear in the nuts... they ain't got any. All we have do to take these grief management rulers down a notch... and try our best to help these Teddy Bears find a pair... so we are all standing on equal ground ready to fight grief together. Easy Pezzy. But just like you... we believe we must fight fair in this unfair fight so listen up.... These are the unconditional terms for your sideline management surrender.  We come to you with impossible dreams of leadership & freedom for all with tears in our eyes... unless you Cowboy up we are pulling the stuffing out of you Teddy Bears... taking you down one system at a time... armed only with this free dumb website. Keeping your management position depends... if you are found wearing depends... your future will depend... on if we can depend on you... to Cowboy up.

The one unforgivable management sin are the heartless Management Rat Bastards... the pompous cowards who pretend to be entitled masterminds... that use their power & influence to have sex with their low level students, employees, congressional pages or military troops and managed to cover it up with a Non-Disclosure Agreement. How is it legal that any American employee, who have no voice, who are subjects, servants & pawns... are all forced to sign agreements that they can never speak of mismanagement crimes? Talk about a national cover-up. All of those unethical agreements can be wiped clean with the congressional stroke of a Full Disclosure "Against Our Will" Agreement pen. DC can cancel the management King & Queen cover-up once and FOR ALL. A nation that claims to represent "we the people" should demand "FULL DISCLOSURE AGREEMENTS", not some lop-sided "At Will" Agreement that protects "we the companies".  Sign into law an open invitation full-disclosure agreement that allows the losers & suckers of management grief... to finally have a voice. The subjects, servants & pawn who are getting screwed over by superior powers... they need an outlet to release their unspeakable depression of being treated like dirt. Management grief could well be the leading cause of grief in this mismanaged country. Finding abuse of power is as easy as one-two-three. All we have to do is ASK all the low level students, employees, congressional pages or military troops what problems they have, what they need, what they want... and in an instant, it exposes the abuse of superior power and identifies bullies reining terror on "we the people". Somebody once said... the State of the Union... is the best workers Union in the world. DC needs to respect... they are Union Leaders for the People... not the Political Party Managers that return party favors and serve the Companies that pay them. Mismanagement hides in plain sight with their "look how charming this King or Queen can be... when they are not screwing their subjects behind closed doors so nobody can see what they really up too”.

Organizational troubleshooting TS4i is not a witch hunt. It is a truth hunt. Talk to the subjects, servants & pawns and DC can finally bring the horrendous crimes committed by management systems... carried out by profiteering Teddy Bear managers... who don't have a clue... that sideline managers are suppose to fully support those that do... not rule... our nations performance pioneers.

Yet, manager rules restrict anyone from speaking to their "subjects” to maintain the cruelty & corruption cover up. Managers are the RULING PARTY. Management grief victims are rendered mute during and after employment. TS4i by passes management asking the "subjects" directly and confidential... what problems they have, what do they need, what do they want and what ideas they have. These are simple questions composed of basic human decency. This is what TS4i is all about. Finding the source of the problem is how we uncover the cesspool of management’s dirty deeds. How in the world did a ruling management party of sheep take over a country of cowboys and cowgirls lions... and figure out a way to use the lions up and spit them out? Victims (many) can be set free by simply letting them tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help them God... by God. Grief slinging management systems best retire, head for the hills, cash out before it's too late because it still won't matter...some sins you have to pay for. Especially when it comes to abuse of management power. Leadership does not tolerate abuse of power in any form or fashion. Hello Washington DC... can you hear the cries for help from your subjects, servants & pawns to finally understand the State of your lack of Union? You'd best come clean, and find the faith. Sideline management traitors can only survive by placing their body & soul at the altar of forgiveness... once the low level subjects, servants & pawns are given a voice. Confess you unspeakable sins before fully accused... is always a rat bastard safe bet...because in this war against grief... grief slinging Kings & Queens and Scientific Vulcan Robots are dismantled for spare parts and thrown off the high and mighty mantle. If some day the country can find true frontline leadership that has the guts to fix things... digging deep to find leadership that was lost... the first step forward would be a bountiful compassion for all grief victims, We The People. Vulcan Management Cyborgs will be left out in the cold to fend for themselves and make it on their own, so they finally own up to it. Our saving grace will only come if management can prove they are human after all and join in the fight against cruelty & corruption by joining the support staff.... spearheaded by frontline leadership.

We are starting our assault with the education system... because it is without a doubt... next to grief... our greatness enemy of the performance standards set by our forefathers. It is an outdated system of sideline educational management designed to produce mindless factory workers who can do the same thing day in and day out... following managements strict orders... mass producing our total lack of leadership. We are exposing management of the rankest ranks. Then... we are reaching out to Business Royalty & Cele-brat-teases (rich cats) begging them with tears in our eyes to adopt, nurture and care for wounded warriors, military veterans, a nations police force, firefighters, nurses, first responders who run into the gates of hell all alone instead of away from it. We want rich cats to protect and serve everyone who ever served on the  frontlines with leadership experience who demonstrated a single ounce of "deliver us from evil" courage. Management need not apply. Business Enterprising Enterprises can step in and pick up where our government management drones are failing to serve those who served a nation. Then... we are marching all alone on Washington DC, "a single loser & sucker march" to stand up to the management kingdom and let them know their parties are over. Both parties need to start cleaning up their ACT or start cleaning out their palaces.

Science you better PRAY we come for you last...because if you do...we will hug you robotic cyborgs for finding the faith we need to help us fight this losing battle against Grieving Feelings... by helping solve human problems to fix right away... instead of answering a single stupid question that takes years to prove. You should be able to transition from PhD King or Queen to troubleshooting Medic in under 30 minutes because you proved your brain is hunger for information. Instead of sitting on the sidelines as a royal PhD, we ask that you pick up a TS4i troubleshooting bag of tricks to help people (your former subjects) and get back into the fight. We need you to get to the bottom of this and identify grief allies (managers) who are abusing their self-promoting power. We have faith in science. We are hoping that science has faith in resuscitating their feelings. We have faith in our rich cats who busted ass and proved America is the land of caviar wishes and champagne dreams if you are brilliant, passionate, work day & night to succeed and go all in to carve out your own slice of happiness. We hope our business guru's will answer the call to duty to protect our wounded warriors and public servants who marched into the valley of the shadow of death and made it out alive... as if these patriots are the nations only leadership hope for the future. We have faith in the junior members of politics who if given a voice, can tell the world about all the dirty deals that are taking place behind closed doors of professional politicians... right before their eyes.

Education System? Sorry, you are the odd teddy bear management factory out... so if leadership ever steps up to center stage your ruling money-making machine PARTY is toast. It's not all that bad. You had a nice 102-year-run building your "the more you know, the less you do" highly educated factory empire. But fair warning about your intellectual ruling party...a piece of friendly advice...you better learn how to DO something besides sit on the sidelines degrading a nation... you better learn how to treat your students, servants, subjects & pawns with respect. Your unconditional surrender means you simply have to turn over the keys to your king dumb... and return to the human race for mankind... Cowboy up and join us in this war against all grief... especially your own.

What's this Impotent Public Service Announcement Got to Do With It?

ABC's of Happiness

This is an impotent public service announcement for all you sideline Teddy Bears, Management ED specialists and education junkies... that calls to question the public service impotency of having a college degree through the lens of a low-level military Loser & Sucker. It is true we served 20 years in the United States Marine Corps low-life enlisted ranks and according to our Ex-Commander in Chief (thank you for your service) Enlisted Marines are part of a band of brothers & sisters looked down on by a nation as Losers & Suckers... yet we somehow rose through the ranks of the baddest & most effective average Teddy Bear transformation training organization in the world... where uncommon valor is a common virtue. A Training Organization that has been transforming this nations everyday sideline Teddy Bears... into wicked warriors... do or die lions... since 1776 in Tun Tavern. It is also true... that thanks to the taxpayers generous GI bill that paid our tuition to go to college... paying us a generous monthly stipend to go to school (the only way we would stand... to go to college... is if somebody paid us to sit). We spent more than a few years milking our "the more you know" paid vacation doing what the Nations Management Team tells us is the American Dream and secret to success. Seriously? Higher education is the secret to successfully cashing in on the actions of others... but when freedom is the only measurement for success... getting a 4 year locked down degree is a performance nightmare... because the American Dream is to live free or die. We entertained ourselves knowing we were sleeping with the enemy... learning all about the safe-on-the-sidelines money-making magic tricks... of the Teddy Bear Business Administration Management Trade... picking up loan sharking tips... where management always takes the biggest cut of the action... and we graduated with a Master of Business Administration... a real life "Look at me... I'm a General... Weeeeee!"... MBA University Degree... that we easily managed and got two degrees for free. We can safely say without question... getting a Bachelor's with honors & a not-to-hard-to-master Master's degree... were two of the easiest things we have ever done in our A.D.D life of hyperactivity. Graduating college with honors simply means you have to take a performance sedative and lose your valuable time wasted... with more studying... to please your Masters... than your dishonorable classmates. As hard-core Marine Corps training pioneers... we got our Masters to scientifically prove... any idiot can do it if they have enough time to waste... even a Loser & Sucker... scratch that... only Losers & Suckers are smart enough to get paid to do it. To be highly educated everybody else has to go into crippling debt to pay off the education system student loan sharks. (6% & 8% vig on a college degree... when you can buy a car or a house with 3% interest or less.... seriously... Don Vito Corleone of the Department of Eduction Mafia?) All those wasted years in the classroom of Listen, Study, Parrot, Test... eroded our potency to zero leaving us feeling limp... locked away in solitary confinement in a “the more you know” classroom prison... made us feel more impotent and less important sitting on the sidelines following managements orders to the letter waiting for a graduation parole...

...especially when performing in the public service arena made us feel very potent... extremely important. What is really funny is all this wasted time of education rehabilitation paid off big time... when we took our impotent "sitting on the sidelines" diploma's... and rode these golden tickets to fame & fortune... and made a ton of money pimping ourselves out to the highest paying management John... we could serve... sorry... we mean SERVICING our management pimps and “somebody has to teach me” classroom addict management John’s... that we’re still trapped in a Listen, Study, Parrot, Test paid vacation endless cycle of learning to know more before the could even think of doing something... which they never will. We flourished in this educated environment because we where previous TRAINED to DO something about it.

And get this... 20 years of service to our country in the Marine Corps Public Service Performance Arena... according to Social Security records... netted us $335,980. In just 15 years... after receiving the MBA service-to-ourselves Golden Ticket of Pimps... we MANAGED to net $1,660,742.13. We were no longer serving the public... now we were servicing money-to-burn-government clients for an outrageous fee... like we were a high-class Management Consulting hooker working in an Exclusive Education Escort Service. Those hard day nights working on our backs jumped us up to almost 2 Million dollars if we counted our all-expenses paid champagne wishes and caviar dreams parties from our Pimp... and an over the top 401k match that reduced our tax liabilities... which if you do the math... is like over five to six times more than what we made serving our country... and we did it in three quarters of the time. Hot damn Uncle Sam... what’s up with that? Does a nation really discount public service that much? How in the name of public serving a nation can individually and selfishly servicing a cash-cow pimp or John... can this be managements claim to fame and be considered living the American Dream? In essence... we left the potency of the performance arena as a cheap date training stud... and graduated after a 4 year paid vacation to become a impotent money-making management machine... a highly educated self-serving whore who went around screwing educated addicted clients... and getting paid big bucks to do it.

And we thought being a military public servant loser & sucker was a bitch?

Therefore... if you are offended by this impotent public service proclamation... a Declaration of Management Independence from a red-white-blue Loser & Sucker... that higher education turns "sitting on the sidelines" Teddy Bears into impotent money-making prostitutes'... the only thing you can DO to challenge this impotent claim... is rise above your impotent college ED and challenge this public service announcement to prove us wrong. All you gotta do is give us a little less talk & show us a lot more action... and prove you are indeed a fearless freedom fighting country Cowboy or Cowgirl. Please accept this learning challenge... to Cowboy Up or Shut up... and go join the Marine Corps. See if you can perform like we did and come out of boot camp the top devil dog in 4 freedom fighting companies of across-the-nation-power-ranger-strangers... honored as the Series Honor Man.

Hear ye... Hear ye! Potency court is now in session. Your honor... we humbly stand in your courtroom today... to provide a Public Service Announcement in regards to Honor... comparing graduating Marine Corp Boot Camp and graduating College with Honors. 

When you compare graduating from Marine Corps boot camp (after 3 short intense months) with honors... to graduating from college (after 4 long years) with honors... it's super funny ha-ha how one graduation was the honor of a lifetime with a happy ending... and the other was not even close to being a real honor... more of a let down that the paid vacation was over. Graduating from college felt more like we were playing a bit-part movie-role in a management script that left us feeling like a limp scarecrow... no longer able to publicly service & satisfy Dorothy like we did when we were a Marine... so she left our impotent ass for Kansas. Kansas and Toto over us... really? Graduating boot camp in record time literally brought tears to our eyes when we passed & reviewed the Frontline Leaders who had transformed us from Teddy Bears to men... and we marched together in unison, as one pulsating body... to the pounding trumpets & drums of "This is my country... land that I love". When you graduate from devil dog boot camp with honors they honor you with a pair of Dress Blues and give you a promotion from Maggot to Private First Class. It makes you look & feel badass-to-the bone. It is a tried & true honor that is an indescribable honor. So take our word for it... making it through boot camp graduates you into a historical band of brothers & sisters who would do or die for one another... and they do it as one cohesive unit with a lot more class... than getting released from a pulling your chain education prison chain gang... whose final act is forcing graduates to dress up in a low class ladies gown... where graduates scatter into wind and go wherever it blows them... to the highest paying management pimp.

Speaking of pimps... when we graduated from college with honors... truth be told we were a lot more embarrassed than honored. The only thing we really did was survive in a sit-down-locked-down yellow brick road classroom of brainless Listen, Study, Parrot, Test dreaming of making it to the munchkin land of OZ and hanging out with the lollipop kids... being graded & degraded... judged and juried for all the things we did and didn't know. By the time we finally walked on stage at graduation... we did it singing "If I only had a brain" from the wonderful Wizard of OZ.  For over 40 years the upper crust of society treated us like a brainless scarecrow that could only be ignited by a sideline management fire. Graduating from college meant we were finally going to met the Wizard of Oz and he was going to give us a brain!!! The only difference was this wasn't the snake-oil salesmen Wizard of OZ that showed on cue... the man behind this curtain was the powerful Wizard of ED (erectile disfunction)... and he gave us a diploma... and told us we finally had a brain you can count on. We were supposedly honored... for graduating with honors... by the gray tassel rope that hang around our neck... to accent & highlight our beautiful black flowing evening gown... with a ridiculous block-head hat with even more tassel bling covering our face. It made us want to talk with a British accent from hence forth  and say... Good Luck Governor! Even funnier Ha-Ha... if you open your eyes and recognize that the flowing college graduation gown is ironically similar to a Supreme Court Judges robe... graduates just might start to think their diploma gives them legal authority to pass sentence & judgement on those without a college degree. Your honor... if we allow college graduates to assume they have a license to judge others just because they got to wear a black robe... next thing you know... people who spend 8.2 years on average answering a single question to buy a PhD... are going to run their mouths off claiming to be Doctors.

So what that’s got to do with this? This important public announcement claims a college degree... makes graduates impotent... yet they think they are important. Important to what... only they think they know? These impotent people can all come back and judge us... only after each and every college graduate in the country completes 3 short months of Marine Corps Boot Camp Training (a simple college quarter that should be an essential course in All-American Leadership for all American citizens... so instead of reading & writing about it... they get to be recruits on the frontline breeding grounds for leadership)... and once the college graduates... graduate from boot camp … only then can come back and tell us honestly... did you learn more in 4 years of college sitting in an education classroom learning to know more serving your Masters for a Masters... alongside an army of people who were all smarter than you... or did you learn more training for 3 months in the toughest boot camp in the country... alongside the winners & badass motherforkers who would take a bullet for you... that the nation's management systems lovingly refer too... as the losers & suckers?

The only two questions you need to ask college graduates once you finish Marine Corps boot camp? Which one made you feel impotent? Which one made you feel potent?

You don't have to ask us... we already know the answer to this impotent public service announcement question.

“I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep...

I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.

Alexander the Great

Who's to Question the "what & who would you fight & die for"

Got to Do with It?

Hint: The answer has something to do with unconditional Freedom 

This man in the arena below is a "I'll do it" pioneer... a lion of a man whose face was marred with dust and sweat and blood. The cold timid souls hunkered safely on the sidelines... who know neither victory or defeat... are the sheep who somehow manage...to profit off the lions sacrifice.

Human nature has to question...in what animal kingdom would the sheep be placed in charge of the lion?

ABC's of Happiness

The question every American needs to answer... especially those who sit on the sidelines... Who would YOU absorb bullets, grenade shrapnel or get punched in the face to protect & defend? What would you fight and DIE for? If you say...NOTHING or NOBODY... you just answered the question of why you will never earn the credit that belongs "to those who are actually in the arena, whose faces are marred with dust and sweat and blood...". You will be discredited as the self-centered sideline jockey always asking, "What's in it for me?" Are you the one in the arena whose face is marred by dust & sweat & blood... or the critical, cold timid soul on the sidelines who has never known victory or defeat? Are you a cancel culture teddy bear critic that will never experience a life of pursuing a passion protecting those you love, honor & cherish with undying faith and unconditional love. Are you sitting on the sidelines critiquing the actions of others, never able to do, what those who do, so easily do? Do you have it in you to risk it all to put yourself out there under fire? Do you have any idea what it feels like to stumble, fall and fight for someone other than yourself? Our answer to these questions is why not cancel duh grading sideline management systems that rein supreme... instead of canceling our actually-in-the-arena freedom fighting human beings?

The Answers Lie Within. At least you will know why you FEEL managed, controlled, depressed, empty, bankrupt & holding on for dear life... trapped in the cheap seats as a critical spectator... held back by all things you cannot do... resentful for all the things nobody will do for you... to the point all you can do is sit on the sidelines critiquing and canceling the actions of others. How interesting is it that those who excel in the cancel culture ...grading the action of others... do not have the inner strength to critic their individual inactions...  canceling themselves... as the one who counts for nothing?

If you get sucked into the hate driven cancel culture, where we individually cancel each other out to the point we are all dead and buried... you notice an interesting phenomenon. Where is the leadership that can turn everything around and get us to cancel out the cancel culture and bring us all back together?  It's unfortunately a question for leadership lost. Our freedom fighting frontline leadership got canceled by sideline management. So what, Managers are the nations biggest mistake. Our greatest critics. Big deal. The loss of a nations leadership cannot stop the preamble of passing the leadership hat around by the individual American Pioneers who hang out in the arena. (see the learning & leadership link on the Learning & Leadership link webpage to see how pioneers fully function when the leadership ranks are erased) Renegade individuals who would rather risk cancellation in the arena than get stuck in the rut of being a sideline critic. Leadership credit is always available to those who are actually in the arena. Management only gets credit for being the cold timid souls who know neither victory or defeat. The credit of performance has huge dividends. The lack of credit for critics is moral bankruptcy.

We have lost all aspirations for leadership and transformed into a nation of sideline Teddy Bears who keep harping on, "What's in it for ME?..."What can I get for free?" This is why we have dreamed up, created, designed, then constructed this American Book of Dreams and brought to you a remix of the importance of frontline leadership in the ABC's of Happiness mix... and we offer everything you could possibly imagine for FREE... giving back to a nation we love with a passion... so that all of us can be FREE. This includes you and me. We feel free, so if you feel free, that means all of us can be... all that we can be. Can't you see? Leadership is simple as apple pie when we change our tune to, "What's in it for US?

Our question to a "used to be a great nation under LEADERSHIP – now not so great under new MANAGEMENT" asks...why would anybody follow self-serving sideline MANAGEMENT critics who are only in it for themselves...  who have never known victory or defeat? Sideline Teddy Bears (the sheep) who cannot do for themselves and only know how to critique the actions of everyone but themselves... Sideline Management Kings & Queens who sit on a throne of power... Sideline RULERS who ORDER those BENEATH THEM... to absorb bullets for them... while they hide out in a safe & secure bunker... screaming out "the more you know" rules... instead of "the more you do"?

What happened to following a "you go, I go" LEADER... a fearless frontline leader willing to absorb bullets as they fight right in front and lead the charge into the unknown... unrelenting and unafraid? We can tell you the answer. American Leadership is DOA. There is no money in it. Ask Brother Brad Kasal, Dr. Martin Luther King or Pat Tillman the price of leadership. The price you pay to LEAD in today's Divided United Kingdom of American Greed... is almost certain ungrateful cancelation. A willingness to LEAD is synonymous with a willingness to SACRIFICE everything... sacrifices all of us must make & give on equal terms.

Question. Why would we as a nation... follow orders from anyone, whose only claim to fame is they sat in a classroom bunker, safe & sound on a 4-10 year learning vacation... helping themselves to a free ride towards fortune & fame? (Ain't those highly educated management Teddy Bears so darn cute shouting orders and criticizing the actions of action agent pioneers in the arena from their cute little crib?) Why would we follow orders of those who MANAGED to build a business EMPIRE so they could rule their self-serving world from a golden shitter throne? Why would we follow orders of party politicians who MANAGE to spend taxpayer dollars for their better half or lesser 1/2 of their country interest during daylight hours... and then go out every night partying on the taxpayers dime... proud to be a MANAGING RULER OF THEIR POLITICAL KINGDOM in their self-serving political party? The answer to all these questions? Management sacrifices nothing...except the subjects, servants & pawns who serve beneath them. Management Royalty & the blood thirsty critical mob thinks... they all get to "sit this one out" from the safety of the sidelines... and hand out a thumbs-up-you-can-live-to-fight-another-day-if-you-do-exactly-as-you-are-told and come out a winner... or the sideline critics who issue a death sentence thumbs-down-execution-(cancellation)-where-you-have-to-be-buried if you lose an inch or make a single mistake... no different than determining the fate of Gladiators in the arena... back in the good ole Roman Empire days.

OK. That whole Roman Empire "Destroy the Heathens" gladiator reference was a little over the top. (it's still true but please put your thumbs away). Our current climate is really more like “Cake or Death”... in our modern world of whiny high tech sideline Teddy Bears. These critical “cancel culture critics” only judge from a secure bunker and do not have the guts to have a “say that to my face”... one-on-one fighting duels... equally fair debates. These are faceless cowards who try to insight riots in the hope somebody else will drive the dagger home for them... and these classroom sissies simply go around handing out grades with immunity... focused on only one thing. Who gets cake and who gets death? These sideline critics definitely love to grade... or degrade... everyone who serves under their mystic magical “baking up crazy concoctions”... simulating the power of judging from the sidelines. Truth of the matter is... the only person who has a God given right to grade another human being... are those who soul searchingly... grade themselves.

Cake or death? I’ll take cake please.

These are words to live by... by Eddie Izzard.

What's "Thank you for your service...dumbass" Got to Do with It?

Losers & Suckers who Protect & Serve the Public

Now we don't want to get off on a "thank you for your service...dumbass" rant...but since we served our country honorably in the military as a Loser & Sucker...we are going too anyway.

ABC's of Happiness

Whatever happened to following a LEADER who PROVED he or she was willing to absorb bullets & risk life/limb for 100% of their pioneers, in order to protect and serve one United States, one Uncle Sam? A leader who is forward at the point of impact. A leader who says, "I'll stand in front of the people I serve and take the first bullet as I lead them into the unknown without fear or refrain".  A Leader who fights beside their pioneers (never on the sidelines) and is willing to do or die for their God, Corps & Country. Wait a minute. Say what? Did you seriously call military veterans who served, fought and died for their country losers & suckers... and then deny it as fake news? Hot damn, Uncle Sam... that is a cold-blooded Game of Thrones declaration of entitlement... coming from the Republican Royal King... of our "Make America Great Again"... sideline Trumpeting King of Kings.

It's OK. Those who serve in the military enlisted ranks know for certain... who does and who does not give a damn about them. Frankly my dear, the losers & suckers don't give a damn about sideline managers, Kings or Queens who don't give a damn about those who serve. All Public Servants in this mismanaged country... who risk their lives for the greater good... know it damn sure isn't a Royal King, Business Tycoon or Office Manager who sits on the sidelines sending their disposable subjects, servants & pawns (losers & suckers) out to fight their battles... while they hold up in a safe & secure bunker saying, "Show me the Money!"

Those who put their life on the line in the military will never forget being called "baby killers" at the birth of intellectual sideline management systems put into place during the Vietnam War (Officers had to have a college degree and be able to write a paper replacing veteran leaders with combat experience)... when the country openly shared a hated of those who served... when mismanagement started their Game of Thrones movements of moving THEIR chess pieces... whose sole purpose was to protect the interests of their Kings & Queens... when highly educated sideline managers put their safety & security in charge of their disposable subjects best interests... when sideline managers began thinking they are more valuable than those willing to die for their country. So when all you sideline Teddy Bear Kings & Queens say, "Thank you for your service"... the military and first responding public servants hear, “Thank you for your service...dumbass”.

Mr. Ex-President...thank you for your service... it don’t matter if you never said your dedicated military were loser & suckers... or if the other side of the self-righteous left wing "we wear the wings of angels flying above the rest because we pretend to represent the little people" Democratic Kingdom... is smart enough to never say it out loud... because everything both parties say & do points to the fact... both parties think THEIR military & THEIR public servant first responders are all disposable losers & suckers. Self-serving Parties that think military & public servants on the frontlines can be bought and paid for with a worthless "thank you for your service"... getting kicked to the curb to fend for themselves once their service to their country is over. Both sides of the aisle think those who risk their lives in defense of a nation on the home front or aboard are losers & suckers and we can prove it. Most political managers are smart enough not to say it out loud... but their actions speak louder than than their unactionable silence. All of DC management royalty, no matter which "party" military and first responder veterans SERVE... both sides of the aisles of sideline professional Kingdoms... think only a dumbass would die to defend or protect & serve others... putting their life on the line for their country. The Kings & Queens of DC royalty think "we the people serve them"... not the other way around. That is why, "Thank you for your service" is such comical cut-down.  Thank you for your service... dumbass... implies... you are my servant and you served me well. Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto?  Losers & Suckers translate this Royal Kingdom Cut-Down to mean... "Thank you for your service... please know this... I never have to serve you... because it is your duty to serve me". If DC or the country really wanted to give new meaning of thanks for dedicated military & public service they would say, "Thank you for your service... now how can we be of service to you... to repay you for all you have done for US?" Military & first responder veterans (public servants who risk life and limb for others) know how sideline managers play a shell game of lies as they bury the truth that management thinks anyone willing to risk their life for others is a dumbass. Only an idiot would charge into the valley of the shadow of death right? Both parties logic is anybody with an ounce of brains would go to college... live on the sidelines of freedom with a free pass to fortune and fame... cash in on THE LIONS SHARE of the wealth... clueless that those who live to DO... are action agents who at best know in the end the triumph of high achievement and risk dying on the field of battle. Pioneers would rather live & die in the arena... then lock themselves safely away hiding on the sidelines in a library or office like a cowardly critic who is too sacred to ever take a risk for anyone but themselves... those cold timid souls who will never know victory or defeat.

Pioneers (the few, the proud, the brave losers & suckers) are action agents. Action addicts. They live to DO. Management on the other hand thinks, "the more you KNOW, the less you DO" and the safe bet is hide in a crib where there are no risks to their entrenched kingdom. This is why the ABC's of Happiness shouts this warning shot across the bow of the nation with, "Never listen to what anybody has to say (blah, blah, blah and that includes all of US)... watch what they will NOT or cannot DO, then try & figure out how & why they refuse to do it."

Look, don't get us wrong. Being called a loser & sucker is a pioneers (an action agents) badge of honor.  We are happy to take credit knowing... the credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood. "Thank you for your service". Insults like this are comical when you consider those with faith in service are action agents who have no fear. Pioneers live to do what others cannot and they do not do what they do for meaningless thanks from the sidelines. So when we losers & suckers poke the Teddy Bears... with an everybody-knows sideline managers hide out in the rear with the gear... and they are rich little Teddy Bears without cajones... or when you see for yourself how the country promotes Barbie & Ken celeb-brat-teases that are Talking Heads dolls without any package... and highly educated college graduates run around in circles acting like entitled Kings & Queens... or Dr. Spock scientific robots operate without any faith or feelings acting like Gods of Wisdom in search of their cherished PROOF... don’t take our Teddy Bears with no cajones references personal. "Thank you for not serving because your inability to hold up under pressure would get others killed by your inactions." We’re just stating the facts. The armies' of Military & Public Servant Losers & Suckers spend a lot of time laughing at the nations upper crust royalty... who think they are Kings & Drag Queens... yet everybody knows... they don't have the stones... to lead themselves out of a paper bag. We are cool with the crazy notion these sideline managers pretend to be high and mighty... they may even be brilliant for all they don't know... it is hysterical when Teddy Bears dive into their delusion that their one-and-only magnificent superior brain... or Celeb-Brat-Tease beauty... is Gods gift to the world... and they cash in on freedom without having to pay for it... with their we-are-Gods-belief... others must serve & need to bow down to them. We get it. You are the Master of your delusional universe. Jerk yourself off it if it makes you feel better... embrace your cowardice like you own it. Just do the country a favor... do the "Thank you for your service" veterans a favor... stop referring to each other as LEADERS. This is the one & only insult the losers & suckers who serve the nation find extremely distasteful. Calling yourself leaders means you think your military & public servants are stupid subjects, servants or pawns and have no idea how to volunteer to serve on the front lines by themselves. Losers & suckers are better off without your sideline brand of so-called leadership. No thank you. We understand, you have no idea what leadership is. It appears... "The more you know"... the less chance you have of being a leader who CAN DO. You may continue to proceed to MISMANAGE the nation from the sidelines if you must... but do not insult the American Ghosts of Leadership past... by thinking for a minute you are a red, white & blue... All-American LEADER...who has a noble right to let others die-hard for your kingdom... killing them softly with your song and dance. It makes you look like you have no idea what you are talking about... when you command from the safety of your crib... letting others carrying out your orders... while you are entitled to sit on the sidelines of your mismanagement inactions. (Thank you for not serving?)

We will define leadership for you... so “the more you KNOW” about what it takes to lead... you can finally figure out what you have to DO to come off the sidelines and Cowboy up... at least try to pull off a Leadership Hat Trick... so you can join up with a team of pioneers you are willing to do or die with. Own your mismanagement maneuvers like you bought it but never had to pay for it... and the losers & suckers will continue to own it like they earned it. The losers & suckers have been working without leadership for so long we learned how to navigate around management... so take your time to decide if you have the cajones to come off the sidelines. Do not feel sorry for the losers & suckers who have learned how to fend for themselves... it is the Loser & Suckers who feel sorry for you... you'll never know what it feels like... you'll never know the thrill of victory or the agony of defeat... until you Cowboy up and fight so our United Nation of States... so one day we can all be free.

Calling the military Losers & Suckers is not the "fake news" claim of the previous administration reality bite of cold heartedness coming from the former King of the Republican PARTY. Fake news like that makes the self-righteous democratic party think they are somehow better because they never say military members are losers & suckers out loud. Yet, the angelical Democratic Party promotes it... not by what they say... but by what they do. Here is another fake news account that proves your democratic better half thinks veterans are losers & suckers on your side of the aisle too... just like the previous party Ruling King who accidently said it out loud. Here is what you say and fight for, "Our Democratic PARTY is committed to helping poor little college student pay off their student loan debt, because these poor mismanaged Teddy Bears... who sat on the sidelines for years while wars were raging overseas... need our immediate national assistance to help them get out of debt". Seriously? The Democratic party basically just slapped military veterans and first responders who fought and died since 9/11... in the face. Damn Uncle Sam! Poor baby Teddy Bears have student loan debt... sideline jockeys who spent years "sitting this one out" on a paid vacation... and the democratic party is basically saying... smart people who go to college are the future of the country and a classroom degree earns them the right to rein supreme over those dumbass losers & suckers willing to serve their country. Nothing says military & first responders are losers & suckers more than a pompous Republican KING who said it out loud... or a Promotional Democratic Party who never said it out loud... but PROVES it when their PARTY puts the interests & welfare of college graduates and those who have never raised a finger to fight for the greater good.... ahead of military veterans and first responders on the frontlines who fight and die serving their country. We the MILITARY & PUBLIC SERVANTS of this country say to both political party Kingdoms... "Thank you for your disservice...dumbass."

Let's see if the countries trillions of dollars investment and the love shown to college students... who drove themselves into debt so they could sit on the sidelines and watch the game... pays off.  Since the country believes the best citizens are the ones with a college degree...in the next major conflict... the next war... draft only the college graduates to fight.  Under a nations dumbass theory that 4 years in college is mass-producing the best & brightest... only allow college graduates fight in the next war...so the Losers & Suckers from back on the farm...can management vacation until the war is over. Do not be surprised if in the next major conflict the Losers & Suckers decide to "sit the next one out" and enroll in college... and let the college graduates go off to fight in the next war. Their brilliance should win the war in just a few weeks...

This website believes in God, Corps, Country. We KNOW what frontline leadership is... and what sideline managers are up too. We hang out with Pioneers & Renegades who can do something about it. This website will show you what a learning renegade can DO all by themselves... before Pioneers are managed into extinction right behind leadership. We were lucky to have been around long enough to witness True American Leadership firsthand... never falling prey to the management con artists. Leadership is not a figment of our nation’s current management lack of imagination. Leadership is the real deal. We sure could use it asap to get us out of this grief FUBAR both parties buried us under. Unfortunately... inspirational leaders have a history of getting gunned down (literally). Since we can't find a leader... let’s rock managements world with pioneering leadership lessons & TS4i troubleshooting skills... to see if any of them have the stones to Cowboy up. Let's back it up with snapshots of the ghosts of leaders' past. Let's safely say... pompous sideline managers & critics are nothing but a bunch of... Losers & Suckers. The Answer Lies Within.

Ouch! The truth will set us free.

What's this 21st Century Scientific Troubleshooting Method Got to Do With It?

When we think of major actions that make us incredibly happy... the ability to troubleshoot problems, needs & wants... breaking down outdated systems, obstacles & barriers, discovering solutions that solve our problems, meet our needs, satisfy our wants... are key ingredients in our never-ending pursuit of Happiness & Freedom 

ABC's of Happiness

The Troubleshooting Scientific Method (TS4i) that led to the ABC's of Happiness Theory of Revolution

(Putting Feelings & Faith back into Science & Systems of Control that Percolate & Promote Grief)

Who knew scientific Air Traffic Control STEM troubleshooting procedures would unveil a systematic robotic education factory that mass produces a sideline management Vulcan science that has no faith, no feelings, no beliefs and no soul?

Forget about how The ABC's of Happiness used TS4i to discover solutions to multiple complex problems in systems of control brought on by grief, the education system, management, science, politics...

We want our viewers to use TS4i to transform "From Viewer...To Doer"

OK, so what does TS4i troubleshooting procedures have to do with your pursuit of happiness? Easy. It packages all your problems, needs, wants and ideas into a group of categories so you can move...From Viewer To Doer. If you have a problem with weight gain...own up to it... do something about it. If you need to make a break from a unhealthy relationship...own up to it...do something about it. If you want to find a job you love...own up to it...do something about it. Dream up all the ideas you can image that will solve your problems, meet your needs and satisfy your wants. TS4i packages all your problems, needs and wants into a visual picture of everything that is wrong with your life...so all your have to do is figure out what you have to do to make it all right.

Capturing all your problems, needs, wants and ideas gives you an honest-to-God evaluation of your current state of affairs. Every problem you solve will make you happier. Every need you meet will make you happier. Every want you fulfill will make you happier. This is how we offer TS4i freely in order to help our viewers transform into doers. Below is the quick down and dirty troubleshooting procedures you can use to get you going.

 The 17th Century Scientific Method evolution from the 5 Step Question-Observation-Hypothesis-Results-Conclusions "Fact Finding" Process...to 21st Century TS4i Scientific Procedures 7 steps "Feelings Finding" Procedures

1. Ask Yourself or the People in your charge these Four Questions - What is the Problem? What do you Need? What do you Want? What ideas do you have to solve these problems, meet your needs, and satisfy your wants?  (Question)

    ↕ Switch 17th Century Scientific Method Steps 1 and 2

2. Symptoms Captured - Detail all your problems, needs, wants into similar groups until a picture of all your struggles are packaged and observe the levels of anger, hostility and disillusions (Observation)

3. Split the Battlefield - Distinguish the two core opposing forces (input & output * grief & happiness * making money & chasing a passion * forces in control & forces out of control) This step is included to look for common ground into between the two. (New Add)

4. Symptoms Analyzed - This is where potential solutions emerge after analyzing all the problems faced, the needs to be fulfilled and the wants of your desire get put into place  (Hypothesis aka Wild Ass Guess)  

5. Obstacles - In todays world the obstacles that keep you from fulfilling your dreams are many. If we understand the obstacles we can formulate a plan of action that bypasses obstacles or figure out a way to take down an obstacle. (New Add)

6. Troubleshooting Steps - This is the experimenting & testing phase of troubleshooting. This is where we find out what does and doesn't work. If a hypothesis is proven right or wrong.  (Results)

7. Trouble Found - This is where you scratch off a problem, meet a need, satisfy a want using all the new ideas you imaged. (Conclusion)


"Happiness, we have a problem! Our PROMISED LAND Freedom is delinquent!"

TS4i begins with this wild & crazy notion of asking 4 probing questions to get to the heart of any matter to figure out & fix, what's the matter, and doing it by dealing with the FEELINGS of our fellow HUMAN BEINGS. This never-before considered unscientific approach by the scientific management community is outside the Kingdom of royal party boxes. Instead of talking to the Kings & Queens of intellectual scientific terminators "who turn off their feelings thinking they KNOW it all and DO very little if nothing at all" and can't wait to tell you how hard it is to rule & manage their Kingdoms of dumb, dumbs ... How about we try this "insane in the membrane" approach of talking to those at the bottom of the barrel who do everything... instead of the almighty rulers at the top of the management Pyramid Scheme always giving those beneath them crap to do?  Say what, is you nuts???!!!

The TS4i Unscientific method that uses science's cherished scientific method that evolved WITHOUT science KNOWING anything about it... because nobody briefed their lazy compliant ass on it and PROVED it to them. TS4i talks to the dumb, dumbs, the lower class of people (like face to face, one on one and treats them like they are human with a brain and intense feelings... instead of a mindless factory robot programmed by management systems to work). That's right... we TALK to the Servants & Subjects & Pawns of lower-class people "who DO it all bursting with feelings and don't give a damn if they KNOW it all." TS4i goes deep down into the bottom of the barrel to ask 4 down & dirty questions to the PIONEERS, the PERFORMERS, the DOER's, the LOW LIFERS who SERVE the public, the git r' dun COWBOYS & COWGIRLS who MAKE IT ALL HAPPEN.

Managements lack of imagination wonders... Seriously, you bypass the high & mighty Kings & Queens of Management brilliance and get down in the dirt with those LOSERS & SUCKERS? You're damn right we do! It makes us FEEL human doing something that HELPS human beings you heartless, cold-blooded robot... we DO IT because it shows how little you KNOW when you think you rein superior over those that CAN DO what you CAN'T DO!

TS4i asks 4 simple question to probe how the silent minority FEELS under current mismanagement rule? 1) What PROBLEMS are you having, DOING that thing you do? 2) What do you NEED, in order to DO that thing you do better? 3) What do you WANT to DO, so you get to do, what you always want to do, in order to achieve, what you want to achieve?  4) What IDEAS do you have to make all the things you DO so much better, faster and smarter than the way your royal sideline manager finks you do? Once you realize the power of the people... you realize TS4i quickly uncovers all the grief bullies, the entitled grief accomplices who are gaming the system.

Holy cow!!! This dumbass website creator talks to the dumb dumbs who DO THINGS? How dumb does this NOBODY think management is...wait...he just told us...

He thinks sideline managers are dumber than a bag of hammers, useless human beings, when they treat the HUMAN BEINGS that SERVE under them like subjects & servants & pawns they can sacrifice. He thinks any management system is dumber than a bag of rocks if it thinks the people who DO something day in and day out, seriously don't KNOW what they are doing. His treasonous MBA renegade went on to say...Managers should be scrapped and sent to the junk yard because they are a bunch of sideline Teddy Bear punks, without any junk. He proves that managers are a bunch of sideline Teddy Bears without any cajones. He proves anybody who follows a manager is a pre-conditioned Sideline Teddy Bear too. Followers follow managers. Pioneers follow leaders. He has the lower-level nerve to say all Managers should be immediately scrapped and replaced by true to our Colors, Fearless Red White & Blue All American Leadership... because real leaders can DO, what they ask their Pioneers to DO, so together they can get anything they dream up... WELL DONE! The nerve of this low-level guy who doesn't think managers are fly! This un-loyal, un-faithful traitor to the Management PhD's & Masters of SAT's is turned off by our sacred education kingdom... this turncoat must fail! He thinks he can grade us when our rulership is only set up for us to grade him! Off with his head!

Footnote: Our 2.02 GPA high school graduate website creator is knowingly trashing all college graduates, especially MBA's & PhD's who are "Management Specialists." If this is his die-hard TS4i philosophy, why in the hell of education did he waste all those years getting his Bachelors Degree & MBA? He did it for four reasons: selfless and selfish. (Selfless reason #1) He got his MBA to PROVE...any dumbass can get a college degree. All a "listen, study, parrot, test" student has to do, if they got all the time in the world to waste sitting around in a library prison, is follow orders, be on time to class, and do the same repetitive field of study over and over again... without putting a bullet in their brain to stop "the more you know" pain. (Selfish reason #2) He know for a fact, no matter how you try to spin it professor... being a full time college student is a 4-6 year paid vacation... where all you have to do is sit around all day long and read all about it. Read a little here. Write a little there... then tell a classroom prison guard what you think. This could well be... the least impressive thing a freedom fighting American could ever DO. Doing nothing for years on end, sitting around thinking about what you may or may not DO some day... following the rules & regulations of the strict prison guards... until the warden issues you a parole (with a fancy degree) and releases you from this educational prison for good behavior. Why in the name of all those who have ever served their country... would anyone be impressed with someone who took a paid vacation and never had to fight for a thing... and learn how to pass a test? (Selfish reason #3) His GI bill paid him $1,500 a month to sit on the sidelines... which selfishly says loud & clear... the only way his dumbass was going to sit on the sidelines and talk it out... was if somebody paid him to not do anything. In other words, this loser & sucker retired Marine dummy, was no dummy, when he proved any dummy could get a college degree that wasn't a professional trade. (Selfless reason #4) The best way to KNOW the ENEMY... is to SLEEP with the ENEMY... especially when you know the enemy is looking to screw you anyway... to figure out how the hell does an educated dumbass mindset get programmed into college graduates self-righteous "Polly want a cracker" brain... to the tipping point is turns them into a self-righteous cold-blooded heartless ruler? In other words, we listened to NBC programming, "the more you know", and we learned to KNOW more about our enemy... our high and mighty education system that pumps out sideline managers who rule those who do... so the more we know... we could use its uselessness to create this free dumb website to show you, "the more you KNOW, the less you DO." We interrupt this programming, with our very own programming, "the less you KNOW, the more you DO, without giving a damn about the more you KNOW". That is how we always DO IT. Here is your sacred highly educated scientific PROOF! In order to be free, we have to get free dumb. Dumb, de, dumb dumb. Kaboom! Boom Shackalacka! Polly wanta cracker? You have just been served your first taste of education humble pie. Now we are even, and equal. Your education sideline vacation is over. Time to get back in the game.

It is an American tragedy it took this long for us to get back to our roots of treating each other like human and giving the lower class an equal voice. What we discovered is our highly educated management systems are holding up progress because if the low-life's get ahead, management falls behind. "Frankly, my dear, we don't give a damn" about management rules & rulers. Leadership looks ahead and does not give a damn if anybody follows... but the Fearless Pioneers.

The American people have been looking for the enemy of our freedom, our faith, our Corps, our country, for some time now. We've finally found them. Our pioneering scouts have identified the enemy and it doesn't look good. It is that evil son of a bitch management GRIEF!!! Management Royal Grief is America's sworn enemy we thought we beat when we signed the Treaty of Paris with those British Royal Bastards back in 1783. Management Grief is the enemy of our freedom, our ability to practice our faith freely, our feelings of passion, love and respect for one another. But the news gets worse. Management Grief has brain-washed armies of inhuman, highly educated BRITISH ROYAL CYBORG RULERS without any heart or soul... pompous rulers that lost their Bah Bah when they were babies! These profiteers of freedom are doing grief's dirty work behind our backs disguised as America patriots defending OUR rights by having lavish ruling political PARTIES. This includes systems of degrading education, powerful politics, greed is good business baron's, Gods of Wise Dumb science cyborg PhD's and all MANAGERS of the rankest ranks who are in their royal palace, safely on the sidelines getting rich tucked safely in their crib. They never fight for our freedom, only their own. They only KNOW how to defend themselves and their best interest while sending their "subjects, servants & pawns" out to fight & die to protect their interests, not the interest of our nation as a whole. They are heavily supported by diabolical SYSTEMS designed to MANAGE everybody and they fortified these systems of injustice to protect themselves and hide their dirty deeds. They have manufactured systems that surround us; education systems, political systems, business systems, scientific systems, management systems...all of which are MANAGED safely from the sidelines far away from the action, in a secret, safe, secure office hideout they get to rule from. (Our scouts had to admit it, they saw some pretty awesome Royal Palaces of the "rich & famous" that makes houses on "Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous" look like trailer parks. One Business "You're Fired" King sat on a golden shitter throne and had a TV show where this family of royalty flushed highly educated people down his business shitter! It is a luxurious "management off-site" resort exclusively for Education Supremacy, Management Guru's, Political & Big Business Kings & Drag Queens who act like they are all bosom buddies & part of a secret society of classroom EDUCATION junkies who think they know a lot... because they own a lot of real estate... but can do very little... much less fight for a nation to be free! We have no idea if these inhuman Cyborg's are men or women because none of them have any cajones and none of them show any remorse for the nasty greedy things they do... to the people who SERVE them. What the hell are we going to do? All appears lost!!! We have no choice but to SURRENDER to this unkind army of ROYAL POWER!!!

Well, let's see what we the people can do about that. We're American Pioneers, Banditos, Renegades, Outlaws, Cowboys & Cowgirls who have more cajones than we can handle. We're surrounded by level after level of sideline Teddy Bears (without cajones) who are grading & judging our every move... who think they can tell us everything we can or cannot do. There in front of us, there behind us and we are flanked on both sides by an enemy that outnumbers us thousands of Sideline Teddy Bears to one Lone Ranger Pioneer. That simplifies things; THEY CAN'T GET AWAY FROM US THIS TIME!!!" Just remember... do not try to kick them in the balls... they have none. Bless me father for I have sinned... I will throw a thousand Hail Mary's and hope some of these sideline Teddy Bear managers catch their balls. All we are trying to do is get these sideline Teddy Bears to grow a pair and join the fight for freedom! All we want is for them to Cowboy the f**k up!


A men is supposed to have cajones, no Senor?

Si Senor Cowboys & Senorita Cowgirls... Mucho Macho Si.

Fix it 1. We cannot defeat grief or its army of inhuman accomplices and sideline Teddy Bears that have us surrounded unless we KNOW THE ENEMY.

Fix it 2. We cannot win this war unless we know "what the hell are we fighting for? (The answer is HAPPINESS=FREEDOM by the way. Freedom from grief, freedom from our ruling education system, freedom from royal management, freedom from political PARTIES, freedom from "feel no harm" science, freedom from business servitude, and fighting for freedom for each other) We must know who we are as individuals - Pioneers, Renegades, Performers, Cowboy's, Cowgirls, Ranch Hands. Do we have the right stuff going for us or the wrong stuff working against us? We must KNOW OURSELVES (conduct a reckoning to measure your self-worth) in order to pursue our unique brand of Happiness. If we do not know what makes us happy, there is no way we will ever find it. Because Happiness cannot be borrowed, bought, owned, leased, possessed, purchased or exchanged. Happiness is FREE of CHARGE....like totally free dude...like you are the only one in charge.

Fix it 3. Once we know the enemy Grief and all those who manage grief that cannot be MANAGED, once we know what Happiness is, we split the two opposing counsels into unique standalone sides of the fence and look for common ground somewhere in the middle. This allows us to focus on each one as an individual part of life then figure out a COMPROMISE, a middle ground, that answers all the questions humans face in our fight between good and evil. A compromise that brings as divided nation together with a common goal of truth, liberty, justice for all. In this case, the compromise is accepting natural grief as an unwelcome fact of life while proving that happiness is worth fighting for... so much so that we will never be afraid to "live free or die" from grief. It is a mourning awakening that those with faith have a soul that lives forever... no matter if our life is happy or sad.

Fix it 4. Focus on the unlimited power of FAITH. Show how the faith of a nation is the ultimate fighting tool in fighting off grief. Show how faith gives us unmatched courage, a fearlessness not only in our ability to create something out of nothing (Ex Nihilo), but also the peace of mind that we never walk alone, we never walk afraid... and, if we get things right... we are blessed to have a soul that lives forever.

Fix it 5. Figure out how to take down a SCIENCE that has no faith, no feelings, no beliefs, no imagination. (we ain't talking about our sacred "do no harm" ethical medical doctors & scientists). We are calling out PhD's who are just lost souls, living in a fishbowl, year after year, treating their fellow human beings like test dummies... science can crash and dispose of when no longer needed.

Forget it 6. Figure out how to take down an entire network of MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS that tried and failed to replace leadership. Managers (library wimps who sit on the safety of the sidelines, watch, judge, pass or fail performers who are fighting for their lives trying to do something). A management system that is too afraid to get in the game themselves because they have no skills. That, and they damn sure do not have any courage. All we gotta do is say... our country made a mistake placing all our bets on education (learning to know) instead of taking a sure bet with Training (learning to do).

If you build it... he or she (a natural born leader) will come 7. The coup de grâce for slowly eroding American leadership? Figure out a way to highlight how the not-so-great EDUCATION SYSTEM management factory is mass producing SIDELINE TEDDY BEARS instead of freedom fighting PIONEERS and LEADERS. This management factory is pumping out managers faster than you can say, "Where the hell did our leadership go?" All we must do is turn this mistake around is to plant the seed of learning to harvest future leaders... instead of educating past tense know-it-all managers who cannot function without their beloved teddy bears who do exactly what management says.

Sorry....we are out on vacation doing extensive research on Happiness. We will fill you in on "Split the Battlefield" findings as soon as we get back....if we ever come back.

Love you. Peace!

Just messing with you. Once you graduate from this HOME page... give yourself time to move to the TS4i page and all your "how the hell do I fix this" questions will be answered.

May the troubleshooting force be with you grasshopper!

Take a pause from grief's chain action of anger, rage and furious hatred reaction. Look around, look around, at how lucky we are to be alive right now. If we continue this "are you a hard-core republican or a hippy dippy democrat...patty cake, patty cake of hatred...we are going to nuke ourselves into extinction".

Take a chill pill. Relax. We ain't dead yet. We have a fighting spirit history of banding together in our darkest hours where we unite as one nation under God right before all seems lost. We band together as brothers & sisters to FIGHT BACK and WIN! Just give it a little time...now is the time to meditate instead of medicate...and then create the life we have always dreamed of. The cool thing about being an American? We don't have to wait for others to MAKE US happy...we can be pioneers and do it all by yourself. Come on...say it with us...you can DO IT...’I’m happy as hell and I’m going to take a whole lot more crap before I don’t give a damn! See...bet you FEEL better already...

As for the "Troubleshooting Steps". Here's looking at you kid. It's the entire ABC's of Happiness Website. We are troubleshooting multiple variables from multiple fronts of attack trying to figure out how to make this complex problem more connectable, more relatable, easier to understand. We are working to solve cross-connecting closely related problems that seems to grow in depth each day. This is the most complex problem we have ever worked... and we have solved some major problems before... but nothing of this magnitude. It would be nice if we had help but we are anything but helpless. Our happiness is up to us, and we the learning pioneers... we want to make you happy, but we can't do that without you. Your happiness is up to you. We are making new discoveries every day, especially when we get suggestions and criticism from our friends and foes. New discoveries, new thoughts, new prayers, new ideas are what lead to change. More changes lead to a simpler solution. We have never tried to help a grieving nation before so give us a freakin’ break.

We're Troubleshooting HERE!

It's like AWESOME trying to figure this out!

Love you. Peace!

Sorry....we are out on vacation doing extensive research on Happiness. We will fill you in on "Solutions to all our nation's problems (of which there are many) as soon as we get back....if we ever come back. We solved all our own problems and we kicked grief's ass... so we have no problem getting out and having a good time. In the meantime,... we left you this website behind... see for yourself...see you can figure it out... see if you can learn how to get out of YOUR grief on you own. It is in your best interest to take an interest to get the biggest payoff money cannot buy. We pray this website helps yawl get out of the grief... especially if owns you body & soul. You own it to yourself... to own up to it... and pay yourself back with a pursuit of happiness interest that makes you happy.

Good luck! May God be with you!

Take your time & enjoy the ride. The "solutions" to fixing all our grief problems can only take place if we fight grief like it is our worst enemy. Grief is our worst foe and happiness our closest friend. Fight back with all the love & passion you can muster. Fight for love that brings us together instead of being consumed by griefs hate that is tearing us apart. We hope to get this "Message to Garcia" to an All-American LEADER who can & will unite us...all for one and one for all.

P.S. We love yawl!

Ask not what your country can DO for you,
Ask what you can DO for your country.

Great advice Mr. President. (no, definitely not the last one or this one) We weren't doing that much anyway.
How's about we create a website to "Make America Happy Again". Think that'll do it for us?

What is the ABC's of Happiness asking for in return for all this troubleshooting? President John F. Kennedy ask us, ask what we can do for our country. We thought it was a great question... so we volunteered to build this website for OUR country. We thought yawl might get a kick out a unique crazy brand of country boy doing his Happiness thing. You should know we ain't just fighting grief, we're killing it. We genuinely believe, you can too. Fighting is part of our core American DNA, so we picked a fight with grief and declared WAR on that SOB. The happiness we are fighting for...don't give a damn...if you like what we are saying or how we are saying it. We can MANAGE all by ourselves...but we're American's so we are out here fighting for YOU...because it is freeing all of US. It's what country boy's and girl's do...city folk, not so much. When we do this for yawl... maybe you will do something for your neighbor... then your neighbor might do something for his friend... his friend might do something for his state... his state might do something for his country... and next thing you know...we are all doing really cool things for our country to help each other and that makes us all feel good. Our extensive scientific research concluded... that when you help other people you feel good...when you feel good you are happy. Who would of thunk it? Please tell us this is not a 21st Century scientific breakthrough? Heaven help us if it is the best way to win this war against grief. We need all the help we can get. We will be extremely happy if we spent all this time & money building a website... then simply turned around and discovered the fountain of youth secret to happiness... buried it right here... so website readers would not have to mine for the happiness gold themselves... instead we could hand this pot of gold to them for free?

Back to the question about what we are asking for in return for The ABC's of Happiness? Happiness we created out of the nothingness of a devastating multiple level grief event? We should have come clean before we pulled you in too deep...We have been singing this song since 1974 when our Happiness caught Fire on the Mountain top of freedom so before you cash in or cash out... now hear this...

People say I'm no good, and crazy as a loon
'Cause I get stoned in the mornin', I get drunk in the afternoon
Kinda like my old blue tick hound, I like to lay around in the shade
And I ain't got no money, but I damn sure got it made

'Cause I ain't askin' nobody for nothin'
If I can't get it on my own
If you don't like the way I'm livin'
You just leave this long haired country boy alone

This is great advice from Maestro Daniels.  Charlie Daniels (Jack Daniels brother from a different mother)... a good ole country boy...and President JFK, a Harvard grad...were both on the same page. Our country needs people who ain't asking nobody for nothin', except, WHAT CAN I DO for my country tis' of thee?

We call tell you this as a matter of fact...in today's management bull crap economy... dumbass country folk don't give a damn what you think you smart fella's think you KNOW...

We're all waiting to see what the hell you can DO.

ABC's of Happiness

Since this is a scientific study... the American Book of Dreams Happiness Project... lets run the numbers for you. What makes for a happy life?

The creator of this website is closing in on the 66th birthday of his average human life. He is a dedicated member of the mankind fan club who believes helping people and fighting for happiness... defeating grief not only for himself... but for those inside and outside his mankind love network... that this is the key to a happy life. He tells us being 66 years old means he has been blessed with 24,090 days to live his life sentence for his undying commitment in the pursuit of truth, liberty, justice and happiness for all. So let's do the happiness math... 24,090/2 = 12,045 days.. 12,045 days is half of an everyday lifetime. This means the ultimate goal is to LIVE wild & free for at least 12,046 happy-days-are-here-again (at most 24,090 would be beyond our wildest dreams)... happy days where he can say he celebrated VICTORY with a declaration of independence from GRIEF. This means if on his 66th birthday he can win just one more battle against grief bringing in lifelong total to the worst case scenario of just 12,046 days of living recklessly wild and free... that one extra day means he knows deep inside his passionate soul... he gets to go out a winner.  If he gets to experience a single extra day feeling over the moon happily in LOVE he can erase all that was forever lost. If he can sing, “This old man, he plays one, he plays one on his happiness drum"... if this old man can Cowboy Up & kick griefs ass just one more time and go out the world champion... happy that he learned how to roll with the punches and pounded on how much fun it is to always punch back... celebrating another joyful victory for more than half of the up & down roller coaster ride called living... feeling high as a kite... just one more day riding above those wasted days & nights grieving in depression... this means he wins the war against grief... and can die a happy man.

This is the simple math of life. Run your own numbers. How many days have you been blessed with so far? Take that number and divide it by two. Have you spent most of your valuable time being in love and happy... or have you wasted valuable time feeling lonely, sad or downright mad? This ain't rocket science. If you count the number of days of our lives in your soap opera life... it becomes perfectly clear if you are winning battles against grief being recklessly happy & free or losing the war feeling locked down, angry & mad. If you want to get scientific about it... calculate the number of days left in your life sentence. Science tells us the average life span of a human being is 76 years old for this old man and 81 for this old woman.. that means the average life sentence of mankind is 27,740 days until parole and 29,565 for female kind... but the truth is... life can end tomorrow... or we just might... pull off a Betty White... and live happily ever after. That is why our elderly Happiness statesman recommends making every day count... by claiming victory over grief and always coming out ahead of the game... happy with the way it all played out... in order to win the WAR against Grief.

A lifers basic math is how he reminds all of us: Time is of the essence and every day is an open invitation to kick griefs ass to achieve the ultimate impossible dream of dying happy.

So, let us all join forces and kick grief’s ass as one united nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Mankind has no choice. Female kind, may have a little more time, but they still have to choose. We must declare war against grief. Let us dream an impossible dream of unity and love and chase it with a passion. It’s easy as pie with the ABC’s of Happiness battle plan. It let's all of us get an equal slice of the great American Dream so together we-the-people can fight to “Make America Happy Again”.

What's Taking your Time on our Dime Got to Do With It?

Considering time is the only real currency of value in life... not taking time... to invest and defend your happiness.. is wasting your most valuable time

There are who learn things that have happened... those who watch things happen.... those who listen for things to happen... those who wait for things to happen... those who say... “What the hell just happened?”... as opposed to those who finish learning, cease watching, stop listening, quit waiting, no longer caught off-guard... the ones who go out and make things happen.

Take it One Step at a Time of these 12 Steps to Discover Your Unique Brand of Happiness

Take it nice and easy. If you're stuck in a grief holding pattern...you got nothing to lose & everything to gain. Fire up the engine and take off to an impossible dream you dream for yourself. And get this...the more you help people when you are hurting the most...the faster you help yourself return to the land of the living footloose & fancy free.

Know the enemy and know yourself. Make no mistake. This is a world war against grief. The human race needs every resource at our disposable to fight grief to the death.

* Triage evolution of grief to the 5 levels of pain of mind in order to know & accept grief as a fact of life: accept grief as the price we all pay to embrace the awesome power of having intense feelings (with all the ups & downs) that make us feel alive (and human). Winning the war will let us savor our passion for happiness. Discover the 5 Grief escape hatches in search of the Achilles heel of the deepest darkest depressions & soundtrack the feelings of grief's devastation & pain.

Illustrate & soundtrack ABC’s of Happiness - A. Grief Escape Plan... B. Grief Counterattack ...C. Grief Prevention. Do this so we can stand up against grief, kick its ass and bury that SOB; or simply climb out of any depression & walk away to freedom from grief.


* Triage 5 levels of peace of mind happiness. Use the 6 grief escape hatches to fight off depression & soundtrack the adrenaline pumping sounds of freedom and happiness

Illustrate the "taking control" happiness and "out of control" grief chart that can be used to triage happy grief survivors (escapees) and treat multiple levels of depressed grief victims.

Scroll back up to Magical Mystery Tour Current State of Mind Triage and give yourself an honest diagnosis. Only you know where you currently stand in Happiness or sit buried Grief. No worries. Take your time to triage yourself and see how to make your great escape.

If you don’t know “Where you at brother or sister?” then how in the hell will you know where you want to go? We are praying... no matter where you at today....You dig deep inside yourself to figure out where do YOU want to go?"

We are hoping you have a out of your control awakening that... damn I got bushwhacked by grief... (just like ever human being on the planet) and you figured out... deep inside your LOVING soul... you ain’t alone in your grief and say, “To hell with the hell of grief”... I’m going to dream an impossible dream... work day and night to be happy... and you dedicate your life to helping other people along the way to chasing YOUR impossible dream.

And that my fellow Americans, is how each and every one of us...gets to the top of our over the happiness mountain top...of the Magical Mystery Tour Current State of Mind Triage. You set your sights to be at the top of the charts of your “one and only life” magical mystery tour... your personal hit parade.

Last time we checked, you can sign up with Apple Music and get a Free 3 month trial to Read-See-Hear-FEEL-Learn-Do-Fix the ABC’s of Happiness, down again, then up again, pulsing soundtrack. We use a 86-song soundtrack as human references to FEEL the complex layers of emotions found in the multiple levels of grief & celebratory happiness feelings of freedom. We even added a ABC's of Happiness "Just a dream away" Nation Anthem for good measure. Music is the one great equalizer in the good ole USA. Depending on your mood, you are guaranteed to find a song the burns into your soul and makes you want to cry in your whine or dance like Carlton or Elaine at a goof ball.

Let’s get something straight when it comes to the ABC’S of Happiness soundtrack. This ain’t your Dick Clark top 40 hits with please, please me dance tracks... it is NOT a culmination of pop songs that has a great beat and you can dance to it. How many times have you heard... I’m not into Country twang... Rap & Hip Hop are too gangster for me and uses filthy words... Latin is too hot to handle... Reggae is only good for smoking dope... Love songs only apply for the first few weeks you are fooling around day & night and then love songs loses its true meaning... Hard rock makes my ears bleed... Punk Rock is junk rock... Christian music is holier than thou... Broadway music is for fairy tales... I only like Techno music that makes me wanna dance... or last but not least... music just ain't my thing, I'd rather read a good book. All of these nullifications are missing buried treasures of pure honest-to-god poetry of the human condition. Music is the voice of the American People...the voice of mankind. Music is a dagger in your heart. Music sets the mood. Music is our love potion #9. Music cranks up the volume. Music let's us listen to how the country is FEELING. Music is the heartbeat of a nation. Music is our soul. Music is the one human connection that connects us as humans.

Let’s talk creationism. We are talking about that  faith filled artist who does his artwork in heaven and gave humans the gift to create something out of nothing, Ex Nihilo. Music starts with an ink spot on a blank page and a songwriter documents the INTENSE FEELINGS they have... good... bad... or indifferent. They record these feelings and craft what they FEEL into a poem that they hope will come alive someday given the right sound of music. Next, this immaculate poetic conception only works if the writer finds the perfect musician who can set the stage so that the poem comes to life with heart pounding sounds. The final stage is to find just the right singer, not always the singer with perfect pitch, but a singer with the imperfect pitch so they ain’t pitching the song... they FEEL the song... when they sing out the lyrics. If there is a genera of music you do not like, you are missing an American symphony of feelings that will touch your heart & soul. Feelings are the only thing that connections us all as humans. The songs we selected, out of the thousands of songs we listened too and love, are based solely on the soulful lyrics of the songs... the passion of the moment.... that capture a feeling for each of the stages of grief, happiness & mourning. If you can’t dig the music we felt fit the feeling we wanted you to feel... read the poetic lyrics first... then imagine the humanity it took for the songwriter to find the right words to capture what they were feeling...  then imagine the writer handing their full exposure to a musician who felt what was written and the magical words is filled with heart & soul. Then imagine finding just the right singer who could bring the song to life. The beauty of music is unimaginable until you really listen and appreciate the pain & suffering of a traumatic event or the adrenaline bursting happiness & joy... we the listener... the feelings felt by all human beings when a song delivers... get to FEEL all that creative energy in the imperfect package of the writer who sat down with pen and paper to hit a single note heart string. It is creationism at its finest.

If you ain’t buying what we ain’t selling on our soundtrack, try this on for size. Read 86 PhD dissertations about grief, happiness & mourning and see how you FEEL... before you judge our 86 song soundtrack. Most likely, once you are done reading 86 big brain dissertations... you will feel inhuman, robotic and scientifically dead inside... unemotional like a robot. We call this scientific void of feelings, Zombie Science. (Throughout this website we show how 17th Century science has not evolved like they love to theorize in their robotic delusions) Science snuffs human feelings from their formulas with their stringent scientific method. Science leaves this disclaimer out when the SELL YOU their best selling grief products (mood altering drugs, therapy, medications, rehab centers) that help you MANAGE GRIEF (which of course means you have to continue to pay grief managers who want to keep you in a coma coming back for more grief relief). We show robotic scientists up... by showing them how to evolve into the 21st Century human race... and we use sciences own sacred scientific method against them... to solve complex human problems by capturing real life human thoughts, ideas and emotions using our revolutionary evolutionary TS4i scientific method. Whoa... sorry for turning you off with science... we are trying to show you that Musicians are this countries FEELINGS PhD doctorates. We should listen to musicians long before we buy into a "feel no harm" self-medicating science that has no feelings.

Our guess is after you read 1 or 2 PhD dissertations you’ll be running back to our soundtrack saying, Damn!!! I love me all kinds of music. I'll listen to anything you got on various stages to wash this deadpan feeling right out of me. I don’t give a damn what type of music it is, just "Please, please me" and play something with feelings. Once you download our apple music playlists... and our headlining superstar on Reverb Nation... country music star Michael Scott... we want you to read the lyrics to each song first... imagine you are the lone writer feeling down & dark... or high as a kite... then listen to the composition of the music in a brand new light... and listen how the singer of the song brings the song to life and say... Damn... I know EXACTLY how they FEEL.

This is why we recommend downloading Apple Music for the free 3 month trial. We are all about being free to move about the country of all our singers. With Apple Music most of the songs on our soundtrack let you read the lyrics at the click of a button, and at the end of the song, they masterfully credit the unsung heroes who wrote the song. Plus thanks to the huge inventory of music on Apple music we want you to take our ABC's of Happiness playlists once you give them a look and listen, then replace our favorite songs with your favorite songs... you feel fit better and add songs that you love... songs that let you capture the moment of how YOU FEEL or FELT... capturing the millenniums you experienced and remind yourself of the intense burn of each stage we recorded for the people... by the people... who are all our people. It is our Theory of Musical Revolution that music is the one and only venture & virtue that orchestras feelings so that none of us ever feels alone in this world... if we can find a radio gaga song that fits our feelings. Music is the ultimate human connection we all feel. Now let's all sing together.... God Bless America!

In our American Book of Dreams... Pop, Rock, Metal, Punk, Techno, Latin, Rap, Hip-Hop, R&B, Jazz, Reggae, Country, Folk, Bluegrass, Christian, Easy Listening, Comedy, Alternative, Dance, Classical, Opera, Broadway, and Movie Soundtracks... it don’t matter. We searched our archives looking for feelings activation and human representation. Ice, Ice, Baby... Vanilla Ice... REALLY? Why not, we all felt it? It felt insanely good. We (humans/mankind) are equal in the gift that we all FEEL sadness & happiness. Do you feel me? We have included a long list of songs for you to LISTEN too...to FEEL each stage of Pain of Mind grief covering every level of grief...grief that delivers a knock out punch... grief that is knocking you down & out. Grief is a pain of mind that has been experienced by some of the greatest musical singer songwriters of all time (rich & poor, black & white, stars & one hit wonders) who incredibly package their pain or joy and share it with the world. Music makes US FEEL something deep inside.

"Feelings, nothing more than feelings"... Ok, that song is a little fancy pantsy, but you get our depressing drift. How amazing is it that a person who is grieving, drowning in the excruciating pain of a horrific out of control experience of depression... how in their hell can they muster up the courage to pen it to paper with lyrics... then orchestrate those feelings into a song to share with the world... that tells the world an unspeakable secret of what their unimaginable pain FEELS like. This bold & daring act of humanity has to be the most ingenious gift a hurting person can do... when musicians share their pain to help other people. Musicians, and all creative performance artists, "create something out of the nothing". This is creationism in a nut shell. Musicians give us "honest-to-god" lyrics. Honest-to-god-feelings songwriters pen to paper lyrics are this countries, country of all types of music.

Musical expertise doesn't just deal in "insane in the membrane" grief. These bad ass anti-grief renegades are "having daydreams about night things in the middle of the afternoon" and it fires them up hotter than a firecracker. They all get down with the lyrics as they create something out of nothing and bring us back up with happiness highs... that make us want to get down with the sound... all night long. The 5 LEVELS of Happiness (our primary expertise since 1955) has 3 core Grief fighting elements. A Grief Escape Plan of Reckless Abandon, a running down a dream Grief Counterattack and holding the line Happiness Peace of Mind Grief self-defense. (Peace of Mind is like totally better than Pain of Mind dude) There is a unique song we selected to FEEL the adrenaline pumping sounds of reckless over-the-moon Happiness. Our Six Pack of Reckless Abandon, Six Pack of Taking Control, 5 Stages of Ex Nihilo (creating something out of nothing Theory of Revolution) and our soothing 11 Stages of Happiness... each have unique emotions of the thrill of victory over our defeat of grief. Each song lets you FEEL the somewhere over the rainbow sensations of Happiness. Smoke this music tonight and don’t call us in the morning because you will be partying all night long and wake up listening to James Brown, “I Feel Good” over and over again. You will be on your way without us...but FEEL like you are right beside us. Musician's, thank God, are only human... just like us... the only difference is they should be treated like the rock stars of creationism, since they are creating insight into the human soul. 

This 86 song soundtrack, with our late edition National Anthem piped in, is included to orchestrate the feelings of the human soul & happiness spirit. These carefully selected songs were not just picked for the average joe or joe mama who digs music... each song was carefully selected for the scientific & management communities, the powers of royalty, who turned off their feelings, when they overload their brain with too much knowledge. This best of the best in lyrics & sound is dedicated to a highly educated Dr. Spock Robotic population; Management Joe Friday's; who only want the facts and cut out their feelings. Oversized brain pans with achy breaky hearts that have turned off all their feelings in search of their scared body of PROOF. This soundtrack was orchestrated as a defibrillator to jumpstart the heart of the matter... rejuvenate their loving soul... and bring a grieving nation back from the walking dead...so we can all remember how to love each other and learn to live again. Turns out music always helps achy breaky hearts... who still have a heart... even when a soul is lost and a heart has been broken. Music has the power to resuscitate feelings, letting people know they are not alone when they FEEL down, when they hear a touching song on the radio.

Science digs digging up quotes from really smart dead people as references to prove their point that an up & down life is a freak of nature... manage your grief... flatline your heart... shut off your feelings... and this no-way-out means you never get hurt... it simple means science wants you to shut down all feelings as the scientific way to cope with grief. Feelings get in the way of our scientific human evolution. You are born. You live. You die. These are the FACTS. Get used to it. That's science. How does that make you feel?

TS4i science, on the other hand, digs heart pounding lyrical sounds as references to our honest-to-God feelings. Music makes us FEEL "shot through the heart, and you're to blame"... feeling dead inside sometimes.... alive & kicking most of the time. TS4i uses songs as references to PROVE to science... if music cannot get the human heart pounding one way or the other...you are a grief victim trapped in a fact-filled depression... a knowledge programmed machine... a comatose patient who feels nothing... a grief victim who is trapped in a prison of their own making.

We hate to brag... but happiness found a musical superstar. You can download ReverbNation to listen to our Partner in Country Crimes of Passion, Michael Scott, for free. This is our country Michael Scott and not the dude from the TV show, "The Office". Michael made it to the top of our soundtrack chart with 4 picture perfect songs that capture a unique stage in the mankind life of living a dream or a nightmare, Just a Dream Away, Neverland, I Hear You Now and Life in My Day made it to the top 4 ABC's of Happiness hits. While our website is on a leadership vigil to find a leader who can bring this nation back together... Michael stepped up out of nowhere to remind us we still have armies of renegade pioneers out there in our country creating something out of nothing... waiting in the wings. We Luke Combed thousands of songs of any and all genres... over the past decades of our up & down life... searching for the perfect pitch for each stage of grief. We focused on the sounds of the lyrics of every get-your-groove-on songs... to capture the FEELINGS of every stage we escaped or fought through... in our never-ending pursuit of our impossible dream... to dance our ass out of grief... into a bright new day... hung over with happiness chasing our impossible dreams.

We love the fact that Michael's songs are making him a living from the public he serves... since this is a free website to the country we serve. We are asking you to buy into his unique passion. In this FEELINGS soundtrack since Michael is the ABC's of Happiness headliner with 4 songs on our hit parade. He takes the stage ahead of Tom Petty & Pink Floyd who each had three songs on our lyrical hit list of 86 songs that lead our rocking and rollercoaster life of sensational human emotions. Not bad for a somebody some of us had never heard of before. We hear you now. Ain't America grand when a somebody is "Just a dream away" from their impossible dream and can break out of nowhere with honest-to-god lyrics & music & singing... a cool cat with honest-to-god talent? That is how cool music can be. Michael came out of nowhere and his songs pushed ahead of superstars like Carrie Underwood, Green Day, Toby Keith and the movie soundtrack, “Rudderless”... who each have two songs on our soundtrack. This honest-to-god performer pushed out the Beatles and Sara McLachlan. Michael & songwriter Mr. Rhett Atkins earned their stars & stripes for our national anthem because his voice & these honest-to-god lyrics... make you feel happiness is Just a Dream Away.

Hell, we put this down home country homeboy between Garth Brooks and Willie Nelson for Gods sake with his song, "I hear you now". This three talented country all-stars are the Big League lead-off hitters for Celine Dion, Wiz Kahalifa & Charlie Puth, Carrie Underwood and Aretha Franklin in our Mourning Memories Triage line up. Boston gave us our mourning sickness theme song. Classic American music has no bias, no discrimination when it comes to human feelings. It represents a nations colors... all the colors of our American totem pole. We called up Michael, our player to be named later, to knock it out of the park with his hits... because he should have made it in the big leagues long ago but that never stopped him from doing that thing he loves to do. He has the heart and soul of an all-American superstar who hits us with faith & feelings like all musical big leaguers. We feel good a renegade pioneer like Michael stepped it up out of nowhere. We wish we could help him capture his impossible dream of being a headliner... because he damn sure is helping us capture ours.

Turns out Michael & me are two, one country equals, unknown to most everybody (OK, Michael is a somebody who has toured the country with superstar artists that are on the charts so he is a well known unknown), but we both don't give a damn if anybody listens to what we have to write or sing... we are both out there doing that thing we love to do. We are living life with a passion that can never be measured by a bank account. We only give a damn that we are free to what we love to do. The only way we know how... with FEELING... with LOVE... with PASSION.

Can somebody in the music industry give Michael a break for his unbreakable passion? This guy is unselfish and overflowing with grateful greatness. Hell, he might be the greatest we have ever heard when it comes to do-or-die determination. Honest to God. We need men like Michael now more than ever. He makes us FEEL great. He damn sure made Bobbie Ann Me feel it. We know he will make you FEEL it too.

And mighty, mighty APPLE music...could you please add MICHAEL SCOTT ALBUM "Driven" to your musical app so we don't to jump to ReverbNation to hear two of our favorite songs, "Just a dream away" and "Life in my days"? You ain't selling our music so why ain't you buying Michaels? Music is the only thing of lasting value, besides time, that is worth buying and selling because music always gives us more than we bargain for. If you add Michael to your inventory, we will be buying him all day long and so will the rest of our ReverbNation. Why do we want you to HELP Michael? Because a happy life is all about "Feelings, nothing more than feelings..." Thank you... Michael. So let's all party like it's 1999 and get Purple Rained by Prince.

Our "will be" famous Partner in Country Crimes of Passion, Michael Scott...gave us permission to use his song, "Just A Dream Away" as the ABC’s of Happiness National Anthem. As a testament to his honor of creationism, he told us we also had to credit Rhett Atkins, a great country song writer with the coolest country name, like ever, as the honest-to-God writer on this one. Michael, an awesome song writer in his own right who rides Horses & Harleys, got it right when he said he always shared center stage with the song writers he teams up with, to bring us some of his greatest hits. While headliners like Michael get all the glory, he rocks the house when he cranks up the volume for Drunk Girls, we found him rockin & rolling all night long with his creative performance genius...it is often the unseen pen to paper song writers, the unsung heroes, the partners of every singer's lullaby that take us to “Neverland where you never say never. We never knew Mr. Scott before sharing an anti-social distancing campfire... we were just a couple of crackers cracking up around a crackling campfire. We shared and shared alike a miles to go before I sleep prison break from the rampage of a grief driven inferno of social & political madness & hatred sweeping the nation... both of us hiding out off the grid with the woman we love...warmed by the fire on an isolated lake on a peaceful southern night without big city lights. We played games of songs that get you going and music that got us down. But to our delight, even though we had never heard of Michael and his passionate music before, “I Hear You Now”. While this website is dedicated to our own brand of troubleshooting science, fixin’ & free styling carefree writing (write on, write on) down home country comedy, kamikaze crazy bad ass Marine Corps trash talking, ridiculous rhyming & cartoon characterizations of how to "Make America Happy Again"... with a multi-level soundtrack to give our country a feelings reboot in the hope it brings us back together... Michael is out there performing for all of us with his own he is not a second fiddle star of the military loving Toby Keith “I love this bar”. He has his own unique brand of country free ranging music and he makes us FEEL happy... he makes us feel free... bursting with unadulterated energy. Michael singing honest-to-god lyrics and playing honest-to-god rock-a-devil-dog music make us FEEL melancholy, yet his true grit, makes us dig deep inside ourselves and lifts us up. His performance of “Life in my Days" makes him our honest-to-god Ambassador of Country Quan. Michael has the true gift of a totally unique artist. The lyrical songs he sings, even when he sings songs his partner songwriters write, he will only sing a song if they get it write, are all the stars of the show even when Michael writes his own wrongs and breaks out of the gate when he writes his own songs.

Honest-to-God Singers and Songwriters represent all of Mankind... with their undying faith... intense & passionate feelings... these Soldiers of war of mind & Soldiers of peace of mind... PROVE creationism is alive and kicking in the good old USA... because these good ole boys and grand ole girls are out there on their own creating something out of nothing at the drop of a pen and the 6 strings of a guitar... and everything they do... they do for me and you. We love the writers and the singers because when you listen to Michaels songs of the south, you say, damn brother, I know EXACTLY HOW YOU FEEL.

That is how true red, white, and blue all-American artists make us feel, good or bad. There is no black & white in music, just a flowing rhythm of colorful human connections. Listen to Aretha Franklin and you can feel what I mean about honest-to-God lyrics and heavenly music that transports us to a dreamy wonderland. Mr. Scott is our brand of fearless great American dream chaser who shares his feelings freely and has the talent & commitment to put himself out there with music & song. He is a true pioneer, a renegade, an outlaw with a bounty on his passion. He branded us with his soulful passion for music and free for all spirit. He got us fired up with faith of going all-in, going down in a blaze of glory with our gut feelings burning inside us in our pursuit to “Make America Happy Again”. Michael Scoot reminded us that “Do or Die” is the only way to go all in. The only way to LIVE. Download his songs and give ‘em a listen on ReverbNation while we wait for Apple Music to add him to our playlists.

If this dreamers' songs don’t get your downhome "I love my country" ass dancing & chasing your impossible dreams...you ain't just a whistlin' Dixie...you ain't loving your northern lights. It is our great American dreams...that guide us all home safely out of our darkest hours, our lonely nights. Happiness is "just a dream away" as brother Michael rocks our socks off...whereas equal partners in our country pride of passion... we declare our independence from grief by saying loud & clear... our pursuit of happiness, equality and freedom are always... "just a dream away".

Understand the evolution of science (it’s hypotheses, theories, wild ass guesses, figures, factoids) and the rigid 17th Century scientific method demands that limits its body of work to SHOWING PROOF... and how these limitations are blinding science to the faith, beliefs & feelings of the human soul.

Their Big Bang Theory hypothesis says the universe as they “know it all” was created out of nothing by a tiny singular explosion of something big... that then inflated the ego of science over the next 13.8 billion years... so scientists could crown themselves the self-anointed cosmos of brilliance that we “know it all” today.

Their Theory of Evolution guesses that humans evolved from one universal ancestor... BUT... science cannot answer this simple basic question..."Who's your Daddy?"

It's ok science... don't be ashamed of the fact you don't know who your universal Father is... your theory of therapy tells us you will never fully recover from your bastard shame until you reveal a painful truth and embrace it... your theory of "feel no harm" cure-all drugs tell us if you are feeling down... keep taking your prescription drugs for your depression so you can bury your shame in grief because... "You Can't Handle The Truth"! I mean, come on...it’s time to take ownership of your bastard child theory once and for all.

Go ahead and say it out loud & proud...."I'm not sure if my daddy is (a) an organism, (b) a tadpole, (c) a pile of dinosaur dung or (d) a monkey. Therefore, since I have no DNA to prove it... and I will never admit I was ever wrong and look stupid..., I admit I multiple-choice guessed like I did in college and took a solid 25% chance I'm right and picked (d) a monkey. I then dedicated my life to the 1/4 chance I'm right THEORY... and put all my faith "In Monkeys I Trust"... in the hope that humans have evolved and will someday be smarter than a chimpanzee. I also admit I look at all my patients as chimps & chumps I get to Pokémon."

If this proves anything, it proves that even with all the facts in front of you, even if you have a brilliant mind…humans can in fact devolve from being "wicked smart" one minute to being a dumbass in a nanosecond. BTW…if you cannot PROVE your theory of evolution... then hold off and keep your dumbass theories to yourself until you can prove how mankind was created. That is the way science is suppose to work. No wild ass guesses allowed. Prove it!

Please send the ABC's of Happiness your going rate of $500.00 an hour for this bastard therapy breakthrough. You're welcome. God Bless.

Suggestion: Try going with the "Seed & Soil Theory of Blossoming”. It is a win-win for science. Plus it sounds peaceful & bountiful and easy to prove. You don't have to admit you were wrong (blossoming sounds way fruitier than evolution anyway)... you can finally say you have evolved. Once you finally figure out who your daddy is (good luck with that by the way) try this revolutionary "just the facts ma''am" human theory on for size. The Father of our Universe, a kind mankind kind of man, is who you should be searching for. Here is a faithful hint...your universal daddy likes to do art in Heaven. Your loving Father reached out with loving hands and planted the human seed into the fertile soil of Joe Mama Earth... and he created you Ex Nihilo...  out of nothing. Your eternal Father loves you with all his heart and he gave mankind the incredible gift to "create something out of nothing" just like he created you... so that mankind could live forever and survive wrapped in the bountiful beauty of our Mother Earth. The rest is blossoming history and helps explain how his revolutionary children could build the idea of a great nation out of nothing.

Now get your ass down on the farm or to any maternity ward in the country and see firsthand your god almighty "Seed & Soil Theory of Blossoming” creationism facts... that humans are creating something out of nothing as "seed and soil" creationism blossoms all around you. There's your PROOF. Get out of the classroom & lab, see for yourself and then maybe you can start to believe in something greater than yourself. But most important, you will FEEL this love blossom inside of you when you get your dumbass to the nearest church and thank your Father, who is still doing his artwork in heaven, for giving you this unbelievable get out of grief free creationism pass.

We just killed two scientific theories with one stone (leave those birds alone you dissecting animal trolls because your Father created birds to show your dumbass how to fly)... you finally get to meet your maker... who planted the human seed into the soil of Mother Earth (we also helped you answer the question, "Who's your Mama?" ...You're Welcome). You can now stop therapy & medicating yourself and escape from your "feel nothing" grief of not knowing your daddy or mama... then bless & rest your loving soul. You will finally have a "Wicked Smart" hypothesis of the "Seed & Soil Theory of Blossoming” that half-ass supports your dumbass theory of evolution... and you can stop treating humans like monkeys... and embrace them as fellow human beings with equally intense feelings... you can finally get to know your brothers & sisters from the same Father & Mother... and that we really are all a beautiful family of one. Do not be surprised if suddenly start BELIEVING you have just PROVEN this UNBELIEVABLE scientific discovery down to your beautiful soul... and finally FEEL good & do a happy dance of joy.

"A thousand scientists can't prove me right, but one can prove me wrong." Albert Einstein. BOOM! If that ain't enough facts for you are you ready for the absolute banana on the dessert proof? Here it comes...the monkey's your evolution theory evolved from...wait for it...did in fact evolve all the way up until 1966... that is when The Monkees released "I'm a Believer"... and now even your beloved primates have faith in their maker... so get thy to a nunnery! BOOM SHAKALAKA! You have just been served. How's it feel?

To all you brilliant “show me proof and stick to the facts” scientific brainy acks out there who laugh at the BELIEF in the FEELINGS of the SOUL of the CREATIONISM and the ABC's of Happiness "creating something out of nothing Theory of Revolution" ... remember this...your daddy gave us so many bountiful blossoming gifts:

"Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.” Our Father gave us the ultimate power of FAITH... so we never walk afraid into the valley of the shadow of death when we stand up to deliver ourselves from evil. He showed us the meaning of sacrifice so we never fear dying... especially when it means sacrificing your life so that others may live. He gave us acceptance, forgiveness, reckoning, repentance and compassion so that evil SOB grief would never bury us in depressing shame. Our loving Father is always by our side to give us the undying strength of his undying will. He gave us a beautiful soul that has FEELINGS we can always BELIEVE in. He gave us each other to love, honor and cherish for the rest of our lives. He gives us PEACE of MIND.

Humans of undying faith (pick any peace, love, dove religion that suits your fancy and gives you to the courage to help deliver mankind from evil by fighting to the death for our freedom) believe our FATHER created the universe and mankind Ex Nihilo (out of nothing). Please pay close attention as a dumbass Marine who graduated high school with a 2.02 GPA…PROVES that human beings have been given the Ex Nihilo gift to “create something out of nothing’ and this renegade pioneer of faith... believes in his heart that his FATHER gave him bountiful gifts and he can prove them all. He BELIEVES. That my good friends…is an “In God we Trust” unscientific fact. This also proves that humans can in fact evolve from being a dumbass to being a “wicked smart” smartass in a nanosecond.

The Theory of Devolution hypothesis is that “know it all” science is full of itself & has no beliefs, no feelings, and no soul. For all we know, it isn’t hard to believe, science will never “know it all” until it FEELS love, trust, compassion and “science has to admit” they “know nothing at all” about the multitude of feelings when they “feel nothing at all." So, do us all a favor and get out of the "feel no harm" drug-dealing business. Stop trying to destroy our Faith in our "In God we Trust" Nation.

* We make sure to highlight the important role “do no harm” science plays in “pain of body” innovations... Medical Science has a human body niche. We love you real life Doctors!

Present a human test monkey (a red-headed orangutan) that was thrown into a devastating multi-layered grief depression... who had undying faith in the ABC’s of Happiness and used it to escape grief, present an effective offensive counterattack by creating an impossible dream to guide this primate out of grief. Show how the ABC’s of Happiness “creating something out of nothing” theory of revolution landed this grief riddled ape in love somewhere over the rainbow... in a brand-new customized satisfaction settlement where change, love, trust, compassion and being content lives happily-ever-after in the wonderful land of HAPPINESS where “hurt people help people.

  • Hurt people who go ape & help people is the sure-fire cure to stopping the spread of the unspeakable pain of mind inflicted by griefs “hurt people hurt people” cancer.

A loving primate created the ABC’s of Happiness telling us, "Humans helping Humans" is the magic cure over grief. This Kamikaze Krazy orangutan wants human beings to know; helping human beings is what has him doing a me so happy “I have an impossible dream” dance of Free at Last, Free at Last...Grief can pucker up and Kiss My Skippitty-doo-dah Ass!

Show how science is not equipped to tackle grief’s “pain of mind” depressions by itself without guiding people to faith, how science must EVOLVE faster and stop guessing in order to form a more perfect union with essential grief war alliances that collectively come together to counterattack and defeat grief as one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty, justice and happiness for all

* Shotgun Vulcan science theories & guesses have blindly fired 114 mediations into the fight against anxiety & depression hoping one or more might help MANAGE the pain (not make the pain go away) with no concern for the innocent bystander feelings it unknowing is destroying.

* The Matrix of Griefs “feel no harm” science. Take the Red Pill – “Therapy” & reveal a painful truth or Take the Blue Pill – “Medicate” & remain in a blissful grief coma

* A young man crawled into church one day with a broken leg. His preacher said, "Hey dumbass, get yourself to a Medical Doctor to relieve that pain in your body." While getting a cast put on his leg and a proven prescription to ease the pain in his body...the young man told the doctor his wife cheated on him and he was thinking about eating a bullet to stop the pain in his brain. The good "do no harm" Doctor said, "Hey dumbass, crawl your butt back to church and get yourself a Soul Doctor to relieve that pain in your soul. The young man's preacher patiently listened as if his parishioner were a child of God... and the practiced preacher showed the young man that FORGIVENESS was his guaranteed path to peace. They prayed together with a proven prescription of faith... to ease the pain in his troubled soul. The young man left church FEELING blessed to have been saved twice in one day. No more pain of body, no more pain of mind. He prayed his thanks and went to sleep dreaming an impossible dream of helping people who were out there in the wild, wild west hurting just like him. He dreamed of becoming a hurt people help people Pioneer.

The next morning the young man loaded up his car and left that bitch grief in his rearview mirror. He set out on an impossible dream to find an unconditional love he could love with all his heart & soul ... to find that special someone who had the heart & soul to love him back unconditionally. Grief he laughed...is a heartless SOB.

He downloaded Tom Petty's "Runnin' Down a Dream", cranked up the volume and rode his recklessly free dumb ass into the new sunrise with no idea where he was going... or who or what he was going to find when he gets there. He only knew one thing for certain...he was...and would always be... Free at Last. Free at Last. Thank God almighty, he was free at last!

Since our education system is a major management bust that killed a pioneering spirit and our much needed Leadership ... we are introducing a message to management of "things you never knew and were too afraid to ask." The education system thinks we cannot survive without them. They have crowned themselves brilliant. Their enormous brains are always available to teach, coach, manage and cheer us on safely from the sidelines for an ungodly price... or at least a cut of the action (that is kinda what a pimp does it so we heard). Maybe it WAS true back in 1918 we needed our "education system" was born... before the iPhone came to save the day. Instead of sitting in a classroom for years on end, we can now answer any and all questions on demand on our smart phones... so the high and mighty "education system" is SOL... a has been... a Bank teller replaced by an information on demand ATM. It must have been a nice money making ATM for sideline managers while it lasted. They had a limitless account of all knowledge and information... and they cashed in on ungodly tuition paid for by unknowing students... who were paying to these educational con artist who made their students do all the work. Nice service industry where customers pay to do the work. What the buck? Where does that leave these self-promoting brilliant minds who grade us all the time from the safety of the sidelines? Who cares? It's time they Cowboyed up like the rest of us... and got out and DID SOMETHING themselves.

The six (6) spectrums of "wicked smart" Pioneer Learning will lead all of us back to LEARNING. Once the learning con is uncovered... it will hopefully put EDUCATION (Learning to KNOW) SYSTEMS out of business. We can finally move TRAINING (Learning to DO) back to the forefront where it will always belong in American history... and lead us back to being a nation that leads from the front lines, instead of managing a nation form the sidelines. We will show pioneers of learning... the learning & leadership link... so they will never be conned into following sideline managers again. Walk away from sideline managers as fast as you can. Get to learning how to learn all by yourself... be an action agent... and then learn to lead from the front... and not in the rear with the gear. Fire all sideline managers because they are up to no good. They make our nation weak like them. They are acting as if they are royal kings & queens that are only doing good for themselves. There are no managers in pioneering. It doesn't take long to get hooked on leadership.

He is a leadership hint. Pioneering Leaders go against the lazy "Lets talk it out until we need to take a nap circle jerk” easy way out... and say things like, Ask not what your country can DO for you, ask what you can DO for your country. Nobody ever asked a Pioneering American if they KNOW what their are doing...because where would be the fun in that? Americans just recklessly show up clueless... then Nike up so they can JUST DO IT.

After we take down the education system and sideline managers... we are sighting our sights on the unfaithful, untrustworthy Robotic 17th Century Vulcan Scientific method if it is the next to the last thing we ever do. These bozo's are faith killers because they have no faith, no feelings, no beliefs and no soul. It was kind of cute for a while listening to dumbass theories of evolution... wild ass hypotheses like kids in grade school learn better if they have something to eat every few days. What the buck?

We will present the facts back to them and smack them down so they hit their knees and pray for mercy. We have already ripped their dumbass Theory of Evolution (that means guess) to pieces... but later we are going to smack them down by showing they have had a really hard time "evolving" since the 17th century (that is like close to 400 years ago) when the scientific method was first Created Out of Nothing (Ex Nihilo). How ironic is that that science was created out of nothing but they slam "creationism" as being a pie in the sky belief. Damn right it is. Faith is a belief... believers FEEL down to their loving soul... you pompous scientific asshole.

Vulcan Science (not medical science)... we are picking a fight with those theoretical PhD's, to show off the evolution of the 17th Century Scientific Method that evolved into the 20th Century Marine Corps STEM troubleshooting science that evolved again into 21st Century TS4i science without them paying any attention to how the technical world was evolving around them . Not sure why science has such a hard time keeping up?

Marines always like to send out terms of surrender before they unleash hell on the enemy, so here goes. Vulcan Science please step down. PhD's that took an average of 8.2 years to answer a single question, please put down your papers & pens and go do something yourself. Otherwise, the ass whooping is going to sting a little like a pin you prick.

Here is a hint. The 21st Century Marine Corps Troubleshooting Scientific Method allows jarheads to solve complex problems in UNDER 30 MINUTES. That's right jarheads who only graduated high school. If you can't learn how to solve complex technical problems in under 30 minutes you FAIL. Let's see if the 8.2 years it takes the average "science" yahoo... to answer a single question... can stand up to that kind of pressure. It is fitting that one jarhead can take down all the PhD's on the planet. At least it will be a fair fight. But just in case... you might want to cash out before this webpage hits the street.

You have been warned.

Here is another helpful hint. The upgraded scientific method of 21st Century troubleshooting, thanks to management, was forced to include OBSTACLES THAT MUST BE OVERCOME, before any complex problem can be solved. Here are the obstacles that are blocking all of us from kicking grief's ass and being unbelievably happy:

1. Education systems are causing a ton of grief
2. Management systems are causing a ton of grief
3. Lack of learning & pioneers & leadership is causing a ton of grief (stolen by the education system & sideline management)
4. Science is killing faith, medicating feelings, acting like Gods, instead of handing off grief to a professional ministry of faith
5. Once these obstacles are torn down and ripped apart, the pursuit of "Make America Happy Again" can finally begin.

It is time for science to Cowboy Up.

Detail the "deliver us from evil American soldiers of faith, marching off to war"...to fight oppression, repression, suppression and depression in order to bring peace of mind to our fellowship of mankind. Clarify how the United States Marine Corps doctrine of God, Corps, Country deliver us from evil while defending the America of many religions PARADOX.

A) Men & Women "Deliver us from evil Soldiers of War”...Marines (true believers that war & violence are 100% justified in any fight against evil) are trained to unleash hell with a wrath of God vengeance against all enemies foreign & domestic and deliver U.S. from evil VIOLENTLY … ”begging evil bullies who take advantage of the weak & oppress, repress, suppress or depress any group of human beings & their unalienable right to be free …pleading with tears in their eyes…for the enemy to throw down their arms & surrender or we will kill you all without mercy or a moment’s hesitation”.

B) Men & Women "Deliver us from evil Soldiers of Peace”. These beautiful All-American men & women of the cloth (our nation's soul doctors & nurses) are viewed as deliver US from evil PACIFISTS (true believers that war & violence are rightfully unjustified), revered as a bunch of drugged up hippies high on Christ... promoting peace & faith in God’s love and his ability to resurrect all that ails us... promoting faith as the cure for every ounce of unimaginable grief you will ever suffer. (And they KNOW they ain’t wrong when the preach love & peace)

This makes devout Christians a target rich environment for grief slinging evil bullies who ridicule & take advantage of this perceived “weakness” … thinking God Fearing Christians are easy targets who never “fight back”. Evil thinks Christians never get off their knees to stand up against bullies.

Therein lies the paradox. America loves its hippie dippie Soldiers of Peace, children of Faith. A nation fought so all our citizens...could practice any and all "peace, love, dove" religions. So when believers pray to their God to "deliver them from evil", our self-sacrificing savior created the United States Marines out of nothing to answer a hippie dippie call to duty.

If A & B are both true in a freedom fighting country of any and all faith… How in the hell can a fearless Marine deliver us from evil soldier of war also be a "peace, love, dove" pacifist and deliver us from evil soldier of peace with undying faith. How can it be that A+ B are both kick ass ways to deliver US from evil on two home fronts. Think of it like this. Choose your weapon to fight evil...war or peace...a gunfight or a bible...wrath of God Vengeance or love of God peace. Whichever one you decide to choose does not matter because the only thing that matters in these freedom fighting United States... is we must all do whatever it takes to deliver US (United States) from evil... in our never-ending fight for freedom.

C) Having faith (and its destine for evil bullies and grief) gives Marines the fearless “unleash hell” strength to absorb bullets for the true believers that KNOW... war & violence are not the answer to our prayers... but violence is a necessary evil to combat evil. Marines will take a bullet so our people can be free. Marines pray we share ONE nation, under God, indivisible with liberty & justice for all and will always be free. This is impossible without Soldiers of war & peace defending these rights.

What does our country say to this bizarre deliver us from evil Soldiers of War & Peace paradox? “Thank you for your service & Sunday services” …you Faith-Based DUMBASSES...you Losers & Suckers!”. (Suck this you management ass wipe) These sideline managers tell US to have faith in our Marine Corps and we order you to protect US at all costs…we ORDER YOU to fight for US... and then we spit your dumbass out when we know that we are free. US have faith that you hippie dippie Children of God are pacifists so we can pick your pocket all day long knowing you'll never fight back...we will pretend to share your FAMILY VALUES... while we rape & pillage your coffers... and use your faith against you. Science & Politics tells US they no longer have faith in God (let's erase "In God we Trust" and replace it with "In our Scientific Gods of knowledge We Trust" because science cannot prove God exists... so they will fill in as our "new & improved Gods"... so the entitled US can go on living a wonderful life of champagne wishes & caviar wet dreams... and let dumbass Christian Soldiers marching off to war & peace do the fighting for THEM... while they kick back on the sidelines of freedom and enjoy the show.)

Sooner or later AMERICANS muster up the faith to stand up and fight evil themselves. Marines get off their knees and fight evil so our brothers & sisters of peace, love, dove can be free. This is the Ying & Yang of Faith.

So next time you hear a Marine say, “For God, For Corps, For Country…Ohh Rahh!!!” as they charge into the valley of death unafraid... you won’t be considered a certified heartless douse bag thinking they are a bunch of losers & sucker jarheads. And can you please stop thanking your US Marines for their service…instead hit your knees every night and thank your God, thank your Corps, thank your Country... these devil dogs (and our armies of military & first responders including those pacifists who answer our prayers) are all out there delivering US from evil serving all of US. 

Your beloved Marines are serving God, Corps & Country protecting your Free Dumb Ass. Go forth yea red Republicans, go forth yea blue Democrats and spread the gospel of Freedom and thank God Almighty you are free at last! Go be free to fight for which of your beloved political PARTIES is the greatest PARTY you cry like babies to defend. PARTIES you are dividing a nation because you are dying to attend and not defend... then pray every night your US Marines can somehow keep their faith in God (and each other) to defend a nations right to be complete self-absorbed, self-centered, self-hyphenated... ungrateful nation of grief riddled “what’s in it for ME” sideline Teddy Bears... who sleep terrified at night on the sidelines without any faith.

You want God on that wall! You need God on that wall! God can deal with the bullets and the bombs and the blood because he is not afraid to die for your sins. God doesn't want your money, your power, your fame, your possessions and he don’t want medals. What he does want is for you to stand there in your Lilly White uniform... "you look marvelous by the way...there's no way you could actually be gay"...  and with your Harvard mouth extend him some "deliver us from evil" courtesy. You just gotta ask nicely.

Too bad your self-serving dumbass theories that need PROOF.... which means, by God... "You can't handle the truth!"

Happiness is a sensational sense of satisfaction. Happiness is synonymous with freedom. Happiness is a sensation of contentment. It is comradery, companionship, brotherhood, sharing, passionate with a faithful trust that overflows with love for your fellowship of human beings. Happiness is joy. Happiness brings peace…peace of mind.

Allowing Grief to take center stage and consume our right to be free from oppression, repression, suppression, and depression in these once great United States is a crying shame. It is time to declare war against Grief and its ruthless army of "hurt people who hurt people" and fight back with truth, liberty and justice for all with all our might!

Want to help clean up our act or volunteer to join the fight?

Get in touch with us here or join the ABC's of Happiness Blog:

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We promise to get back to you asap (could be weeks or months) when & if we (Bobbie ann Me) return from traveling the fruited plains of the bountiful USA.

You should get out & go see the country sometime. It really is beautiful with spacious sky’s, amber waves of grain, where God sheds his grace on thee and crowns thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea. No kidding. You actually get to see the deer & antelope play on the open plains without either one getting gunned down for sport.

There are a lot of great, kind, generous, diverse, hard-working, loving, happy “country folk” living outside your beautiful cities who feel blessed everyday just to live here, free.

Once we grasp the concept of the thrilling & depressing Magical Mystery Tour Rollercoaster Ride of Life, we come to appreciate, FEELING ALL human sensations is sensational.